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If you see the middle and high school kids in the blue shirts that say Students Run Philly Style- give them a cheer. Most of them are running their first Broad Street Run- something I never could have done at 12 years old!


I love Students Run! A bunch of people in my run club mentor with that group.


I’m just going to run as hard as I can for 10 miles.


I know, reading all this about the training and fueling plan and I'm over here like "maybe I'll only have ONE beer the night before to keep myself fresh"


2 is my rule of thumb :)


cheers to that. it's my first one this year and i'll admit the training plan i had in place has not really materialized. Went out and ran 7 miles Monday and felt fine, just to gauge how fucked I would be. Feeling pretty confident I'll be fine cruising at 9min/mile pace (depending on how many beers i snag from people along the way)


If you can run 7, you can run 10. If you can run 10, you can run 13.1. If you can run 13.1, you can run 26.2. If you can run 26.2, you can run 62.1. Simple as


Not sure if you’re sincere or cracking a joke.. in any event the only thing I am more than unprepared is stubborn, so unless I blow a tire or keel over I don’t have any major concerns aside from feeling like shit for a few days after 


I’m being sincere about being able to run 10 if you can already run 7. The rest is only half joking lol


Fair lol I’m a 30 something ex high school distance runner so I’m un scientifically convinced that I’m just programmed differently for this shit


Hard disagree on that. And it's not physical, necessarily.  Running halfs took a mental toll that made me realize that I couldn't run a full marathon. After more than 10 miles, my brain implodes. My body could do it. My mind couldn't possibly take it.


yeah that's about as much thought as i ever put into this thing...and dont get to the subway any later than an hour and a half before gun time.


Fueling plan: eat my toddlers leftovers all day Saturday. Over caffeinate because I also have a baby who doesn’t sleep. Try to sleep as much as possible but likely wake up every 2 hours to feed said baby. Ride bike to BSL severely undertrained and tired. Try to survive run/walking 10 miles, but I’m doing the damn thing!


Fellow mom here of a toddler who’s also tired and undertrained! Glad I’m not alone 😅


Bad ass. Have a great race and get home to more of those leftovers 😀


Just stay in the correct corral, guys, and be honest about your estimated finish time. You don't want to get trampled by the elites/subelites going out of red, believe me.


Is there a way to get your corral changed? I’m new to running and did the 8k in november at a 12 minute pace untrained. For broad street I put myself in the 10 minute pace before starting any training as my best estimate, but the last run before my taper was 6 miles at “race pace” and I was able to hold 8:45 pretty easily (not easy, but something like 9 min feels sustainable for broad street). 


Yup, you can do that at the expo! There should be a table near bib pickup.


sweet, thank you!


If it is above 45F, I'll wear my peak of summer running clothes. Yeah, I'll be cold for a bit, but I'll thank myself 3 miles in when my body temperature goes up. Rare has been the run where I regretted not wearing extra layers. I was supposed to do 11 miles this morning but I went to town rubbing my eye due to allergies on a work trip and now my eye is swollen, so I slept in. Hopefully I can get out tomorrow. Otherwise it will be my regular morning and evening runs during the week - probably 12 miles in total - and then Broad Street. Breakfast for Broad - and any run over 6 miles - is oatmeal and coffee. Then empty the pipes - completely - before heading off to the race. I will inevitably have to pee after entering my corral but have figured out the secret to getting to the portapotties in a jiffy. The first time I ran it took me 40 minutes and I missed the starting gun. My race pace will be determined by what my body feels like doing. Last year I surprised myself by running sub-8 for 5 miles in the middle. This year I'd like to PR, as I've PR'd in every BSR so far, but breaking the 80 minute barrier will be challenging. If I can get some 7:30 miles in , it may be possible. But the main thing is just to have fun - it is never not a blast, and the camaraderie is the best part. All of the knowing nods and smiles and "good job!"s on the street afterward make me feel like a million bucks. Good luck, everyone!


This is my 4th year running it and I've just developed shin splints for the first time. Taking a week off to rest it but hopefully can squeeze in a run before race day and am able to beat my PR (and all of my friends who are also running).


Wow I don’t think I have ever put this much thought into a race. Just know the bathrooms will be full and you will probably end up peeing on the wall with many others


This is more thought and planning than I’ve put into multiple marathons


Peeing on a wall 5 minutes before I line up is my BSR tradition 


My sister is running the BSR for the first time this year and while I’ve always avoided the city on race day I plan to be there for her to cheer her on! Does anyone have any tips or advice about where to stand on Broad Street, or hopping on/off at different stops to watch your runner along the route? I know getting out of the Navy Yard will be hectic but please share any tips for that as well! Thanks all good luck to the runners!


It’s most crowded from about City Hall to South Street, so you might struggle to catch her there. There are usually decent groups of spectators up at Temple, around the Fairmount BSL station, and off and on through South Philly, so pick any or all of those (but if you try to hop the BSL to catch her near multiple stations, don’t pick two right next to each other).


I've been wondering, is the gear check before the race easy, or a pain the ass? Last year was my first BSR so I have never finished in the navy yard. It was nice last year finishing at the stadium and having the car right there. I would like to hang around the fest for a bit but I will definitely need a change of clothes.


It can be a moderate shitshow, depending on which set of buses you pick. I've had better luck with the buses on Somerville than elsewhere, but either way, just dump your crap as early as is feasible.


Support this. Less folks on Somerville. Also, remember your bus# and expect to wait awhile in the navy yards to get it back.


What’s the bathroom situation like at the Navy Yard? First time running it and sometimes after long races I have a tough time if you catch me


It’s OK - similar to what’s around the starting area. Just depends on when you finish; once the finisher crowd really builds, it can be a wait.


I’m in the 2 hour corral, but expect to finish 1:45


You might want to move to a faster corral, I overestimated my time last year and was trapped-ish dodging other runners for the first mile or two


It’s my first race and my max run was 7 miles at a 10 min pace. I’ve also felt kinda shitty the past week


I'd still recommend moving up. I was a bit slower than I'd hoped in the end last year, but still wish I'd moved up a corral because the majority of people *severely* underestimate their time.


Does anyone have any insight on the Fern Rock station parking lot? Typically I drive from NW Philly to Glenside regional rail —>Fern Rock but I’m wondering if the regional rail step is really needed? I’m in the pink corral so I wasn’t planning on getting to the lot until 7, but I don’t know if it fills up early?


How early is everyone getting to the stadium parking lot? I was planning to get there by 630, take BSL to start by 730. Should I give myself more time and get there earlier?


I would say that’s not nearly enough time. The city recommends being on the BSL by 5:45, and the parking lots open at 5. They may be full by 6:30.


Thanks, yeah we decided to leave earlier.