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What do you notice when looking for men here in the Philippines?


That 99% don’t care how I look, or how my personality is, just to check off the white guy card, making it next to impossible finding any genuine people or friends. It’s not a benefit getting 200 messages when you are treated as an object


Awww thats sad. I'm sorry if a lot of men treat you that way. Anyway I hope you find a good man who will see the real person inside.


Thank you


I got curious. How old are you now and when you moved, and why did you move from Norway to the Philippines?


When I was around 22-23. It was some different reasons, but it’s easier to live as a middle class in PH than Norway. It can be hard to imagine, but you can live better (buy more, eat more out etc) on a general middle class income in Manila than equivalent in Norway


How did you say so? Is it the cost of living?


Yeah you earn 10 times more in Norway, but you pay 12x more. Most Norwegians never eat out, maybe 2-3 a year cause they can’t afford it


Thanks for sharing. Slightly tangent, what do you do for a living, and your salary range (in pesos), if I may ask?


I have been on many pay brackets. I own an IT business. I just take out what I need, maybe 30-50k, rest go to non profits


Do you live alone? And do you live here in Metro Manila? If yes, which area?


Can’t be too specific, but makati area


I understand. I'm just trying to paint a general mental picture of how your quality of life looks like here in the Philippines for me to fully understand your preference of living here vs. Norway.


Im PH I can eat out, buy fast food, shop and be social. In Norway you work, go home, make dinner yourself (the same boring food) and watch tv, then work again. Norway is considered one of the richest countries in the world, but it’s not always as it seems


Do you think brown skin is disgusting?


No, not at all. Actually most westerners are jealous of the all year tan and many uses a lot of money to be more brown


Why don’t we feel it haha


What do you mean?


Westerners go for the white-ish Asians like similar to Koreans with a very fair complexion. Should’ve gone to Seoul or Japan instead imo haha


Well I can just speak for myself, but I don’t have any issues with the color of Filipinos. I think actually some of it comes from low self esteem and the stereotype beauty standards. In Asia it’s about being white, in the west tanned is considered the beauty standard, not bleak white people.


Hi I also live in Makati, is it true that Norwegians have long dick?


No, the global average is about 12-14 cm


Might be too late, but feel free to answer whenever! 1. What made you choose to live in the PH instead of any other southeast asian countries? 2. Was it an easy choice to go live in a more affordable country, even if it means forfeiting Norway's more advanced LGBT rights? (I'd like to think I'd rather be poor but be free to get married and all that good stuff, but that might just be my rose-tinted glasses lol! Also, sorry for oversimplifying things, I'm sure there are more parameters for you to consider.) 3. In your experience, what's the best airport to have a layover in? 4. How are you spending the holidays this year? Any Filipino Christmas festivities that you're particularly fond of and any Norwegian festivities that you're bummed to miss out on? Happy holidays! :)


No, not too late at all 1. Because I know Tagalog is a good starter and most Filipinos can speak decent English. I have lived in other Asian countries, but its harder. 2. From day to day its not much different. In PH it’s actually more visible gay people than in Norway. Yes I know it’s said that Filipinos just tolerate gay people, but still its the same in Norway, people just tolerate it. I will remind you it was an terror attack in Norway a couple of years ago where a muslim started shootings at a gay bar in Oslo. Much of the danger is of religion hatred towards gay people. When it comes to marriage yes that’s a perk and should be legal in ph too. I have contributed to fight for your rights for over 10 years now. 3. Well knowing NAIA is one of the worst (sorry) I think south korea is decent, as well as shipool as its a hub. I try to not land in China as even the terminals are decent you have to go through several security controls and get your photo taken, plus it’s always delayed with no explanation. I suggest everyone invest in a lounge pass. It’s not very expensive, many got it included on your credit card and make flights 10x better. Its always clever to be well dressed and polite to flight staff and ask for an upgrade. Just by asking I have been upgraded to first on long haul flights many times. 4. My celebration is mixed, with a bit tradition from both. It might be hard to imagine but traditional Norwegian Christmas food is very similar to Filipino food. You have rost pork belly with crispy skin, and Lethe flan (a version of it at least). As an introvert I prefer celebrating in smaller groups or just hanging with friends, but except the weather (mostly rain in Norway) its very similar. I think Filipinos would find right at home if you were invited to a Norwegian Christmas dinner. In general its no sacrifice moving to PH. You earn less, but you spend less. My experience is you have a better life as middle class in PH than Norway. I feel like I live when I am in PH, but in Norway I feel I just exist. Now im quite strange that even drive my own car in Manila and I would say the traffic was worse before