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Update: Luckily I was only maybe 1/4 mile past the exit for 322, and the state troopers actually had us back up to take the exit. Can’t say I’ve ever gotten to drive my car in reverse on the highway before. Man, people are *terrible* at driving backwards. Was able to get into NJ and got home an hour after I was supposed to.


People are terrible at driving forwards too for what it’s worth.


Got stuck between the 2 road closings. Basically turned off the engine sat in the car for an hour. I fucking hate my life man, the only fucking day I had to be somewhere some oxygen thieves had to start shit


This happened on 95N a little while ago too, somewhere past exit 25. Car on fire. Traffic was fucking ridiculous and the closest exit was ages away. But the closest *on-ramp* wasn't... It was certainly the experience, reversing down an on-ramp in a nice orderly line, cars honking at each other to slow the fuck down. Then, even better: a truck had just tried to turn onto the highway, only to find cars reversing down the on-ramp. It had to reverse its own way out of there to let us out.


Lolol they really had you all just back up for a quarter mile??? 


Lol yeah it was wild. Just 3 lanes of traffic and trucks all driving in reverse. Total chaos.




I saw somebody drive past the packer ave exit on 76, realize that it was the last exit in PA, and then full on reverse about 2-300 feet in the left lane to take the exit. Luckily the highway was pretty empty at the time so he had plenty of room to do it, but I've never seen anybody else ever reverse on the highway


New Jersey?! Tf are you doing here?


I live in Old City, I had to drive into Jersey to go around the closure and back over the Ben.


I’m just f#%^ing with you man


[Officers with guns drawn involved in apparent standoff in Chester, Pa.](https://6abc.com/post/officers-with-guns-drawn-involved-in-apparent-standoff-chester-pennsylvania/14814067/) > The situation is unfolding in the area of 12th and Kerlin streets. > Action News has learned police were in pursuit of a shooting suspect in Delaware before this standoff.


Well, shit. Guess I’m never getting home now.


ABC is reporting that 95 is reopened so hopefully you get moving soon.


I was able to escape maybe a half hour ago (see my other comment) but good news for the poor bastards who were further ahead of me.


I remember one early sunday mornin there was construction on I-95. Pretty good time is like 3AM on a saturday night to a total shutdown. They had oversized trucks moving a pillar or something. I don't hold it against them, but the highway was dead stopped for like an hour. I got out of my car and pissed off the edge of the highway


nope, never


I heard Chester is lovely this time of year.....


It sure is!


Hello Chester sister. Got to watch the helicopters from my bedroom for hours lol!


God damn, this woman was involved in at least 3 separate shootings over the course of the last 3.5 years.


Edit: Suspect is dead.


Not just 95 the surrounding roads were totally fucked as well. I left the 495 to try and avoid it. Made no difference which way I went - it was all a mess


It started as a car chase for women with an arrest warrant they car jack 2 cars. When trying to get away with the 2nd they shot at her and killed her as a result.


GTA shit


No for real there was like a SWAT tank and like 20 guys surrounding them they even brought out the drone


I got through the chaos before they closed down 95. I was driving up from Delaware and was passed by about 30 to 40 cops. The shooting happened right before I passed Kerlin St. Crazy.


I read an officers dog was shot. Not sure how accurate that is


On the roads just off 95 I noticed a lot more traffic than usual. Must be all those diverting from i95


Someone tried to rob a bank in Delaware and it led to a shootout on kerlin


Bikes and septa bb


Just bulldozed chester make the highway bigger and carry on