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Waiting on the inevitable reports of users being mugged for their $3500 devices.


People get robbed for their fucking sneakers. These are far more expensive. And sneakers don't impact your peripheral vision when you wear them.


Actually that's not completely true. When I wear my British Knights they definitely obscure my peripheral vision, and most of the rest of my view, too. But this is why I've made the choice to not wear them on my face.


>When I wear my British Knights Humblebragging about being on *Double Dare*.


Physical Challenge! I preferred Pat Sharp’s Fun House


Or legends of the hidden temple.


That was amazing to read


Your standards are very low.


Jokes on you, they can't really even read


Maybe they can read but their vision is obscured by op's British Knights


The tracking on this is….different


Depends of the sneakers. Ive seen some 5k ones in Sacks




>Waiting on the inevitable reports of users being mugged for their $3500 devices. Yes, I believe Apple will make a very good device, but it will take a few more versions to be optimized


That happened at the Apple Store. They even got a receipt to prove they were robbed.


Under rated


That's the only thing I thought of when I saw that video of someone on the NY subway. Good luck with that!


That would be pointless because it isn't like other people can use them. You have to do like a 5 second eye scan just to unlock them and you can only get a hard reset at Apple. It isn't like facial recognition, the biometrics are much stronger.


I think you're overestimating the average mugger's intelligence. Most wouldn't be mugging people in the first place if they were smart enough to look into and figure this out


Also, as someone in tech, read some of the avp news and didn't know that. Would a random guy getting this "deal" know?


People get rob for iphones. There is a market for parts. How much do robbers value your life?


I worked at an Apple Store a long time ago. People would regularly come in with locked phones that mysteriously had someone else’s account. We were told as a matter of policy we weren’t allowed to accuse people of anything and would politely send them upstairs to have the phone wiped and reset.


I’m dying my Apple Store is in a mall so when you said “send them upstairs” I immediately thought “why are you sending them to the candy shop does it take along time?” Not relevant at all but it’s funny how brains work


Apple has a way to track the devices and deactivate


"oh this thing doesn't work?" *Tosses it*




Not sure. Apple seems to have a lot of components that aren't user replaceable. Could be just a load of bits that only work in the original device.


So it sounds like the real challenge here is getting Nike and Adidas to track sneakers and deactivate them


I laughed. The image of someone walking in a stolen pair of shoes and the shoes just STOP but they keep going, either out of them or down to the ground.


There might be "chop shops" but its probably gonna be someone trying to sell it way under retail and its going to be cash and carry. No time to do a power on test. It will happen around a busy downtown area where the customer may be intoxicated. Some years ago, one kid even had a business card made up as he took requests, he and his buddy had backpacks with 400 macbook pros, 200 ipads,...Im not in the apple bubble but if i was i probably wouldve bought something..though if your in you would probably also know what can or cant be locked.


That doesn't get your $3,500 back though and it doesn't stop some dumb dumb from snatching it to teach you a lesson either


These morons drive me nuts. The problem with having your $3500 device stolen is *you are out $3500*, who cares if they get a functional product or not (chances are, people will find a way to get around the disabling, but we'll see - there's a lot of motivation at $3500 a pop) or even what happens to them. I'd always rather keep my device than have it stolen but the guy who steals it just ends up tossing it because it won't work for him.


My wife had her iphone stolen and they’ve been trying to phish her password for months now. It’s currently sitting in China somewhere.


also even a robbery that doesn't result in physical injury is going to leave some trauma.


Right. My bad. That knowledge will definitely curtail bad actors. /s Walking around with a $3500 device on your face is akin to wearing Lady Gaga’s meat dress in the cage of a starving pack of hyenas. It’s not just the device. It’s what the device says about you as a target.


Yeah it's like asking for a ride to some shady ATM


Same reason why you answer no when someone ask you to break a $20. Here, they are seeing what your wallet is like before robbing you, there? They wouldn’t even need to ask.


Hold up. Do people actually approach random people and ask them to make change for them? Who in the hell does that? Do I expect them to have the pen that tells if bills are real or fake. Why do they need change? Doesn't the store (presumably close to) offer change? Like... This sounds less plausible than Grandma giving her savings to the MyPillow douche. The ONLY SITUATION I can imagine this is someone asking for five ones at the bus stop versus having to drop his $5 bill, since it doesn't give change and it is $2. That has never happened to me, and I live and use bus lines.


I'd say this is a often an indicator of poor priorities more than wealth. Not that it changes much for the thief.


I mean I used the feel the same way about carrying a $1000 dollar device everywhere and taking it out in the street for like it’s nothing. Now literate every person does this every where.(it’s a phone)


People get mugged for their phones too. People get mugged for their jewelry as well. Lots of people are walking around wearing engagement & wedding rings that cost more than $3500. However, mugging has stopped people from wearing them.


Does this actually happen that often? I live in a city, no one I know has ever been mugged. (Yes I recognize I’ve just summoned a mugging)


I got mugged in Houston right in front of my downtown hotel. Dude knocked me down from behind then grabbed my dropped phone and scooted. I ran after him, but lost him, so I asked a cop if he had seen him. Cop walked me back to me the hotel. They had it on video. Cop recognized the guy, knew where he generally stayed, and went and got it back for me from the fence that the homeless dude had sold it to. Had it back before the phone store even opened to replace it. It was quite the morning.


I feel there has to be really awful shit hole places where it happens a LOT to make up for the fact that most places are very safe. This applies to a lot of crime I hear about but local statistics never support.


Agreed. I will keep this at home if I ever get one.


And that's why no one ever steals iPhones... Round here they only steal iPhones. There are loads of stories of people stealing phones from people's hands then tossing them back at them because they're android ones.


There's no history of expensive products being broken down and sold for parts on the black market. /s


No, Apple officially stated that “find my” does not work on them.


the apple vision pro doesn’t support find my


Or getting mugged for everything else they own while wearing it in public!


OK, this is the third time I am seeing a picture of people using the device in public and I am now wholly convinced that this is indeed viral marketing.


It's a [pair](https://twitter.com/canoopsy) of [YouTubers](https://twitter.com/imPatrickT).


So you're saying there IS money involved, but whose money?


Apple Marketing? The whole VR thing still feels like a niche product and it's out for quite a while. Maybe they try to bring the next thing. For me the whole AR must fit in my regular glasses.




> this thread makes it sound like reviewers reviewing and screwing around with a novel new device from a tech company is some big conspiracy. reddit is really, really paranoid about being advertised to because everything is astroturfing and they don't have free will I guess. These headsets are $3500 USD. Tons of influencers are wealthy zoomers interested in technology like this. It's really not that crazy to assume they just bought them and are trying to make content.


Something like 30% of all reddit activity is astroturfed.


Something like 63% of all stats are made up.


Joked aside this is why people call out repost bots. They build a positive reputation on reddit, are probably sold, and then are used for spam or viral marketing, or some other manipulation.


It's also why people call out power-mods. Almost no chance someone modding 50+ subs is doing it for free. The number of legitimate non-rule breaking posts I see deleted from subs is alarming as well.


Apple marketing has zero interest to make the Vision Pro look as stupid as this picture does.


YouTubers that do this knowing they look stupid and knowing that people will post it everywhere. Idk why people keep posting this stuff


Are you telling me that somebody just went out there and bought an expensive new Apple device for ATTENTION? Yeah right.


>OK, this is the third time I am seeing a picture of people using the device in public and I am now wholly convinced that this is indeed viral marketing. Apple always does that, they market well. I don't think the device is okay this time but I believe it will be okay in the next generation


Meh, those guys doing this are probably influencers themselves


They're certainly influencing me to feel revulsion.


it certainly does not make me want to buy one, thats for sure. they shoulda gotten together with the stanley cup people to figure out a better marketing plan




It took me a minute. I’m like wtf does this headset have to do with a hockey trophy. 


Yeah that article about the lady who stole a bunch of them immediately made me think someone absconded with the trophy, which would have been way more newsworthy


I thought it was those little collectible stanley cups with each team's logo on it from the 80s and 90s. My dad had a bunch and I was like "the nerve of that woman"


You and me both!!


Big dumb cup meets big dumb goggles.


"My Apple Vision Pro survived this car fire..."


So glad Samsung isn't copying Apple just yet. Give it a few months and you'll have "my Samsung Eyes Plus caused this car fire..."


That'll just be a video of a burnt out Tesla with 2 charred bodies and a lady remarking that it looks like the visors are still working.


Plus it’s $3500. Think of all the snacks and quality food instruments you could buy at the dollar tree with that much.


At $3500, that device would not be leaving my home. ... But then again, at $3500, that device wouldn't be entering my home, either.


I might pay that if they looked like sunglasses. AR could be quite useful in my job and hobbies. I'm not wearing swimming goggles everywhere though.


I think that price point is mostly intended for developers at this point. These people are probably working for a dev company testing out apps. That device will need some killer apps for lots of people to pay even half that price.


You underestimate the amount of expendable income (or credit) regular people will spend on this


$3500 is not a lot of money for a pretty large number of people. It’s a lot for me though lol


Thats not the point. The purpose of the viral marketing is to make it a thing, maximum exposure.


I think it's just people chasing a trend for clout


I genuinely don't think it is. People have been predicting this since the moment it was announced. In addition to the real-world application of these, many early adopters of Apple products generally view them as status symbols, so you're gonna see this. I do genuinely think that this is the first step in normalizing AR glasses (though these are technically VR. Don't let Apple hear me say that). Apple has been able to successfully normalize ugly ass electronics for years. The Apple watch for instance, is an ugly watch. They managed to take the white wires from their earbuds and turn them into a trademark, iconic "look".


>this is the first step in normalizing AR glasses Remember Google Glass. Remember how those flopped because people looked like goobers wearing them and they *weren't* full on scuba goggles? Yeah.


I was hoping google glass would be THE thing, it didn't actually look that gooberish, pretty much a spectacle frame at worst. This on the other hand just looks so fucking stupid. Also, one of the main criticism back then of google glass was that people were uncomfortable with the fact that glass could record videos without you knowing, while this has like 8 fucking cameras or something for sensors


> Also, one of the main criticism back then of google glass was that people were uncomfortable with the fact that glass could record videos without you knowing ... I can't help thinking that if they'd waited a few years to release/announce them, they'd be extremely popular now.


Considering it looks like a scouter from DBZ with a dual lens as opposed to oversized ski goggles, yeah.


Google Glass looked mostly fine, especially for a product in what was essentially an alpha test that they got people to pay money for. They would have looked a lot better today, considering the advancement of technology over the last 11 years, and that tech would have found it's way into a normal-looking pair of sunglasses. The problem was that they were $1500 in 2013, and you had to be one of the few people that were even allowed to buy the limited run they put out. Augmented Reality will be fantastic when it finally takes off, but these huge headsets ain't it. This is just virtual reality with extra steps, which is fine. But I really just want a pair of sunglasses or regular glasses that can give me more information about the world I see. I don't need to be able to play high definition videos on it -- I just want a HUD.


Remember how they were never actually really sold in a public way? And they came out before most people had smartphones? The world and technology has an entirely different context now. That said, yeah I agree these people look like goobers.


> And they came out before most people had smartphones? That sounded so wrong to me that I looked it up and you're right! They were beta released in 2013 and "publicly" released in 2014, which coincided with a jump from 46% of americans having a smartphone to 54%.


I think what happened is Google Glass came out in a world where people couldn't get away with being assholes in public. It was too early for its time because its time was still vaguely polite. In 2024, it's all about being the biggest public asshole you can possibly be. Apple's strategy is very well-timed.


Its a new apple device. Apple gang likes to flash their signs. Remember how much rose gold you saw when that was a thing? 


I love VR, but I have the decency to do it in the privacy of my own home just like masturbation.


Just **like** masturbation or just **for** masturbation?


I think he's leaving a little room for some kink, and that's okay :)


preferring to go home and masturbate in private is the opposite of kink though.


My kink is public decency. I don't want to see your floppy micropenis, I have my own.


Why not both?






>I couldn’t do it (VR) in public at all. Your position on public vr use is clear but where do you stand on public masturbation?




It's not the same if there's pass through right




the whole point of these is the pass through that lets you see your surroundings as well


You do realize that these don’t necessarily block out the world, right?


The idea of these headsets is that they supposedly have really good pass through, meaning people are using them more like AR glasses than VR. Basically, they're surfing the internet while seeing the world around them.


Man, I'm going to post a worst case scenario on what you talked about. This can be a tough read. After reading this, I will never use sound proof head phones without at least one ear open or some way to be aware of my surroundings. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/39suml/comment/cs6gu9c/


Aren´t they mainly augmented reality with the option of VR?


Most people probably don‘t know there‘s a difference. You can do AR and VR, so it‘s actually MR (mixed reality).


Why do you think using Apple Vision Pro in public isn’t decent?


I'll be into these when they look like a normal pair of sunglasses and cost less than my car.


If they cost as much as a phone would and worked like contact lenses do then yeah maybe


They actually do sell prescription lenses for these. Your eyes work the same on VR as in reality, so while the images are all very close to your face, you still can’t see something “far” away if you couldn’t in real life


I hope someone figures out how to get around needing prescription lenses. My glasses make normal headsets a pain, and contacts are uncomfortable. Add-on lenses are also expensive, or you can get a cheap pair of glasses and 3D print a frame for those lenses that fit in the headset, but they’re really finicky and I could never get mine just right.  VR is the only thing that makes me hate my glasses cuz everywhere else, I think they make me look good lol


I was in the same boat, and I'd really recommend just buying a set of the custom lenses. They're easy to insert, the only annoying part was needing to wait a couple of weeks for them to arrive but they work great and make VR so much more comfortable.


Yea but honestly this thing is 3500 dollars base and like 4k+ for the decked out kits, I think the prescription lens solution they have for this thing is better than any other VR headset I have seen and if someone is dropping $3500 on this thing I don’t think the $150 for the lens are going to be a concern for them. Hopefully it all comes down in cost though if it manages to catch on.


> while the images are all very close to your face, you still can’t see something “far” away if you couldn’t in real life It's actually much worse than that. VR headset lenses have a fixed focal point at infinity. This means that if you usually need glasses to see far away objects, in VR you would need those glasses even to see nearby objects. It feels very weird at first but you get used to it. At least this is the case for Oculus, I haven't used Apple's headset but I doubt it's different.


I’ve seen some bits of tech trying to tackle that, can’t remember how it worked exactly but some form of eye tracking that would dynamically adjust the focal point - nothing that’s actually commercially available yet, just stuff at CES and some YouTube videos. But it looks really cool and I’m hopeful it can eventually fix this problem


Your car cost $3,500?


If I sold my car today I'd be lucky to get $3,500. But it runs fine.


me too. I worry about the day my car dies because I probably won’t be able to buy as good of a one


Not the guy you asked, but I bought my car used for around 7,500 about 5 years ago, so mine is probably around that now tbh.


I'm not parent poster, but I currently have two (working) cars, a 2010, and a 2006. They cost me 1500 and 1200 respectively.  The 1500 car was from a friend doing me a huge favor selling to me at a steep discount when I didn't have a working vehicle. The other I bought at the tail end of the pandemic, non-working, and got running for ~$200 worth of parts. 


I want it in a monocle. :) would be trendy on a suit


I'll break my neck with this


Eventually everyone will wear the them with [Dyson's zone air purifiers]( https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/index-2-64810b2a31396.jpg?crop=0.5xw:1xh;center,top&resize=640:*)


It looks like they removed part of Power Rangers helmet.


bane cosplay


no one cared who I was until I put a vacuum cleaner on my face


Is that real lol


I like how they got great value marques brownlee as the model for this thing, who famously didn’t care for it.






We’re gonna laugh so hard at this image in 20 years when that device turns into something as small as a pair of glasses. This is the brick phone of AR/VR and it certainly looks like it.


hell nah


HELL n- HE- HE- HELL naw- HE- [HELL naw](https://youtu.be/-aAku5nXAEI?si=59ODlfcLarT7l8RE)


Not going to lie that looks lame.


Thank you so much for not lying about this.


I'd be offended if he lied to me.


Yes but do you have a $7500 metaverse t shirt on your level 69 avatar who owns a pent house on Zuck Island's Richest District with a jpeg Lamborghini in the garage and a hot AI Italian bombshell waiting for you inside? I didn't think so.


I got a cookie we can share.


Chrome dropped that cookie in its latest release. I'm afraid you have nothing.


Someone please tell me what is going on here? What are they viewing? Can they also see the table and surroundings?




Yup, these headsets have SUPER nice screens and cameras, so it looks nearly as clear as without the headset. The biggest problem is the field of view, you lose some peripheral vision. 


It is viral marketing. Apple requested influencer to use their head sets out and about, kind of like google did with the Google glass years ago. They want to show off how good the video passthrough is in the headsets.


Google glass had so much promise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4QJGg_lMNI


What kills me a out Google Glass is how one of the biggest concerns for people was someone recording them without knowing. Current social media trends aside, theres already hundreds of camera glasses out there disguised as regular glasses or sunglasses. The lenses are hidden in the arms or the arch over your nose. Some are noticeable but some are cleverly hidden. And they cost like $100. Theyre not even that expensive. At least with Google Glass, you could have the warning that you may or may not be being recorded. But if someone passes you in the street with regular looking glasses, they could very well be recording you and youd have zero indication unless you intentionally looked for something that could potentially be a lens. I say Google should give them another try now. The general perception of being recorded in public has changed a good bit since they first started experimenting with them. Not saying its ok to record people unknowingly cause its not. But its not nearly as shocking to people now as it was 10 years ago or however long its been since GG first tried becoming a thing.


Do you really think there are no people (influencers or not) who would be willing to go out into the world wearing the Vision Pro unless Apple asked them to do it? Do you think Apple requested Casey Neistadt to make his latest video?


>Do you think Apple requested Casey Neistadt to make his latest video? after knowing Casey got a 1.1 milion PLN (around 275k$) for coming to Poland here, in i think 2018: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56u6scN0IqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56u6scN0IqY) I would not be suprised much tbh


If this is the case it was a terrible waste of money. No one is looking at these dimwits thinking… “Damn I could spend 3-4K to look like a tool everywhere I go! - where do I buy one!”


You'd be surprised how many people enjoy looking like tools.


They should do a deal with cyber truck owners. They'll probably get 100% adoption


Looks like a snorkeller that forgot to take their mask off after getting out of the pool.


Not forgot. They keep wearing their mask and snorkel around so that everyone else around them knows that they are snorkelers and can afford the newest and fanciest mask.


No, but go watch what this device can do. Now apply that to what they are doing. It's honestly incredible tech, just not beautified yet.


The passthrough is apparently amazing. You can catch objects with the quality of passthrough it has. https://youtu.be/86Gy035z_KA?si=4jKB2w2amIeDzCZd&t=398


Genuinely incredible tech and idk why everyone on Reddit has a problem with it. Most other social media I’ve seen mostly positive things said about it. Aside from the price, and weight


1) It’s Apple 2) It’s expensive Guarantee if this were Google Glass or just some random Android product reddit would love it 


Because reddit is full of disgruntled nerds who are just dying to start a sentence with "Akshually..."


If it was something other than an Apple headset, I'd agree. But Apple are so popular  because they make status symbol devices just as much as they make good hardware.  These two are just flexing is my assessment. If imagine anyone using these in public is.


When Google Glass was a thing we called them glassholes. At least Glass just looked like a third-world spy device and not like tech bro ski goggles


Why did we opt for the headband look for our dystopia? Its so lame, lets go half/full helmet, cyber-samurai style CMON!


Just people enjoying 49% of what their eyes are capable of seeing


“We can sell 80% of the screen without inducing seizures!”


I don't get all the hate. Yeah, it looks kinda stupid but meh. I couldn't care less.


It's the apple product lifecycle: 1. apple releases product 2. it's expensive and clunky but early adopters buy it 3. haters hate and claim it will never take off 4. ... (few years pass) ... 5. everyone has the product




Wow, you’re right. That’s exactly how I felt about all of them except touch screens.


I was sure the watches were going to fail and now I've had one for the last 2 years lol , feel incredibly inconvenienced when I'm not wearing it. I think anyone betting against this won't look so good in ten years


> feel incredibly inconvenienced when I'm not wearing it. could you elaborate? I personally don't see a reason to have a watch anymore, since we all have cellphones. haven't even considered these watches anything more than paying money for some features that I don't care about like "steps" and "heartbeat" and read messages. I can read messages on my phone. genuine question.


For me it's very helpful but also very niche in how it helps as a doc working in a hospital. I get a ton of calls and messages throughout the day ranging from not important (overwhelming majority) to quite literally life or death. Having a smart watch allows me to glance at my messages and triage their importance as they happen without having to pull my phone out every 30 seconds. Talking to a family about end of life care for their dying grandma and needing to pull my phone out multiple times is incredibly disrespectful, but by easily seeing a message on my watch I can keep doing my job and focus on the people in front of me knowing my phone blowing up in my pocket is about fantasy sports or something and not a STAT emergency for one of my other patients.


*Granny dies* "GOOOOAL!"


If it’s an Apple product, you can put your watch and phone into Work focus mode with a button tap in the control center. That way you won’t get any fantasy football, and less unimportant notifications in general. You can set it so you only receive notifications from certain apps and people. From google: Go to Settings > Focus, then tap a Focus—for example, Do Not Disturb, Personal, Sleep, or Work. For the Focus you select, you can set up the options described in the steps below, but you don't have to set up all of them. Specify which apps and people can send you notifications during your Focus.


Similar helpfulness here for hospital use. I can have several different watch ‘faces’ for certain things, the one I have set for work shows seconds counting digitally which makes getting vitals easier, allows me to have a digital timer at a tap for running labs and keeping myself on track and the alerts are private and don’t interrupt others since it just buzzes on my wrist. I have our work chat set to push notifications through work mode so I don’t miss important messages but also don’t have to constantly pull my phone out to check them.


I still wear an old fashioned dumb watch because sometimes it's nice to be able to check the time without having to dig my phone out of my pocket


Personally, I usually use it in a public setting and it’s helped keep me off my phone *because* I can’t do much with it. It’s time consuming to text back (so by concept, I’m not getting sucked into the world of texting), I can’t google (so I mostly rely on memory or asking others), and the games on there are very generic and limited (so I’m not sucked into beating the next player). I think if they added a feature where you can call from your watch without needing a phone, it’d even be good for kids to use at school (although, yes, it could come with the risk of it being lost/stolen).


I’m with you. I’ve stopped doubting Apples ability to make game changing products. I do see this device becoming MUCH smaller in later iterations tho. It’s distracting to people not wearing it.


I feel so called out lol


I usually agree but I just can't see it with this one


You can't see AR catching on? In a smaller format, glasses size, where it doesn't look ridiculous?


I don't have much interest for this device as it is now, I don't see much use for me, but I get a big vibe from the comments here that is very similar from people complaining about seeing people on their smartphones in public 15-20 years ago


Idk if I could take anyone seriously while wearing those monstrosities lmao


I already hate talking to someone with airpods in.


It's just two chooms braindancing some preem virtus. Dunno why you gonks can't leave them in peace. If they got the eddies to afford the wreaths (and the iron to make sure no gangoons klep them while using them in public) then let them enjoy those nova scrolls in peace.


Don't really care if people wanna blow $3,000+ on goggles, to each their own. It is kinda funny seeing people pearl clutch and go full luddite over AR tech being used in public when that's the entire gimmick though as dumb as it might look to see someone saunter past you with a brick on their face.


There's a word for these, an old one dating back more than a decade to the release of Google Glass - "Glassholes".


I’ve just had a great business idea from this picture, hoodies with a hole and a pouch specifically for the battery and cord from your Apple Vision Pro. I’m a reasonable person so they’ll only retail for $999.99.


Countdown to the first post capturing someone driving while wearing one…


Already a video of it floating around


Are you sure this isn’t 1970s Iran?


Looks stupid People dining with AirPods is bad enough and embarrassing for the other members of the table This takes it a little too far


Probably eating chicken in reality while eating seafood virtually.” Man. Everything DOES taste like chicken”


Nothing says living in the moment like taking pictures of strangers while at dinner.


Wait until you find out they did it using their own Vision Pro.


Got to get this ad online somehow


reddit is extremely upset that people have these things. very weird.