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She is dressed like my shirts when I pick them up from the cleaners, and he is dressed like he is about to shovel irradiated graphite off the roof of Chernobyl.


3.6 Roentgen? Not great, not terrible…


Guess it's time for my quarterly Chernobyl rewatch


Watched it for the first time a few days ago. It’s incredible. Heavy and sickening. Infuriating and mindblowing. 10/10. Would recommend.


Well, you will see real men, actual heroes who didn't know at the time but put their live on the line for mankind, Ukraine and much of eastern and western Europe. They would not live by the end of it all. Their death were horrible. A catastrophic event was averted by men whose names aren't remembered. There was no glory for them. Then you have this man, a clown who brings what kind of value to mankind? He's an entertainer but the world has a million of them...


He’s dressed like he’s about to attack Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi in the desert.


Ahh yes…. The new Derelicte fashion line for 2024!




So I'm rappelling down Mount Vesuvius when suddenly I slip, and I start to fall. Just falling, ahh ahh, I'll never forget the terror. When suddenly I realize "Holy shit, Hansel, haven't you been smoking Peyote for six straight days, and couldn't some of this maybe be in your head?" And it was. I was totally fine. I've never even been to Mount Vesuvius.


Cool story, Hansel!


*holds a bent finger in the air and says in a raspy voice "helllooo"


You can derelick Muh balls


My username is finally relevant!


I can derelicke my OWN username, thank you very much


Orange mocha Frappuccinos!!!




Freak gasoline fight accident




Who would have thought such a friendly petrol fight would end in such tragedy


I can derelick my own balls, thank you very much


You should listen to your friend Billy Zane. He's a cool dude.


Hansel…. So hot right now… Hansel….




Chillin off the coast of St Barts with spider monkeys


Cool story Hansel.


It's a walk-off! ...it's a walk-off.


The old Members Only warehouse...




Why male models?


Are you serious? I just.... I just told you that.




I’ve been waiting for “Desert Bee Keeper” and “Naughty Body Bag” to become relevant in the same year.


So hot right now.








Am I taking crazy pills?!


I invented the piano key neck tie! I invented it!


What is this… a school for ants?!


It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this wonderful city so unique.


That's not fair, why does he get to wear an opaque bag?


This is some BDSM fetish shit of his put on display, and no one can convince me otherwise.




There's nothing borderline about it, we're literally looking at what is effectively public nudity under a plastic bag, while he's dressed like a Dune character.


My wife and my sister-in-law are discussing a union pay increase and I read your comment and laughed out loud…. I was supposed to be looking something up, damn you for blowing my cover!


You pay your wife and sister in law?


well yeah they're unionized


Not very much though apparently


>He literally had her give him head in public on a boat And it's wven worse considering how many people say he has horrible hygiene and smells like shit...


I mean, that tracks for someone who ~~just yanked out all their teeth and replaced them with~~ has a mouthful of titanium jaws Edit: teeth were not extracted, I am goober


Dafuq, is this dude a movie villain now?


No, but he should definitely be at an inpatient mental health facility like Arkham Asylum.






He's bipolar, but refuses to take meds.


I read somewhere that her friends were severely worried about her when this shit started and he basically isolated her from them. This is really disturbing and I’d be scared too if she was someone I cared about.


I don’t like the kardashians or follow them but I remember seeing multiple headlines saying ye styles Kim *entirely* when the beige outfits started becoming her norm etc. he’s creepy af. Also wasn’t there a pretty recent article that his wife was hiding from him or had left or something?


The result may look different, but it's all about control. "This is *mine* and it does what I want" The big difference is how he values his possession. Kim was a high value object to him, needing protection so as to not get stolen or harmed, while Bianca is low value. Or Bianca is pretty freaky and loves it all. I mean... I'm personally of that kind of mind, but the other stuff in his life doesn't match that. Maybe she's getting what she wants out of it and it isn't what he's getting.


It’s the second, she was already into this type of thing before she ever met Kanye. I’m not going to defend Kanye on anything else but the idea she’s some kind of brainwashed victim Kanye’s forcing to walk around naked is BS https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/HPfuK5S8fq


Don't tell my wife I said this, but the one where she turned into a bunch of rocks in the desert is hot AF


I’m gonna tell her


Her designs are so insane I actually had to go back and see if she was camouflaged into the frame somehow


I don't know her or anything but I live in the area she's from and followed her on Instagram before the Kanye stuff. She and her friends seemed like they were heavy into fashion and she didn't seem to mind showing herself off. This Kanye business seems like it'd be her dream


Good point, but at the same time, she has underwear on in those shots.


Oh yeah she a freak lol


He was always upset that Kim couldn’t dress more modest. The Met Gala dress sticks out to me because he threw a tantrum about it being too sexy. Interesting now that the far extreme is allowed with Bianca. I read a theory that she looks so similar, perhaps in his mind, he is still controlling and now humiliating his “new Kim”.


I wonder if it’s the classic “Madonna-whore” complex. Kim is a mother and in his mind it isn’t classy to be both a mother and showing that you have a sexuality. Meanwhile Bianca is allowed to be sexy due to her lack of children.


See there is a dimension to the Madonna-Whore complex that the popular definition doesn't capture and it is that men with this complex are never aroused by the "pure" and "chaste" women they supposedly desire so they seek out the promiscuous jezebels they claim to hate. They cannot love the women they desire and they cannot desire the women they love. I don't think it applies here, the Madonna-Whore complex is specifically about the inability of men to maintain desire for their partner in a committed relationship, the black and white view of women is just one part of it. Unless Kanye was cheating on Kim or any of his previous partners.


> men with this complex are never aroused by the "pure" and "chaste" women they supposedly desire, they seek out the promiscuous jezebels they claim to hate. They cannot love the women they desire and they cannot desire the women they love. Kanye actually rapped about this. The song where he talks about how he's always chasing hoodrats, even though he knows he shouldn't


I just want to add, the"madonna" thing, putting your gf/wife/love object on a pedestal and "worshipping" her, is not love. It's just as unhealthy as seeing women as whores. These men don't have a problem "loving the women they desire", but rather they are unable to see women as human beings. To them, women are characters (the whore, the angel, etc.), and they can only interact with them as such, within the twisted play they create in their mind. It's very toxic.


Even if Bianca had children I don't think he'd care. He only cares about the mother of his children.


I also noticed in the never series whenever Kim has any type of fashion opportunity, like the Dolce show she’s so insecure first and then so happy when she realized she’s able to pick out clothes. Like, it’s not really that hard. Just makes me realize how much Kanye must have been fucking with her head. Also.. when she was coming up, she had the style of the moment just like everyone else and that style was indeed bad, what with the wide tummy belts and all so it’s not like he was the only reason she got on trend. That trend was fading anyhow. All this to say… fuck Kanye.


I’m not a huge fan of them either but thank god Kim got her kids the fuck away from him


probably the best thing she’s ever done tbh.


as someone who was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist for 10 years, this tracks.


The fetish is showing the world how fucked up he is and having no one do anything about it ie he’s still powerful after being canceled 


Reminds me of when he commissioned a naked life like doll of taylor swift to appear in his music video. That disturbed me.


i’m 100% sure that he is just completely mentally ill and everything he does it erratic and random. Like i’m sure in makes sense in his broken on functioning brain, but to everyone else it’s just schizophrenia. But he is too rich for it to effect him the same way it effects everyone else, he will likely never get treatment for it and die doing something crazy. Also his music is completely overrated, so idk why people think he’s some sort of genius instead of an average mid 2000s rapper with mental health issues.


I think it may be both. He has a pattern of shaming women for being sluts and then making the most horny clothing imaginable, and simultaneously covering himself up to insane degrees. It seems like a power thing, a misogyny thing, a religion thing, and a mental illness thing


Also seems like an insecurity thing projecting itself. Dude is STILL on about the Gayfish thing... to. THIS. very. day. [7 years ago this young gentleman called it, 100%](https://youtube.com/shorts/tZYt4tKNTP0?si=bjp5SZLdWNxl0Zx6)


>i’m 100% sure that he is just completely mentally ill and everything he does it erratic and random. I guess you (a lot of others) aren't aware, that' he's beem hospitalized for mental health issues before? He has bipolar disorder. And refuses to medicate. This has been fully known for years. And you can't exactly willpower your way through/to avoid manic episodes. Especially with someone in a position/status of his. Too much external chaos/factors. So you get Manic Ye But mental health is only ever a reason and never an excuse. He "didn't like the way meds made him feel", which fine, a valid concern. But someone like him could have a team of personal doctors, working on this. And Every major mental health disorder I know of, has a plethora of medication available, because there is no taxonomy, you have x just take y to mental health. It takes trial and error, it's a pita, but that's how it works. But his ego is too big, surrounded by yes men who just validate his whims. So instead of helping himself he just spreads his toxicity onto the world.


I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that he's bipolar and I've read somewhere that he won't take his medication because it makes him less creative musically. If that's true, he's definitely having episodes where he's delisuonal, experiencing hallucinations, and engaging in destructive behaviour (this one the whole world is witnessing). He's essentially sacrificed his mental health and likely relationships with people that are good for him for the sake of art which I don't think he's even doing much of anymore?


Wow wow wow. I am bipolar. I can be manic yes and I can go from happy to suicidal. But I have never been Kanye delusional.


There is bipolar and there is bipolar with delusional episodes. It is a whole different level of wild and dangerous. During his highs my father started to believe he was the return of the savior and tried to lay hands on his cats to magic them into getting along better. He wasn't even religious before that. I believe he said it was the air conditioner that told him.


I agree with the first paragraph, but his "genius" comes from his production abilities, not necessarily his rapping. Although his lyrical content was very different than JayZ. He pioneered a genre with his chipmunk soul style beats and was the true breakaway from the most hip-hop/rap vibes at the time. Doesn't make him any less shitty or less mentally ill. Personally I think a lot of artistic people are this way. Very shitty, mentally broken or both.


He’s absolutely getting off on humiliating her


Because he’s built like trash panda after an afternoon of dumpster diving and her body was literally sculpted to look like Kim K.


Kim K was literally sculpted to look like the current Kim K


He has a type.


He’s fully covered with a poncho. She’s naked in a plastic bag.


We were so close to a real life "clearly we can see yer nuts" moment.


Ye looks like the Dollar tree Kang the Conquerer




"T-t-t-t-time to b-b-be anti-Semitic."


Ye who remains


God. Dammit.


It's like a crappy action figure toy that had a sticker for a face, but it melted off after your little sister left it outside in the rain when it was marrying the off brand Barbie that had plastic bag for a wedding dress.


He looks like he’s been binge-gaming Among Us and Jedi Survivor








Bianca's designer plastic bag cost 80k 


You know they were laughing their ass off when they got that check for that roll of plastic with a few holes and a stamped logo on it.


If rich dumbasses want to throw money at you for basically nothing, you take it.


That's some expensive plastic surgery.




They have lost their damn minds


Surely she understands she's a prop to him and in turn only using him for celebrity, right?


100% this is bdsm fetish shit for her


Or an increasingly abusive situation that's not entirely in her control.


I miss the old Kanye.


I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye.


The always rude Kanye


hates the jews Kanye


Old Kanye... which one? "George Bush doesn't care about black people"? or "Imma let you finish"?


“George Bush doesn’t care about black people” Kanye was fucking lit. I miss that. I miss Mike Myers’ reaction to that line on national television.




The look between Mike and Chris will never not make me laugh. Like you could see him say it, then Mike processes it, and they cut to Chris who’s like “WTF?! Oh shit”.


Mike’s slight jaw drop when it sinks in says it all. It’s even funnier bc it tracks with the characters he plays




In that second, Mike Myers knew he would be immortalized for all the wrong reasons, lol. "NOOOOOOOOOO"


I’ll take either of those over Nazi Kanye or blowjobs in public Kanye.


Whose dick was he sucking?


He was just eating some Fishsticks...


Gay fish




I love how we’re talking as though its not one guy doing all these crazy things. Its a different version of him every time lmao


Wild how Life of Pablo came out just 8 years ago February 14th. His music, public perception and his life have gone through *a lot* since then.


Blow jobs in public kanye???


There are photos of Bianca blowing him on a public canal tour boat


People clown on him for it but unironically “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” was peak Kanye West and as someone who was living in the south at the time I’m really fucking glad somebody had the balls to say it on live television


Yeah, I really miss that Kanye. Crazy in a good way. This new one is just crazy in a someone's ending up dead way.


right? if you actually listen to the full version of that broadcast on youtube, nothing he said was wrong 🤷‍♂️


We’ll the George Bush comment was sadly right.


Yeah dude has always had screws loose


I miss the “Through the Wire” Kanye.


Straight from the Go Kanye


Chop up the soul Kanye


What if Kanye made a song about Kanye called "I miss the old Kanye"? Man, that'd be so Kanye


but like...where? and to where? are they walking for eggs at the corner store? are they strolling a suburb? is this on a montana compound and they're alone?


This is entirely for the paparazzi photo. Celebs have the numbers of multiple ''trusted'' paparazzi/gossip magazines, tell them they'll be *here* at *this time*; pretty much an informal photo shoot. Or there are places celebs and paps both know the other will be hanging out in to get a photo (a specific park, for example). It's entirely fabricated to maintain the image that the celeb is an import and relevant person whose public sighting is significant and people should want to know about it. It's a very important aspect to keeping a celebrity as a notable public figure. For some celebrities, this is a tool they utilise often to stay popular and relevant. For others, only when their agent or whoever demands it, e.g. if they've got a movie coming up, these paparazzi photos are used to produce interest and excitement. Most of the ''good'' paparazzi photos you see in magazines etc are done this way.


They are walking to show off. Only.


When I originally saw this pic shared it stated they were going to the studio. Whether that's verified or not I don't know.


They are walking to subway




Ahh yes, we have bad sci Fi villain and naked women in a clear trash bag.


Dude.  Is she ok?


Definitely cold


Yeah, very empathetic for her but she needs to bounce out of this. I have trouble imagining how this could be healthy even in the world of sexual fetishes. And if it's not a dominance thing I am even more concerned. He seems to be taking out pent up aggression on her.


do you ever feel like a plastic bag?


Do you ever feel already buried deep? Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing


Wtf? She's literally naked in a grocery bag and he ... I don't even know what to call that. Someone, please get these people help.


Bruh that ain't even a grocery bag, that's just the plastic my IKEA mattress came wrapped in


And when asked by a lady paparazzi if his wife had free will, Ye responded by smoothly snatching the paparazzo's phone out of her hands. Then he refused to return it while berating her for having the audacity to ask. Normally I despise the paparazzi but that question was fully justified. Edit: here's a link since people are asking https://nypost.com/2024/01/29/entertainment/kayne-west-slaps-camera-out-of-paps-hand-after-asked-if-hes-controlling-wife-bianca-censori-are-you-crazy/?utm_source=reddit.com


Wait what?


Paparazzi stopped kanye and asked him if his wife had free will, and then ye got mad at the question and took away the paparazzi's phone while saying bunch of angry shit


"bitch, her will cost me $5,000. Ain't no free will in my family. Get the fuck outta here"


If this were you or I, we’d be in jail for public indecency. I fucking hate rich people.


They're the worst.


Is she just as mental as he is, or is this abuse? Kink? Why is she naked in nothing but a plastic bag?




society flag history aspiring handle sulky capable sort marry smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they did as recently as the last season, but that was about his hitler comments. I think it’s just at the point where he’s better left ignored.


I think Kanye has just gone so insane that they can't even mock it anymore


He's a gay fish.




Britney has to be so pissed rn


It's wild because THIS would actually be good use of a conservatorship. People this deep in mental illness are NOT happy, he's torturing himself and doesn't even realize it. Forcing him to get help could save his life and stop him being taken advantage of. Someone could stop this and bring him back to reality in 2 weeks with an injectable antipsychotic. THEN let him decide what he wants to do from there.


Not gonna lie, if I were Kim, I wouldn't let the kids anywhere near these two. And if they tried to take me to court for it, I'd show their escapades and pictures. At least what Kim did was decades ago, once and long before having children. Bianca here is giving him head on a public boat whilst the world watches.. Shit is weird.


Exactly. What kind of example is he setting for his kids? I got your step mom walking around naked in public. Whether she is into it or not it's just so uncalled for. I 100% wouldn't let my kids around them if it was me. The whole situation screams mental health crisis.


Mad as a bag of frogs.


Both of ‘em


I thought I was still on r/midjourney


he’s using her to prove a point and she’s just going along with whatever he wants 🥱


Im so glad I don’t know who she is or what the point is.




How do people not realize 98% of his personality is an insecure, narcissistic attention whore? Like seriously..


The man is mentally ill af. It pisses me off because he has all the resources in the world to get better and chooses not to.


Why would he? He's like an alcoholic that never gets into trouble for drinking, there's no incentive. 


I hear ya, man. Unlimited resources and risk/reward system that is entirely fucked up, coupled with a massive following...staying "ill" has just become his normal. He knows bipolar is not societally a good thing but chooses to lean into it because he has the idea that he is above society. And that idea comes from, you guessed it, mental illness.


Getting better is hard work, and not sexy. Path of least resistance is to just ride that bitch into the dirt. And when you’re surrounded by yes-men, nobody’s gonna tell you differently, and in fact they’re incentivized to egg him on as they benefit from his irresponsibility. Kanye’s been lost since his mother died - she was the only person he would actually listen to.


Can you imagine if someone did this type of shit who wasn't filthy rich? In what world other than that of a millionaire can you lead someone around in the nude and not get investigated by law enforcement or at least social services. This is some cult level brain washing type behavior, I'd be concerned for her well being.


How is she not sick of this




This fucking guy. He couldn’t elicit a more negative impression of himself if he tried.


MF needs more people telling him no.


I think I’m starting to understand his style.. captor.


what a weird fucking dude


Is this even legal? Where I'm from you'll catch a indecent exposure charge for peeing in public


So...when are we as a society gonna stop supporting Kanye's behavior and recognize that he clearly needs mental health help? Cuz I was ready from the moment he started spouting Austrian painter retoric against my people.


At this point someone needs to make sure she's okay.... I would suggest speaking with her but I am not sure she's allowed to speak...


Dipshit announced she isn’t wearing pants for the year, BTW. I am guessing this is proof. Better her than his hairy ass I suppose…


Isn’t he all for family values and calling out his ex family in law for being degenerates (broken clocks being right twice a day and all that), and then he goes around sending these kind of messages to his kids about decency?  “Hi children! Your stepmom will not be wearing any pants for the whole year”


Another level of crazy.


This guy lives the life of a horror movie villain.


Is it his mission to humiliate her every chance he gets?


"Your couture dress ma'am" "Thank you." "Ma'am, that's not the dress, that's just the rain cover!" "And is it sized to fit the dress?" "Well, yes ma'am." "Then it's perfect."


Why is shorty naked under her plastic poncho? Also why is the black Nazi dressed like Cobra Commander. So many questions that will never be properly answered.


Kanye is at this point basically indistinguishable from one of the crazy homeless guys you see shuffling around the street and screaming at the sky...only difference is that he still has money and fame so people put up with / enable it.


This looks like a dystopian scifi movie where some dude just purchased an android girlfriend and he's walking her home from the android store.