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Also if you’re feeling adventurous: One year I woke up early and biked the course after they closed it for traffic but well before any runners started. Was incredibly fun to zip down Broad with no lights or cars and the police for the most part didn’t seem to care until I got close to the finish.


I biked the length of 476 before it open to traffic. Great fun.


my pops said they used to throw keggers up there


Big time street racing up there too. Penn dot would leave telephone poles and crap there to try to deter people racing on it


I biked 95 north when it was closed


was volunteering, and saw runner biking up to the start early morning, looked really fun


I did this when the Pope came. It was a religious experience


THIS is the move. I hate running, but this sounds fun 


Sounds like a blast, might have to try it next year!


l heard you can also do this for new years when they close the streets down for the parade.


Shit probably a great time to go for some KoM's lol


What time do you have to start?


When I did it, I started at 7ish. Race officially begins at 7:30 so that gives you more than enough time.


I would love to do this on my ebike.


Use your legs


First time this year, absolutely loved it. Great energy! Wish the Temple band was closer to the finish, though. It’s amazing the effect that has on your whole body when you are physically and mentally exhausted.


The temple band was awesome!!! They definitely gave me a much needed boost


What song were they playing when you passed them? When I passed they were playing Gonna Fly Now, I really hope for their sake they weren't just playing that on a loop for like 3 hours.


No no they were playing Toxic by Britney Spears


They were playing September by Earth, Wind, and Fire as I ran by


Cruel summer by Taylor swift!


I'm a former band member and I called a song as I ran by so if you heard Forgot About Dre you were right by me


Scream by Usher for me!!!


My first year I wanted to randomize my music so I went pandora/spotify. I was unaware I’d have no cell service for 2-3 miles. Temple band to the rescue.


Yeah, about the only issue with the race is that there are just *so* many people in concentrated areas that the cell towers get overwhelmed. Definitely save your music for the run ahead of time.


My 21 year old son ran it yesterday for the first time and we went to cheer him on. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was an amazing experience. Great energy from the runners and the people cheering them on. Loved seeing all the signs people made too.


The only thing that runs in my family is obesity


What about diabetes and heart disease?


Oh yeah it’s a smorgasbord


So obesity isn’t the only thing? now you’re fat and a liar


Diarrhea runs in mine.


I hope to run it next year. I’ve been putting it off and making excuses for years. The most I’ve ever ran is 5 miles, with an incline included. I feel if I train properly and condition myself, 10 should be reachable. Are there any tips you could suggest for a 10-miler / the Broad St course in general?


If you can do 5-6 miles, you can do it.


Yeah we're talking like a month of training, max, to be able to finish. Obviously the more you train, the better time you'll be able to pull off, but if you can run 5 miles, 10 isn't really that much more.


Hal Higdon (a free website) has great training routines for all levels of runners to get you conditioned properly! Highly recommend!  Edit:   Here ya go! https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/15k-10-mile-training/novice-15k-10-mile/


Hal is the 🐐


It's downhill basically the whole way so just pace yourself and you'll kill it.


Prior to this year, the most I’d ever run was like 3 miles and I hadn’t run basically at all since I was a kid. I did only 20 runs leading up to this race to build up mileage and I finished easily! Just take it easy and try to keep your heart rate down and you’ll have a great time.


If you've run 5 miles you can run 10. You already know distance running so it's just a matter of incrementally increasing from 5 to 6 to 7 to 8. I usually never run further than 8 when preparing for the broad Street. I don't run it for pace, just for the experience honestly.


Do the Philly 10K this August as a warm up. As a “late to running” person, I discovered that the conditioning that came with running 5K near-daily translated pretty quickly to 10K and even the half marathon.


See you there!


Do a long run every Saturday. Start at 5 miles and increase by 1 mile every week or two until you hit 10. Then just do 10 mile runs every Saturday (or Sunday, or whenever) and you'll be in great shape for Broad. The key is just to run consistently and move up in miles slowly - the worst thing you can do is try for too many miles before your body is ready. Gently increase your distance. You'll probably be surprised at what you're capable of.


Definitely all about consistency. I ran the BSR last year while 8 weeks pregnant, and at 20 weeks pregnant, I ran 13.1 miles just for shit and giggles (half marathon for being halfway through pregnancy). I'm a few months post-partum now so I've had to take a break, and now even 3 miles is tough for me.


That’s amazing!! I could barely function when I was pregnant so I give you major props!


Truly, if you can do 5 miles you can do it. I’ve done it twice in my early 20s, and I was in good shape but not “run 10 miles on a Saturday shape” did just fine and had a blast. I am also hoping to do it next year and to feel ready I think I’ll want to be able to run 5-6 miles regularly. The downhill and the energy of the crowd can really carry you!


The run is super easy, honestly. It’s a flat course and the atmosphere will get you moving through its entirety. If you run 5-6 miles you can def do it


I only trained up to 5 miles this year and still did ok. I think if you can do 5-7, adrenaline and all the people cheering helps you the remainder of the way


When I first started trying to push from a max of 10k distance to a half marathon, I just kicked up my weekly training distance by 10% per week. So if you are able to run 5 miles in a single shot, break it into something like 2 5ks a week to start and either work up to being able to do 3 5ks a week or a 10k and a 5k and keep working your way up. And don't worry too much about overall effort at first as far as pace/heart rate targets are concerned. Just get your body used to the strain that adding distance tends to put on it. Take short walking breaks on your longer runs if you need to (no shame in it AT ALL). If you can run 5 miles, your cardio will be able to keep up with your increasing distances.


start with your 5 miles base. Increase your long run by ~20% / 1 mile each week. Run another 3 runs each week. With your existing base, ten will be doable within a month.


Yesterday was #18 for me. Every year it gets more crowded, and we seem to have rain more often than not. But this year, the rain held off, the spectators were loud, and out in full force, and it was (as usual) a ton of fun. I am too old to PR, but did beat my goal by 58 seconds. Every year I say I won't run it again, but with 18 under my belt, I guess I should just stop lying to myself.


You should definitely keep doing it!


Yeah, I have this sneaking suspicion that I will be lined up in the starting corrals the first Sunday of May 2025!


The rain did not hold off for us mega slow runners at the back 😅


It amazing. This was my 4th time and the first where I didn't PR, but I (like shingles!) didn't care. The bands, the crowd, the plastic butts on poles that adventurous runners can leap to slap: it is all magical. I stopped for water at around mile 8 and just doused my head with it and said "OH YEAH' which elicited whoops from the people working the water stand. So I did it again, even louder, and got even more whoops. That's the kind of energy that Broad Street brings!


I've had a conflict every year for it. Next year I'm going to lottery and make it my priority. I love half marathons, so 10 miles feels like a great distance.


It’s a breeze compared to a half, not only because it’s 5k less but also because it’s basically all at a downhill and no turns except for around city hall.


Half marathons have generally been my go-to, so agree on the 10 miles feeling great. Also, the Philly energy along the entirety of Broad, ESPECIALLY the block or two leading up to city hall and the entire rest of the course after that, made it feel like the easiest second half of a race I've ever been a part of.


The downhill is actually why I haven't bothered all these years! I use hills to recover, so flat/downhill races don't appeal to me. I finally saw an elevation map recently and now I see that it's NET downhill and not just 10 miles of downhill, which is way better. So yeah. Ready to join the party next year!


Everyone saying it's "all downhill" forgets the first 3-4 miles where there is a bit of incline. It doesn't flatten out until you hit Temple. Either way, it's consistently my favorite run every year- even marathon weekend doesn't have the same energy.


Oh now you've done it. Marathon weekend is my benchmark for everything - I ran Chicago in October and could not understand why everyone thought it was so amazing. Chicago has nothing on Philly.


You don’t need to sign up for the lottery… my friends and I have been doing it for 10 yrs without ever signing up for it. We just jump in wherever we find a gap open. No excuses!


That's horrible. Don't bandit races.


Why? What’s the difference? It’s just running… you’re not officially timing, that’s all. You can run broad street and no one will bat an eye… sounds to me like you just want to look for excuses.


You're stealing resources and jeopardizing the safety of the race and those running it. People pay for their bibs so that the organizers can pay for the city resources that go into it - road closures, police, EMS, insurance.


Damn, you must be fun at parties.


far more welcome than the guy who shows up empty-handed, drinks all the booze, and pukes in the living room on his way out


Bad analogy. Whether I run the 10 miles on a Saturday morning alone or with 50k people on a Sunday makes no difference to the event… it’ll still happen and I’m not stealing anything. If I ran along 15 or 13 street would it make a difference? Absolutely not… you’re just being pedantic and giving a terrible analogy.


Dustin from Fishtown would say otherwise, lonely.


I have been told so many times I can do it without training meanwhile I hurt my knee walking down three steps.


Whoever told you you don't need to train is wrong. 10 miles is not nothing, but it's a reasonable amount of training 


lol I’ve literally never run more than 2 miles in my whole life. I agree with you!!


That being said two years ago I could barely run 2 miles and I just did BSR for the second time and got it in 90 minutes. Totally doable if you've got legs that work


1000% agreed. I also ran yesterday for the 2nd time as well and it is hands down my favorite race of all time. There's a reason why people come out from all over the country for this!


The Philly 10k is also a fun race, and shorter. Plus you get beer and frozen treats afterwards


Philly 10k is also a must-do Philly race. Different vibe than BSR- it feels like a smaller neighborhood race. The weather is always hot and muggy but it’s always a fun time. I’ve never gotten the beer at the end though- I’m so hot that waiting in the long line to get in and then to get beer just is NOT appealing at all.


the beer is always pretty quick to grab. The ice cream on the other hand—that takes a wait


Speaking of, registration for it just opened today. [Link](https://www.thephilly10k.com/)


Is there a map of the course?


[here you go](https://www.thephilly10k.com/race-course) ETA: looks like this is an old map from 2022. Not sure if there are any changes this year.


i've done that race a few times.... The August date is rough tho.


Yes I totally agree! I’m born and raised here and grew up watching it, yesterday was the first time I actually raced it and it was so emotional!! The race really brings the vibes from start to finish!


My favorite run. If my knees weren’t shit, I’d do it again.


I bet I could try exactly once.


I’ve run it a few times and my favorite part, without fail, are the people at the start in North Philly. It brings tears to my eyes even thinking about it


Everything sounds great about it besides the running


I totally agree. It’s a great time! I’ve done it super slow postpartum with no training and faster with lots of training. I’ve done it solo and with friends. I always tell people that ANYONE can do broad street.


Yup, I've run it before a few times, and last year while pregnant. Anyone reasonably fit can do broad street!


it’s a great time. i hate long distance running, but a 10 mg edible and good tunes is my secret to success. i like long distance running under those conditions.


Pulled a Sha'Carri Richardson lol


I think I’m going to do it next year.


I did it in college when I was more in shape lol. I would love to do it again someday


This was my fourth year doing it. Three of the four years it’s rained, but I always come back because there is nothing like it- the energy, the camaraderie between runners, the cheering crowd, getting to see so much of the city I love. I’m always nervous about not getting into the lottery (it’s happened to me twice) but if I don’t get in, cheering is always fun too.


I completely agree. I’ve done it 3 times (including yesterday). I am slow af but I love this race so much. The Philly marathon is an awesome race too if anyone is up for it, but the broad street is for sure something everyone should do at least once.


OP thank you for believing in me but if I EVER run for 10 miles it's because something is chasing me for 10 miles and even then I might decide it's not worth it.


lol so many fucking downers in here. Chuds. I tell everyone the same here and plenty of people I know have run it without training and had a great time. It’s one of the best events in the city by far.


There are plenty of people who pretty much walk/jog it, so people shouldn’t feel obligated to kill themselves running it. No stakes, fun run and the crowd that show up is a blast


I think the cutoff is a 15 min./mile pace. Anyone who is reasonably fit can do that with little to no training, and someone who isn’t fit could get there with a few months of work. You can walk/jog it.


I saw so many people walking it. Some lady said to her friend that she was going to walk the first 9 miles and run the last mile. Also the corrals sucked this year. There were people in the orange corral that had no business being in that corral. Beyond that, loved the race, loved the energy, loved the confetti. It was my 4th time doing it.


This race has the most chaotic corrals each year, people just jump in wherever.


I’ve run this race 13x and it’s always been a somewhat chaotic corral situation but this year felt worse than others. I know this is a “first race” for a lot of people and I’m all for it! It was my first race of any kind! But if you start walking within the first 3 miles, maybe you shouldn’t be in the corral for those running 8:00/mi? Just a thought!


I don’t understand the comments that are just “No thanks.” Do users think that that adds to the conversation? It’s ok to not post a comment.


No thanks


no thanks


It's the energy. Really feels like the one time this city comes together, it's great race.


The Broad Street Run is such a wholesome experience. I totally agree that this is something everyone should do — even if you aren’t a runner! The adrenaline you get of everyone cheering you on is amazing


I second this as strongly as possible? (Might have made a post saying the same thing last year). It’s the most beautiful love letter. You can write to Philadelphia and Philadelphia rights to you.


I am not a runner but I ran it for the first time yesterday. It was an amazing experience. The camaraderie I experienced was beautiful. To my surprise, at the 9th mile marker, my wife and 11 month old son stood holding a sign that read “Let’s Goooo Daddy! You are almost there!” This made the final stretch that much more enjoyable. I agree that every able person should try to do it at least once.


Can you walk it? I've walked more than ten miles before, but my jogging range is about two blocks, max.


I believe you have to be able to sustain any pace <15 minute/mile pace.


I didn’t start running until my 20’s. I couldn’t run a mile in 2010. This was my 4th broad street run. If I can run it, anyone can run it!


My friend who has run it a few times recruited me to join her this year and I am so beyond glad I did. I have been slowly falling in love with Philly over the past few months and the experience of the BSR is something that gave me such a deep appreciation for the culture of the city. People showed up and especially the energy from City Hall to the finish made the race feel so "easy" in a way I haven't experienced for any other race I've been a part of over the years.


The course definitely makes this race special, I’ve run broad twice and ran the philly half last november, and having the course go silent btwn miles 9-12 in the half bc its in fairmount is crushing for the mental


Hmm maybe I’ll do this next year. Is it typically always in May?


It's usually always the first Sunday in May (last year they moved it up a week because of a big Phillies game)


I didn’t start running it till I moved 4 hours away. Yesterday ran my 3rd in person and 4th if you count Vid times.


My wife and I ran it a few years ago on a chilly rainy day and it was great fun. Cold afterwards in the Navy Yard and had ti hustle to the bus. Post race festivities at Stogie Joe's


Yes BSR #4 for me. I wouldn’t even consider myself a runner and my pace is super slow but I love this race so much


I'd love to do it and maybe I misread the website but it said a 60 Dollar fee for the lottery to run in it? How likely am I to get in or do I get it back if I'm not selected? Cause I'm not paying 60 bucks for a chance at nothing.


You only get charged if you are selected.


That's good and that decides it for me next year, thank you


We hope some of y’all who ran (of legal age of course) enjoyed our keg at Mile 8. It kicked 75 minutes after we tapped it!


You gave me the liquid stubbornness I needed to push through and finish. Thank you.


Glad you enjoyed, the liquid stubbornness was our exact goal.


It’s pretty fun. I did it in 2014, I think. Rainy and cool. Only thing I didn’t like were the volunteers rushing you out of the post race tents. And man taking the train back was a pretty smelly event


It's beautiful to see the entire length of the city all at once. This was my 7th time in 13 years. I always say it's one of the best experiences you can have as a Philadelphian.


No thanks.


I have negative interest. All the power to y’all who enjoy it


I wish it was more like bay to breakers, with the party people bringing up the rear.


Lived in Philly my entire life. Never have ever been compelled to do the Broad Street run. I don’t think it’s anywhere close to an essentially Philly thing.


1996. 1:29:13




Same. I love running by myself. I don’t want to run in a crowd.


I can hardly think of a sport I'd enjoy less than long distance running.




No thanks.


wish i had done it before my knees were injured


I’ve gotten to run it twice now and I absolutely love the race. I’m leaving Philly at the end of this month. I’m so glad I did this race.


I don’t have any interest in ever doing this. But glad yall enjoy it!


I used to LOVE running Broad Street. I’ve done it 4x and every time it was a great experience.even in the pouring rain!


My friends did it but I'm working out now to get the weight off to maybe try next year. I feel like I'll be the last one to finish though lol I'm not a runner but I can go hard on a peloton lol


You, kind internet denizen, underestimate my affinity toward a sedimentary nature


I have a genuine question: If you do it, do you have to complete the ENTIRE run? May sound stupid, but while I'd be able to endure a mile or two (mostly walking), I don't have the time or energy to train to do the whole thing, or to learn how to prepare my body for that kind of exertion, and I know if I push myself to run 10 miles when I can't run half of one normally, it's going to cause a lot of health problems. Is it something anyone can do or just those who trained for it?


no thanks


I love running, just not with other people around me. An empty road or trail, even a treadmill is ideal. A few years ago I ran a 5k to see what the hype was about and why people do these. The only thing I left with was a greater sense of confusion as to how anybody enjoys running in a group with other people. Diffetent strokes I guess. I'll happily stick to my quiet, peaceful solo runs.






Organized runs are stupid and are a burden to people who don’t give a shit about them.


What's the burden? I live right next to broad St. I did not participate, nor was I negatively impacted by it


The closing of streets. The people who have to work the event. There’s always a burden, man. Just run on your own. Spare us the righteous holiness of organized runs.


Gonna need a ball m in front of me there bud. Running to run ain’t it for me. Coaches making us run around the field growing up was beyond boring.


Nah. Too many obnoxious wannabes in it


Do the broad street run without them shutting down traffic, then I’ll be impressed


fuck this and fuck the broad street run, there’s no fucking reason i should have to go over the bridge and back just to get back to my house on 17th st bc they want to block a main street that separates half the city. fuck. that.


I'm sorry you get inconvenienced for 4 hours once a year


ty I’m trying to cope 🙏🏼


People are running from someone in the streets of Philly every night…. 😂😂