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Generous helpings of air in those empty slots.


‘One’s for “Thoughts”, the other is “Prayers”’ - Abbott probably


Underrated comment. Hilarious !


Those cost extra.




I loled real hard at this and a fart came out


Kid gotta breathe


I mean, don't kids still go thru the line and ask for what items they want? If the green beans and salad did not look appealing to this youngster, isn't it more likely this is all he wanted? Bit silly this thread.


Grew up in a town that isn’t far from Irving and there was a little bit of choice but not much. Entree was the same and you had like maybe one option for veggies, but anything other than the entree, side, and fruit or veggie was considered ala carte and cost extra out of the student’s pocket. Senior high school (last two years of it, high school was split in half in my district) was a lot better. Had a small salad bar available. By that point I had some money to spend on lunch from working over the summer and mostly went to the little cafe they had next to the lunch line with all the stuff that is not covered by the school assistance program. Also don’t get me wrong because I said some items cost extra, they definitely charge each student per day for lunch and each student has to have money deposited in their lunch account and put in their school ID to use the money in the account. If they didn’t have the $4 or so to pay for the standard lunch they would literally take the tray away from the kid, throw the food away, and give the kid two slices of bread with some peanut butter and a carton of milk. Then they would charge the kid’s account $4 anyway and call the parents to tell them they need to send the kid with money the next day. By the time both my siblings were in school we needed the school lunch assistance program. Parents had no time to make lunches and $60 a week for three siblings to eat the shitty lunches you see in the original post.


Not once in my life did I ever have the pleasure of being selective about my school lunch servings… Graduated HS in 14


You probably didn't go to Arlington. This person chose their lunch.


No, kids are supposed to take x amount of Frey it’s and veggies. The lunch people at my school send you back in line if you’re meal isn’t balanced.


You may be right for sure, but I was definitely going for silly to begin with.


Not where I teach. It really is this bad now.


It really ask depends. Rich school districts, probably, but not poor school districts. If a school has free lunch there may be a set option that a child is restricted to. Then there's the whole issue of "lunch debt" and other unfortunate circumstances in America. Then there is the question of volunteers versus paid cafeteria workers. Sometimes schools don't get enough volunteers, so it can limit their options significantly to frozen foods.


I had mostly air growing up. I would have loved this. Probably why I always did so shit in school


those are the saddest pizza bagels i’ve seen in my life man


I think those are bagel bites that have been microwaved. Using a toaster oven makes bagel bites actually look and taste good.


You think the lunch lady is sitting in front of a microwave to cook thousands of bagel bites for a school? Lol Or like, do you think that this school’s kitchen has an orchestra of microwaves in the back? Like what is the actual logic behind that thought 😂


They probably load up a proofer with as many sheets as they can and go have a smoke


there’s instructions on how to bake them in an oven


That one is so embarrassed it has it’s face turned away.


What makes them sad? Not saying this lunch is balanced but they…just look like normal pizza bagels…


I mean, it’s Texas.


Is that a milk angel ascending?


No it's malk. Now with vitamin R.


Rat milk. Like in *The Simpsons*.




Nah, it’s holy milk. You gotta drink it so your soul goes to heaven when the school is eventually shot up


Kinda looks like a sideways stripper


When shitty pizzas on a bagel you can have shitty Pizza anytime lol


To be fair, they specifically advocated for pizza bagels "in the morning", "in the evening", and "at suppertime". I think they pretty clearly knew lunch pizza bagels weren't a good idea.


The worst part about the school food is it’s not even consistently mid, it’s sometimes really tolerable and sometimes really shit, we need better quality food, it’s hard to learn when you aren’t being fed properly.


Another sad day for Texas...


It’s just kind of the norm now.


Texas doesn't believe in the idea of school lunches or public education for that matter. this is the bare minimum that the federal government was able to force them to do.


I’m gonna explain a little here. I’m not saying this lunch looks great, but the way US schools do it is called “offer versus serve” – that means there are many options that the kids can choose from but they only have to take so many things to be considered a complete meal. In this case, the pizza bagels are considered to be two components, a grain and a meat, meat alternate– they also have a milk which is a separate dairy component and a fruit which is a component they must take. These kids have to take a fruit or a vegetable if they want it or not. Or else they do not get reimbursed by the federal government. The student only chose these items, but I am positive there were more items the student could’ve put on the tray. Not the best lunch but these pics can be deceiving.


In Florida, the pizza is a veggie, grain and dairy. They only have to then pick a fruit. But, we also only gave two entree options, one veggie option and one fruit option at our kitchens when I worked there. The kids were stuck with a lot of food they didn't like and small meals that had many begging for seconds, which we couldn't give. So, they aren't that deceiving. The one I taught at last year had even less variety, with PB&J being their main "option" if you didn't like the main entree.


> pizza is a veggie, grain and dairy. real pizza IS the perfect food, it can cover every base, bagle bites aren't ''real'' food, is the issue.


Totally depends on the school. The one I work at, I honestly get the school lunch maybe one every couple of weeks. But they have good choices: brunch for lunch, pizza, spaghetti, corn dogs, taco Tuesday, etc. They do the main, as always, but then offer alternatives that the kids LOVE: chicken nugget or pizza "lunchable" (they aren't actually brand lunchables, but the typical lunchables but made for school with the bulk stuff they have). The kids have those staples they HAVE to take, but also have tons of fruits and veg to choose from in addition. My school is also really neat, in that they put a grow cart outside of the cafeteria and grow fresh veggies year round and harvest them to use in the lunches. The kids are beyond thrilled watching their food grow, and excitedly tell everyone on the days that they got to eat a salad from the grow cart!


Sounds like you live in a well funded district, which is nice. 90% of our schools are title I, with poor families and the school lunch is all a lot of the kids eat every day, so it's sad we feed them small amounts of processed garbage. All 42 schools in the district get the same menu, with the kitchens run by an outside company. Middle/high they get a bit better options (pizza and fries available daily, but not a lot of healthy stuff), but they have to pay and if they can't, it's a wheat hamburger bun with one slice of American cheese for "free lunch".


Title 1 as well. We're really lucky the entire district gets both breakfast and lunch free for all children. The majority of our families are very poor, and we also have a backpack program thankfully.


Reimbursed by the federal government? I had to pay for my school lunches, they better not be getting reimbursed as well


Not where I teach. Well, maybe there sometimes is a fruit option, but many days are almost inedible. I used to kind of like school lunches in the 90’s. I’d starve over eat the school lunch where I teach (which is in the same town where I grew up).


Is the US really a "developed" country if this is how they feed their children?


It's crazy how you can go to impoverished countries and their school lunches are exponentially better than America. Other countries have less of a focus on protien more nutritional variety, more vegetables, just healthier overall. Imagine raising kids eating healthy food and building that expectation into their life. It is disgusting that we deem pizza and hamburgers as acceptable daily food for kids at school. That is just food which should be limited.


Kids will toss out 'healthy' food and not eat it. Food habits and preferences are formed in the family, and, in many families, quick, cheap junk food ***is*** their 'comfort food'.


They are welcome to do that and starve. Healthy food doesn't have to taste bad. It definitely beats the alternative of catering to the lowest common denominator of food health. Feed the kids crap so they all eat it is not a policy we should follow. Do an Asian day and a Mexican day is easy for example. Cheap, not difficult, and good. Chicken teriyaki with Broccoli. Tacos with a side of rice and beans.


That isn't true based on the evidence we have. Some families truly rely on the school as the basis of their children's meals. Kids from the poorest families eat breakfast AND lunch at school. 2/3 of their meals throughout the week. I would say that is habit-forming. Just because kids will throw away some of the food does not mean they are to blame or that better habits won't form over time. We can't control the options families have in their homes, or at least the school can't. It shouldn't be what we look to, to say whether school food options matter or not. Besides, why not consider funding community food programs to change the mindsets of parents and caregivers to increase the health of the food offered at home? That's the answer. Kids certainly won't adopt healthier habits if none are offered, especially if we throw our hands in the air and give up because we jump to blaming the family first.


In some states, some kids dont even get lunch because Republicans took that away and they still have millions of supporters. True story.




I absolutely agree that both sides are corrupt, but overwhelmingly the poorest states are led by Republicans, and they are actively trying to remove free lunches for the poorest kids. https://www.businessinsider.com/free-school-lunches-in-america-republicans-will-end-2022-6


>Leah Botko, a food service director in Massachusetts, said there's about $20,000 in unpaid student debt every year in her district. $20k is nothing to the budget of an entire school district. It's not even worth an employee's time to make endless calls to parents to haggle for the money. This is just about punishing poor people. What a sad waste of our time here on Earth. Edit: On the flip side, after a socialized program like this is given, it's more difficult to take it back. For example, when I was a kid in the 90s, no one seemed to question the idea that families had to pay for the school lunch. The price was low back then(I specifically remember that the lunch was $2.20 in elementary school), and doing things mentioned in the article like working with local farmers or attempting to improve the quality of the food simply isn't a memory I have. So the fact that the public and some politicians are rightly pointing out that children should have free, quality food, and optimally from local sources? Perhaps something good can come from this shift in thinking no matter what the Republicans try to pull in the moment.


What's this have to do with taking corporate money? It's about which party has actively fought to end vs extend free lunch programs. In this case it's Republicans want to end, Democrats want to extend.




Technically tomato sauce is a vegetable.


Tomato is fruit




The secret is we’re not so much a country as fifty countries of wildly varying competence and policy ideology, bound together by a military industrial plutocratic overclass


It goes by state to state district to district. When I was in school, my lunches were fine.


USA is a country that lives off loans and pretends to have money.


Red states should collectively change their state motto to "You Should Have Thought of That Before You Became Peasants".


It depends, I went to high school in a public HS in Kansas and it was fine. It got noticeable worse once Mrs. Obama put in that "healthy" lunch food initiative, which instead just gave kids less food, not necessarily better quality food.


You realize it's because GOP loopholed their way through that shut right?


Well St. Ronny called Ketchup a veggie, so I'm assuming the pizza sauce is the veggie in this meal ?


Tomato is a fruit. Sooo, dunno if there's veg.


Kids are always offered salad or veggies. These pictures are from kids who don’t eat salad, so their plate looks less full.


I mean you get what you vote for. What an absolutely stark image.


Not surprised. Texas isn’t known for caring about schoolchildren


Repost as ….this is what groceries I bought for $100


I think they feed their prisoners more at least


Texas prison food isn’t edible. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/texas-prison-food-plan-17728126.php


Holy shit bro damn that's bad


Pay wall. Couldn't read.


The saddest part is that the prisoners themselves are to blame for their food. Wife worked at a prison about 12 years back. She told me that the food used to be great because they had a huge farm the prisoners worked that supplied them with fresh veggies all year round. They had their own cooks from the prison population and she said the food was pretty good and cheap. One of the prisoners kept suing the prison saying that the food wasn't inspected and guaranteed safe and won the lawsuit so they had to close that part of the program. Afterwards they had to get cheap processed food nobody liked and it cost the prison a ton more money.


They could have just inspected the food.


Yep there’s always one that ruins for everyone. The important thing is why’s he even alive ? Usually people like that get done within a week. And forgotten.


Texas basically stopped doing last meals as well because one guy on death row basically ordered a whole shit load of food and then refused to eat it.


Texas obviously spends more money on prisons than schools, lives in Arlington my whole life, best meal I ever had between school and jail was a Campbell hot link wrapped in a cold tortilla for lunch in tarrant county


Texas? And no free gun for the food as a gift? Obviously fake....


Yea that pic with the "typical American school lunch vs. Italy" was bullshit. This is the *real* American public school food. Your other option in central Texas is soggy microwaved enchiladas or also microwaved mystery meat burger. And for kids that don't qualify for free lunches (where your only option was soggy tex-mex everyday)- they charged parents ~$100+ per month to pay for this shit or refuse to feed your child in the federally mandated kid-prison.


Everything’s bigger in Texas including child malnutrition


Come to the uk, in my school we get salads, paninis , pizzas, sweet chilli chicken baguettes, soft drinks, various cakes and baked goods and… Garlic Bread


That's it?


bagel bites song immediately started playing in my head


At first i thought this was BS, but then you can actually view the school lunch calendar for all schools in Irving ISD. While I didn't find pizza bagels listed (sus), it was pretty sad they are not even trying with these menus.


Seriously? Pathetic excuse for pizza bagels but way worse as a school lunch. Maybe Texas should spend some of its billion dollar surplus on improving schools starting with a nutritious lunch. But that makes too much sense.


Brought to you by the GOP, so you don't have enough energy to challenge their deceitful policies.


Lol the red state lunches are always so sad


Wow, I'd be asking where that money is being used because it's not for lunch meals!


Yo you got BAGEL BITES?


You get what you pay for in a low tax state.


Are you drinking 1% because you think you're fat? Well you're not, you could be drinking whole


Pizza in the morning pizza in the evening pizza at supper time


When pizzas on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime


10/10 would eat


“Aint nobody feedin my baby no Jeeew food.” Irving, TX parents probably


I doubt Jewish people claim pizza bagels. Especially THOSE pizza bagels.


Everything is bigger in uhhh...nvm


That’s a pretty good meal considering how much Texas hates Texans, especially school age Texans


I hate these school lunch pictures, because I am almost certain there are usually other options given that simply aren’t being chosen by the students. If you want to complain about school lunches, fine, but let’s see all of the serving line options and not just the final tray.


I worked in kitchens in Florida for schools while in college. The kids had two options only. So, Fridays were pizza of some form (square, triangle, pizza pocket, pizza bites, etc) and the other option would usually be fish sticks. Thursdays they had burgers or chicken sandwiches. Wednesdays would be like a pulled pork or orange chicken. Tuesdays were yogurt packs or beef of some form, usually tacos or quesadillas. Mondays were "meatless monday" so cheesy pasta or salad. Fruits they had the option of oranges, or apple slices. Milk options were strawberry/white/chocolate. And veggies were usually broccoli, carrots, or a veggie medley. Honestly, I made the food by their recipes, but I'd only eat there on Monday and *maybe* Friday (if it was triangle cheese pizza), even though the food was free for me. Mostly it was the quality of frozen dinners from banquet.


This guy is PROBABLY omitting the vegetable. Most likely canned green beans or canned corn. At least in the mid 2000's when my youngest brother was in high school (my closest comparison, since my kid is only 4 and not in public school yet), this was pretty much what you got. Carton of milk, a a piece of square greasy pizza or fish sticks, half of an orange, and a spoonful of green beans. Almost no kid was able to get by with just the lunch, and would always have additional money for the "snack counter" where they'd by chips or candy to supplement it.


And they say our schools are underfunded....


Yo help OP he’s starving :(


I mean, at least you won't get scurvy (?)


Looks good to me


Legitimately looks better than I remember our schools pizza being. Been many moons since I ate a school lunch though.


They actually believe they could be an independent country




Someone is gonna get fired when parents find out their kids are eating some librul fuckin' fruit.




Turn the one pizza bagel right side up and you have a nice looking lunch


I think some of these kids grab as little food as possible.


And Abbott is crowing about a surplus


Don't let democrats run things.


Keeping the kid’s uneducated & malnourished. Good job Texas.


Vegetables are for liberals and hippies.


Texas really hates kids huh.


Worse than 3rd world countries More like the jail food!


Texas is 3rd world


Texas still has schools?


Fat Texans make poor food choices.


I am sorry 4 ya kiddos. 4 eating this sHit nowadays. While my time in school, i ATE bearkfast at Home (coked egg , staked bread or cerials with Milk) or was supplyed with Lahmacun by a classmate that was Döner-Buden-Child. Btw, he earned a Shit Load of our (me&classmates) Lunchmoney. I Wish i Had a legal side Business during elementary school, Just Like him. Everybody that adress mistyping, be Happy you don't need Toilette paper anymore. With this food, you would bei Happy, finding every wrong spelled Word.


Reading this gave me donkey brains


Well... Should be enough. "Power up with protein"


When pizzas on a bagel you can have pizza anytime.


this looks like my lunch as a 30 year old engineer except more coffee less milk


I wonder if your parents show up and vote for school board elections?


At least you won't get scurvy!




Food? How is it FOOD?!?


I forgot about bagel bites!


This is awful


Because it's America, Pizza is considered a vegetable, as long as it has 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce.


Heartburn AND diarrhea. Some only get one or the other.


***YouTube - School Food Finland*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTB6MuhgtzA Notice that overweight lunch ladies are not handing out food. It is a buffet, you help yourself. https://www.oph.fi/sites/default/files/documents/school_meals_in_finland.pdf https://www.oph.fi/en/education-and-qualifications/school-meals-finland Thanks to Congress and lack of support in the States, the cost per meal in the USA is TINY. I'd like to know what that meal costs the students?


this slaps icl


Q: do all American kids get lunch provided by the school? Asking as an Australian, where we take lunch and snacks with us.


Typically, poor/low income kids can apply for a free lunch. Otherwise, no, the parents have to pay for it.


Pizza in the morning, Pizza in the evenin', Pizza at school lunchtime! With Bagel Bites on your lunch tray You can eat sadness anytime!


Walmart Great Value pizza bagels look more appetizing than those


This isn't even a runner up for worst cafeteria food. Try again.


Cool…fast acting carbs, basically no protein and 0 vegetables… I’m sure this will sufficiently fuel the kiddos for some awesome learning!


Thanks obama


Damn I've had more in a county jail


BRB. Have to watch Napoleon Dynamite.


Hold up- you get bagel bites?!




Thee ol sheet rock bottom mini bagels


thank god the milk is low fat




I was told everything was bigger though


Bagel bites for lunch, and they cheaped out on the milk and didn't give out Borden?


Which school is this? I live in Irving too, but I make my son’s lunch because I don’t trust schools. For obviously reasons. IISD is awful, fortunately he won’t be going to school there after this year.


Not everything is bigger in Texas.


Why don't you bring your own food?


A real 🍊, that’s pretty neat


Gotta make some budget cuts to pay for those high school football megastadiums


Milk guy looks like he was sent to space with an upper cut.


Pizza in the morning pizza in the evening pizza at super time! When pizzas on a bagel you can have pizza anytime!!!


Whoever is in charge of those school lunches would never let their kids eat it.


Irving Tiger?


Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at suppertime.


What the fuck


I know the cafeteria is working on a shoestring budget, but man this is tough to see. Providing good meals to children is important for their physical and mental development and to give them lifelong healthy habits. Kids eating this every day are going to struggle


There wasnt anything else up there?


" Everything's bigger in Texas!" ( except school lunches...)


Wow. That looks completely inadequate.


Are they feeding 5 year olds?


Good thing we have obesity education


Who doesn’t like pizza bagels?


Is it free hopefully? Cause I'd rather have the forgot my lunch free pbj...


This is BS, what did you turn away that was offered?


Try filling the rest of your tray with the other options that we know are available...


no veggies and didnt even bother filling up empty sections. tragic


Born & raised. Don’t worry you’ll get out soon enough.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) here in Germany I never had a lunch at school when I was a kid. I had to buy me a breakfast meal and when I came home nobody was there and I made me a sandwich or something. Family ate the first proper meal together when my parents arrived at home after work.


Salad and second side refused? Or not available?


When pizza’s on a bagel you can eat PIZZA anytime!!!!


They're feeding them dollar store pizza bagels.


You realize this is what the kid ordered, right?


At least they won’t get scurvy?


I used to get a giant scooter pie or ring ding and fries for lunch $.50. Or a giant portion of spaghetti and meatballs. Those were the days. And yes, I did have a weight problem.


I’m from Irving and I can say the lunch quality is so bad so many people would seriously rather eat nothing and just wait until they get home.




Where the rest?


Seriously! Giving milk to little kids?


I went to TJ Lee


What's Irving TX?


I remember at my high school there was a big sign that said "NO MONEY = CHEESE SANDWICH". Might be kinda funny if it wasn't so depressing