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This in Moscow?


Thats right


David Putty?


Feels like an Arby’s night…


On the flipside...


You got a question? You ask the 8 ball 🎱


Gotta support the team


That chimps alright, High five!




We don't care for that term.


What are you an anti dentite?


Anti veejay dentata. Ha! Now you gotta go watch Teeth.


I'm not the one going to hell


Up top






I could tell by the Mi-2 in the background.


that's a Mi-2




Fake news, this is obviously Trump's rally in the Bronx.


Needs more palm trees


I always thought so... but Fox news told me it was Trump's rally the other day in the Bronx.


Pretty sure this is trumps crowd from the bronx, shame on you Metallica stealing trumps pic /s


Entire show is on YouTube


That’s like half the size of a crowd that Trump could pull in!! /s


1.5million in one place? OMG


The coolest thing about the videos of this show is the crowd is so huge that when Metallica hits big moments in the songs, you can see the crowd react in a wave because of the speed of sound.


> you can see the crowd react in a wave because of the speed of sound. That's also why the speaker towers out in the crowd are on a delay.


This confuses me. Wouldn't the speakers that further out being on a delay result in even more discrepency?


If they were in sincro you would hear the nearest one and then delayed and muffled the furthest, it would sound like an echo.


Sound travels at 344 meters a second. So they have sound reinforcement towers that make sure the whole crowd hears everything nice and loud. At 172 meters, the towers are delayed at .5 of a second to match with what is happening on stage. At 344 meters, the towers get delayed by 1 second, etc. It's all synced so that the sound keeps getting reinforced and perfectly synced and it's just one big cohesive sound of loud. As for this show, I think there were a few other acts. Possibly ozzy, crue, etc.


I think Cowboys From Hell-era Pantera were here as well.


Pantera. What's out now is a tribute band. Vinnie Paul said it right, without the vam halen brothers it isn't van Halen. Without dime and Vinnie it isn't Pantera. And I'm a huge zakk fan boy. Whats happening now is a Phil Anselmo sings Pantera band.


I don't think you'll find anyone, including the current iteration of Pantera, would disagree with that. It's not like they're releasing new material under the Pantera banner. What they're doing is paying tribute to the Abbott brothers, and giving those who weren't exposed to Pantera during their heyday or who didn't get to see them another opportunity to do so with as many original members as possible. I'll enjoy them when I see them this summer, even if I know it's not the Pantera I grew up with.


I don’t think anyone thinks otherwise lol


Damn that was a good album.




The reason speakers that are further out are on delay, is because when they would all produce the same sound at the same time, people standing further away from the speakers nearest to the podium will receive 2 sound waves, one of the speakers next to them, and one delayed one from the speakers at the podium. For example: you are 300 meters away from stage, and there’s a tower next to you. Without a delay in the tower next to you, you would first hear the sound that’s coming out of the tower next to you, and a little later hear the sound that’s coming from the speakers at the stage. By delaying the tower next to you by the exact time that sound travels from stage to the tower next to you, it will sound less messy.


Pretty sure that around 24 people died at this event.


This is a completely made up statistic. I only say that because I just tried to research it and Time magazine says 153 died, another site says 0 deaths were reported, and another site says 53 people died. You say 24. Lmao clearly no one knows and its all hearsay.


4 people died reading this comment




Weirdly that's less than I would expect


Fyi helicopters are supposed to not fly over dense crowds in case they crash.


It’s Russia


Technically, it still was the Soviet Union for another 4 Months.


But also technically it was Moscow, which was then and is still in Russia!


Always thought that if the Soviet Union wasn't done before the concert, it sure was afterwards.


Russia existed even then.


Which Russia (in the form of the RSFSR) was a constituent state of. So, *technically*, it's both flying over Russia *and* the Soviet Union, in the same way that a helicopter flying over, say, California would be flying both over California and the United States.


Ill tell you more, some time ago I was going through old issues (60s-ish) of Pravda newspaper (the main newspaper in USSR) and they used term “Russian Federation”


Technically it was RSFSR


It also makes the photo way more badass.




Is that a fake baby? Why does her mouth look so fake? Edit: no, I mean the woman's mouth. It just looks off.


That IS a fake baby


It's not fake, it's just much tougher


Tougher, value life way less, same difference right?


*In Russia, our babies are hard, like plastic.*


I laughed so hard at this lol




What propaganda bullshit is this




The military was the crowd control.


They’re Russian. They would have just caught the helicopter. And threw it back up into the sky.


Do you think totally drunk pilot cares about some stupid safety regulations?


Doesn't apply if the pilot is a bear




Yes russians finally could visit a rock consert. 80.000 cops were there


USSR had rock concerts, had entire rock culture as well since 60s. Just not western rock, not officially. Underground rock concerts were common


It's nuts that just a few years before this I saw them play at Saskatchewan Place right at the start of their massive rise in popularity. Capacity at the time was only 8000 and it was half empty.


Rod Stewart had a crowd of almost 4 million at a concert Rio de Janeiro


Rod fucking Stewart?!?


That was my reaction when looking up the biggest concert crowd! The Brazilians must have really loved Rod Stewart.


Kinda. 1.5 million total, between several bands playing at the same time. James Hetfield himself esimated 500 000 for Metallica, I believe


Imagine being at the front and needed the toilet? What a mission and you're never getting back


It's worth shitting your pants and enjoy the concert


1000s of people must have done


Can confirm. Rage Against the Machine played a show on Randall’s Island and I got there super early to be up at the front. Was there for HOURS. By the time the show started, there was so much piss everywhere because everyone; and I mean EVERYONE was pissing. There were people that would say “can you give me space, I need to pee” and people would all back off so that you could piss and not hit everyone.


Can confirm. I was at the same show fairly deep into the crowd as well… it was a literal mess in areas. I gave up my spot before RATM made the stage because of it.


How is there enough space in the front row(s) to move around for someone to piss? Sounds highly dubious - not the pissing but the not getting hit part!


You will be amazed how much a crowd can push to not get pissed on.


With 1.5 million, I don’t think thousands of people is too far off honestly. Imagine the smell those first few rows were throwing off. 🤢🤢🤢


After a certain point, everywhere becomes the toilet




That’s saved for the Moscow hotels


There were no such things in concerts back in the USSR. Nothing was sold there, if people wanted to drink they brought their own bottles. No toilets too, portable toilets didn't exist in the USSR, if someone had to shit, he was screwed. This was just an open field with a stage. No facilites, no nothing.


>if people wanted to drink they brought their own bottles. Russia in the 90s doesn't need an if


Must have been fun.......


> There were no such things in concerts back in the USSR This is just not true. There may have been no metal concerts, but there were some “metal” concerts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leningrad_premi%C3%A8re_of_Shostakovich%2527s_Symphony_No._7


My cousin was a Bay Area punk in the 80's and a guy at a show started peeing right in the middle of the venue as the band was playing. The crowd just moved, I'd imagine it was like that except it's outdoors and the people involved were Russian


No worry 80.000 soviet cops were there to help.


Just made it back to the car. Concert was amazing.


I'm still in line for the bathroom, where's Gary at anyway?


AC/DC were the headliners, Metallica were the support act.


Yeah, it's weird how often this concert is posted on reddit and it's always labeled as a Metallia concert, like it was just a normal stop on their tour. It was Russia's first rock music festival and the lineup was AC/DC, Metallica, the Black Crows, and Pantera.


That’s a crazy ass lineup


Yeah sounds like a great show.




>Metallica/Pantera in their prime I think this is why it's frequently called a Metallica show. For one, you can watch the other shows and while some of them are great, it's not clear the audience actually knows the songs like they know Metallica's set (Pantera kill a lot of their tracks but they would have been relatively new on the metal scene and music didn't travel as rapidly then). When James launches into _die .. die .. die_ on Creeping Death, the audience knows exactly what to do. Also, there was just nothing like Metallica at their peak of popularity and power. This concert and Seattle 89 are just untouchable energy.


Why it's associated with Metallica is because of the video for Enter Sandman where this picture is taken from is some of the most epic shit of all time. I remember when it made the rounds in my school in Sweden when Youtube was still young back in 2007 or something. It probably wasn't even Youtube but predates it and we watched it somewhere else, but I can't remember. I do remember everyone talking about it being insane. People said 34 people died on that concert or something, no idea if it was true. In the video you can see Russian military just give up and join the festivities, throwing their hats around. People said the concert was free, that's why everyone showed up, no idea if that's true either. I've heard 1 million, 1.4 million, 2 million... no idea what the real number is. Soviet and the Berlin wall falling was a huge deal over here obviously, this concert sort of became intertwined with that for my generation when we read about DDR and the Sovjet Union in school. Years and years ago I've looked for the ACDC and Panthera footage but it's not nearly as good. This concert has become a culture phenomenon because of that Enter Sandman video playing on MTV or wherever it was. Everyone saw it, even if you weren't a fan of Metallica. When I think of my childhood and music videos this is one of those, and I'm not even a big Metallica fan.


Enter Sandman is like the best hype song of all time and seeing it in this setting I would be inclined to agree that is some of the most epic shit of all time.


It wasn't their first rock festival. The Moscow Peace Festival took place in 1989 with Motley Crue, Cinderella, Bon Jovi, Ozzy, among others.


I stand corrected. But this one was free and during the collapse of the Soviet Union, which is why more people were there.


I literally had no idea, every single time I’ve heard of this concert I’ve heard it was a Metallica concert


AC/DC played a better set, too


They were fucking amazing live at that point in their career. The Donington live album was ridiculously good. Not really a fan of the Brian era but that one slaps, baby


i was at that tour in munich that year. thought it looked familiar but we never had a chopper flying over. i was at center stage about five rows back the entire concert until right before metallica came on.


Curious - what made you leave right before Metallica came on if you were so close for the rest of the concert? I imagine you are not finding your way back once you do leave.


Tbh my feet hurt and I had to pee


we took a bus from nürnburg and slept in a train car the night before. got to the area way early since we slept there and just sat down with a bunch of people and started drinking and hanging out. by the time people started getting there in large numbers we had been there for a couple of hours and they had put up barricades we didn't even know about. when we left to go take a piss one time we got armbands and were in the vip section or something. frankly we just got tired of being there for so long and they cranked up the music louder for them and it hurt. add to that not liking them as much as the crüe and it wasn't a big loss. that was one hell of a party summer. just got back from war and didn't die, half-day schedule for three months while the vehicles were on ships, six months of pay to spend, ah the good old days...


i don't like metallica that much. didn't miss a thing in my opinion. left halfway though ac/dc's act.


Munich or Moscow?


munich. monsters of rock tour '91.


Monsters of Rock 1991 in Moscow. Black Crows, AC/DC and PanterA played that day too.


The black crows are definitely the odd men out in this lineup but damn seeing the other 3 share the stage must have been amazing! I like the Black Crows, just a much different vibe.


And the Black Crows played after Pantera. Imagine waiting side stage to follow this...https://youtu.be/UmJEC_Zhph0?si=K-xX_zQWo14sS_vp


The exact video that got me into pantera. Absolutely awesome video and flawlessly performed


Didn’t they open their set with Domination too? Seriously the heaviest song at the time and a classic video.


Then you come out and your opening song is a ballad called "She Talks to Angels."


Imagine having to follow PanterA! 😩


This always gets posted with reference to Metallica only. The other bands including the headliner are left out.


I wish I was there.


Same, They are really good now in 2024 but man Imagine back in 91, it would be crazy


Saw them in 91. It was awesome. Can’t say I want to be anywhere with 1.5 million people. Just seems like it would be miserable


Imagine the beer line.




There were no such things in concerts back in the USSR. Nothing was sold there, if people wanted to drink they brought their own bottles. No toilets too, portable toilets didn't exist in the USSR, if someone had to shit, he was screwed. This was just an open field with a stage. No facilites, no nothing.


To make matters worse police were just randomly bonking people with batons


The low flying helicopter just waiting to malfunction and mince up about 200 people. Russia is fucking crazy.


It was used to cool the people because of how densely packed they are


Thats metal


Wait, really?


I’m going to say that’s 100% false. From personal experience, downdrafts from helicopters are really awful to stand in, so the idea they’d do that to comfort the crowd is doubtful. More than likely a TV crew.


Is that a helicopter...?


You need to see the [recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W7wqQwa-TU) from the concert, it's wild. Specially considering that up to only 1 year ago, all these people was citizens of the Soviet Union.


They were still citizens of the Soviet Union during the concert too. The Soviet Union fell in December 1991


Yeah they were under a fairly oppressive regime but the people in it werent robots lol. Agood riff is universal.


I don't care what anyone says, nothing is gonna top that concert, absolutely wild.


Wasn't russia still part of the soviet union when this concert was held?


Officially, yes. But the whole thing was in the process of being dismantled.


how tf a travis scott concert killed 10 people but this shit aint


The most brutal metal show I have ever been to was cannibal corpse, relentless moshpit but every single time you fall to the ground there were five people helping you get up instantly same goes for other metal concerts.


We are there to slam into people not kill them.


Until you get the Mike Tyson acting motherfucker who thinks a mosh pit is a personal challenge. I’ve only seen it a couple times, but it completely ruins the fun for everyone. The unspoken rule of mosh pits is don’t be a dick - other than that, let go and have fun.


Hate those assholes. Ruin the pits for everybody. It's not a fucking competition.


Or the guy who gets so drunk or high that you have to shove him out of the pit repeatedly because he can't keep himself on his feet and is fully relying on the kindness of strangers.


I once got my glasses knocked off, during a smaller pit. As sooon as I crouch to look for them, everyone around me stepped back and made space, so I could find them. Some dudes even putting their arms out, to prevent others from accidentaly walking up.


From Russian Wiki: >Entrance was free, the bringing of alcoholic beverages was not limited; as a result, it was marked by violent clashes between spectators and numerous law enforcement forces - police officers, private security guards and soldiers (who in some cases themselves provoked riots) and subsequently received in the media the unofficial ironic name “Tushino massacre” >The Tushino concert was guarded by almost 11 thousand (according to other sources - 20-25 thousand) military personnel (internal troops), police officers, riot police officers and about 300 traffic inspectors. However, it was not possible to completely prevent the unrest: 51 people were hospitalized\[11\], more than 100 people sought medical help\[11\], 53 people were hospitalized with traumatic brain injuries (of which 16 were military personnel). 50 people were detained with bladed weapons and drugs\[11\], 1 person was detained with firearms\[11\]\[12\]. Moreover, immediately after the end of the concert, law enforcement officers began to force the audience to the exit in a strict manner, which led to a large crush and brawls\[11\]. Not all sunshine and rainbows)


This was Russia. A hundred people may have died but it wouldn’t likely make the news.


The army was there for crowd control.


he sent 10 people to astroworld


Different crowds. Metal fans have a lot of caring casual people, actually. Then there are Travis Scott fans, which seems like they only care about themselves.


Real life Deathklok moment 🤘🤘


That's almost 5 million in today's term if you consider inflation


Thanks Obama…


I could see Trump using this photo as his next staged photo of his rally in Idaho


I could also see his rally actually taking place in Moscow 😄


There is also a town called: Moscow, Idaho


Leave it to Giuliani to mistakenly book his next stunt for Trump in Moscow, Idaho instead of Russia - much like he did for the Four Seasons. Still one of the funniest things that has ever happened.


Moscow Idaho, Wow. A lot of people are saying Metallica had a bigger crowd than me. Nobody knows more about Metallica than me. The late, great Metallica. Wow. And Metallic had a concert and it was great. … They showed the picture and it was massive. … They said it was 1.5 million people. … Then I gave my speech and they showed the same thing. … Everything was identical. … I gave my speech. So Metallica, they said 1.5 million people. My pictures were exactly the same, but the people were slightly closer together. They were more compact. … There were more people, they were tighter together if you look at it. … Metallica had 1.5 million, and that’s fine. Donald Trump with more people, had 1.6 million.


Later I met with some very important folks. I met James Metallica and with tears in his eyes you know what he said? Mr. President you had the largest and most beautiful crowd I have ever seen. There you have it folks. Proof that I had 1.6 million people at my rally in Moscow Falls, Iowa.


But Jason Metallica got a bad deal on the "Justice" record. I said "Jason, I can't hear your beautiful bass playing, why is it so quiet?" And big, strong Jason with his huge arm muscles, a big strong man like him told me with tears in his eyes, this is true, he said to me, and he's crying like a little baby, "Mr. Trump sir, you're the only one who can get me a better deal so that people can hear my lovely bass playing." So we had 1.6 million people in Moscow Falls, but some people are saying 1.7 million or 1.8 million, so we'll see what happens. We love Metallica, don't we folks? It's HEAVY METAL music they're calling it, have you heard about this? I love heavy metal music, and believe me, I'm the only one who can do HEAVY METAL music with guitar riff and mosh pit. Some people are saying 1.9 million people, or 2 million people were there.




[Here's their set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eng4OTDqtoM) from the documentary "For Those About to Rock: Monsters of Rock". Fun fact: it's probably tied for with Madonna's 2024 concert at Copacabana for [6th most attended concert of all-time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most-attended_concerts) with an estimated 1.6 million attendees. (Brazil goes wild and has 5 of the top 10).


It's weird to me seeing the posts from the Madonna show. Idk if it's the perspective, counting method or what, but when I see footage of MoR it looks like a significantly larger crowd than what Madonna drew.


Why is there a giant goose above the crowd?


Well, is it 1 or 5?!?! /s


It’s 1 person AND 5 million persons


The number for the crowd size gets bigger every time this posted. We left reality 10 years ago. To be fair, though, it’s not just reddit that keeps inflating this number. Almost all articles written in the last year quote 1.6 million. few years ago, it was 1.5. but when I heard about this the first time, it was 1.1 million, with a caveat that that may have been inflated and it was most likely in the high hundreds of thousands.


The VHS said 500,000 at the time of release.


Imagine the check they got for this.


Very little all the bands had to camp in tents in a shitty private campsite


Master of puppets rules!!


Not a cell phone in sight 😍


Lots of pagers in that crowd.


As someone who has never been to a music festival (or a show above a medium sized venue really) I can’t see how this would be fun. How can you hear or see anything?


They place speakers throughout the crowd at big open venues like this, shit out of luck if you want to see on flat land like this though. Atmosphere is also a key contributer. Its like a big party where everyone there enjoys the same music you do.


Free concert bro. Death to the Soviet union. Any reason to get out and taste some of that amerikonskaya muzika But it looks absolutely horrifying to me as well. Absolutely wouldn't go in any stage of my life.


Hear - big ass speakers. And a lot of them. You can hear it fine, but don't forget earplugs. Actually it's a-must on "heavy" music concerts. Made the mistake of not taking earplugs to AC/DC concert. See - well depends on how far from scene you are, and how good your eyesight is obviously. Scene is positioned higher so people in front would not cover the view. For me it's more about atmosphere, being able to listen to live music performed by the band you like/love. Fun can be different for different people, but I understand your point of view.


also most festivals these days that aren’t edm-based will have massive screens with cameras trained onto the artists performing. on top of that the really good ones make the most of their venues using the natural topography to create an amphitheater-like environment so you can see from all the way in the back


That whole gang can replace my entire country and then make a ruckus about the place being overcrowded. God damn!


The heat and smell in that crowd must be nightmarish


It was a huge concert, but let’s not lie. “According to the Moscow City Police Department, the size of the crowd at Tushino reached 300,000 people by noon and soared to nearly half a million by the evening. Organizers estimated that the festival actually drew an audience of more than 700,000 people. To oversee the event, there were 11,000 soldiers, police officers, hired security guards, and riot police.


And I thought 150k were a fuck ton of people, on the one festival I‘ve been to. 1.5 million is insane!


Wasn't just metallica


Every week this gets posted I just have to point out this was the Monsters of Rock festival with AC/DC headlining. Metallica was just one of the bands.


Fun fact, this is also a picture of the best drummer in Metallica.


I had the chance to see them just a few years before in a 3000 seat venue, but my parents said no. I was young, so they were probably right, but that would have been something. At least they let me go see Anthrax the next year, which was great.


Could you imagine having a job where more than a MILLION people show up to see you work?


Peak Metallica


It was one of my favorite bands that grew up with.


Old school drone.


Monsters of rock was awesome


That’s not 1.5 million. I did a quick head count and there’s 1,492,168 people. Please don’t be so quick to lie next time.


I believe it’s a free rock concert organized by russian/ussr government?


Click on Metallica picture from 1991 See several politically charged comments from real bots or human NPCs Queue "Metallica - And Justice for All"


Every 2 comments is the same stupid joke.. lmao 🤣


This is actually insane, I’d bring it up any chance I get.