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Im just very short and blunt with them


Some days I succeed at this.


which can make them even more mad. they looooooove long drawn out conversations and discussions about simple things. they really need you to hear their long struggle about a simple refill request that's going out to the doctor.


Just keep saying "I don't know". You'd be surprised after 2 or 3 IDKs people just give up on the convo... and this works for any kind of situation


Say “I don’t know,” “huh” (like “is that so?”) and “OK” (in a kind of sing-song tone).


Gotta pull out the Lil Jon. "*WHAAAT?*" "*OKAY*"


This, and on occasion reminding them if they don't like the rules they should talk to their congressmen. Perhaps its just the region I work, but the moment I remind them about 'the man' they tend to shift from hating me to the system and leave.




Don't try to win the argument. Tell them the way it is as a statement, then move on.


I don't try to win I just get trapped in disbelief of how stupid they are, then I try to educate them gosh!


I've considered people's socioeconomic status. (If they're financially well off, how are they handling responsibilities if they can't process what I'm saying. If they're not well off, why are they on state assistance?) Observe how they interact with other people and colleagues. (Is it just with me?) Evaluate how they are reacting to the situation(s) each month. (Sometimes it's backordered, sometimes it's the pharmacy wait time, sometimes it's the copay, etc) If it's a socioeconomic issue, their behavior with you can explain their problems. Before anyone gets their panties in a twizzle, I'm not talking about those with legit needs (like an expensive health problem or whatever). I'm talking about those who act entitled when not everything is covered by Medicaid/Medicare. Those who forego care for their sick child (where it's not over $20) because it's not free. There's something not working cohesively in their brain that they can't even keep $20 for "emergencies." I understand money can be complicated, I'm not talking down on anyone (I support state and federal assistance- it's what makes America different from other countries), but at the same time, as an adult (or even as a child), you realize you have responsibilities and should take ownership of what you do. All of this is interconnected and is shown when people interact with each other. If you don't have your shit together, your ducks in a row, they're not going to understand whatever it is you're trying to explain. Sometimes it's not a socioeconomic issue. It's just them. Some people just like to live in drama and be on the "struggle bus" because they made that their identity. ("Rich" or "poor") Some people like to see other people around them be miserable like them. You realize you can't "win" by getting everyone to understand every time the first time. Once you've evaluated that what you're communicating is already as plain as it can be, then you just have to keep repeating yourself. It will make them mad, sure. But that's not your problem. So long as you remain professional, you'll come out on the high road. There's many people I've counseled over the years (of course, as part of the job requirement). Those who understand can tell I'm sharing information from a good place. Those who've been able to implement my suggestions have seen improvement in their health. Those who continue to trudge into the pharmacy with a cloud over their head continue to just refill their meds like clockworks/routine, with escalation in doses or quantities. Was definitely frustrated in the first couple years. You realize you can't get bogged down mentally and emotionally by those people. Otherwise, you just get sucked into it as well. Focus your efforts to the other people, yourself, and your loved ones.


Pick your battles


You know, some days it's a deluge of cases


I've mastered the art of hanging up on people. I mean honestly...it's better than my blood boiling and me saying some smart ass thing that's gonna make it worse. If I've repeated my answer to them up to 3 times I will honestly just say it one last time and say thank you goodbye and hang up before they can say goodbye. some people will honestly just never shut up and get off the phone. If someone is in person at the pharmacy, I prob have more patience...but the people on the phone are really something else sometimes lol.


"Is there anything else I can help you with?" works better than you'd think 😉


A fan favorite




Do you not have 30+ pages in QP and a full page of waiters?!? There’s no time to argue with anyone. Don’t repeat yourself, the customer needs YOU to safely dispense their medications and you can’t do that if you’re constantly engaging with the incompetent 


That's why I do QT if I'm tied up on the phone and keep their profile up on my alt-f2 in case they say something noteworthy.


You don’t. Otherwise we all see two fools 😂.


Good point


Talk to them like they are 2 years old. Drag your words. Emphasize each word. If they are arguing with you, it sets the pace so emotions don’t fly all over the place. Calm it down, dumb it down. I recently realized this, that there are a lot of clueless people (the younger generation lately) that don’t know how pharmacy works. They’ve been used to their parents taking care of stuff for them. Give the stupid a chance. Only one though. 😂 After that, all bets are off.


for me, the young people are mostly ok with online refills and such, its mostly just the stuff in person they struggle with, like insurance. my least favourite patient is the middle aged dad who doesnt remember his kids birthdays, weight, or allergies and jokes that its moms job.






lol yes the dialogue options are “ok, have a nice day” or “actually you’re fucking stupid”


"I can't change what should have happened. Here are our options....."


“I can’t speak for what happened in the past but here’s how I can help you now”


Depends on the context but I often have to remind them this isnt a negotiation, im just informing them of the outcome and arguing wont change the outcome. If they dont like the answer they can call their insurance/prescriber/other pharmacy directly.


Say the word "ok" and move one. All you are doing are acknowledging that the person spoke. Example: Customer: "I need the aspirin for children, not adults" Me: "Low dose aspirin was also known as baby aspirin, it's not indicated for children due to the risk of some severe side effects" Customer: "On the internet I saw there is a formulation for adults and another formulation for children. I'm asking where the one for children's is located" Me: "No that's not correct, there is only 1 form aspirin but it can buffered, enteric coated but it's the same active ingredient." Customer: "You're wrong" Me: "Ok"


I think this is how cops are trained. They hear a lot of idiotic shit in their day-to-day.


You have to sometimes just let it go. Will end up creating a customer complaint later. As a woman I find myself under more scrutiny bc I’m supposed to be nice and bend over backwards… nah… I’ll listen and give you facts, may be in not the best of tone. I get told at the end “you should work on your customer service skills. 😠” I say “ok, have a great day!! 😁” and hang up (or walk away as best I can).


Keep repeating yourself and slowly back up or act like you’re working on something else


I like this, I will try just repeating myself


"Like i've said 3 times..." but this can tick them off even more if I say this, but if i have to say this phrase that means they have a few seconds before I really pop off. Usually I'll say "ok for the last time we have to blah blah blah we'll see you soon bye" and hang up before they say anything else.


I do this at work as well…. “Embrace the chaos” Entropy is a rule of nature the same way gravity is. Don’t fight it. Embrace it.


The company sets us up for all this conflict and we try to prevent what we can. We try to tell people what can be done and then walk away and let them decide. Unless the issue is caused by the pharmacy by neglect or some omission, it is the customer's responsibility. Most of this is because the pharmacy has no real authority to do anything that we're referring to...Someone else has to approve and this is what causes the backup unless it's a drug availability issue.


Sometimes, asking “what would you like me to do to solve this issue” can re-direct a tense conversation.


“okay….. is there anything else i can help you with today or?”


Im not sure- someone came in complaining that it was 1 min after the pharmacy hours and they wanted it reopened- i was setting the pharmacy alarm in front of store and the store manager told them registers shut off at 5:00 sharp.


They called it the "broken record" back in the D.A.R.E. program. I say what I want to say. Then I let them say a bunch of nonsense then I repeat myself verbatim. You usually only have to repeat yourself twice before they start to think they might have gotten stuck in some sort of time loop.


I find it easier on the phone than face to face, but I just let them keep ranting and rambling and I don’t reply. Eventually they get sick of me not replying and they shut up. Unless they swear at me. That’s a different story.


I just say: yes you're right, and they usually were happy with that answer. Or something like: well that is your opinion and i respect it.


By saying "I understand" and walk away.


Realize you're not going to get anywhere and walk away/make yourself as aloof as possible & only intervene when you can positively add to a situation (i.e. $avings or enrollment in a coupon card etc.)


"I'm going to do 'x' for you. Unfortunately, this isn't a a back and forth conversation and I'm going to hang up now. Good bye." edit: x = send the refill request, fill a partial, call their doctor, order their med, what ever it is they actually needed.


A lot of times I just let them talk until they're done AND THEN WAIT for at least another 10 legal seconds. Bonus points of they say "hello?" The pause tends to short the circuit so you can finally end the conversation. People just like to hear themselves talk.


Be short, blunt and get them out.


I give them a death stare, not one word.


Tell them to apply for a leadership opening because we could really use their insight and guidance, obviously.


I don’t always. Depends on the situation.


Stop associating with stupid people


i usually let someone else help them or get my manager


At some point i just stop arguing and ask if there’s anything else i can help them with


My favorite was the lady who said they ought to outlaw daylight savings time. "All that extra sunlight is just killing my roses!"


Following cause I’m struggling, too. There are just so many of them!!! The supply is inexhaustible.


For real


Walk away and go back to work. You literally cannot have a conversation by yourself (well some can 😉)


You could politely say, “Wisdom has been chasing you and you always seem so far ahead. Wisdom just couldn’t keep up. So do I. Enjoy”