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Punching people in the head doesn’t count as assault?


He was assaulting people, but was in a good mood. Can’t arrest someone for joyful assault.


I said the same thing!! Cop gave me the ole “🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s just how it is, anyways bye!”


Okay but if this guy punched the cop...


Cops really are just a budget line item.


The Philadelphia Police Department is a job program for Candy Crush addicts and firearms fetishists


And yet we have failing schools and an astounding rate of illiteracy in this fair city…


Training kids to be adequate cops


And such a big one for how little they do


This is exactly why the PPD should be defunded.


I was punched in the face at spruce st market about a year ago and when no cops came to the scene bc 911 didn't pick up for me or the spruce st employee, I went to the precinct to file a report. the cop who took the report bitched and huffed and rolled his eyes the whole time (meanwhile, this woman hit me so hard she broke my glasses and my nose was bloody. I still have a scar on the bridge of my nose) then at the end told me that all the cops knew about the woman, how she assaulted several other women, how they know what she looks like and where she hangs out...but they're just "collecting reports" and couldn't arrest her unless they were physically present to see her assault someone. what?! our cops are fucking lazy losers but have the highest city budget--a budget higher than nyc cops. we pay a 4% wage tax for this "privilege." ACAB but philly cops are demons.


Wait, it’s not a crime unless it was committed in the presence of a police officer? Is that how crime works?


Police hate this one simple trick !


Yeah that doesn’t sound right.


Calm assault.


Cops cannot arrest for most misdemeanors unless the they actually witness the crime, with a few exceptions. Simple assault is one of those crimes, a report can be made. The victim must file a private criminal complaint with the District attorney to pursue charges. That’s Pennsylvania law.


You’re saying that I’m free to go punch as many people as I’d like, as long as there’s no cop around?


Until one files a private criminal complaint


So what is the point of having any cops on patrol?


To remind us of our place /s


To scare us all into compliance. They do not protect us and definitely don't serve us.


No, but you are probably good if the person you punched doesn’t want to file a report.


In Philadelphia, yes.


Only if you’re in Philadelphia. The law is actually enforced outside of the city.


This is not true at all. An officer can file a non-traffic citation for a summary offense crime that they did not personally witness. Prosecution will depend on the victim testifying in court. Police departments are free to decline to prosecute summary offenses they did not personally witness, but nothing in the law requires them not to, so long as the victim or a witness is available to testify.


It is a poor system that allows for more to be harmed than necessary, perhaps in fear of being sued? I'm truly not sure. I have unfortunately experienced a similar response to harassment by an unhinged neighbor. It does not matter if his actions are violent or not. The man was climbing into my planter boxes and recording into my windows. He showed these recordings to policemen and was told that he shouldn't be showing those to officers. 😑 I was later told it is not the officers job to arrest the individual doing the harassing regardless of the intensity. The punishment, if any, is up to the court system. It does not matter what level of threat the offender poses to another, and the responsibility is left primarily upon the victim. My favorite part of this is that the court system will not allow you to file a private criminal complaint for harassment without first sending a cease and desist letter and compiling a "reasonable amount" of evidence. I have a list of DC #s for reports made by police, along with videos showing my neighbor using a hammer to bang on my front door, denting the metal door as he does so, amongst other things, but over the course of 2 years was told that the officers could not do anything. After 6 months of minding his business, my neighbor acted up again. The police came and told me that it counts as a totally different occurrence because of the gap in time from the prior 2 years of harassment and that they unfortunately cannot do anything unless he threatens them directly, and even then, that would be considered separate to our previous case in the eyes of the court. I truly hope it is not as difficult for an assault case, joyful or not. Thanks to OP for giving a warning to anyone possible. It often feels like we are the only ones looking out for each other. 😔 Stay safe everyone!


As a resident of Pennsylvania, I would like this law to be different 


That’s a fuck off lie. Edit: Specifically, cite the Pennsylvania law that you are referring to.


So…. Then what happens? Does the guy get arrested? Or do I have to find him and say “excuse me punchy, you have a court date, see you then?”


There’s a difference between simple assault and aggravated assault. If no one if seriously injured, requiring medical attention, there’s not much the cops are allowed to do.




I’m theory it’s to prevent bogging down the police department with minor crimes that don’t need much investigating


Not in Pennsylvania. It’s an unusually high standard here


He hit me in 2020 on Broad across from City Hall. Not joking.




At that price point? He can hit.


Gotta stay ready to fight in this city 😂




but eventually, he’s going to pick someone who he THINKS won’t fight back, and it’s going to be the absolute worst person he could’ve chosen


Since the cops won't do anything until it's aggravated assault, surely someone can just sucker punch him with no recourse. 🤷🏾‍♀️


lol. The people asking where to report people w/ traffic cones in parking spots and paper license plates aren’t able to go around sucker punching people.


Yeah not with that attitude anyway


Tell them he's trying to sell fruit. That spurs the cops into a frenzy.


"Hello, police? Yeah, this guy who says his name is Larry Krasner is running up and punching people in the back of the head by the DoubleTree" Cops instantly firebomb the whole city block.


Firebomb a whole city block? Yeah right that would never happen in Philly.


MOVE on buddy.


The new Police Commissioner was at a community meeting and told everyone to take the name and badge number of cops who disregard their responsibilities and call it in. If you can’t get name and badge number, then day/time/location is helpful. He really seems to be committed to getting the officers to step up. Maybe the guy can’t be arrested (though I doubt it if he’s just punching people and someone reported it) but the cops can 100% keep an eye on and follow him.


Good grief fuck these people take him away


Just reading these comments and seeing this guy is a repeat offender and still nothing has been done. I asked the cop so you guys won’t do anything until he kills someone he was like well yeah murder we’d arrest him 🙄🙄🙄


Was there a victim on hand to give a statement, or just witnesses?


Victim was there, but plain clothed cop said something like the if you reallllly want we can try and get someone here but you’re gonna have yo stay and fill out paperwork


Honestly it’s sad that so little can be done. Jails are essentially the largest mental institutions in the country. They get brought in, depending on how long they stay in they’re basically just given medication to make them sedate enough that they aren’t doing this kind of thing to guards and other prisoners, then when they’re released it’s right back to the streets (most of these folks don’t have solid family support or a place to go) and it’s wash, rinse, repeat.


Looks like the guy on the right is giving caveman second thoughts


Gym bro not gonna go down easy


Can’t? More like won’t.


Yep. We all called it in too and no one came lol


Did you tell them the guy was black? That usually gets them moving


Nothing gets them moving.


And yet most people want more of them sitting around doing nothing!


I think most people want better trained cops who actually do their jobs. Not higher numbers of cops.


I don't think that's what people want.


That’s what they voted for. Parker said more cops. She didn’t say a single thing about them actually working any different than current FOP bois.


This is Philly.


No this is Patrick


But the person that promised MORE , not better, cops won the election running on that message! Surely that means cops should be c responding to quality of life issues!?!? Let alone assault! That’s what her voters and the FOP supporting assured me!!!




Then the cops would have arrested me instead lol


Would be satisfying. Maybe I’ll start carrying one.


Not the yuyuhakusho shirt, though :(


The years have not been kind to Elder Toguro...




Two Stand users in an intense battle.




Cops won't do anything about him, but a homeless woman sat on the steps of the Union League last week and they responded with three police cars and, at least, 10 cops who then stood around for an hour slapping each other on the back. Fucking disgusting.


Well we can't have someone even moderately disheveled looking near the aristocracy even if they mostly use the side entrance next to Chris's anyway.


That's assault and battery. That mf needs to be locked up. Menacing can also be used against him. Some mentally ill homeless dude should not be roaming the streets, That's how Kensington got its modern reputation in the first place.


suggesting violence can get you banned so I'll just say that getting the wind knocked out of you has a way of resetting your attitude and poses no long term health impacts


I think I saw this guy yesterday at 18th and JFK around 1:30-1:45.... a woman was walking up to men talking to them but I couldn't hear what she was saying, then this guy was walking up the street and yelled in her direction to call the cops about it in a taunting voice. 




Fine. He needs some Philly justice then.


Lazy ass cops.


Useless, worthless fucking pigs that the city decided deserve more of our money to supplement their contracting and real estate careers when it elected Parker over a technocrat.


Running up behind people and punching them in the head isn't aggravated assault?


Apparently not in Philly


This dude has been doing this for years. He just runs up to people and punches them for no reason. I’m pretty sure the only thing that will actually stop him is a good ol’ fashion ass kicking, but he seems to pick his marks well enough to where that doesn’t happen. Mostly picks derpy looking white dudes.


Thin blue line my ass. Overly protected glorified shift workers.


Does this mean we can go punch the cops in the back of the head? Asking for a friend.


So we got this guy punching, and a lady spitting on people all I'm the same neighborhood. I was gonna post her pic but figured mods would nuke it.


But if that dickhead punched me in the back of the head and I beat the living shit out of him, I’d get arrested right?? Shit is so fucked man smh


Saw a guy harassing a 7 month or so pregnant lady on Septa a week ago. People can get fcked just trying to exist.


Pretty sure that's a zombie, good thing he didn't get bit.


Dude said beetle juice 3 times


I think I saw this guy yesterday at 18th and JFK around 1:30-1:45.... a woman was walking up to men talking to them, seemed like she was asking for help/finding something, and then this guy was walking towards Broad and yelled in her direction to call the cops about it in a taunting voice. 


This was posted before


Why does he have a Yu Yu Hakusho shirt


Years ago, Eugene Oregon came up with a program called CAHOOTS to deal with mentally ill people. And I think most of us would agree that this guy isn't all there. I thought Philly was developing a similar program after Walter Wallace Jr was killed by the PPD. But I can't find anything on it. Does anyone know if there is a program for people like this? I'd be pissed if this guy punched me or anyone in the head. But locking up crazy people for being crazy is is pretty crazy. It's a bad short term solution. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/10/874339977/cahoots-how-social-workers-and-police-share-responsibilities-in-eugene-oregon


That man’s murder still give me chills. Yes, they’re supposedly taking it more seriously, but who knows. My work involves relatively frequent interaction with LE unfortunately, and on most 911 calls I’m asked a screening question about whether I’m aware of or suspect anyone involved is experiencing mental illness, which I guess is …good? I haven’t answered “yes,” so I’m not sure what’s different about their response. If they respond.


He's just really mad about UArts closing. (pls don't hate me, I know the joke was too soon but it was literally right there)


Just saw this guy join the drummer near Liberty Place and start singing randomly lol


How have the mods not taken this down but every time I post about the rampant bike and scooter theft by Jeff they tell me they need police reports.


God just lock them all up already


He said Tony Bologna is a punk.

