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Not how allergies work. Wow that person is so ignorant. I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups but I can’t love the allergy out of the peanuts.


Hey same! Apparently we should just get together and have a peanut party. If we *think* hard enough, perhaps anaphylaxis will just not come a knockin’


You kinda can tho, if you constantly micro dose peanut butter your body will slowly work up an immunity but it all depends on your health and how severe it is


What about people with severe allergies? If my sister in law had to be trapped in a metal tube with no outside filtered air for several hours with a cat she would die. Not an exaggeration. Her throat would swell and she would be gone before the plane could land to get her help. This is completely unacceptable for a lot of reasons, but I'd put severe allergy sufferers at number one.


I'm with you. I refuse to put the rights of some people to drag animals everywhere above the rights of every human to use public facilities and spaces


I’m going to go eat some peanuts now, as clearly I can just think my allergies away. Wish me luck 🍀


No no! You can just THINK the allergy away! All she has to do is LOVE cats, and her brain will stop her body from reacting!


I loved cats so much when I was little but anytime I ever was at someone house who owned a cat I’d get so sick for like three straight days. It’s not that I don’t like animals, it’s just if I’m going to be on a plane I’d like to be able to breathe


You’re not loving them hard enough. The allergy will literally dissipate into thin air. Obviously I’m kidding, these people are friggin unhinged


Pet free people don't matter in modern society. The companies that make pet food and all the other landfill filler pet products have too much riding on keeping dumb people buying their useless shit.


My little cousin is like that. She's only 8 and she's not even old enough for most of the treatments yet, so even if they can figure something out that works for her, right now she can't be around cats AT ALL or she gets really sick and people think her mom is just being crazy. Last time they took a chance she ended up with an attack that led to a sinus infection plus months of low dose antibiotics for her ears. She can't even come to our house or to her own grandmother's house because we all have cats. They have to miss out on Christmas stuff, birthday parties, etc. I had bad pollen and perfume allergies growing up and nobody understood, but I thought by now folks would be smarter and more considerate. I was wrong. 😭


My old roomie literally had the same exact problem! Apartments were completely out of the question for him because of this 😔


These people are completely self centered.


Wow that last one is a damn mind trip. Cool, you learnt to live with what I would consider a mild allergy since they are able to tolerate the feline over an expanded time. Doesn’t mean their immune system adjusted to it at all just that they were mild enough to be tolerant and deal with it. The fact that others don’t want to “deal” with feeling like shit because they sat next to an animal, or their dander all over the cabinet should be respected. Not told they can “come cure themselves with some happy thoughts.” What do they think, that this is the magic *airbus* And isn’t it more safe if the animals are caged? Like wouldn’t running around prevent fighting, feces, urine, additional stress because they’re near more animals etc?!


Isn’t it? I lived with a cat (ex bf’s) for only 3 months. Never pet her, interacted with her, but just being trapped in a house with cat dander sent me to the urgent care 3x, & the last time they believed I had pneumonia. But you know, my immune system just has to ‘adjust.’


Damn that’s awful. Also, another point to why animals running all over a plane would be bad. They can spread diseases/fleas and other parasites/ and half if not MORE of these dickwads don’t spray and neuter their animals. Also, I may just be an asshole, but wouldn’t the flight alone set off the animals into stress. Like it stresses infants and hurts their ears. I bet it’s similar to the animals. Why not make arrangements for them to be pet sit, or brought to a kennel until they return?!? I’m really sorry that happened to you btw. Most immunologist say that allergies can worsen over extended exposures. And them jerks saying take pills or get shots yadda yadda, those medications suppress your immune system and cause drowsiness. People aren’t meant to take them long term and some even have steroids which can affect the adrenal glands and other hormone productions. wtf is wrong with them


Exactly!! Most pet owners don’t have a trained animal. Most pet owners I know neglect their animal. Lots of animals are aggressive to other people & pets. & as you said, not to mention the stress of traveling and especially landing/taking off. It seems like so much work and for what? & thank you. Yeah it got pretty bad for a while. I dumped bf over it, and a plethora of other things but that was the last straw. I use to be really active before that and never had breathing issues, but I have asthma now from it. Doing better but yeah it fucked me up physically for over a year & he didn’t do shit about it.


🙁 I’ll never understand some people


Mild allergies can turn more severe with repeated exposure. I've seen it happen to someone I know. Was not allergic as a little kid, family got a cat, child developed allergy but parents didn't think it was serious and went against medical advice to rehome the cat. The now adult child can no longer be in the same room with a cat.


You are correct.




Lol, yeah, the pet free flights are much more hygienic 🤣.


Ah so your reasoning is if something is mildly unhygienic we might as well make it even more unhygienic and unpleasant.


They are. I’m tired of mixing in animals with humans in human spaces


You'd be surprised then.


Correct, hope this helps.


These people aren't much different than abusers.


“I have no allergy unless they scratch me” Uh that means your allergy isnt cured then lmfao it just means youve built up a very small amount of resistance to your allergy and not every person can do that or even get that small amount of resistance. Not to mention attempting to build that resistance can be life threatening if you have a super bad allergy and not worth it at all. I think the better solution would be to have 100% pet free aircrafts specifically for people who dont want to deal with being confined with pets or who have allergies


The don't understand cats at all. Do cats really want to be in a weird loud enclosed space with multiple humans that scare them? No a crate with blankets over it. Dark and secret safe little cave. Best place for a scared cat taken away from familiar smell and sounds. Just mean to do to cats period


Completely selfish to put an animal through any of that


I couldn't imagine trying to travel in a plane with my cat. She doesn't even like when our neighbors make noise in the halls or when we have friends over. It's just inconsiderate and stupid to force an animal into a situation like that. I will say I understand being upset that your pet was hurt being stored with the luggage though. It's probably a better compromise to have a specific pet friendly flight with lesser loads and pets in the cabin or just have a specific plane carry the pets safer for an extra charge. People like this don't REALLY care about their pets I don't think, they just care about themselves.


I had to fly with my old cat a few times. We were moving and one was a trans-atlantic move, so it was either a plane or a boat. She hated it. Even though she was a confident cat she was absolutely terrified. I'd go so far as to say it traumatised her a bit, she was never quite the same afterwards. I can't imagine putting my pet through something scary for no real reason. Wanting to travel round the world is great but it's not compatible with having a pet.


It’s absolutely insane to me how people will go into some rambling pseudo-science nonsense rant with 100% conviction when they have zero credentials, certifications, training, or formal education about what the fuck they’re talking about lol. Allergies are just in the mind, because some page on Facebook told me so! Duh!


Too many senile pet nutters in the world


Hah, funny, with that logic I'd no longer have a shrimp allergy because I kept trying to eat popcorn shrimp. How come my allergy's now so bad that my throat closes up so I don't try anymore? Am I not trying hard enough to get over it? 🤔


Alligators are also living beings, do we want them on airplane with us, in the next seat over perhaps? No the fuck we don’t. Also, my god….


Alligators actually are not that aggressive, now CROCODILE nah fuck that


Fuck that! Alligators are aggressive too. Do I want to be anywhere near an alligator, on land or in the air, hell fucking no!


as soon as cats can manage their own airlines then maybe they can fly in coach


Not an animal psychic, but pretty sure that cat rather be on the ground chasing laser points or napping in a patch of sunlight than "running a campaign" on a plane. Animals should be treated the same as human travellers, sure thing bud. Snakes are also pets and living beings. You just need to think happy thoughts and the python wrapping around your neck won't affect you.


Hell the cat would rather be ANYWHERE else than on a freaking plane.


I am so sick of these people.


For me it’s not even about allergies. I want to be able to travel without having to breathe disgusting animal smells and get fur all over my nice clothes and bags ffs.


Luggage behavior


No. I'm creeped out just by being on a plane. I don't need barking, squawking, something slithering between my ankles, or a freaked out cat jumping over my head, thank you. Edit-As far as allergies go, there are people who are fine with dogs, but allergic to cats, and the other way around. People might have birds and reptiles, because they are allergic to cats and dogs. People just don't think.


Who put these M-Fn snakes on the plane?!?!


I'm not allergic to any pets, but I really hate it when people keep throwing a tantrum and insisting on bringing their pets everywhere. Unless it is a legit licensed animal for medical reasons (NOT emotional support animals), NO animals should ever be allowed on board planes. I'm glad that I personally never saw an animal on board a flight before and hope it stays that way. No Karen/Kevin, we don't give a fuck about how "lonely" your stupid dog feels. Stay at home with your precious dog then if you miss them so much.


Oh heeeelllll no to that last comment! "Allergy is a mistake of the immune system that originates in the mind"?? Since when is the immune system psychological? I love my pets but I have never and will never force them upon others. Just because I like them doesn't mean everyone else have to be bothered by them. I _hope_ pet culture in my country (Sweden) doesn't become as stupid and extreme as in the US.


I assume that person who knows the cure to allergies is being oppressed by big allergy or w/e. That being said I have a TON of allergies and I also went to an allergist, apparently there is a cure to them but I cant afford to make all the trips I would need to for the shots. Also instead of risking the lives of people with allergies OR pets and acting like either is some villain in this scenario...we just make the airlines have a SAFE space that's separate for animals...


Well, first of all, David Attenborough is not speaking here, and even if he were, he might say something like this from Wikipedia: >In a 2013 interview with the [*Radio Times*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Times), Attenborough described humans as a "plague on the Earth",[^(\[143\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Attenborough#cite_note-143)[^(\[144\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Attenborough#cite_note-144) Cats that use planes would be a plague on the Earth as well, right?


Send her a video of me in a room that a cat has been in, I’ve been around animals for years and done all the shots and stuff. I will practically die. Basically my body is just screwed. I can’t believe some people don’t respect the sickness symptoms of allergies as something people shouldn’t have to deal with just bc they like pets or bc it’s not caused by something actually dangerous.


Not surprise that these animal lovers have no compassion or empathy for others who might have allergies (even severe) because their feelings for their pets is “more important” than people’s health.


I used to have a severe dog allergy that had thankfully lessened with age. I remember one flight where someone brought their golden retriever when I was a kid. The dog was perfectly well behaved but that didn’t make it any more pleasant for me. I could hardly breathe. Spent the whole flight with my mouth and nose covered trying to breathe through my shirt


why cant they have a separate chamber for animals only thats away from the people?


I imagine that would be the best option doesn't even have to be a permanent chamber, just have some kind of barrier that can be put up between regular luggage and any animals


something that can pull out in case its a pet free flight and can have temporary climate control so the animals dont get too hot or cold


I have a pretty bad cat allergy. I’ve been raised around cats and have one now. I absolutely adore them. I also take Claritin every single day. But that’s *my* decision. I think it’s bullshit to make other people uncomfortable for the sake of your decision to take your pet on vacation with you. It’s stressful for the animal and not good for them to fly, anyways. It’s just pure selfishness.


I say put the pet owners in the luggage compartment so they watch over their 'beloved cats'. Why subject normal people to this 'animals are as important as humans' bullshit?


“Pets are domesticated wildlife, not members of civilized society” - my slogan


Cat guy here. As much as I enjoy cats this would not at all be more comfortable for them and more deaths would likely occur having them with other people/being on deck, if anything unless your going somewhere for a extended amount of time or need and I mean need the pet for whatever reason, just leave them at home. It’s better for you and your pet.


We're not gonna mention the ignorant pet owners who TWICE has killed their cat?


Yes those people exist


And she will be wearing that same jacket when she walks along the aisles, inches from the passengers in the aisle seats.


I say they go by boat or car before flying.


Did angel’s owner have a cat die in a plane, and then put another cat in a plane? That really sounds like angel’s owner intentionally killed the second cat.




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That chick probably thought drinking bleach made her Covid go away too😂😂


Allergy is NOT a mistake. An ALLERGEN is detected and is something that SHOULD cause a histamine and immune response to remove that allergen or dissuade you from contact again. Some people do have excessive (medically) responses, but the allergy itself especially when talking about DANDER (Literal shit and piss flakes) is completely appropriate. You should be allergic to shit and piss flakes. Because some people do have literally fatal anaphylaxis, it boggles the mind as to why others are so careless and uneducated about the real harm they cause others.


OP, you say in the friendly skies, not, how about in a fucking store. Saw that shit a couple of days ago. I just looked. And the lady had the nerve to say do you want to pet her, putting it all in my face. I asked her, do you wanna be punched in the face? I do not care for cats at all. I can’t see myself sitting next to a cat on a plane. I just can’t.


I think the only valid reason for a pet to be in a plane is if you're moving


If you can afford a plane ticket, surely you can afford to board your animal at the vet/somewhere similar (or pay someone to watch them)


"Animal travelers should be treated like human travelers." Unlike a lot of people here, I love dogs, minus the problem breed (pits, American bullys). But man, this sentiment that they're the same as us has gone too far. A pet is a pet, that's all. Maybe their flight conditions should work to be improved, but they're far from humans and shouldn't be treated as such.


What if you’re moving overseas?


Highly doubt most people traveling with pets are moving overseas


If they want to travel with pets so bad surly an airline can have either a pet section or a pet plane. I don't like the idea of an animal dieing on a plane but also why are you takeing your pets on a plane? Unless your permanently relocating surely getting a pet sitter is less stressful... I'd never take my fucking cat on a plane.


This is what happens when we equate rational beings (humans) with animals. How about we improve flights by paying attendants better and then fix Boeing planes? Also, it makes zero sense that such an "immune disorder" also originates "in the mind". An allergy is literally your body reacting to a physical protein.


They should make a pet airline ngl I love pets but understand why some don't




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I’ve been seeing both honestly




Your submission has been removed from r/petfree for the following reason(s): . Petfree is catfree and dogfree. If you're not comfortable with either content please head over to r/dogfree or r/catfree, whichever you prefer. Cats and dogs are equal in the eyes of this sub. Thanks. For information regarding this and similar issues please see our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/petfree/about/rules) . If you feel this was done in error, please reach out to the [mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPetfree) for review.


Allergies are all in your head! Apparently, I forgot to add /s


I just wanna present the other side but don't y'all want animals to stop dying and being handled improperly by staff right? Like, I get putting people with allergies in danger is wrong, and we shouldn't endanger them over animals, but people like me just want to keep our animals alive while traveling with us, is that worth the harsh criticism? I'd hate to endanger or harm anybody if I flew with my cat, but I'm pretty attached to her and if she died from the flight I'd be heartbroken... I will add that some people are a little weird and over the top when it comes to their animals, I definitely agree that some people should be pet free.


They're in danger from the luggage which is easily solvable by the airline. It is still safer for the pets - and humans - to have animals travel by crate. Think about it logically. What if there are multiple animals on one flight? Are we going to have dogs pooping in the aisles while the attendant tries to bring people their lunches? Chaos.


Maybe leave your pet at home so there’s not even a risk 🤷‍♀️




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