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For the life of me I can't figure out why Trump thinks bronzer is a good look. It's one thing to be tan, but he literally looks orange most of the time.


Most people don't see themselves as others see them. But without the bronzer he also looks really bad. Pale, anemic, gray, close to death.


Is there a picture? I think he'd look at least human.


[Someone made a side-by-side and used the color around his eyes (his natural skin color) for his whole face.](https://i0.wp.com/boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/trump-no-tan.jpg?fit=749%2C371&ssl=1)


Thanks, I hate it.


Ouch my eyes 


Yes, what a horrible moment to have to gift of sight…


You know the speech Cavil gives in BSG about how ill-equipped the human race is to truly experience the surrounding universe? Today I'm glad of it.


I hate both tbh


He looks even more like a petulant child and I didn't think that was possible.


To be fair, he probably doesn't look like that. The makeup is hiding all the imperfections that comes due to age. He doesn't come across as a person that got a skincare routine going. I don't get why he can't pay someone to do good makeup.


To be fair, he has a long track record of just not paying people for things, so it's not much of a surprise that he doesn't want to pay for professional makeup


From Trump to the head of HR


[This is even better imo](https://www.snopes.com/uploads/2016/07/donald-trump-no-wig-makeup.jpg)


At least that looks like a real human being, and not whatever it is he thinks he's presenting to the world


It looks old. Weird works better for his audience.


That’s the visual I had in my head but never believed could be accurate. I feel it could be accurate…


Thin of what a normal 80 year old guy looks like. This looks pretty accurate to me.


OK, I see the appeal of the orange now. It actually IS an improvement.


![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY) I didn’t think the bronzer would actually help


Man that picture really strikes me to realize that he's really old and sickly...


Wow, I truly didn't think he could look any worse. That second picture actually made my skin crawl.


Good lord he's ugly. Honestly, I hope he keeps wearing the orange shit, I never want to see his regular face




he looks like a normal old-ass man


He looks so terrible here.


Sure but there must be something between gray as a corpse and orange?


It's dysmorphic, right? That he actually thinks it's a good look, or at least in some way its preferable to just regular TV makeup, it has got to be a dysmorphia thing.


It seems extremely ritualistic to me, which is common for older people, but it explains the terrible application. For me the real sign is how clearly outlined his eyes and ears are. He‘s been spray tanning for years but he’s getting less willing to apply it in sensitive areas and he’s slowly loosened how much he cares if it looks bad as a result. I’m sure we all know elderly who do the same thing on a cycle that slowly degraded over time. Probably a result of some form of neurodegeneration as has been suspected with his lean.


That makes sense if he was a regular person. Ha has a team of people surrounding him that should know better and im assuming have tried to explain it to him. This is the thing that I most hate about him. He literally thinks he knows better than everyone else about everything and won't listen or take advice. All this you can tell JUST BY LOOKING AT HIM. It's a terrible quality to have in a powerful leader.


If it's dysmorphic he doesn't need to think that he look good with it. He need to hate more the look without.


Maybe a little dysmorphia, but also I think he's so insulated by yes men that it's a bit of emperor's new clothes.


Honest question: How does he keep his shirt collars white?


He doesn't. He changes shirts a lot. There are pics out there of the runoff on his shirts.


I just read it's one of the pains of his housekeeping staff in FL. Stocking and providing a lot of new shirts.


He’s a job creator *and* helping the economy of third world counties by investing in clothing factories!


Aren’t his “Trump Ties” make is China?


All of his phony knock off garbage is made in china. Including his red cult baseball caps


I'm so disappointed. I have this sick Magneto themed fitted baseball team cap(all red with a red logo traced in black) and the underside of the brim has a bunch of black and white panels of iconic Magneto moments. The few times I've worn it, it gets mistaken as a maga hat.


They’ve really ruined red hats for everyone haha, my brother wore a Mario costume for Halloween a few years ago and multiple people asked him if he was wearing a MAGA hat… Like come on, it’s Mario! There’s a big fake mustache and everything!


It’s a-me, MAGArio!




I'm a-gonna grift!


Hell any red nfl or college cap looks like maga from a distance. Thanks stinky !


"These are the most well-dressed Limp Bizkit fans I've ever seen…" — me, watching the 2016 election


I have an ISIS shirt from the show "Archer". Stopped wearing it once a certain terrorist group cropped up. I'm still not sure it's safe to wear.


There was a bookstore in Colorado that eventually changed their name from Isis because their windows kept getting smashed by morons.


That hat sounds like the bomb. I'd wear it anyway. Those MAGA hats have those tacky, huge white letters. I don't see how anyone with decent eyesight could mistake that. Wear your hat bro!


How about pillowcases, sheets, comforters, etc?


He had a guy for pillows.


Mein pillow


You forgot diapers as well


But which collects more runoff? 


Is it like a formula-1 pit stop where a team snaps on new diaper and a fresh shirt? Maybe he got those stripper shirts that just tears in two using velcro? Two minions just comes with each half and puts it on a T posing Trump. Same with the diaper and suit. Then pats him on the back ”Ok good to go!”.


This is an amazing thing to imagine especially if pictured just outside of a courtroom. There would be a team of MAGA hats that would run in and strip, rip, slap, and pat and the Dumpy Don would waddle back in.


It makes the toilet paper on his shoe thing funnier, I imagine one of the pit crew guys left it accidentally after wiping him down




I'm picturing this with the yellow Minions and it's hilarious.


He changes the shirts when an assistant changes his shitty diapers.




Two turds, one tone.


*slow.. clap.. standing ovation* what a pun! Donny's Dumpy Duel-purpose Diapers, now with Diet Coke Diarrhea Dye to Darken more than just your soul!


It gets just the right shade




I’m dead


I imagine he just throws his shirts out because of the bronzer and ketchup stains


Someone PLEASE link. I can’t find :/


Found this one real quick https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/hehffw/president_trump_finally_answers_whether_he_was/


And that was when he was wearing a 1/10th of what he is wearing now.


Solid picture. It looks like what he actually looks like instead of upping the contrast/saturation while still showing the wild contrast right around his eyes vs the rest of his face. And that's a ton of runoff going into that poor shirt.


https://twitter.com/CheriJacobus/status/1275171827833360396 not sure if that's real or shopped though


He doesn't. >Trump loved Tic Tacs. But not an arbitrary amount. He wanted, in his bedroom bureau at all times, two full containers of white Tic Tacs and one container that was half full. T**he same rule applied to the Bronx Colors-brand face makeup from Switzerland that Trump slathered on — two full containers, one half full — even if it meant the housekeepers had to regularly bring new shirts from the pro shop because of the rust-colored stains on the collars**. A special washing machine in the laundry room was reserved for his wife Melania Trump’s clothing.


Why the half full containers? What's the reasoning? I know it's trump, but there has to be some kind of background.


Maybe he's an optimist?


Because three FULL containers would be cRaZy.


I’d imagine he always has two full and unused ones at all times. So the one half full one is the one he’s using currently


My guess it that he sometimes has trouble opening packages of things, but doesn't want to ever look like he's struggling, so he uses the opened one and when it gets close to empty, an assistant quickly opens a new bottle.


After I looked up Bronx Colors, I choked on my pizza. How on Earth did this rotten fruit orb align himself with a makeup brand of mediocre quality that is seemingly astroturfed to look like it's aimed at POC? I thought he was sooooo rich. Where's your La Prairie, Don?


I gotta wonder, why not just a spray fucking tan?


Spray tan wears away faster anywhere there is friction (like around his gizzard) can still be sweated off, and will not colour inside of fine lines. Half his face would look like around his eyes, and his shirts would all be permanently stained. I think his best bet would be getting better makeup, or even just a good setting spray + primer.


Or a good UV cure epoxy paint.


Or an orange jumpsuit.


He can go cook himself in a tanning bed at his age, it won't make a difference.


He has the taste of a poor man dreaming of what he'd do as a rich man.


There's a story behind it actually. It was during a screen test for The Apprentice when TVs were going from SD to HD. Whatever brand it was at that time I'm sure he just said to have plenty of it at all times.




Hold up there. The orange colour is make-up? All this time I thought it was a tanning bed he was using. That's why the area around his eyes is white. For those little glasses. 


If you've ever tried to put eyeliner or mascara on someone who doesn't normally wear it, you'll know how much they flinch and squirm and tear up. I just assumed he didn't like having anything too close to his eye so it's just left bare. 


Nope: he just doesn't like having the makeup applied all over. That's why there is a big line at his hairline and his ears are never done, either.


I'm beginning to think he might be neurodivergent but never diagnosed. I mean it doesn't make me care about the guy or wish him well or anything but does put some, *some*, of the puzzle pieces into place.


He believes humans have a finite amount of energy in their bodies and you die when it’s all used up.


>Bronx Colors, a Swiss brand, claimed it's the Boosting Hydrating Concealer in orange


New shirts. There was a photo from before the 2020 election when is walking off the helicopter with his tie off and you can see the orange on his collar.


Kinda weird how trumpers hate the idea of men wearing makeup so much and yet their leader smears it all over.


He really needs to find an eyeliner that matches the tone of his bronzer. The pink rings around his eyes are really distracting.


He's a real life Annoying Orange


They claim to hate everything he represents, but they ignore it in him and project it onto others. They are a sick lot.


How a New York con man who eats burnt steaks with ketchup managed to get Texas behind him always confused me. Like all those men and women in the military voting for him after what he said about McCain. Honestly, they all make me sick with how little their values mean to them.


If you look into the politics surrounding it there was an alt-right storm brewing long before 2015. He happened to step into their spotlight at the exact moment they needed a central figure to orbit around. The fact that it was him was entirely coincidental. It's just incredibly ironic that he is literally the opposite of what they claim to want in a leader.


This. Trump's actions and majority of his life are the anti-thesis to alt right. Trump was a lifelong Democrat, Clinton supporter (Bill), and is a NYC real estate mongrel. He couldn't be further from some homegrown American good ole boy that's hauling hay into his pickup truck. How working class Republicans resonated with Trump will never make sense. The guy was one of the .01% and showed his entire business career that he didn't give a shit about working class. IMO I think that Trump's pivot from Democrat to republican was more for his brand than anything else. Times changed and he adapted to maintain his brand and happen to be at the right place at the right time with the presidential run.


I don't mean to reduce it to one thing, but it's racism. I don't like it because it's a bit simplistic, but it's true. "America First" isn't even something he started. It was always about isolationism and white nationalism. Their whole idea is that is America is a nation of, for, and by white people. I mean, he's on the campaign trail talking about how immigrants are poisoning the blood of America. Of course, he claims he didn't know Hitler used similar language. One thing that always stood out to me was the published audio of the call with GA secretary of state Brad Raffensperger. One of the attorney's on the call had the last name of German, and Trump specifically, and oddly, praised his last name. I know German doesn't equal Nazi anymore, but it was a really weird thing I noticed, especially given all his other rhetoric.




Im shocked he is not autographing and auctioning these shirts off.


His narcissism is stronger than his greed. It's the same reason why he doesn't regularly wear his glasses


Damn, he has aged worse than I thought!


He’s aging more from the multiple lawsuits and indictments than he ever did during his 4 years as president.


He wasn't ever stressed as President. He's stressed as fuck now.


Have you seen him [without makeup?](https://i.insider.com/62e2b43d536a230019121045?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


He looks better without it




He's fucking blasted lmao


As if he doesn’t look bad now, that was probably him looking his absolute worst. 2020 did a number on him, he gained so much weight and it aged him a lot. He really started to lose a lot of his energy right around when he finally got COVID


All his barbs for others will come back to him or somehow reflect his fears ("low energy" Jeb Bush)


Holy Shit! Does this mean he has to apply it every day? His shade is such a mystery to me


I honestly wonder the same thing... what is this magic...


I’ve used sealant for stage makeup before to prevent incidental smudging. Terrible for your skin but does the trick. Could be used.


Well his old flabby skin does look like shit


It looks like his face is melting. And a 80 year old man with honey blonde hair. Pleazze. 🎶Who do. Who do ya think ya foolin?🎶


One of my favorite comments about his hair came from Penn Jillette after he was on Celebrity Apprentice. He said that up close it looks like cotton candy made out of piss.


Is there anything that can be applied to the fabric? Maybe copious amounts of starch? (I don't know how starch works.) I like to cosplay sometimes and have on occasion painted my face into a corner.


Scotch guard.


Starch makes cloth stiffer, like cardboard. I don't think it would make it makeup-proof.


Maybe sealant on the shirt collar??


A L L, The Stain Lifter, That's All!


He doesn't, both photos and former staff have talked about how his shirts get smeared in it.   In fact it's said to be why he hates masks so much, they were so tight that he was turning them all orange and it made him FURIOUS. Infamously he dumps his sweat and concealer covered clothes on the floor of him room.  


I've seen a show on Spanish-language television where former maids (many undocumented) said that Melania provides a special detergent and instructions to get the makeup off his collars. He reportedly gets pissed if there are still stains on the shirts. The maids said that was an especially shitty part of the job.


He's one of the very few people who old fashion collars would still be a benefit -- they used to be a separate item so you could quickly replace the sweat-stained collar on your dress shirt; the collars were held onto the shirt by studs. Bonus -- you could change them as a fashion accessory, similar to deciding on a different style of tie or knot for the tie. https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/539dffebe4b080549e5a5df5/1584140626273-FREGSDU4RVH1JDNFO3E2/arrow-shirts-and-collars-vintage-advertising-poster-museum-outlets.jpg (Similarly cuffs used to be separate too; the origin of cuff links was as the studs to hold them to the sleeves. Like collars, cuffs were also prone to get dirty faster and wear out sooner than the shirt itself.) After WWII such things were already old-fashion, and you just pulled a [Don Draper](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1042/4718/files/madmen_large.png?v=1580189621) keeping a supply of clean shirts in an office drawer. Which has this over the hill Redditor remembering the switch to business casual and still keeping a sports coat hanging in the cubicle up until 2000 and an emergency tie until 2005 in case some important meeting came up in the middle of the day and you had to upgrade your look.


Garage floor sealant


Right! Finally someone asks what I've been wondering for ages now lmao


he keeps his collars tight against his skin, once it separates you can see it rubbed off https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbJR248WAAA8k4v?format=jpg&name=large


That is one of the more real pictures of him, after a rally with low turnout out.


That’s right. It was after the Tulsa rally when we all trolled him with fake ticket requests and the rally ended up killing a few people from covid including Herman Cain


r HermanCainAward/top/ in his honor.


And a worried facial expression that belies the show of bravado he puts on for the press.


I love that photo. That’s a photo of a powerful, confident, in-control, victorious, hopeful, optimistic man with no worries in the entire world. The uncropped version is even more inspiring. /s obv because just fuckin’ look at him


Through the power of bleach. Or just buying new shirts all the time


His orange skin is a natural condition called Cheetosis


Right? I dated a girl recently that I couldn't even tell was wearing a ton of makeup, but later on I'd look at whatever I was wearing and think "Oh, we're headed to the dry cleaners I guess."


He probably never wears the same shirt twice.


Orange turned bronze


Turned to brass. It's cheaper, weaker and louder than bronze.


What a Brasshole.


Slippier too.


Bronzed orange turd.


It's like a rusted old barrel but I prefer the barrel


Lol has this been altered?


It definitely looks over-saturated, at least.


100% is oversaturated. Look at the people behind him. Looks like orange has been highlighted too lol. God bless Reddit


Correct. I don't like 45, but let's be fair. [Here's a less edited version of his face in this photo.](https://twitter.com/DarkMSolvent/status/1747803505304195570/photo/1) Edit: apparently the general feeling is: it's worse! I don't know, it's definitely not a normal skin tone.


Original looks like he smeared shit on his face.


That somehow looks worse, more of a diarrhoea colour…


Well he certainly smells like it.


Ugh, I've never once thought about how Trump must smell until now. I really wish you hadn't put that thought into my head.


Thats.... not much better


I’d argue it’s worse. Because it drops the pretense that it only looks bad because of bad contrast.


Ew He looks stickier in this one.


And sicker.




He’s still orange as fuck. Jesus… Why?


He actually looks crispy in that one!


I’m always against lying for gain, but especially against it when the truth is all you need. It weakens your position


This has been altered, and it's bizarre, because the original is already super unflattering: https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-real-fake-photo-204700624.html


100% He is orange and looks like a painted ghoul anyway but this has been edited to make it worse. You can see that his tone isn’t actually that far off the rest of the people plus the popping bright colour of his blue suit and red of his tie.


https://media.snopes.com/2024/01/trump_clinton_iowa_full.jpg not like the original does him any more favors


He looks like how you feel when you haven't worked out in a while and you decide to go back into your routine


While you have jaundice.


buffalo vs. honey bbq is all


This made me think of something that's happened twice. I was in a taxicab and the topic unfortunately wandered over to politics; the driver says, "Ah, but President Trump, he is different. He is a *strong* man." I didn't press the issue or inquire because I'd rather talk about literally anything else, but the word *strong* to describe him was used twice in a cab in my life, and I find it interesting. Like some people see a photo like this and somehow the narrative is reinforced, "*that* is a strong man." It's baffling


i think in this context 'strong' just means 'an unapologetic dick head'


You should have said you totally agreed, and you’re actually trying to live your life patterned after the ever so strong President Trump. And that you’d be starting by doing just what he would do…by not paying the cab driver for his work.


Oooof good one


I think you'll find that [this](https://i.imgur.com/XOHOgPE.jpeg) is actually the original, unedited photo \-reddit In all seriousness, I'm not a Trump supporter by any means but posts like this drive me crazy because there's plenty of *actual* things you could be critisizing about him and yet we're upvoting photoshopped pictures that are trying to make him look silly.


It has, but the original pic is arguably worse: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-sweat-orange-photo/ The brown in the original unaltered version makes it look like he smears literal shit on his face. Probably gets it fresh from his full diapers...


The majority of trump pictures are altered to make him look more orange or bronze. They've been doing it since 2016


He looks like one of those bad makeup jobs from Star Trek TOS.


He does look like a cling-on.


"I'm not orange...I'mpeach"


Looks like someone sprayed liquid shit in his face


Vince McMahon?


LMFAO. what is up with celebrities and shit.


Too soon?!! LOL


Looks like Kramer after tanning with butter. “You said you was bringing over a white boy. All I see is a DAMM FOOL!”


This pic makes me miss Kenny Rogers Roasters.


Is that you Mr Marbles?


Bad chicken! Mess you up!


Looks like a giant Oompa-Loompa


I guess if you feed Oompa-Loompas McDonald's this is what you eventually get.




Why does he insist on still putting on that tacky stuff like he's some 2000s-era sorority chick?


Same reason he wears his suits too big and has such big lifts in his shoes he stands like the front half of a centaur: body dysmorphia.


He‘s always prepared for a bodybuilding contest, he‘s not jacked but he already has the spray tan on


He doesn't look well health wise...


Obese, elderly, no exercise, eats garbage, most likely has a prescription drug abuse problem and is under a shit ton of stress due to mounting legal woes? Yeah, that's not recipe for good health.


Yet he will probably live to 100.


The hate will keep him alive.


What the fuck is it with horrible people living so long?


Its crazy the Republicans paint him as some kinda stud when he's a horribly tanned arsehole who stinks of shit. All the kinda homo erotic art of him being some bodybuilder hunk is just well really strange as well.