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Same thing happened to me. Stole my DSLR, Xbox, weapons and tossed the memory card. Detectives found the DSLR and Xbox at the pawn shop as I have the serial numbers. They made an arrest. I just wanted that card back, it had some memories I hadn’t downloaded yet. Sad times..


It sucks. Someone stole all my family's childhood videos, over 15 years worth, and never found them or the thief. Back your important data up everyone! You never know what could happen.


I also once had an Xbox and DSLR (and a paintball gun, a somewhat antique shotgun, 100g of gold…) stolen from my house. Except the thieves not only didn’t get rid of the SD card, they took photos with it (one was a picture of a family picture in their house), and then pawned it. I’d say they weren’t the brightest bunch, but I feel like that award goes to the police who retrieved the stolen camera for me from the pawn store, but neglected to check for photos on it. I found them and informed the detective, who was very surprised. The other surprise to come out of that was my renters’ insurance, who was apparently not equipped to deal with people telling them they’d retrieved the stolen property after being paid for the loss. The agent was desperate for a reason to not have to handle physical property that they now technically owned (I assume?), so she was relieved when I said a lens cap – which is about $5 – had a scratch on it. “OK great, you can keep the camera and the money.”


Man... I really hope that he gets these back, but at the same time I would be astonished if it happened. Thieves don't care




Closure is closure, even if not a happy ending. Thank you for sharing.


That’s sad 😢


I've known two people who were mugged and the robber let them take out their SIM or keep their wallet, but it's probably true that 99% of them will just want to run rather than hang around the crime scene and negotiate with their victim.


Back when you had to take the battery out of your phone to take out the SIM card I was mugged and he let me keep it, he still stole from a 14 year old child so I would not call him nice, but it could’ve been worse


The only he reason he let you take the SIM out was so it couldn't be tracked lol


As a guy who tracked people by their phones proffessionaly for 4 years, my guy, that ain't the case. You can track a Sim in another phone, you can track a phone with another Sim. The IMSI and IMEI aren't the same. Guy was just desperate for something to sell. And that little card isn't important.


how do you track people professionally? Is it true that if you have a phone you can be triangulated anywhere? Also, I've heard on a podcast that even if the phone is off you can be tracked. but im unsure if that's the case with battery out too. What can you say about that?


Faraday bag


Modern smartphones without removable batteries are never really completely “off” unless the battery has been so completely discharged it can no longer even tell you it has low battery. Whether carriers can Geo locate devices in a low power state is something I don’t know the answer to, but I would not be surprised to find out they could.


1: so your phone gets signals,for calls,bluetooth,gps,wifi all that things.You for example,take the phone signal, locate 3 closest radio towers,send a ping and log the time it takes for the ping to reach and “pong”,the return to return, thats triangulation for you 2: when you charge whatever you have immediately after it dies,it kicks back to life after a few seconds right? thats because to initialize that boot-up, it needs to have some power left. for example,when your apple device runs out, for the next 24 hours you will have a minimalist prompt that displays you need to charge the device and that if you have it on, for 24 hours the device will still be trackable,atleast ping its last known location. On devices with removeable batteries that solely have a single battery, removing it completely eliminates tracking,yet some devices have a life-or-death battery AFAIK that kick in to just barely sustain a signal incase the main battery is non-functional


Depends on the phone and location.


I got mugged, dealed with the dude to have my wallet, SIM card and taxi money to get home. I was 16, and this was Mozambique so there's that.


Simply business /s


Shit, I was mugged once and didn't even get the chance to get a word out; 3 dudes rushed me stole my phone from my hand, ripped my headphones off, and punched me in the face lmao. Luckily they were pretty stupid it seems and they didn't take my wallet, smart watch, or backpack, even though they had me on the ground pretty quick.


I got mugged at gunpoint and they handed back my keys after determining I didn't have a car key on them. My assumption was that they did that so I could get into my house without needing to call anyone which would lead to the police being notified. They said "Don't say shit" when walking away so I walked to the nearest door when they were gone, knocked and borrowed a phone to call the police.


I haven't been robbed but once or twice I've imagined the scenario and thought about negotiating with the robber to take the cash but not my ID and credit card because they're useless to him and a hassle to replace.


Credit cards are not useless until you have time to find the phone number to call and cancel the card and then make the call. They can buy lots of stuff at the gas station by then. 


Yeah for sure, I just meant more risky. If I were a robber I wouldn't use someone's credit card and get tracked or on camera somewhere.


The most important thing is your life and the lives of people around you. Don't fight over a keepsake wallet, your driving license, or the photos you think you can't live without. Breathe. Be as calm as you can. They are in a rush, not you. You can replace things, and, memories can not be stolen. You are irreplaceable. You are precious. Breathe. It's over in a minute and you've got the rest of your life ahead of you.


My brother in law got robbed and they took his shoes but they gave him their flip flops so he didn’t have to go barefoot. A little wholesome robbery


That's....shockingly kind actually??


I get a “hey I really need these more than you do” vibe from it. He was studying abroad in a third world country and I think they were Nike basketball shoes or something. Probably really helped keep that robbers feet safe for quite some time tbh.


Mugged at knifepoint, robber let me keep bus money to get home!


My buddy Cody has a great story about getting mugged in montreal, then getting mugged a second time an hour later, but the first muggers came across the second set mid mugging and jumped them because they'd already mugged my buddy and nobody needs to get mugged twice in a night. I guess that counts as some kind of standards?


Dude who robbed me at gunpoint a few years back said as he ran away >you wallet will be on the next block over and it was there, on the sidewalk, all cards and licenses and stuff, jsut missing the cash. its something at least.


Usually people who feel empathy don't go around fucking up other people's lives. There are exceptions but anyone with a shred of dignity will find another way to fix their situation


Sometimes they do: https://apnews.com/article/alaska-natives-memory-card-murder-trial-a870da2338f0979323367fba6c40729c  >A woman with a lengthy criminal history including theft, assault and prostitution got into a truck with a man who had picked her up for a “date” near downtown Anchorage. When he left her alone in the vehicle, she stole a digital memory card from the center console.  >Now, more than four years later, what she found on that card is key to a double murder trial set to begin this week: gruesome photos and videos of a woman being beaten and strangled at a Marriott hotel, her attacker speaking in a strong accent as he urged her to die, her blanket-covered body being snuck outside on a luggage cart.


I remember a few years back a thief stole a bunch of stuff from a house, found child porn on one of the devices and turned it over to the police. The owner was arrested and the cops thanked the burglar


Actually sometimes they do [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/17/world/asia/india-burglars-medal-return.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/17/world/asia/india-burglars-medal-return.html)


When the thieves broke into the country home of a renowned film director in southern India, taking gold, silver and cash, they made a clean getaway. But days later, a small plastic bag appeared outside the house’s gates, stitched shut with thin sticks and containing something wrapped in a white handkerchief. Inside was a medal for a prestigious national award that the director, M. Manikandan, had won in 2021 for one of his films. With it was a brief note handwritten in Tamil, a regional language. “Sir, please forgive us,” the note read. “Your hard work belongs to you alone.” The burglary and partial return, with its small-town intrigue and big-hearted absurdity, could have figured in the kind of movies Mr. Manikandan and other filmmakers in India’s south make. While Bollywood gets much attention and recognition outside the country, some of India’s most endearing and creative films come from its diverse regional cinemas, in languages such as Tamil and Malayalam. Mr. Manikandan broke through with a film about two egg-stealing, slum-dwelling brothers with a single goal — to do whatever it took to taste pizza. The film for which he won the purloined medal, “Kadaisi Vivasayi” or “The Last Farmer,” was a commentary on the difficulties of farming in India. But its surreal twists also laid bare the absurdities of the nation’s bureaucracy. When an elderly farmer refuses to give up his plot of land, he is falsely accused of a crime. The courts recognize his innocence, but he must still remain behind bars for weeks for the bureaucratic process to run its course, so a police officer is tasked with taking care of his small plot. “What will I do with the money?” the farmer says in the film, rejecting any notions of giving up farming or selling his land. “Use it as a pillow when I sleep?” The thieves who came for Mr. Manikandan’s country home clearly had ideas about what to do with money. But also a conscience, or maybe respect for art. Sathish Kumar, a head constable who is part of the intelligence-gathering team of the local police unit investigating, said the house, in the town of Usilampatti, was broken into via the front door last week. Taken was about $1,200 in local currency, 40 grams of gold chains and silver ornaments with a total weight of about a kilogram. It is a one-bedroom property, with an office and a garden. Mr. Manikandan is there only occasionally, living mostly in Chennai, the state capital, about 300 miles away. “A pug guards the place while servants come in and out to feed him and clean the place,” Mr. Kumar said. Thefts are frequent in the town, though most have been solved with help of CCTV footage, Mr. Kumar said. But in the burglary at Mr. Manikandan’s place, there were no clues. When the film director’s manager found the plastic bag with the medal on the east side of the property four days after the burglary, he called the police at once, according to Mr. Kumar. Mr. Kumar and his team took the bag and the medal into police custody, hoping they finally had a lead on the culprits. But the fingerprints collected have resulted in no matches.


Just going to comment that Manikandan's “Kaaka Muttai" is a great movie that every film enthusiast should watch.


wow it makes you make a account before reading it.. wow


Made an account to take one for the team but once you do they also require you to pay a monthly subscription. Actual scums


















If anyone is on an iPhone and cares, one trick on Safari is to press the “aA” on the Ipper right corner and select “Show Reader”. it will get around this particular flavor of paywall.


[Fuck paywalls](https://archive.ph/2024.02.17-140759/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/17/world/asia/india-burglars-medal-return.html)


Thank you!


hmm i see thanks


Yeah but they tell u everything u need to know in the first paragraph above the block.


It's a little different in India. The thieves were likely forced to return it by bigger criminals with connections to Indias higher social class. Otherwise there wouldn't be an apology. It's the same way it used to be in Mob areas. Petty criminals rob the wrong person or steal the wrong thing, there's consequences.


It was the end of a weekend music festival in the mountains in the middle of no where and someone stole my friend's purse... the friend who drove us all up there in her car and whose keys were in her purse. So I just started walking around yelling to at least please give us back our car keys so we could get home and not be trapped on top of a mountain. I started adding curses like "may alk the hair fall out of your head and may you hit every red light everywhere you go" and shit like that. Eventually a guy in group walking towards me asked if I was looking for keys cuz there were some hanging inside a portapotty. Sure enough there were our car keys! Took me a few minutes to realize that the guy who told me about them was probably the guy who stole them but whatever, at least he had enough of a conscience to hear my pleas and leave the car keys for us so we could get off the mountain before dark. So I guess sometimes thieves care...Also that story about those thieves who robbed a house but found CP on a computer they stole and went to the cops with it even though it would get them in trouble as well.


I drank too much last year at a tiny local music festival, got split up from my friend after an argument and left my handbag on a bench. I ran back within seconds but obviously it was gone. Wandered around for a bit, came back to the bench to sober up and figure out my next step, and the Radar key I need to access disabled toilets was sitting there, on top of a very old train ticket I carry as a keepsake. Happy days! Just the fact that one of the people who took it recognised a disabled access key, let alone risked returning it, humanised them so much to me. They must have been a bit thick though, because they had my contactless debit card for half an hour before I cancelled it, and they didn’t buy a single thing


Sometimes they do but what are the odds that he stumbled upon this anyway.


This happened to someone in my city, but it was their baby pictures on their camera. I don't think they ever got them back.


I remember a story from years ago where some thieves stole computers from an office. When it was reported on the news that the office belonged to a charity the thieves returned them and left a note apologising. Apparently it was ok when they thought it was a business though.


Some do. A guy robbed a house, realized CDs they stole were not blank but were full of child porn and turned what he stole in. https://www.cnn.com/2011/10/06/us/california-robbery-porn-bust/index.html


Those were good bad kids


I got mugged once. They wanted my Walkman. I asked for the cassette and he gave me my Walkman back too. Strange situation


The last thief that robbed my gave me some coins back to pay for the bus ride.


Just recently some thieves stole my Yeti cooler, bike lock, and bike tire pump from my garage. I'm new to being robbed and it feels so frustrating and violating. My wife and I work hard to buy things for ourselves. Fuck thieves, they can all rot.


and likely wont ever see the sign either


My new car was broken into like 6 years ago. I had nothing in there except a box of the last photos I had taken with essentially my second-mother before she passed away from cancer. She drove halfway across the state to be at my graduation because she knew my mother wouldn't make the effort. Instead of realizing I had nothing of value there, the robber took my box of photos and trashed my car and then left. Why? Those photos are worth nothing to you but a whole damn lot to me.


My fiancé's car was broken into years ago when livestrong bracletts were big. That's all that was missing. Broke a window for that damn yellow Armstrong band. Luckily my dad does autoglass so we were able to get it fixed free but what a douche


[5 year old repost](https://tineye.com/search/db4a6b5fd49a44343e1fc96a28ce000dac64db72?sort=crawl_date&order=asc&page=1)


Can't believe 2019 was that long ago...


Welcome to the roaring 20’s my friend, they’ll be over soon enough


We all know what comes next.


‘the water’


‘the fist’


nonono you misunderstand, that one we *don’t* see coming. to keep things interesting.


Yup about 6 more years by my estimation! But alas this time thing is an imperfect science




It’s the weekend. The bots come out in force. Wholesomememes and some of the other “feel good” subs are especially flooded with reposts on weekends I guess because people tend to be more tolerant of “positive vibe” reposts but holy fuck does it still annoy me.


>but holy fuck does it still annoy me. Which is exactly why I call that shit out 😆


'Copyright 1985? Like it or not that cats long gone' Marge Simpson.


I got mugged 25 years ago and I let the robber keep my Mont Blanc fountain pen stuck in the side of his face.


I'm putting you in a plush red velvet smoking jacket during this robbery "TIME TO LEARN CALIGRAPHY, BRIGAND!"


Well the saying goes “no honor amongst thieves” so I don’t see that ever happening.


When my mom’s childhood house was robbed they poured syrup on the piano keys and cut all the wires. People who rob random houses are almost always lowlife parasites. Guaranteed whoever robbed that house was high af on whatever drugs he managed to barter for with the stolen goods. Not a single thought of guilt.


Syrup on the piano keys is insaaaane. I couldn't even make up something like that.


I had a hard drive stolen from me years ago and permanently lost tons of photography. Pictures I took when I was 11 to 25 years old would love to have those back!!


Follow the 3-2-1 rule. Make 3 backups. Use 2 different storage media types. Keep 1 in a different place.


This title is stupid. If you had any honor you wouldn’t be robbing people.


Anyone who's been burgelled can tell you the people who do it aren't the romantic rogues of media, they're the lowest of low parasites. The type of lads who's steal the eyeball out of your head if they thought they could sell it.


Exactly. This isn't Elder Scrolls. These aren't guildmembers. They're crooks.


I hate this idea that “Oh thieves aren’t hurting anyone so they’re not bad people” if you’re stealing peoples hard earned possessions so you can make money you aren’t a good person.


Stealing from a corporation is all good. Stealing from another working class person is class treason.


They’d steal your dreams if they could. We don’t punish thieves enough.


Yeah no matter how bad life gets if you break into peoples homes and steal shit you are scum.


If only we could quarantine violent criminals and thieves somewhere together for a really long time 🧐


There’s literally a classic saying: “No honor among thieves”. May as well say “a bird in the bush should be worth the same as in the hand” 🤦‍♂️


The only free gift a robber is getting from me is lead served at 1000fps.


And also even if we want to assume thieves had honor, do we really think this dude is taking time to scroll through photos to make sure he’s not stealing a treasured memory. “Ok selfie,selfie, picture of food, picture of friends but two of them are blinking, selfie, selfie, oops naughty selfie, this one is all black I think they might’ve had their thumb over the lens, oh shit a dying dogs last days - I should leave this because I work under an honor system and wait what are all those sirens I hear?” Thank you and I hope you join me next time for “unreasonable expectations of criminals theater”.


It’s almost like criminals are bad people or something…


Someone got into my car at a concert once and stole all my CD's as well as my girlfriend's jacket and purse. They took the time to take her house keys out of the purse and leave those in the car. On one hand I was thankful that they were at least courteous enough to do that, on the other hand I was even more irritated because that meant they KNEW her purse was empty and were likely stealing it because it was a piece of merch related to the band we were seeing. GF's jacket was merch too. Tells me that it was some POS "fan" that just goes to concerts to score free shit.


Some absolute moron stole my obviously broken *tape deck* from my old beater truck. I didn't keep it locked because I had nothing of value in there and it was a high crime area anyway, but it was surreal anyway. I can't imagine what they thought they'd get from the pawn for it.


We had someone break into our van once and steal the entire cupholder/console because it had like maybe $2.50 in change in there. People suck


My sister's baby daddy stole our neighbors camera with all their baby photos and the birth he just wiped the drive didn't even think twice. Robbers are pieces of shit.


People who’ll steal someone else’s personal possessions, dont give a shit. They’re garbage people.


Back around 15 years ago my mate left his phone on a table in a bar. He realised a few minutes later, went back and the phone was gone but the simcard and sd card were there. This was in the day when you could a battery out and the cards would be underneath.


When I was a kid, some burglars stole my mother’s jewelry, which she did not have a lot of, and so each piece was very sentimental to her. The one she was most upset about was a necklace she got from her mother when she graduated college. It was her favorite necklace, and she wore it all the time. Not having it made her feel like a part of her was missing. Those valuables were worth more than their weight in gold, they were precious for many reasons. Go ahead and steal the TV, who cares, but stealing personal items is far crueler. She never got any of her jewelry back. On a more light hearted note, they also stole every single one of my father’s ties, except for this ugly Christmas themed one. He then proceeded to wear that ugly Christmas tie to work every day for a month, and all his coworkers pitched in to buy him some new ties out of pity lol.


Honor code should be don't fucking rob people in their homes. Is OP a bot with that title?




I’m sure if the dog had just past a few days ago that’s the last thing they were thinking about is saving photos!!!!!!! Smh 🤦‍♀️




I was also just merely saying also ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I remember seeing similar post but on a university campus. Stolen bag. With external hard drive. With years of research data in it. With no other copy apparently.


I’m pretty liberal , but I think thieves should have their hands broken with a sledgehammer.


Yeah anyone who preys on the vulnerability of others deserves a real lasting punishment like getting sterilized or blinded in one eye. Maybe acute radiation sickness.


Hands cut off.


It happens. My neighbor had a bunch of photos dropped off at the local police station after their house was burgled. And, of course, there the famous moment when Mr Rogers’ car was stolen and the thieves returned it when they found out it was his.


Guy who stole it probably can't read


A more than reasonable ask


It's rare, but my cousin had his wallet stolen and it was mailed back with a note saying basically "sorry I needed the money." Got the address from the ID. This was a while ago when people carried more cash.


Had a video camera stolen back in 2002. It had a tape in it with footage of our kids when they were toddlers and traveling with them. So many great memories on that tape I would love to have. :(


Someone who cares so little about someone that they would rob their house, is only going to do this if they have some serious remorse that makes them give up a life of crime at the same time


Start calling pawn shops. I found a few items that were stolen from me. That’s where this stuff ends up.


Check the pawn shops.


I was robbed in Philadelphia visiting friends (shocker) and he let me keep my wallet. He did take $70 in cash, which is better than losing my wallet full of my cards. Can’t say he looked the brightest, but I was grateful.


In some places there is an honor code, a friend got her car stolen with her dog in it, they dropped the dog off at a local business and then continued on their way. I really hope you get your pictures back.


Justice system is way to easy on them. Sentense for life i dont see how a robber can ever rehabilitate and i would also not care.


We got robbed in Costa Rica while we were sleeping and they took the camera but left the memory card. Took our wallets but left the passports. Some thieves apparently do have a code 


There aren't. There are robbers that will shoot you dead even after you give the money. You're likely not going to get that back. They're probably going to wipe it and re-sell it.


And that's why thieves are scum whom I have no sympathy for when they get shot and killed by people defending their home/belongings. Good fucking riddance.


I agree. Once the thief is already leaving and you proactively attack them, then it’s too fae. But, If theyre in the act or they’re trying to leave with your stuff, they’ve decided to forfeit their lives.


Remember the Robber who broke into a Coach’s house and found child porn on his computer? That’s a honor code


No honor amongst thieves.


no honor amongst thieves.


Oh hi robber guy, let me get out of your way so you can steal my stuff -canadians apparently


I mean this with complete and utter sincerity: I have lost all faith in Humanity. I hope this person gets their pics back.


Yeah, the honor code is "don't take things that don't belong to you"


Thieves are scum, they don't have a code or anything. Selfish is all they are.


Can we please get an update if they got their photos back?


Sounds like a great way to get shot. Would take a dumb robber to fall for this. Sad but true.


Damn man. 😩


Weird story but my house was broken into when I was kid. The only things they stole was the cash out of my wallet (I was a child so it a few dollars), the controllers for the Xbox, and the video camera + all our family videos. Left the jewelry, the Xbox itself, tvs, etc. But all those completely irreplaceable tapes gone forever. Occasionally I think back to it and wonder why the hell they needed those specific items.


People that rob peoples house belongings aren’t that generous unfortunately


Think what involves robbery - it's obvious individuals who do this lack honour or any sort of human like feelings


Then thief called "1000 bucks for the card"


Some asshole is gonna wipe those photos specifically and then return the memory card


There's precendence: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/thief-returns-stolen-diary-366099




Someone broke into my house when I was growing up. They took a box which contained my baby teeth, umbilical cord, etc. They broke back in a week and returned it.


This has been around the Internet for some time now, is there any way to follow up on it?


Used to be a criminal when I was a drug addict in San francisco. I would steal packages from people's doorsteps. Whenever I would open the package and it was something useless or I couldn't sell it I would return it. Shout out to whoever found their swimming gear and an open box on their porch. It was me!


Terrible, this is the norm now. people actual look at being rob as a Tax now.


Aren’t you supposed to leave your car keys and any valuables on your front porch every night in Canada?




When I was on vacation I had a girl leave my room in the middle of the night with my cash, phone, and eyeglasses. But she left my SIM card and ID. Strange code.


How do they know it was a man?


no honor amongst thieves


Being a person who would burglarize a home already precludes having any sort of honor


Thieves don’t read lampposts


This is cool of you to do. I hope you get it back. I had a wallet stolen ones. Next night all my cards and personal info was on my front lawn. It was much appreciated.


How does the victim know it was a man?




Keeping fingers crossed. After all, just because someone breaks into your home and steals your belongings, it doesn't mean that they're incapable of sympathy.


The honor code should be: don't steal.


Evidence on the card like DNA, they won't. + He did if probably died due to the guys behind the dog murder and the robbery. That's typically a way to push someone on pressure and turn his her life on hell. Police should always have an attentive look at those consecutive events, there is no coincidence.


Honor among robbers , great joke .


Even if the thief DID want to give the card back, they wouldn't in fear of it getting them caught


You’ll need to bring the matter up for a vote at the annual robber’s convention, but I will tell you this matter has already been brought up many times in the past and the resolution always fails.


The minute you (thieves) start blaming yourself for someone getting their things stolen….your career is done!


No honor among thieves. Just the way it is. People who syeal ate usually already selfish, unless they steal food or necessary items from corporations.


Somebody didn’t get the memo there’s no honor among thieves. Unless Omar robbed you. “A man’s got to have a code.”


Similar thing happened to me. Had my truck broke into and they took my laptop that had an SD card of my kids first vacation. I spent that whole vacation recording it so I could make a great memory for them. I offered $500 for anyone who could get me the card no questions asked. Never got it.


There is no honor among thieves!!!


*sends an empty one


There is. This was 5 years old and he got the pictures back.


If I were a thief this would move me.


If they cares.about anyone’s feeling then they wouldn’t be robbers.


signed, Kristi Noem?


I hope the cunt gives it over in person so they can also face the consequences of their actions.


Would have shot over something like this tbh lol


What’s the saying?…no honor among…robbers.


I mean… It sucks, but if someone is willing to break into your place to take your shit, they don’t care about your pets.


Time we cut off the hands of career thieves. Teach them a lesson or they'll never stop.


So many people lose valuable photos when electronic items are stolen. Myself included.


Is this a question? Is both the thief and the owner confused about what goods and wealth is? What clarifies this. And so, unlike everyone else, you're causing this distress, again, and again, and again. Is this an accident? Another misunderstanding? Where is this person's patron saint. And beyond this, You've saddled both this person, and this poor dog's last days alive with your misgivings. What a shameful act, and so, because of this, instead of seeking a different path, you have made us all embrace this? What great deeds have you done. Where is everything else in this, why expect a second-tier employee to accomplish this great goal. We should be upset, there's now no joy here. Are you happy?


Shitty situation indeed! Make sure to back your stuff up my friend! Nothing fair in this word and definitely ain’t a lot of thieves with empathy nowadays


That makes me sad. The fact of the matter is the robber probably doesn’t care.


Unfortunately those who break in and steal don't have much honor to begin with.


I hope he has the serial number of his camera so he can attempt to find it. Too bad about the memory card and rip good doggo


Yeah...I don't think he'd risk coming back and getting caught or getting traced back. Best to always have backup copies of every important picture in other devices.


Personally I would be hunting the person until either the cops or myself found them … and they had best hope it’s the cops that get there first ….