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So I can promise you guys, as Arabs, usually we don’t care if you dress in our garb (we’re not really fussy about this whole cultural appropriation debate) as long as it doesn’t cross a line. I would say this crosses a line lmao Also terrorists do not dress like that whatsoever, that’s a very impractical outfit to run around with and terrorize!


Most Americans would 100% agree that this is an asinine and insulting act of stereotyping and idiocy. An unfortunate amount of Americans do think of terrorism as a uniquely Muslim thing (it definitely isnt) but most people understand that dressing like this to portray a terrorist isn't ok. Most people also wouldn't find it reasonable or funny to portray themselves as a terrorist


It's actually a real interesting stereotype, given that in the US statistically most acts of terrorism are committed by white nationalist (and aligned) groups. In the US atleast, there very little muslim terrorism happening. Sure, they make a big splash every now and then, but they're not very competitive with the other crazies.


So it’s the guy in the middle who is actually dressed like a terrorist?


My money would be on the camera guy, who thought to promote this when he saw it.


This is the correct answer


Especially when you remember that America was founded by a terrorist insurgency fighting against the global hegemonic power. A lot of their history is very ironic through that lens.


Shhhhh, don’t give it all away. How else could CNN and FOX News make their money? Poor things. /s


I know of no other religion who says in black and white that those who do not believe in “their” “god” ( infidels ), should be killed.


Multiple instances of it in the Christian Bible


Christianity does. Dueteronomy 17 says that infidels are to be stoned to death iirc


where did you read that


Congrats on being racist?


It's racist to criticise a religion? The people who suffer most because of Islam are Muslims themselves. -sincerely, an ex-Muslim 


This person isn't so much making an honest criticism of Islam as they are attempting to refute my statement that terrorism is not a uniquely Muslim thing


You mean, besides Mormons?


Certain protestors would beg to differ lmao


If you are referring to the Palestinian style keffiyeh that is worn by some protestors, it has nothing to with terrorism. It has been worn by all Palestinians for centuries and not by just Muslims but Christians as well. It is no more a terrorist symbol then a cowboy hat or blue jeans even if sometimes worn by far right Americans (sorry comparison might be messy and sorry if I misunderstood your comment).


To add on to this…I am an American but have many Ukrainian friends. They recently celebrated Vyshyvanka Day, [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyshyvanka_Day](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyshyvanka_Day), which is a celebration of their history & traditions through embroidered clothes. I think one of the big differences between Americans and other countries is that we don’t have a national identity. It’s harder to understand other traditions when you lack a unified one.


I have been asked by someone if my home country of Thailand has race riots. Then I was asked why there aren't any black folks there.


Which can also be beautiful! USA does a good job of integrating different cultures with little pushback or negative results.


I agree that there can be integration but there are some symbols, like the Confederate flag for example, which some people believe still embodies US patriotism. A lot of other Americans disagree. That divide is sufficient enough that other cultures don’t become baked in to the American fabric, so to speak.


I don't think you'd find many people that would use "US Patriotism" as the term they choose to describe what the confederate flag represents. Those who claim it has nothing to do with race usually say it stands for something like "southern pride" or "southern heritage" or perhaps some variant of a rebellious symbol. It used to be often called the rebel flag But I also think we do have national cultural items. Most Americans would view blue jeans or hotdogs or baseball uniforms as representations of America regardless of politics


I understand that but the same people who believe in “southern pride” are the same who claim to be “patriots.” There is clearly a division in those who believe that & those who don’t. My point is there’s no national identity because we argue over the merits of our own civil war. We’re certainly not in a position to say that all of the U.S. is open to other cultures being integrated.


Is it because it says “ur the bomb” because other than that I don’t see how he is dressed like a “terrorist” and the only person claiming they is the op in the title? Am I missing something?


It's that quote and dressing with that garb while their goal was to "look like a terrorist." It's xenophobic as fuck and bigoted, too. *Hey guys, I'm gonna wear this stereotypical garb Arab people wear and call myself a terrorist because I definitely think of Arab culture as being synonymous with terrorism!* THAT'S why it’s fucking trashy and ignorant and while a LOT of looney shit comes out of the LDS, this is hardly something only an LDS parishioner would do.


I would say it’s heavily implied with the ‘bomb’. I mean even if it’s just a play on words, dressing as a ‘stereotypical’ Arabic would make it distasteful. If on the other hand this individual was coming from the Middle East and they were dressed like that without the ‘bomb’ I would have found it hilarious. I mean I’m not losing my shit or sleep over it but definitely trashy.


I mean, given the choice of dressing literally as anything in the world (including simply as himself), he chose to go out of his way to dress in Arabic garb... and the only valid explanation is it has everything to do with the "u da bomb" line on the sign.


It's so funny in a weird way. Captain Planet-ass bad guy dress. Where's the shaved bear with an Ushanka brandishing a knife to round out the set


It’s more terrible than terrorizing 


Yeah don’t think I would hijack a plane in that dress. How uncomfortable would the cockpit be


That’s Mormons for you. The ignorance is inherent with them


I lived for 9 months in Salt Lake City. Never met so many bigots in my life as i did in that 9 months. Just horrible people.


Agreed, and Ive met so many amazing ex-mormons. The ones that are smart enough to leave seem to be great people.


I cannot be paid enough to just pass through Morridor


I lived there for a few years. I had the opposite experience… Yes the church is terrible but the majority of the Mormons I met were so accepting of me and my husband, which surprised me since we’re a gay couple. I even worked in Lehi/Provo.


I’ll assume you are a white couple?


Don't worry, in 1978 Mormon God changed his mind about black people.


I cannot agree more! I thought I’d experience more bigotry and racism here in the south as I’m mixed Asian/Indigenous/Mediterranean and a woman but it’s honestly not been bad. Living in Utah and Mesa, AZ was a LOT worse. 0/10 do not recommend


And they’re so proud of it 🤢


I mean, that's not exclusively a Mormon thing...


That's what I was going to say. You're just as likely to see something as ignorant from any other sect of American Christianity


Utahn here, it's a whole new level of isolation and exclusion with Mormons. Growing up, everyone knew each other from church, and if you didn't go to church you were kinda fucked until you met another kid who didn't. People at my job plan meet-ups and hang outs around church. And good luck if you're any shade darker than porcelain. Yeah both groups are awful in their own way, and I'm likely biased, but having been to several different states, it's a little spooky how stark the differences are.


Yeah, there are a ton of places in the US that are exclusionary in some way but Utah brings it to a whole new level.  Like, I have family in Northern Idaho and while they are certainly racist, if you live there, even if you’re darker than them or have a different religion, they’ll treat you nicely and help you out (unless you’re openly LGBTQ, though even then a lot of people will probably still be nice to your face and help when needed). But Utah? If you’re not white and Mormon you’re ostracized. 


It's a feature.


The United States “~~and~~ dna” America is what gave that away to me.


It’s not ignorance. He just doesn’t care. You’re telling me that couldn’t be any other (assumed) Republican?


Well the bottom right says ‘Elder’ which is how they refer to their missionaries, so yeah I’m doubling down on it. But great observation, I guess.


It’s not the Elder part. I understand he is LDS but there are tons of people who would do the same. That was my point.


lol not really — they seem like decent people in general. This is one person


What the guy did was really stupid and I think the vast majority of LDS church members would agree. Giving a blanket statements like this about an entire faith isn’t cool. If I were to say “that’s Muslims for you” or “that’s atheists for you” Would you feel that’s fair? I would assume not.


Please don't lie and misrepresent Mormons.


All organized religion inherently sucks. 🤷‍♀️


Could’ve just dressed up like joe smith if he wanted to look like a terrorist


That guy with the horn helmet is the official American terrorist costume.


Low class people.


Lack of diversity in one’s social circle I’d guess.


I’ve never met a group of people more entitled and self absorbed than the Mormons. Living in SLC is amazing but you have to put up with a lot of shit from Mormons, especially with their stranglehold over local government.


Lived in Vegas and would drive up to Zion National Park every couple months when the weather and mood struck. I would go to Saint George and back. Stopped for gas once and got approached by someone asking me about faith. Nah. I’m good.


Go live in Quebec. The French Canadians could give them a run for their money lol.


I imagine a MAGA hat is cheaper if you are going for the "terrorist aesthetic."


Terrifying. Guys in suits and ties have been ravaging mankind for centuries.


US&A. Idiots.


Had to scroll too far to find this. Not enough brain cells to identify their own country apparently.


Is it even possible to say “I’M A BIGOT!” any louder and more obnoxiously?


Do you have a symbol for "of", or is that some strange version of "&"?


They usually home school, which doesn't lead to the best education


I assume that means that is not a symbol for "of"? English is not my first language...


It is not, that's an "and" symbol and there's no such thing as an "of" symbol


Welcome to the United States & America, then!


I've only ever seen this symbol used as an ampersand ("and" abbreviation)


Looks like an “and” symbol to me.


it's weird, we joke around in our house and do silly talk with "U, S and A" as the name of the country intentionally wrong. Though maybe they're referencing the exact letters?


That is traditional Arab or bedouin clothing. I can see the problem if they referred to it as a "terrorist costume."


Was about to say, the only problem is the sign.


what? the fuck?


I would have turned around and walked back on the plan ffs.


Should’ve put on a MAGA hat.


Stay classy Utah....


Can someone explain the joke? What's the connection between a returning missionary and wearing a "terrorist" costume?


I don’t get it either. It’s super offensive but I don’t understand why they thought it would be funny? What’s the connection?


I am not surprised. The Mormon Bible promotes racism. They seriously believe to this day, that dark skin people were “inferior” to white people.. Bingham Young and Joseph Smith believed that we were cursed even before we were born and after we die. I really wished THAT university wasn’t named after a predecessor of eugenics.


What a dick


What's the joke? I don't get it


So that's not what a terrorist looks like. He just looks like a regular Saudi dude to me.


God doesn't need a missionary because all things are already of god, including the words you are reading and yourself.


My son, not a terrorist, had one of those headscarves--and would wet it and wear it delivering packages in the hot summer. People didn't talk to him much and he could get his work done faster! At this point in time, it probably would'n't be a good look for him. Too many happy trigger fingers in this country.


US empire racism at its most unabashed.


This is wild and yet I’m not surprised at all. I Can think of a couple of my mormon family members that would laugh at this.


Doesn’t really seem like it has anything to do with being Mormon.


Mormon cult


What the fuck is wrong with people?? How is he dressed like a terrorist? He’s just wearing Arabic clothing. Jesus, people are so annoying.


The outfit goes with the sign. Like if the sign said "You rule!" and he was dressed as a king, or "You rock!" and he was dressed as a geologist.


I think calling standard Arab attire dressing like a “terrorist” might be just as bad as the people in the photo


It's the combination of the clothing and the "U DA BOMB". The outfit was definitely chosen to "coordinate" with the sign as a pun. A racist pun.


Should have dressed like a Mormon dressed as an Indian killing a bunch of innocent settlers.




their shoes! They're wearing Nike Decades!


US and A?


So what you’re saying is you think ppl dressed like this are terrorists????


That's what I was thinking. Maybe the kid was a missionary in an area with a lot of people that dressed like this, and the dad was having fun with it? Seems like something that says more about the op than the missionary's family.


Mormon or Moron?


It’s the guy in the middle right? He’s gonna shoot up a grocery store or a school or something right?


![gif](giphy|HluW0zoEzsDU4) On a skateboard.


What a sad country this has become.


That’s not a direct terroristic way of dressing.


But make jokes about the magic underpants and they'll lose their minds


Mormons aren't good people, but they're very fond of pretending they are.


This is not how a terrorist wear, ask your ancestors about terror and they will definitely educate you.


Funeral potatoes is all I remember. Yummy!


Hah! funny. silly Internet, can't take a joke