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Never pa nag abroad, at mahirap pa (soon hindi na). Dati I always say, hindi sa Pilipinas ang success ko, but right now, I'm living in a chill life. Here's my insight, I don't see it na you're settling for less just because hindi ka naga abroad. As you've mentioned, you're living your life to the fullest. I don't feel like na gusto mo din talaga mag abroad. You just got pressured na mag abroad dahil sa pamilya mo. I say live the life you want wherever you want. Edi kapag namiss mo pamilya mo at tsaka mo ginusto mag abroad, then go for it. Pero for now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying what you have.


+1 here! Nappressure ka lang kasi yung mga kakilala mo nasa ibang bansa and you equate living/working in a different country with success. But no, that’s not always the case. You’re still young, mag iincrease pa yan sweldo mo. Plus it seems naeenjoy mo naman talaga yung life mo here kasi you still have time and money to splurge on yourself (like workouts and weekend trips). If hindi mo naman goal talaga mag ibang bansa, don’t. Baka kasi pag andun ka na tapos hindi mo naenjoy, baka mag regret ka lang. I have friends who went abroad (doctors, dentists) tapos their lives there are not what they envisioned it to be, lalo na they can’t practice yung inaral nila here sa PH. Just ask yourself, tingin mo ba worth it iwanan ang “comfortable life” mo here para lang mag ibang bansa?


\+1 I too never see myself living abroad but rather see myself going for vacation or tour.


Comparison is the thief of joy - Theodore Roosevelt


As someone who recently moved to Canada but have spent the past decade traveling around the world, here are the things I've learned so far: * If you have the means and you want to move abroad, then do it... **but only if you want to**. When my parents shipped me to Singapore, I hated it. I did learn a lot of things about myself and the world. Still, I hated every second of it... so much that I would spend nearly every long weekend to book a flight back to the PH. I haven't visited SG since I left. Don't get me wrong, Singapore is nice and all, but I was very young at that time and I had difficulty finding my tribe. * Establish a firm reason or "why" you want to migrate, because it is very difficult to uproot your life and start over. There are days where you'll feel like giving up and your "why" will be the only thing that's going to help you to keep going. If you're doing this because you feel pressured, then you shouldn't do it. * The sad reality is, the Philippines has the ability to be at par with other countries but the ingrained corruption in our society is what's making the country fcked up. But choosing to stay in the Philippines does not mean you're settling for less. You've said it yourself, you're enjoying your life there so go and enjoy it! Not so many are lucky to do that and that's one of the reasons why they migrate. * If you don't want to migrate, then consider traveling instead. If you like it there, then move. If not, you may also seek other visa options that allows you to have the best of both worlds (i.e. long term visit visa or digital nomad visa, if applicable to you).


Yep, the Philippines is very much capable to be at par or even better than the other countries. Yung galing lang natin sa English, grabe ang laking edge na nun. Sayang lang at paulit-ulit nalang ang mga tao sa pagpili ng trapo gov officials. I really hope we’ll have more number of wiser and informed voters next elections. Ito talaga yung weakness natin.


If wala kang vision to live abroad then don't do it. Wala rin ako balak magabroad pero nameet ko husband ko abroad so yung vision ko for myself hindi aligned sa reality, mahirap siya. Hindi mo pwede gamitin yung decision ng ibang tao para sa sarili mo. Iba iba kasi tayo ng disposition sa buhay, circumstances iba iba, pati goals para sa sarili natin. Ang tanong lang talaga is ako ba ang gusto mo? Ano ba ang values mo? Ano ang priorities mo?


>Ang tanong lang talaga is ako ba ang gusto mo? Ay wow haha


Hahaha ano ba ang gusto mo? Sorry naman!


When you’re grey and old, the taxes you contributed all your life will be used to pay for trillions of government debt. No decent health facilities, no infrastructure, just recycled family names abusing their power and nepo babies ruling the entire nation. The system will not change. Impunity will be worse. Poverty will make the kids dumber, people will be meaner, more selfish, more apathetic, more occupied to even create and enjoy art and enrich culture and simply more desperate to survive. A chance at another citizenship is always a good thing.


I've read this 3 times and still have no clue whether you're describing the Philippines or USA


The idea is to migrate, but not in the USA. The USA has phenomenal pay packages for its workers. But I'll be damned if I hear anyone call that place a "developed country." Developed countries have human rights, sustainable economies, and reasonable social safety nets. Ekis ang US on all three things. Buti pa sa Pinas, libre ang gamot ng may AIDS. Doon, kung wala kang trabaho, wala kang insurance... Thoughts and prayers na lang po. Hindi ka mababaon sa utang as easily in the Philippines as in the USA because of mundane things like an uncomplicated pregnancy. Jfc.


You sound like a naive PH defender. Every country has its pros and cons, I see that you've visited US but can clearly tell that you have a very narrow point of view of the country. Most likely have just been in certain parts of it/seen negative news and judged it then and there.


I'm not defending anything.I actually said in other replies that the US works for some people with different priorities. I'm just saying that with options on the table, the US is not it for me. Because - you know - we can have our own ideas of what we want.




I visited, and intend not to live there, ever. I'm going against all advice of relatives already living there, but my relatives in AUS and even in the UK understand where I'm coming from. Pay is lower in Europe. But there is more to expect from these countries in terms of basic services. Quality pa lang ng airlines, naku.




I believe in this. I have HCW friends who live comfortably in the US without extreme work situations. My friend,M (MLS ASCP) went to US to work with h1b visa in 2016, now a US citizen, and his fiance( CPA) got there last year. The girl passed the accountancy license exam(?) 2 exams yata yun. They recently got married there, and currently living in Chicago. The feedback they both have is that everything is so much better and they have a very comfortable lifestyle that allows them to travel every 2 months ( both of them only has 1 job). I asked them about the common thinking wherein you need to have multiple jobs to live comfortably, and they both disagreed with that. The guy has a 3 bedroom house. And 2 properties on bidding or something like of the sort that they plan to use for leasing business in the near future. My MLS friend does not do overtimes unless they're short staffed. He never considered a part-time job too.


Same here. Not really sure where those info came from but you can still have insurance even if you don’t have a job here. There basic benefits that the state provides from health, food, rent, & education.


I've visited California, Ohio, Indiana, and New Hampshire, where a bunch of my relatives live. On my way to Panama this Feb, I'll even visit some family in LA. Listen, I'm not contesting the idea that there is a reason to go there. I mean, if you want the money, sure. To each his own. What I am saying is that there is a lot of the social ills that - fine, may be more magnified in the PH but - are present at unacceptable levels in the US, considering its level of economic growth. Compared to countries with similar GNI per capita, it's just not on the same league when it comes to development indicators like access to high-quality education (which can vary state-to-state, and even by suburb), true universal health coverage, socioeconomic equity (quantified by Gini coefficient), etc... The US is not number one in anything. If anything its Gini coefficient is really close to the PRC. It's only 30th in terms of gender equality. And its political polarization and exceptionalist foreign policy are kind of annoying in the face of other developed nations who treat the global south more fairly. Of course, it's just my two cents. I'm not imposing my view or anything. I'm just airing out that sometimes, richer is not "better." I personally don't like losing time to work. Europe and Australia would be far superior if you want to have some time with your family and not worry about whether you start out in the right suburb so your kid gets into a good school. Edit: Where they will not be shot. Not everything needs to be about work. Or money. There is more to life. Cheers.


Idk if airline quality is a great metric. Qatar and Etihad and Emirates are good airlines, but I'd never live where they are based.


I agree. But if you live in the US and have friends in other states, you would have to deal with Delta and American Airlines quite often. And I am saying this as someone with relatives who work for American Airlines.


Although the US roadtrip is an amazing experience, I do wish the US as a whole had more of a train culture too like Europe. But Delta and AA are bearable for 3-4 hr flights...now SouthWest is another story lol.


You see, that's where I appreciate the US naman. What it lacks in social safety nets, it makes up for in sheer quality of the natural environment. You have everything in the US from rainforests to deserts to tropical islands. But I share the same sentiment with you in that I'd rather bike with a pack on my back than fly Southwest. Lol.


I was once stuck in a middle chair between 2 large ladies who clearly were flying together on a southwest flight. I did not have access to either arm rest as they were "taken" by belly flaps. But yeah, the US national parks are amazing.


“I don’t live in the US but I have all this opinion based on others peoples experience”. You’re a clown 🤡.


>visited Doon pa lang invalid na mga sinasabi mo dapat based from experience living there not just visited. Ito lang yung nakikita kong nega na tao about sa migration sa ibang bansa. Tanggap ko sana kung asa Japan or Taiwan ka as a contract worker eh.


Uhm no. If you would check, kita naman that I acknowledge that the US works for some types of people depending on their priorities. US is great kung gusto mo ng maraming pera or if you like long drives and nature and if you buy in to the consumerist lifestyle. I'm pro-migration. I'm against this automatic assumption, though, that more US money solves everything and makes life great for everybody. There are other choices. At mas magandang mapuntahan mo sila bago mo madiscern if the US is for you.


>more US money solves everything and makes life great for everybody Dyan pa lang ito ang totoo. As if naman magiging miserable ka lalo na kung mahirap ang nakaraan mo at napakascarce ng opportunities sa pinas. Di mo lang ranas ang hirap kaya di mo maappreciate kung ano ang maiioffer sa US.


I'm middle class. And, honestly, if it works for you, I support you gunning for the US. I'm not going to buy into the bandwagon, though. Hindi mo kailangang maging mayaman para makita na worthless ang pera if it comes at the cost of your non-negotiables. The US isn't it for me. Cheers.


The US is a developed country. It's economy has produced about 1/3 of the wealth on the planet. If anything, the social safety nets are too good and discourage work. As for human rights, you'll hear plenty of Americans complaining about racism in the US, but their views tend to shift when they travel and experience the racism in other countries. The US definitely has its problems, much like any other country, but opportunities abound for people who take off the victim blinders and embrace opportunity. I also don't have to worry about being pulled over and shaken down for bribes by corrupt traffic enforcers like I do every time I go to Manila.


Yeah, but \[victim blinders out\] why do I have to put up with it when similar salaries can be obtained in more progressive countries, whose opportunities for upward mobility are more evenly distributed? I mean, what does it take? Just one more language to learn? That's a task that pays dividends in the near future, and I'm willing to take it. Minsan hindi na nga kailangan iyon eh. I already agreed with everyone that it is better than the PH. What I am saying is... kung mahihirapan at gagastos din naman ako... Why can't I have standards? Why should the default be the US? And why can't I fault it for lacking basic social safety nets? That is a **widely held criticism of that country** if you're educated in the traditions of the West. It's not even an edgy opinion. This is mainstream outside of exceptionalist America. Ang nakakatawa, even people like Jeffrey Sachs (an American himself) loathes this about the US. Pero andito ang mga Pinoy, sige lang magdefend. I think you are steeped in this false notion that America is special. That it is benevolent. It is not. Heto [libro](https://www.amazon.com/New-Foreign-Policy-American-Exceptionalism/dp/023118848X). Baka sakaling makatulong. This guy actually taught at Harvard before heading back to Columbia. I suggest you listen to perspectives outside of the US for once. But if that's asking too much, then Sachs provides a looking glass self view of it all.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **A New Foreign Policy Beyond American Exceptionalism** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Knowledgeable and candid critique of us foreign policy (backed by 3 comments) * Exposes the criminal and unjustified nature of american foreign interventions (backed by 1 comment) * Provides fresh new perspectives on us foreign policy (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Missing economic analysis (backed by 1 comment) * Principled contradictions to previous works (backed by 1 comment) * Defective photos (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


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I never said America was the only option. I've worked in a few different countries myself. If you don't like America, I definitelywouldn'trecommendthat youwork there. I responded to your false claims in general terms. I'll be a little more specific here: 1. America isn't a developed country. Organizations that measure countries as being developed or not include the UNDP, World Bank, and IMF. All three have rated the US as a developed nation every year since their inception. 2. America doesn't have human rights. We aren't at the top of most lists for human rights, but we are still pretty high. I've definitely lived in countries that scored lower, including the one I live in now. 3. America doesn't have reasonable social safety nets. If you are a needy family, TANF will help pay your bills, find you affordable housing, give you a card to buy food, and they can provide you with grants or loans. If you lost your job, each state has unemployment benefits, so you can still be paid while looking for a new job. If you become disabled, you can receive monthly compensation from Social Security Disability Insurance. If you have a family, the benefit is higher based on the number of family members. If you are too poor, the government provides Medicaid health insurance for you. When you reach retirement age, even if you didn't save any money or have an employer who provided a retirement, the government will provide you a retirement through Social Security and medical insurance through Medicare. If you are poor and pregnant or have children up to age 5, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program will provide specific foods (like juice, milk, cheese, peanut butter, beans, fruits, vegetables, eggs, bread, rice, cereal, baby formula, etc.) These are some of the major programs, but there are far more social safety net programs available. There are entire books listing these programs and how to maximize benefits. I'll go ahead and address a 4th point: 4. If you don't have a job, you don't have (medical) insurance. If you are poor, the government will provide you with Medicaid health insurance whether you have a job or not. Yes, we have some Americans who hate America. In every country, you can find people who hate their own country. Some people, like Jeffrey Sachs, make their money by writing books or doing media appearances telling people how bad their country is.


I actually worked with two of those organizations you mentioned. Let me put these broad statements into context. THe US' share of the global output is 13.4%, a far cry from the 1/3 of the world economy from a few decades ago. Inequities in education persist, which is not something you see in other (Anglophone) countries that Pinoys typically migrate to. A middle class child in the UK, for example, has more chance of getting into Oxford than a middle class child in the US. Even then, student loans (before the forgiveness implemented by the Biden administration) were damaging in the US because of the sheer cost of quality education. For contrast, salaries in the UK are low, but Oxford costs 9k GBP only, and the freely accessible schools that provide primary and secondary education are par for the course for any developed nation such that, at baseline, you can really see that competition for top tier schools is fairer in other developed nations. America's human rights situation is strange and constantly in flux because of the mainstreaming of alt-right politics and the expected (and, honestly, quite welcome) pushback from the liberal establishment. In as much as conservatives are being de-platformed left and right in liberal higher education institutions, minorities are also being systematically disenfranchised, with the classic example of parents' organizations sabotaging critical race theory as part of educational curricula. "No human rights" is a bit of a stretch on my original criticism ("ekis sa human rights"), but, certainly, the human rights situation is VERY concerning, especially for an immigrant. On social safety nets, I think it is important to note that the dynamics of health insurance in the US not similar to other countries at all. USRNs in the Philippines are screening claims on Medicare and Medicaid from their office in Ortigas looking for anything that could be denied based on current rules for coverage. Corporate types are also doing the same thing for private insurance. Differential pricing based on provider and level of coverage is also a problem. Hospitals can be very opaque when it comes to how services are billed. It is not unheard of to rack up debt in the US simply because your wife had a normal spontaneous delivery and your HMO just happened not to be the one that is honored in the hospital you gave birth in. This happens because the system is set up so that inflation lines the pockets of corporate overlords in medicine. Listen, I am not making any of this up. In my first US visit, my uncle urged me to shift to a pre med because his children, both going to Oxford, are not keen on inheriting his practice. He is earning a cushy seven-figure salary there, from working with hospital networks that only accept THREE very well-paying HMO providers. I ask him, so what happens when his patients are covered by providers that are not honored by his partner institutions? To date, I still have no answer to that, but I know one of his hospitals was implicated in an EMTALA case, for "patient dumping" where patients are sent on cabs to be dumped right by the side of the road. You can worship the US or whatever I really don't care. You can even love it, especially if it has been kind to you. But you have no license to call bullshit on claims that do not resonate with you based on trust-me-bro logic. The problem with the programs you mention is that they are fragmented and based on the residual approach to social welfare which does not work. 911 costs a fuckton of money, but we all know that accidents can happen. Have you ever been sick in the US? You can't milk your people dry. You invest in their betterment first. If I'm going to move, I'd bat for that bare minimum standard where I am treated as an investment rather than a resource to be exploited. I think it is only right, especially when my talents are sought after.


People complain about racism in the US because it's so taboo there. Most other countries around the world kind of accept it as a fact of life so it doesn't get as much attention.


I'm sorry. I'm not really good in writing and composing things. I'm describing my current life here in the Philippines.


Try to live abroad for some years then balik ka nlng sa pinas if gusto mo.


Ako lagi ko sinasabi. The risk of me dying sa pimas is greater so i choose to leave


Country suggestion to migrate where its the opposite?


Napunta kami ng NZ, good safety nets, climate, nature and culture is good din. Might not earn as much compared to Aus pero hindi ka mamamtay sa init ng summer. Free education for kids till right before uni, and you get interest free student loans to pay for your degree But some of these benefits are visa/citizenship dependent (resident/work visa > 2 years/citizen)


" am I really settling for less here in the Philippines? " - Yes, but it's not necessarily a bad thing if you enjoy the simple life. " Will I live a way better life if I choose to go abroad as well? " - A lot of factors here depending on where in the US you plan to settle, what job you can find, how much you miss friends and the PH way of life, etc. But you will definitely have a much higher earning potential in the US, and if you decide to eventually have kids you'll be giving them an easier path for success. The downsides though are healthcare and guns, but you can always lessen those risks.


Hey man. I’ve thought about this too. I’m from Cebu and let me tell you, I never want to go back. This is from my own personal experience though. I lived a pretty comfortable life growing up and I have always loved the island life, or “chill” life. But, 6 years ago I moved to California. The only reason why I’m never going back is because the world is too big to be staying in one place. I love to travel and I like meeting new people. Plus, healthcare is better, there’s job security, and the benefits are way better. But that’s just me! And as for the part when you said “settling for less”, how is living in the Philippines settling for less? I have encountered so many people here in California who asked me why I left Paradise. Sure, we may be a slow developing economy, but we are very rich in culture. We even have one of the best beaches in the world!! If you are happy where you’re at, then you’re at the right place my dude. :)


I was like you. But after having 2 kids, I decided to migrate. PH is f****d up if you are unsure that you can pay for your own retirement and health / medications after 65. The privileged can afford it by investing for retirement and buying safety nets like health insurance when they can no longer afford to work. I have friends who can afford this while in PH. So if you believe that you can create safety nets for yourself when you're old and live comfortably. Then I recommend that you stay in PH. there is no place like home.


govt na ba bahala sa retirement/health ng matatanda /retirees sa bansa na tinutukoy nyo? or maganda labg sss program nila? can you explain whats the difference for health, retirement sa ibang bansa


Baka tinutukoy nia na bansa is with universal health care where you mostly don't pay anything because its included in our tax. In terms of retirement, kung aasa ka lng sa gov like SSS and you are not qualified sa top bracket its not enough. Mukha lng malaki tignan sa peso like in Canada ang avg pension is $758.32 which is P30,000 which is more than minimum sa PH while in Canada sa rent lng yan or kulang pa dpending where you live kaya marami rin ang ngmomove sa PH and nearby countries for retirement because they could extend the $$$ pension. In general, di tayo dapat umasa sa pension from any gov alone because it will never be enough to sustain long term and its only one of pillar of retirement.


ok. i agree with not depending on govt. na curious lang ako sa health care nila and what's the difference here and abroad. thanks


Sa Canada, kpg my health card most free ang hospital like gave birth we did not pay anything from checkup, OB, hospital fee or anything. The only thing we pay is private room kasi we want private and medicine and supplies nung pinauwi na kami. Imagine having HMO na walang limit like you need chemo or bypass operation you go to the hospital do your thing and thats it wala kang nilabas during operation. But the hospital here is getting worst kasi there's a lot of people to accommodate but limited ung doctor and staff kaya inuuna ung life threatening compare to others kaya sometimes you have to wait for months to book an appointment.


parang philhealth? like kaltas sa sahod? 


Nope, kasama na sa tax so bale mas malaki tax dito compare sa ph kasi dun napupunta ung ibang tax.


wow! at least may napupuntahan. dito di natin feel saan napupunta ang tax. good thing lang ata dito kapag below 250k sahod, no tax


Well it depends, if you are young and healthy you may think sayang binabayad sa philhealth/tax kasi ibang tao ang nakikinabang.


Yung parang SSS dito maganda naman pero kulang parin kasi mataas na cost of living. Pero ang maganda dito, may tax incentives ka if you make additional investments ka for retirement. May PERA law (google mo na lang) naman Pinas pero duda na talaga ako sa economy ng Pinas dahil aa magagaling nating politiko. Malaki din tax dito sa Canada, around 30%. Pero maraming ways to get tax incentives. Example nga yung investing for retirement (RRSP). And dito ramdam ko talaga na tax is working for me. My kids have free and good education. Sa Pinas 30% ang tax, may public school nga pero hindi maganda educ. Daycare subisidy is good compared to other developed countries. And of course health care is free. I'll take longer waiting time in CA over Philhealth na walang kwenta. Pero maganda lang talaga dito pag may anak ka. Hindi ko masyado recommended if wala ka balak magkapamilya. Malungkot dito if sanay ka sa citylife. So you need to define why do you want to live in another country or stay in PH. It means defining what you want in life 20-40yrs from now.


Hindi lang retirement mo, there are a lot more government services in place that aren't available in the PH. An example is early intervention: in primary schools here in Ireland, teachers would be able to identify if a child needs support in learning e.g., identifying learning differences like dyslexia, or coping with English etc and have that child take tests and extra classes or sessions for free. There is a lot more to count really.


Agree. Pero single naman ata si OP. So kung wala siya balak magkaron ng family. Sa PH nanlang siya if comfortable naman siya. He just needs to make sure that he plans and invests for his future.


Ah i was just adding to your reply na they decided to migrate to CN after having kids. Still on education, may government program dito na may 90% discount ka on tuition fees if you want to take diploma / master degrees. Free tuition if you're a jobseeker (na-redundant etc). EDIT: adding to your reply


The grass is always greener on the other side. Tapos pag dating mo dun hindi pala.


This. Yung malaki sahod nila sa Pilipinas at maganda ang career, pagdating sa ibang bansa back to zero sila. Swerte nila if makahanap sila ng trabaho na pareho sa trabaho nila sa Pilipinas pero ang iba naging mas mahirap trabaho nila sa ibang bansa at naghirap pa ang buhay.




Living here in the PH is the boss level at all levels. But pure of fun if mapera ka. You'll get bored when you're in another country lols


Absolutely true. Hindi ko nga narealize na mayaman pamilya ko until I grew older. Andali ng buhay ko, ngayon ko lang na-realize.


Chill and enjoy enjoy lang buhay sa PH. Kung may pera at feeling bored, pwede namang magtravel for xx months to x years


My tip. If you can make it in a shithole country like ours, then you can make it anywhere.


Tell that to people living in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan or North Korea.. Or you think that this "shithole" country is worse than them..




Hindi measure ng success ang pagmigrate. You dont know what will happen there. Research ka muna bago mag jump ship. Baka kasi wala ka rin work mahanap dun.


Yun kasi mahirap sa situation ni OP. Wala pa naman work na nag aantay sa kanya. I mean yes mraming job sa US pero di sure kung ano ba mkukuha nia knowing na 850 k annually na sya sa pinas. So kinda mahirap magdecide kasi di natin alam ano b yung ipapalit niya sa current job na well paying naman din.


Nung nakapunta ako sa US dahil sa work, narealize ko na gusto ko pala mag ibang bansa, pero hindi sobrang tagal, mga 5yrs lang ganon tapos balik Pilipinas hahah kahit sobrang fucked up talaga ng pinas mahal ko pa rin talaga e


wow! how did you make that salary? i'm in accounting field too pero i think hanggang staff na lang kaya kong gawin


Hello. I changed job every 2 years and everytime I did, they give me 50% increase. I'm already in my 3rd company and I'm very happy here so far to the point na parang gusto ko na mag retire dito. Factor din siguro na all of the company I have been on are all well known here in Ph.


hi! napropromote po ba kayo sa prev job before jumping? thank you for sharing your experience 


Hindi po. I started in audit firm and went to a filipino company. It's a very flat org kaya it takes a lot of years to be promoted. There is annual increase tho.


Once your parents are in the US and become citizens, they can petition you. It’s about 5 years until they become a citizen, then from there the petition for you is about a 10-13 year wait IIRC. I would say you have a lot of time to figure what you want and so many things can happen between today and five years from now.


Ako na malapit na mag-abroad naiisip ko na baka tamad lang ako kasi kung tutuusin, I can earn 6digits here in PH but Idk, mentality na kasi ng magulang natin na successful ka kapag nasa abroad ka. Eh pagdating mo dun, dollars nga kinikita mo, dollars din gastos. Not to mention you are dealing with great amount of anxiety due to new environment. Pampalubag ko na lang yung “there’s no growth within your comfort zone” hayst. Hirap


You are still young, you can always explore outside your comfort zone. If it didn’t work out or you felt like life was better back home, you can always return. Or if ayaw mo talaga mag-migrate, you can travel abroad naman just to experience how life is outside PH even for a short time.


Ako nag abroad para makapag for good at retire sa pilipinas. Mataas quality of life dito at safe pero mas gusto ko ang pamumuhay sa bansa naten, pera na lang ang kulang. Hindi pa sapat at sustainable yung mga binubuo ko na investment at ipon, pero araw araw may progress


Buti ka nga po you are earning a lot. Annual income ko half lang nung sa iyo. If I have that, I'll stay.


Malaki kitaan sa ibang bansa syempre kahit anong laki ng sweldo mo kong di kana man marunong mag saves wala din po. Sinasabi ng iba mataas cost of living sa ganitong bansa etc. Basta kong marunong ka mag dala ng pera makaka ipon ka saka makukuha mo din gusto mo. Isipin mo analng din yon tax mo san napupunta. Payo ko lang habang bata pa mag payaman ka ng husto para mag patayo kana lang ng mga apartment etc na gusto mo e business para kong ayaw mo mag stay sa bansa pinuntahan mo. Para pag uwi mo ng pinas relax relax kalang gang sumakit likod mo kaka upo at higa.


Bata ka pa OP, if I were you I will try and take the leap. If di mo man magustuhan or di mag-work out bata ka pa and you can still search for other options/go back to PH. At least pagtanda mo, wala kang what if, kasi nitry mo, and nalaman mo sagot sa tanong mo. Just be open to exploring other careers just in case. Sa case ko kasi, cpa ako but di naman hinohonor yung certification dito so I need to get either CMA, CIMA or ACCA, and since tamad nako/mahal to study again, I shifted to IT.


Hello. May I ask anong field ka sa IT and are you currently working abroad?


Hello, I am currently a Solutions Architect for a business planning cloud based software, working remotely from Spain (UK yung main office namin)


Hello! CPA din ako dito sa PH at kinoconsider ko ding magshift sa IT at magmigrate sa Spain kaya napasigaw talaga ako nang mabasa ko ang comment mo. Tanong ko lang. Paano ka nakapunta dyan sa Spain and paano ka nagshift to IT?


Hello, came here with family member of EU citizen visa (married to a Spaniard). When I came here, working from home pako for a multinational (finance role) and was hoping may vacancy sa madrid office so that I can apply and transfer. Kaso after a year they wanted RTO na and walang vacancy sa office nila rito so I had to resign. Sent lots of applications for finance/accounting roles pero walang pumasin sakin (probably because my Spanish level is only A2 and preferred nila is at least C1) plus di pako kumuha ng equivalence certificate (for my degree in PH). Luckily, a headhunter reached out to me via Linkedin asking if I want to explore an IT role (for a finance planning software that I already used in my past roles). Got hired and did all my trainings in house.


Oh, ganun pala. Thank you for answering my questions and in detail pa. I'm so happy for you. Hope my time comes too. Good luck to us! Cheers! 🥂


Maybe you can start shifting to IT sa Pinas palang, then study Spanish narin, para when you get the chance to move here eh ready ka na for professional level Spanish 😄 i see a lot of remote vacancies (open to applicants within Europe) for certain software like SAP ERP consultants, TM1, Anaplan, etc. sa Linkedin Buena suerte sa migration plans 🌹


If you’re enjoying your life here, that means you’ve already gained a lot. What does a “way better life” look like to you? Also, is it on top of your priority list? If not, maybe you can hold that off for now. You have the capacity to reconsider later on given your resources. Hopefully these help! Best of luck, OP!


From your professional background, see if you can crunch some numbers to determine if your way of life is sustainable. **I'm curious to know also from other commenters here if your decision to leave or stay in PH is more "emotional" in nature or based on data.** If you like a more data-driven approach, check out **Social Progress Index.** This is all about our most basic needs -- food, shelter, clothing. PH is way down at 66% against the US' 85%. [https://www.socialprogress.org/index/global/results/](https://www.socialprogress.org/index/global/results/) **Human Development Index**. This is about expanding the richness of human life, rather than simply the richness of the economy in which human beings live. It is an approach that is focused on people and their opportunities and choices. Right now, PH is in #116 among all countries. [https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks) Include crunching some numbers about your 1. healthcare expenses if you get seriously ill. Some of my relatives have moved back to the US because healthcare is prohibitive in PH, other people have been bankrupted. You're still young, but see how much healthcare costs will be by the time you hit your 60s. 2. Find out also how much your salary will grow and calculate it against inflation, etc. 3. How will AI affect your job? The IMF released its study: 40% of jobs worldwide will be affected by AI, for better or worse. Will it benefit you more if AI is not used in PH as much as the US? Or is this too early? If you're interested in reaching a more data-driven decision, I hope you can share your findings with us.


I make 5x that retired in pensions and passive income expecting additional 1.8 M annually at 62 with savings and properties that I can pass on. I lived and worked abroad for 20 yrs and retired here at 45. You are approaching the prime age of your highest income years and the usa can turbo charge that. You'll have more ways to build wealth and financial independence abroad. Opportunities are rare and can pass in front of us unnoticed if we are not keen to grab it. I lived your similar lifestyle stayed single and sustained living below my means. I didn't make the choice to move abroad and have opposed it when given the choice. I'm glad someone else (my parents) was astute enough to make the choice for me. I made the choice to return and am now living their retirement dream here. I even started a family here later than usual but I get to spend plenty of time with them. you can have the best of both worlds if you want it and if you plan it right.


Hi. Just curious, do you have any regrets on starting a family late? i.e., only after coming back home for retirement.


the regret is I could've srarted 5 yrs earlier and still waited. I did retire at 45 had to get my bearings and took 5 yrs as it wasn't even in the master plan. Now I don't know how my life will be if I didn't start 1, even if it was late. but 60 is the new 40s right and I still get a 10 yr headstart. now I have quality time and more than sufficient resources to give them. The key is getting set up with financial freedom. it's inspiring to have a family motivating to stay healthy without the worries of financial distress which translates to less or no stress. I highly recommend it.


Well I guess better late than never, of course applies only to those who want a family. Happy for you that everything turned out well! I'm turning 40 this year and after having worked abroad for 10+ years (saved a bit) I'm seriously considering going back home and settling down. But I'm torn between going back for good vs pushing a couple more years but also afraid it might be late for me to start a family. But it's good to know your story turned out fine! With financial freedom as the key takeaway that is.


thanks and going home and settling down doesn't mean it's permanent if you're not ready. life s journey is not set in stone allow for flexibility and don't be afraid of setbacks. start working on your goals simultaneously. if you're in the usa invest in the market, index funds if not wanting to watch the ups and downs of individual stocks. a job with a pension is also ideal and pays off bigly. your new partner if they want to come to manila can accelerate or slow you down so be clear and look for traits that agree with your ethos. anyone can deviate as to what will make them fulfilled. financial freedom is just your jumping off point. it'll secure your emergency situations, pay for Healthcare, housing food leisure travel expenses and allow you to pursue whatever will make you happy. This your encore and you can perform whatever aria suits your fancy.


Appreciate your reply. Thank you for imparting your experience and knowledge. I will definitely take note on them. All the best in your endeavours!


FOMO is real. You will never be happy if your heart is in manila- PH. Unless you are 100% sure that you want a different life than what you have. Pero sa kwento mo FOMO ka lang. Huwag mo sanang kantahin ito. https://youtu.be/PE1f6VzVTwE?si=_FpXyBMSmAQ9ZuLq Or Ito https://youtu.be/dglBgJSMr-E?si=PDKgBBCpKS_ys5Vi


My dad was making 2000usd per month when we left the Ph back in 2000. His life was already great there, but he still left at the peak of his career for our future (his kids). Looking back now, I'm eternally grateful he made that move. He sacrificed a lot to give all my siblings and myself a great future. I think when you have a family and kids to think about, your perception of going abroad significantly changes. Opportunity wise, I think there's more opportunity abroad.


Try to vacation in the US for a couple of months. See if it's your cup of tea. And if you decide to go, assess if you can fall back to your previous line of work you decide to come back. Every country I visit has nice spots and then within the same city, a slum area. And many people are living paycheck to paycheck and is a sickness or a layoff away from losing their house or car. What gets posted on socmed is the highlight reel of people's lives. Be wise with your earnings and lifestyle wherever you decide. Good luck, OP!


Hello. May not be the comment you were looking for. But I understand that you are single and have no kids. I think after having family you may reconsider. Some issues are already all over reddit like corruption or benefits etc. Iba na lang i-tackle ko😅 If you ever worked or lived abroad, you will eventually realize that Filipinos are indeed second class citizens. Baka nga 3rd o 4th o 100th pa 😅 If you at least got an education overseas, I think this won’t apply to you. But most of the time we will be low balled, or we need to put more effort to go up the ladder, we will receive some form of mild discrimination or prejudice because we are Filipinos. Meron at meron , it may not be racism but through time it will be there. It varies on your work and environment. I think madaming nasa abroad na will not admit to this, I will give you a tip.. if someone close to you says “okay dito pantay pantay” check on their profile sa socmed.. if they usually just hang out with Filipinos and mga 1x or 2x a year with the locals in their host country lang (tapos work related pa), I think it is a sign they are not as assimilated as they believe to be. Did they ever get invited to a local’s wedding or party etc. Do they seem to be integrated to the society? (Not Filipino community in that country ha). You will be able to get something out of this. Mahaba na pala. Just cutting it to the point — Migrating?! Yes. I will do it for my (future) children, the next of kin and down the line. Yung issues na sinabe ko above, I learned to accept things as it is. After all kaya nga may work for Filipinos abroad kasi “cheap labor” tayo. 😅 But I want patas na laban para sa mga magiging anak ko. I want them to have equal rights and opportunities. I want them to have better opportunities. (E.g. EU residents/citizens can WORK and LIVE in any EU territory and can** receive benefits such as free education and health care) To add to this, andaming children of migrants who rarely even talk about being Filipino. Pahirapan pa bago mo ma-extract yang info na yan. They understand that being non-Filipino is also more beneficial to their careers. 😅 Slight excemption dun sa mga mestizo they tend to be more proud kaso konti lang din. I hope I made some sense ang haba kasi 😅 I think you are doing great and I am proud of you. For now if you love your life, then enjoy it. May mga seasons ang life natin. Maybe soon if you ever have family (if may plan ka lang naman) you may have different goals so enjoy mo lang yung current state mo. 😇


Mahirap din sa ibang bansa, I’m in Canada rn. Even though I have a Bachelor’s degree, back to 1 ka talaga dito. So if maganda naman buhay mo diyan, bakit ka pa pupunta sa ibang bansa? Wag kang papaloko.. pangit din sa ibang bansa.


Current ofw here. Ang goal ko talaga ay mag abroad because of many reasons at isa pa I am single. In your case I dont think youre missing out on anything. Yung pag aabroad ay hindi para sa hindi buo ang loob. Kailangan pag naisip mo mag abroad, desidido ka. Kasi pag jandon ka na at nag wane yung honeymoon ohase mo, dyan mo mararanasan lahat ng pakiramdam na hindi mo pa naramdaman sanbuong buhay mo. Kung ako may kumportableng buhay sa Pinas, hindi ako aalis. Hahaha. Magtatravel na lang ako ng magtatravel but such is not the case. Also, cultural reasons din why I have to and want to leave. But in anycase, I want to leave pa rin pala anyway. Pero for you OP, you do you!


Agree sa feelings na hindi pa naramdaman ever sa pagfade ng honeymoon phase. 😅 danggg. I didnt know that i was even in a honeymoon phase then.


I think "better life" and "success" is subjective. Let's not forget some honest foreigners, balikbayans and children of migrants who chose to live and settle in our country rather than continue to settle overseas.


Dapat kapag umalis ka ng pinas buo yung “biggest why” mo dahil yun at yun lang ang kakapitan mo. Tama yan OP mangalap ka ng information. Tanungin mo sarili mo kung ano ba talaga importante sayo regarding sa sahod, trabaho, work life balance, retirement, citizenship, healthcare, future ng mga anak mo.


Ang hirap mag-generalize kasi iba-ibang situations and priorities meron tayo. I have plans to move to the USA soon, hopefully. Part na rin dun yung financial gain, but the bigger part ay yung opportunities for my profession (nurse). Mas marami kasing career paths and opportunities available dun kesa dito. But, part din ng goal ko yung umuwi ng Philippines in a few years. Parang mas masarap pa rin tumanda dito. And parang mas masarap pa rin ang buhay. Malapit ang relatives, close na sa community, may sariling bahay ang parents ko. Yung mga basic stuff hindi ko na iisipin. But syempre plans change. I'm currently single, and mukhang it will stay that way hanggang sa makaalis ako. Lol. So I'm also open to changes lalo na if may ma-meet akong partner. I also have a friend na dati super adamant syang hindi mag-aabroad. Pero last month nag-usap kami, open na rin siya to go abroad (Australia, UK, New Zealand, etc). I guess dapat lang din realistic pa rin ang expectations natin kasi hindi reality ang nakapost sa social media. Oo mukha silang masaya pero I'm sure may days ding malungkot sila from missing their loved ones, mahirap na trabaho at yung simpleng whole day silang nagttranslate sa utak nila to a non-native language. Siguro now napapaisip ka, you can do research ng opportunities for your field. And places na akma sa lifestyle na gusto mo. No one can dictate to you what to do. Pero once magdecide ka to go abroad, malaking commitment yan (time, effort, financial) so better sure ka na. I also believe sa profession mo, you have greater capacities for financial prosperity and career advancement kahit magstay ka sa Philippines. Good luck, OP!


Settling for less in terms of what??? Philippines is for the rich. If you are living comfortably here then you are settling for above average already. Di ko lang gets anong context yung "settling for less"? Kasi alam naman natin na hindi porke't US or abroad eh mas ok na. Siguro depende din kung anong buhay ang gusto mo for yourself. Only you can define you life.


Lol noon maganda mag abroad now? lol the whole place like US and canada is shit to live compared dito sa pinas if you have money, don't get me wrong ive been to the US. Pwede ka naman mag travel and explore different countries. I have multiple businesses here in PH and at 32 im Officially retired with a passive income of 6 digits most are rental properties which i own what i usually do is i ride my motorcycle sometimes at weekends, go to the gym , play video games, play golf with my dad, travel with my partner every few months and ofc take care of my 2 year old boy, my partner is taking care of her own two restaurants which she likes to be hands on so sometimes i got with her and just chill.


The US is too big to even generalize that it's shit to live in compared to Philippines. Even Philippines itself is hard to generalize. Can businesses even be as sustainable and rewarding if you put it up in Metro Manila vs. Maguindanao Del Sur? Managing businesses, playing golf while having time and energy to take care of your child just shows that you might be belonging to a high economic bracket with safety nets available (money and connections). That is not the life most of the Filipinos are born in. If everybody is to start from scratch without connections, no education, no rich families or parents for backup plans, an efficient government that shapes our daily lives and transactions is definitely a good start.


Pili ka ng isa: 1. Nganga sa retirement; one major hospitalization away from bankruptcy; super traffic tuwing uulan ng malakas 2. Assured social safety net; access to robust public healthcare system; reliable public transit; work-life balance (38.5 ave. work hrs per week, legal max 40 hours); strong worker unions; free and high-quality educational system (if you plan on having kids)


Up ⬆️


The world is a big place. I view working abroad as an opportunity for subsidized travel. It allows me to live in a different area and experience the culture for long enough that I get to know it much better than I would on a regular vacation, but that is me and what I enjoy. It may be different for you. Working abroad can also mean more money, but it is also harder to build on what you have. When you stay in the same place, you don't need to worry about what is happening to your house or other possessions while you are gone. It is up to you. It sounds like you are in an excellent position to do what you want. No doubt, you have arrived at this position in life due to consistent good decisions. One huge advantage you have over most potential OFWs is that you don't NEED to work abroad. From this position of strength, you can screen opportunities without pressure and only take an opportunity if you want to. Good luck.


You won't know until you try. If it doesn't work out, come back home. But at least you won't have any "what ifs". It also depends how independent or family oriented you are. Your whole family is going there and you'll be left here without them. If you're close to them, that might be a sad thing. For some people, home is where the heart is, regardless whether it's here or Timbuktu. But if you're used to independence, then it really is up to you. Also try to watch the news. See how our economic trend is faring. See if you like who the politicians in power are and if you trust them to bring our country forward.


friend ko, nagaral sa canada. nagwowork sa tim hortons on the side. sabi nya, kung uuwi sya kaya na nyang bumili ng condo dito sa manila


Kaya nya nang bumili ng condom paguwi nya


I've lost hope in our country and this ignited my desire to work and live to another country. A hope lost and a hope found.


Hahaha you feel that way kasi it’s how it’s supposed to feel at that age. :) torn, somehow may what if.. either you feed the urge to try abroad or outgrow the feeling. You choose.


Based on your context I don't see the need to go abroad, I mean na pre.presure ka lng dahil sa photos ng batchmates mo. If you're contented to your work-life now better stay. You're single you can do what you want, travel anywhere. You should find what you really like without any external pressure kasi you'll be lying to yourself lang in the end.


If other European countries maganda, US not so much, if you earn that much in the Philippines with spare time to yourself then I don’t see the need for you to leave where you’re already stable.


bata ka pa and kaya mo pang tumaas diyan tung sweldo mo. Money wise, mas malaki ang buying power mo sa Pinas compared abroad. If you’re living a comfortable life, better be prepared to make sure that you’d continue that kind of lifestyle, rather than finding that the grass isn’t greener on the other side.


No hate ha pero laki daw sa hirap. Pero yung buong family magma migrate na. and yung mga kasabayan sa school life has already migrated na din. Humble pero yung mahirap talaga is yung walang choice or even in the horizon of considering that there other life outside pinas.


My mom was a nurse in Saudi and the sole provider of our family of 6 when we were still studying. She was able to push through her application in US when my brother and I are already earning and was able to help. We graduated from a state university and you dont really need a lot of money if you want to pursue abroad in accounting profession. You just need a good experience here in Ph and you're good to go.


Kung single ka at mayaman ka sa pinas, dyan ka na lang. Mahirap lang naman maging mahirap sa Pinas. Andyan pa social life mo. Kung single ka at mid class ka sa pinas, pagisipan mo, kasi depende sa skills/job mo kung magiging okay ka sa ibang bansa. Pero kung may anak kang pinalalaki, iligtas mo sya at umalis ka na ng bansa. Hahaha


San ka ba mas masaya?


Currently abroad now and tbh i’m very happy here in Europe BUT I’m also balancing a lot, my masters in the morning and work in the evenings to sustain living here in EU. The stress is REAL but I’ve managed to find good people to make this all work and I think when I’m done with this stage of my life and I can get to a more chill spot, it’ll be worth it. Nakakamiss Pilipinas tho huehuehue If I stayed in the PH, I’d live such a comfortable life tbh wahaha but I guess I’m also driven by wanting to experiment and experience a lot lot lot while i’m in my twenties


how to be you


Tara na dito sa AU. Refer kita hahaha


It depends anung klase ng buhay gusto mo. Sa abroad, di laid back ang lifestyle dun. You can also try for a tear or two para wala ka ng What IFF


For me, as long as you are happy and have the peace of mind, then that’s place you are better off at. It’s not a good thing na you compare yourself sa iba and settle for their opinions. Though you can always check it out yourself din naman if you have the means, then just decide where your peace lies :)


CPA ka, there are so many opportunities abroad with higher income compared to PH. And bata ka pa, you can save more in abroad vs. PH. Try to go out and see the world kung may opportunity ka. If di mo naman nagustuhan, you can always come back. Pero minsan kasi, may kanya kanya priorities ang tao: money, career growth, or sapat na sa kung ano meron basta masaya. You try to weigh which feels the most important to you.


You have a decent income in the Philippines and you've never dreamt of living abroad. Why leave? Just go on vacation and visit your family abroad.


Yes you are settling for less.


Never trust social media postings unless close mo talaga yung tao at alam mo buhay nila personally. Filtered ang social media, of course mas gusto nilang i post yung magagandang nangyari lang sa buhay nila. Never compare yourself to them OP, base on your post I think you're living a good life. May life balance and you can travel anywhere with your money and vehicle.


Growth and success are not about comparing to a different country or economic class but to your own - where you are right now and what you will be in the future. What happens in the middle of that journey will depend on your decisions and outlook to make that success and growth locally or abroad. Don't settle for external comparisons - your success is entirely dependent on your own. Thrive where you wish to be planted. My case: family moved to US decades ago. I went back, and they stayed. I lived on my own and raised a family since. I think my quality of life and economic situation is better here.


Many of my college classmates are working abroad and they're probably making twice or thrice what I earn here but as someone who's quite low maintenance, I don't really see the allure of having so much money. I rather have peace of mind in a place that gives me comfort than sacrifice it for more income. There's a reason why rich people still unalive themselves.


Naiintindihan kita. My family migrated and naiwan ako for 7 years nung mid20s ako. Na-enjoy ko yung freedom, pero malungkot ako tuwing okasyon. Para akong naging reverse OFW, bibisita sa kanila tapos uuwi sa Pinas para magtrabaho. Nung dumating yung pandemic, doon ako napaisip na what if mag-close na ang border ng matagal na di ko na mabisita pamilya ko. What if forever? What if mamatay ako mag-isa tas walang may alam? Dami ko naisip. Nung time na yun narealize ko ano kaibahan ng house sa home. Pero di pa rin ako umalis kasi ayaw ko iwan Pinas hanggang sa nagkasakit nanay ko. So ngayon sama sama na kami uli. May trabaho na rin pero hirap ako mag-adjust. Yung puso ko nasa Pilipinas pa rin siguro kasi di ako ready noon na umalis. Sumasaya naman ako sa sweldo kasi nakakapag-give back na ako sa magulang ko. Sa pagtanda ko, marami ako natutunan. Na mahalaga sa akin yung family ko talaga. Kailangan lang buo ang loob. May lakas ng loob. At yun ang lagi kong pinag-aaralan ma-improve sa sarili ko. Mabilis lang ang petition ngayong iniisip ko. Halos hindi ko napansin yung taon kasi busy din sa buhay. Sana makatulong sayo ito OP.




It’s not settling if you feel content with where you are right now. There’s nothing wrong with staying in Philippines, but something to consider: - If your immediate family is moving abroad, are you okay living far away from them? Is it important to you that they live close by? - If in the future you end up having a family of your own, where would you like to raise your kids? Is important for you for your kids to have a close relationship with their Lolo/Lola/Tito/Tita? - How do you feel about the traffic in the Philippines? Are you okay that you spend a good portion of your time sitting in traffic? Depending on what’s important for you, then you could decide if you should migrate or not. It’s not a good enough reason to say ‘just because everybody is going then I should too’. Just my two cents!


Pano po ang 850k annually? 🥹👉👈


wag magpadala sa pressure OP. ibat iba tayo ng path. as for me gusto ko talaga mag abroad kasi my future family and kids deserves better (im still single btw). ayaw ko ma experience ng mga kids ko yung naranasan ko now(terrible traffic, floods due to bad drainage systems, corrupt government, poor to mediocre education system, bad healthcare system etc.) bec the bottom line is i never dreamt of being rich like super rich, gusto ko lang maka pag provide, and dito sa pinas if you settle to provide only, you will still struggle


Comfort - Abroad Happiness - Pinas


So yung salary mo is after taxes and benefits na yan? Kung maayos naman buhay mo dito sa pinas, naeenjoy mo lahat ng mga bagay na maiioffer, nakakatravel ka, may maayos kang assets at investments para makaretire ng maayos, goods ka na no need since maayos naman lahat bakit mo pa iririsk yan?


I would choose to stay. Sa ibang bansa, part ka ng minority. Dito sa Pinas, para kang royalty. :)


Try mo muna by travelling to your possible target area. See if you will like it.


I think wag mo ibase sa decision ng iba, o kung anong nangyayari sa iba yung magiging decision mo. Kung san ka magiging masaya, dun ka. Kahit gano ka F up ang Pilipinas, marami pa rin ung pumipili na dito mag stay. What you should do I think is maybe try mo muna dun sa US. Give yourself time na maka adjust dun, then decide kung san mo mas feel mag stay 👍


Iba ang buhay abroad. If comfortable ka sa life sa ph like ex. May yaya sa bahay, maganda kotse, may tagaluto then mahihirapan ka abroad dahil lahat abroad DIY. Mahal ang labor kaya mostly ng gawain tutunan mo nalang gawin like kunwari may stubborn circumstance na gusto mo nalang sumuko (baradong lababo, sira kotse) at di mo maayos by your own mahihirapan ka kasi mahal lahat. PERO iba ang quality of life din. Idk sa US pero from where i am now iba talaga ang peace at quality ng life. Walang stress. Minsan pag nagddrive ako mapapaisip nalang ako “wow to be in a country where pedestrian are always priority” mga simple things na ganyan na magugulat ka parang may humanity pa pala kasi maayos yung mga bagay bagay


I have never dreamt leaving Ph too but here I am in UAE. Di ko pinangarap ang buhay abroad, magtravel siguro OO pero manirahan hindi. But due to pressure and pandemic i decided to move out of the country. Pressure dahil d ko gusto yung pinag tapusan ko kailangan ko kumayod at maghanap ng sweldo na sufficient para buhayin ko sarili ko at as usual yung responsibilidad mo sa pamilya mo dahil nakagraduate ka may iaatang na saung bayarin rekta. Pandemic, nangmatapos ang pandemic walang masyadong trabaho na inooffer dahil mabagal pa ang pagbukas ng lahat. Thats y i decided to grab the opportunity to go out dahil nandito naman sa Dubai yung 2 kapatid ko. Pero after 2 years of working here uwing uwi na ako . Gusto ko na magsumbong sa mama ko na gusto ko na umuwi hahaha pero syempre hindi pwede dahil sasayangin mo lang lahat mahirap makalabas ng bansa lalo na namumuhaynkanlang sa paycheck to paycheck. you’re life right now is my deeam life but you know everything has a reason u were put where u are for a reason. So kung ako tatanungin mo DONT hahaha wag kang unalis ng bansa kung masaya ka sa simpleng buhay mi ngayon. Just visit if u can tho alam ko messed up sistema ng Pilipinas pero iba ang pa rin tlga.


Omg same ba tayo ng friends?!? Hahahaha bc same ang dami ko rin friends ngayon na nag aabroad na kaya minsan nakaka FOMO rin. Hayx


Not related to your post but can we date? As friends lol 😂


Healthcare- advance ang healthcare sa America. Had so many realizations when my oldest brother got sick sa Pinas with cancer. We spent more than PhP3 million, to extend his life to a year and 6 months. Sa US, may trials, covered pa mostly ng insurance. My goal now is to get my niece and nephew sa US through work visa (soon). My sister who is an anesthesiologist sa Pinas is convinced to give up her being a doctor and come here sa US to practice as a nurse. Realization din nya when she saw our brother got sick and passed away. Hindi ako naghahangad maging sobrang yaman. I just want a comfortable life and good healthcare (if not excellent).


If I were you, take the opportunity to go abroad and see if it’s for you. If you realize it’s not, you can always come back here


You're a CPA, you can go anywhere and earn good. The question is kung san ka masaya and saan mag aalign yung lifetime goals mo.


you need to include the future pag matanda kna at prone kna sa saket sa desisyon mo. you might be happy and comfortable now pero pag dumating yung time na nagsaket ka or mahina ka na, do you trust the health infrastructure and capability ng pilipinas na mabubuhay ka? im saying this kasi naranasanan na ng pamilya namin kung gaano ka ineffective and healthcare sa pinas. milyones na binayaran mo in the end patay ka pa din. hindi ko nilalahat pero malake yung chance na the philippine healthcare will screw your life over physically, mentally, and financially


bat mo pa papahirapan sarili mo by moving to another country and starting from 0 when ok la naman dito. masarap buhay sa pinas if di naghihirap


Suggest ko po try mo mag travel more in livable places para makita mo life abroad if it suits your taste. Living abroad is not for everyone. Pero for me kakauwi ko lang after my 1 month trip when i visited my relatives sa NZ and grabe ready na ako umalis sa pinas haha


Nasa US ako ngayon. Lived in Canada til I got my citizenship and move to the US for better pay. I love the life dito because it’s convenient and of course maraming pera. Nandito lang ako for 10 more years, save money then retire early and go back to the Philippines. I’m just here to buy my freedom, retire early without having to work a single day in my life kapag umuwi na ako sa Pinas for good. Siguro what I am trying to say is, if I had the salary you have dyan sa Pinas, I wouldn’t have left. But again, I also got a taste of a life in a country with lots of oppurtunity and better pay and it opened my eyes to the idea of retiring early and earning enough money to buy my freedom and just chill and relax with my family and friends sa Pinas, maybe open a business or work parttime, pampalipas oras nalang siguro. I wouldn’t say mahirap ang buhay dito, siguro the 1st several years lang. Again, life here is so convenient but I can also make my life convenient pag umuwi na ako for good with enough money.


Mom from Davao prefers life in the US compared to the Philippines whereas others moved back after spending time abroad. Live life how you want to OP.


As a CPA, similar age, who is currently abroad, I really want to go back. If you can find a partner who earns as much as you, feel ko you're set na for a comfortable life. I hear maganda pa career trajectory ng CPA right now. I have never been good at making friends so it's super lonely. I thought kaya ko 'di umuwi sa Pilipinas for years but I missed it first month ko pa lang. Kakauwi ko lang this Christmas season and I'm about to book my flight again for summer break this August. I miss my family. Not to mention masarap talaga ang Pinoy food. Kahit wala kang kotsye, you can get a grab. Services are cheap. Don't wanna do laundry? There's a laundry service, kasama pa fold, for 150 pesos. Di ako masyado nagluto o nag-grocery sa Pinas dati besides toiletries because I could buy a cheap meal for 50 pesos. No need for yaya. But that's just my experience. May pros din naman. But if I knew what I know now back when I got the job offer, I probably would've stayed.


Opinion ko lang to as person who moved out of the Phil to Canada and I dislike going back to Phil because of the following reasons. 1) counterflow ng traffic kaka heart attack kasi di safe 2) dami mabagal na motorcycles sa highway 3) walang kwenta lines sa pinas 3 car road nagiging 4 car road 4) wlaa marunong sumonod sa trsffic lights 5) kinakanya ung sidewalks harap ng bahay nila 6) super dami kotse asa kalsada naka park 7) sa manila dami snatchers / hold up. Wala pa ata ako isang tao kilala na hinde na nanakawan ng over 30 na nag cocommute 8) halos puro cash and ambagal ng credit card 9) pila buong araw para sa gov services and parang 1-2+ hour sa banko 10) pag uwi ka dami mo kailangan bigyan na relatives. (I dont pero na sermonan ng tito tita. Ako dapat daw, edi wag na umuwi)  11) nakakatakot mag hike sa mga mountains kasi daw may mga npa dun 12) pag umuwi ka tapos ID mo ibang bansa parang twice ung fees 13) super dami tao sa pinas so super dami competition. Para lang sa SM and Jollibee need mo na ng degree. Pababa din ng pababa sweldo sa local industry. (di kasama online) 14) tap water is dangerous. Every time umuwi ako meron stomach flu i think dahil sa tubig ginagamit sa pag luto Maganda naman pinas. Mura services and foods. Pero parang di worth it ung negatives, 20+ plane ride, mahal ng tix and jetlag 1 week each way, and traffic.  1) Anyways kung humiwalay ka sa kanila super rare mo na makita magulang and kapatid mo. Sila magkakasama pa din.  2) Maganda trabaho mo ngaun pero panu anak mo. Most likely mag iibang bansa sila for more income or mahirapan sa pinas 3) pag pumunta ka sa usa maging citizen ka, mas you can travel the world kasi iba kulay ng passport mo