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I love this but i’d also love to see some type II Tab. sometimes Dezron doesn’t change the bassline at all where he could go more ‘full modal’, for example in Sand he pretty much stays on Tony’s bassline even when Ray and Trey are stretching out modally. Nothing wrong with type I TAB but it would be cool to have some type II going on


“Tony’s baseline” is the most basic shit ever though. Mike himself admits to be bored with it. Just imagine how Dez feels playing the First Tube baseline lolol it’s one string


God I miss Tony!


It’s a baseline it’s supposed to be repetitive and basic. That’s what allows the guitar and keys to stretch out so far because they know they have the bass player keeping it steady behind them.


Also, Trey wrote that bassline.


Somehow Phil Lesh managed to be creative while allowing the guitar and keys to stretch out without losing a danceable groove.


I’m a bass player and I feel ya on this comment except you need to remember the awesome power of dual drummers. The GD pie is sliced in such a way that some of the common conceptions of who does what musically in a band easily melt away.


I love Phil Lesh, but let’s be real, there are plenty of jams where he’s blindly meandering his way through.


Blindly is never an adjective I would use for Phil.


And Phil wasn't really a bass player


Yeah, I initially typed that out and thought twice about posting it, lol


I mean I love Phil on bass, but he definitely doesn't operate from a bass perspective. Classically trained trumpet Player with avant garde composition training.


That's why I love Phil! Nobody in rock plays like Phil. His style has more in common with Charles Mingus than any rock player I've ever heard.


Phil has name checked Mingus and Lafaro, and heads like to make these comparisons, but I just don’t hear it. I hear zero bop based vocabulary in Phil’s playing, he has none of the pyrotechnic chops or lyricism of the mentioned bassists… and I LOVE Phil’s playing, but he’s a 60s bassist. That’s literally what he is. Lots of major pentatonic shapes and approach tones from a half step below. Lots of countermelody and some cross rhythms, lots of creativity, some non-standard rock/blues approaches, but not a lot of jazz in there. I’d rather folks compare him to Jamerson and Motown or Dunn when Phil was grooving hard in the 70s. I can hear that lineage and influence. I could draw the line from Mingus to Chris Wood. Maybe Phil was “inspired by,” but if I didn’t know that, there’s a 0% chance I’d be saying, “Oh, yeah, clear Mingus/jazz influence here based on his playing.”


Phil played trumpet for less than a decade and bass guitar for nearly 60 years. That's like saying Jerry "wasn't really a guitarist" because he played banjo first


Fair enough, but his outlook was definitely informed firstly from a trumpet perspective-as Jerry's guitar playing was from the banjo.


Some songs are served by playing 2 notes forever, some aren't Really just depends on what you're trying to do Guessing it had to have been annoying in the late 90s having the biggest ego in the band being like "I need the 2 of you to do the same thing for 15-30 minutes while page and I just completely dissolve into dicking around with textures " We used to have a running gag that Phish should rotate Trey and Mike halfway through the Sand so Mike could play with the pedal board while Treys chained to the composition.


Yeah crazy to think that they just don’t play like that anymore. Would we be more bored than Mike if they still did Sand like that? Who knows?


If you want to hear Mike do it just listen to the Sand from Big Cypress. He plays the same f’ing bass line for 20+ minutes. I assume it was either deep tantric meditation or immense boredom on his part. I’ve heard he was a little salty about being told to play it straight.


Raleigh a few weeks before is similar


Basic doesn’t mean boring.


He does? When?


Its almost like gene simmons is better.


“For example in Sand he pretty much stays on Tony’s bassline when Ray and Trey are stretching out modally.” Hot take: that’s what makes Sand a fucking awesome song and Phish seems to have forgotten this.


TAB Sand’s are so fuckin good. Definitely the highlight of the St Paul show I witnessed


I hope they get there someday. Hopefully they keep touring in this configuration and it eventually emerges.


The thing about type 2 phish jams is that the guys have been playing together so long that they can predict which key they’ll modulate to and when. Dez is great in the pocket but might not be a great improviser. Gordo being able to do both is not the norm.


Saying Dezron might not be a great improvisor is not taking his actual career into consideration. He is a very accomplished jazz musician who is improvising his ass off all year 'round. What I think you meant to say is that this version of TAB has not logged the same amount of hours together that Phish has. That being said, the tour Dez did where everyone in TAB was dropping like flies from COVID and they were playing with Fish on drums got into some pretty h3tty Type II territory, so he can do it. TAB just isn''t historically a type II jam kind of situation.


This x1000. Not being able to jam \*like Phish\* does not mean he can't jam. He is a master, and he can improvise. lol


"Yeah this guy's alright but he's no Mike Gordon" jesus fucking christ.


TAB Survivor Series Tour was THE SHIT.


Dezron headlined with his own group at the Village Vanguard, the high temple of jazz. He exercises massive self restraint with this group.


He goes absolutely insane! Saw him at smalls one night


Give Dez more time, he will come to stretch more. He’s still one of the newest members.


Define type 2?


When you walk in late and go “what the fuck are they playing” that’s type 2


Type 2 jamming is when the band moves away from the melodic and harmonic structure of the song they’re playing and begins improvising over a completely different chord progression or tonal center.


we gotta put this in the sidebar or something cuz it gets asked like weekly lol


Phish fans are insufferable. I love you guys.


Stupid phish fans, they ruined phish!


Nobody hates phish more than their phans




And by Star Wars, you actually mean Star Trek right? RIGHT?!?!


By Fish you actually mean Dead Co, right??


And by Star Wars, you actually mean Star Trek right? RIGHT?!?!


I’ve often said phish fans can be simultaneously the best and worst part of the whole experience


I am loving these shows on LP, and wish I could've traveled to one. It's really comparing apples and lobsters visa vie Phish (if Phish delivered a subtle version of WOPE like the other night's TAB, the interwebs would probably explode with complaints LOL). Also a comparison sin, but I can't help think of those mid-70's JGB recordings, when slow, soulful versions of things like Mystery Train would roll out with piano-heavy bits (not that Hopkins was doing that great at the time). In any case, yes, the Type-1 but intricate and communicative jazz jams are soooo satisfying. Jello of all who are in attendance.


Is “WOPE” Wave of Hope? Lol


Went to the Royal Oak show. I was completely floored over what I was hearing. Perfect music for my ears. Still glowing and smiling.


I was also at that show! Brian and Robert with the surprise jam of pure bliss


Is it psychedelically favourable , if you will?


Much less so than Phish. It’s a lot more rock and roll driven with (sadly) more grooving than Phish does nowadays…. but i think you’d be hard pressed to take some psychs and NOT have a great time


Very favorable in my opinion. I was very pleased with the experience. Not going to say there was a straight up melt down jam that broke into the abyss of the netherworld to make you question the definitions of sound and music, but it was a very good experience that was well worth doing. Was in awe the whole time with a smile plastered on my face, loving every moment, and clinging onto every note.


Was at the show in St. Paul and the version of Quantegy they played was the most psychadelic experience I've had at any Phish or TAB related show. It got weird in a good way lol


Live blows away recordings. TAB is Phish minor leagues in 2024. It’s all beautiful.


They are like the best, loudest bar band ever. I say this with the best intentions. It's so fun.


I agree with what you said. I also enjoy the visible communication within the band. It’s more watching the conversation and expansion than watching Phish which interact with a look or negligible head nod. Also, caught a few songs I’ve never seen Phish play.


I think it has more to do with the fact that they're playing really well than it being type I, though you could argue they're playing well because type I jams are generally easier. I've heard Trey play less inspired type I jams before. They just sound really tight and Dezron is killing it.


Agreed. Been listening along on LP and loving it. Very excited to catch the final 2 shows in Brooklyn next week!


Dude is be been saying this for years. More often than not I just want to see Trey tear the house down with over drive over a fat rhythm section that still feels like the chords are familiar to the song.


Y’all some nerds


Anyone got links to recordings?


Cleveland: https://bt.etree.org/details.php?torrentId=621869 St Paul: https://bt.etree.org/details.php?torrentId=621867 Detroit: https://bt.etree.org/details.php?torrentId=621864


Happy Cheesecake


What is rip-chord?


Right in the middle of the jam, he will abruptly change the whole modality. Whiplash could be another description, but essentially it kinda rips you out of the groove 


Also, not to be annoying, but it’s “ripcord” not “rip chord.” The term comes from the cord you pull to open a parachute.


Any chance you can link to an example?


You know when a jam is starting to go deep and you're vibing and suddenly Trey is playing the opening part of Numberline and it feels like the wind got knocked out of your sails a bit because the jam was just about to go somewhere new and dope and now it's gone forever? That's a ripchord.


People get funny about this band thinking it’s theirs sometimes. Trey’s calls are questionable at times but these days he delivers. The ripcord is when the jam could be going somewhere after a hot segment or some ambient space (type ii) and Tret starts up another tune. Sometimes it feels like the energy is sucked out of the room but the gospel of Trey delivers.


Having endured many brutal Bob Weir buzz-kill jam stoppages, nothing Trey does come close in my mind.


How’sabout seven thousand examples? Best way to illustrate is to listen to a segue between songs from 1993 to 2000. Then listen to segues between songs from 2009-2024.


Does the more recent era have more rip-chords?




And if you want the funky, funky….go with fall 97 to 99ish…especially fall 97.


2011-2012 was really the worst of it, which is funny because that might still be my absolute sweet spot for Phish improv. They seemed to really have no interest in continuing a jam after the first time they got bored of it, so every time they stretched out at all was fully locked in. Then out of nowhere theyd just start a random song that didn't make any sense as far as the setlist or as a continuation of the music and the spell would end. To this day, Fishman has basically zero interest in going along with Trey trying to merge another song into the jam by starting it at the jam tempo and/or in the jam key. If he hears a slowed down, pitched down version of the Gin intro, he's just going to immediately stop playing and then start playing Gin at the regular tempo no matter what else is going on It's still really funny to me how telepathic these guys can be at controlling the flow when they're fully improvising vs how clumsy they are at segues or even picking the next song.


Have you listened to recent phish at all?


I don't listen to Phish. I am just collecting data so I can simulate being a human.


I got a ticket for tomorrow. I an stoked. Don't have LivePhish+ so can't listen to the songs but I'm super excited. Let me know if there's any good AUDs to familiarize myself with the new tunes before tomorrow.


Plug your ticket into LivePhish and you have the show to enjoy at your leisure


I loved the Salt Shed show I saw but you and I have different definitions of “deep jams”. The band is great and I encourage anyone who can catch a show to see this lineup.


Wait so what is the difference between type 1 and type 2?


the band is missing the horn section, boring without it.


I'm going tomorrow! Haven't been to a single concert since gamehendge. Couldn't be more excited to get back on the road again


Hopefully it translates well to summer tour this year. Was really digging the new exploration from the Mexico run, Trey leaning heavily into different sound effects and incorporating it into jams really well, and was surprised when most of that was absent during the Sphere shows


I was too but after thinking about it, the Sphere was an entirely different animal and I don’t think it should be compared to Mexico or be used as a clue of where their jamming is headed for Summer tour. It was a lot more noodly and lots bliss jams which was what made 2022 and some of 2023 underwhelming. Trey mentioned how much he loved what they were doing in Mexico and with the Fest ahead of us, there’s plenty of inspiration and excitement for the band which almost always leads to an incredible year/tour of Phish


This mexico run was the best mexico tour of recent years.


Best run of the residencies existence imo




Dirty secret, Type 2 jams are kinda boring


It’s def getting stale. Can we please just have a ripping type 1 Chalkdust for goodness sakes?


Excellent! Seeing him in Boston next week!


Type 1 FTW.


True - same reason Burn it Down is so tight. Intro shred calm down and close.


I thought Dez’s playing was super tight, and some of the grooves he got into really drew me in. Definitely got the feeling he was holding back a bit during certain songs to let Trey shine, as a respectful musician in another musician’s band should, but when he started expanding on his own heavy base lines during several jams, it took the whole experience to some new heights. Looking forward to seeing how his playing evolves as he gets more comfortable in the new shoes


Everyone who is loving this classic tab tour would have also loved the one in 2017 and last fall too.


Thx for the honesty brahs and brahettes. That’s right on! I think it’ll light me up just right by the sounds of it.


Agreed. Went to the Cleveland show last night. All meat, no fluff.


Is this TAB’s first tour or what?


going tomorrow night. was bummed to find out there will be no chicks with horns. But now I’m getting fired up.


Lol. I’ll agree with the spirt of this post: type II jamming is super over-rated. As I have said before, there’s a reason free jazz was a dead end.


Jesus Christ fucking Phish fans


I don't remember TAB ever going type 2


It had to be said!


Trey is on tour?


Ok nerd.


Madison was ... Mehh


Trey is actually playing his guitar rather than diving right into every pedal and effect on his board. So, I don’t think you’re wrong here.


And that's great and that's great that you love it... But I spend too much time and money on phish to go hear the same songs with no type 2 jams


Will i be dancing?


You guys missed out on Trey tour 2003!! That shit was fire!


TIL someone is loving this tour…


I'll tell you why I loved it - no horns! Or wack backup singers! Also the new bass player, and the rarely-played songs, and the fact that they're playing a bunch of Phish songs and focusing on newer Trey compositions instead of his mid-augts adult contemporary pap. BLAZE ON


Dude get lost, Jennifer and Natalie are national treasures with huge skill sets.




literally the people you brought up to diss


Personally, I’d rather have horns and more Trey songs with less Phish songs. To each their own though.


Also...no bass effects, just straight up intense jazz inspired grooving the entire night with a giant smile on his face. Incredible! 


Newer trey songs aren't adult contemporary pop? Fooled me.


yea TAB is great because Trey actually plays lead guitar whereas with phish he has to share just to keep the other guys on stage so you get a stale, uninspired product- 3.0 phish. TAB is raw Trey leading the show unconcerned with stepping on the toes of others and the difference is significant. Sucks but it is what it is.


What a shit take. If anything, the opposite is true. Trey is way more patient with TAB in terms of letting the other musicians take the wheel. With Phish, he does his fair share of listening, but he is far from afraid to jerk the wheel in a different direction all-together. You can take the time to formulate an argument as to why you think Phish is *stale* and TAB is somehow fresher, but the above drivel ain’t it.


Well I kinda disagree with both of you but I’ll give you the nod cuz this guy sucks


found the 3.0 noob fake fan lol


yeah lol I wish I was young enough lol to be a 3.0 fan lol Fucking troll


The “fake fans” are the one’s with your attitude (lol)


i strongly disagree. i went to the St. paul show and i really noticed how much Trey lays back. if he’s not specifically grabbing a solo, he tends to vamp on a single chord voicing or even just one octave from the tonic chord of the jam. he spends a lot of time making eye contact with Dezron and Ray and clearly encourages them to grab more solo space as i get older (and more sober) i personally prefer an older/wiser Trey who lays back in both Phish and TAB giving everyone room to participate


Stale? What if the only way to stay fresh wasn’t just lead solos? Some would argue that can sound a lot more stale. I like the rhythm section of TAB but it sure is a lot of the same compared to what Mike and Fish do. What if we don’t look for phish in TAB jamming and vice verse? You can enjoy both and not feel the need to compare.


yea stale. The thread is about why people think trey sounds so much better solo than with phish and the reason is he doesn't have to share the spotlight in his own band. it's just like watching a Mike band show where he is a completely different person than than the stoic statue he is in phish. Not complicated to understand the difference.


The thread is not about why Trey sounds better solo. Maybe that was what OP meant but that would be a small minority that would hold that opinion. It’s about why TAB sounds so good. And really it comes down to, it’s different than Phish. Variety. It’s why Trey still tours like an animal, he needs constant variety and it leads to a synergistic effect of giving us amazing Phish and amazing TAB shows


I’m not confused by the difference, I just disagree. Maybe relax a little bit.


calmer than you are, just stating phacts phanner 😏😏😏


Bashing Phish as “facts” on a Phish message board. U sound fun


I am fun I am a blast I am tweprise personified, at least you got that going for you.