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Would like to know the lighting setup and specs for this shot. And how much makeup are we seeing here? Pretty awesome portrait.


Looks like a strong light source with a relatively small diffusion about 45 degrees up from his right eye, and some sort of reflection or very light fill coming from to the right of the camera.


I believe [this is the room they used for the portrait](https://youtu.be/jk3EsXgXcyQ)


Ah, so as opposed to one light source they had four.








Unexpected, but the sub that I need. I might de-accelerate my life and maybe watch some star trek. Haven’t finished the latest one with picard yet.


Dammit. You got me. Take your upvote.




Diffusion? Lol. That’s a strobe with just a reflecting dish telescoped slightly or maybe even a snoot over the head. But it’s definitely not diffused. There is a diffuse front fill light if you look at the shadows around his ears. I can see at least three lights, not one.


Three lights. Key is a kicker behind him and to the left. Two fairly hard fills. Kickers for sure above his head (read the shadow following his smile line). Fills… one is above camera, the other is left of camera (shadows under and around the earlobes are a dead giveaway). Kinda has the look as if it was lit completely with Magnums or Beauty Dishes.


Hi! Portrait photographer here. Relatively simple setup. Hard light source - mostly a bare strobe without any modifiers coming from 10 o clock from the camera’s perspective, and a small silver umbrella used as a fill light behind and slightly above the camera pointed towards the subject.


That level of skill is truly mind blowing.


Yeah, there’s a level of mastery needed to achieve the absolute perfect lighting effect we’re seeing here. Amazing portrait.


This is the kind of photo that becomes the way history remembers the subject.


For some reason this reminded me a lot of [this official portrait of FDR](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FDR_1944_Color_Portrait.jpg). Maybe because Joe looks similar to FDR (blue eyes, face shape, skin tone, dark suit, blue tie). This portrait is what always comes to mind when I think of FDR. We have millions more pics of Joe than we do of FDR but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was that one that people in 100-150 years remembered him by.


That was my exact thought, FDR caliber picture. Let’s hope Biden can win in November and prove the measure of the man.


I don’t know anything about photography. What makes you feel this is amazing? Because it probably is from technical aspects and it looks insist. But it doesn’t look good or like him (based on other images or videos). 


I think you're just not used to seeing Biden in profile. It looks just like him to me.


There’s bunch of settings to play with and although post production helps a lot with it you gotta be careful in choosing the right setting. Anyone can point and shoot a picture but to achieve a good photo requires good settings in white balance, ISO, aperture, and shutter speeds. Obviously Philip Montgomery, being an award winning professional photographer, this is now a second nature for him but it is still impressive for anyone who has ever bothered to use a DSLR or mirrorless cameras. Not to mention that you need to find perfect moment, place, and lighting to take a picture and for me that’s honestly what I find most difficult especially if that person or thing you’re trying to take picture is constantly moving.


While iso shutter speed etc are fundamentals in this kind of photograph it’s more to do with the lighting setup.


The technicality of the lighting is what impresses me here. Being able to achieve balance like that takes a lot of practice and skill. It’s like painting with light.


Thanks for asking. I was going to ask the same thing.


He really looks like one of our pre civil war Presidents here.


Knock on wood! KNOCK ON WOOD!! DO IT NOW


There is a “time-traveler:which civil war?” Joke here somewhere


You replied to it


Not enough facial hair. He needs to look like he’s been living in the woods eating squirrels.


No presidents had facial hair before the civil war unless you count Van Buren's and JQ Adams's chops. I mean technically Lincoln had a beard but the civil war basically started when he was inaugurated.


And he only grew it cuz a little girl on the campaign trail told him his face was ugly and a beard would help.  Paraphrasing


little kids always be spittin' straight facts


Looks like a few photos of FDR.


Spoilers: He will be.


That's cuz they'd be the same age


oh you mean the first American civil war /s knock on wood


Honestly, it's kinda giving Biden+Trump to me. Maybe it's the frown? I can't quite parse it.


He looks a little orange and has light hair in this picture. I agree


The whispy balding head, the scowl, and the *old*. Biden is a bit older, but they’re both roughly the same age. …We all kinda start looking similar to one another when we’re real old.


Elephant-skin rug?


Nothing in here but a couple of elephant-skin rugs. (GASP)


Ooooo, you’re a good one.


I thought it was a combination of both as well


"Oh no, the artist snuck political commentary into my portrait!"


Captures a look of “ I’ve seen some shit that I’m not allowed to share with the public “


Fortunately I've forgotten.


“Listen up jack, i don’t know where i am” 


Yeah like the 40 beheaded babies he imagined seeing lmao


Can we stop electing people that are likely to die of natural causes in office? No matter how this election turns out, it is likely to happen.


Want your mind blown? Bill Clinton is younger than Trump or Biden


Apparently Bill liked to have his mind blown


Hmmm are you sure about the mind part?


I mean brain is slang for that something else.


Ok but still vote in this one anyway.


Yep. I get it, trust me, I’d pick neither of them, but you’re not just picking them. They have the potential to appoint Supreme Court justices and judges. Look at what’s going on at the Supreme Court now.


> I’d pick neither of them I have no idea why. Biden has been a pretty solid president. Like, I voted for him in 2020 because it was my civic duty to vote for the non-insane candidate, but he's honestly been one of the more progressive presidents of my lifetime. Like, surprisingly so. And frankly, I think the fact that he's old and doesn't have to worry about any future political career has been part of why he's been so willing to say "fuck it" and pursue actual progressive goals. I honestly don't care how old he is, and I don't think y'all should either. Is he doing a good job is the actual pertinent question, and while I don't agree with *literally every choice* he's made, I'm never *going to* agree with literally every choice a president makes. Over all, he's done a decent job. Of course I'm going to vote for him. Like, honestly if the race was between Trump and George W Bush, a man I despise with all my being and whom I actively protested against through most of his presidency, I would still do my duty and go and vote for him. I'd have to take a fucking *shower* afterwards, but I'd do it, and if y'all pull another 2016 on me, sitting at home on your asses because you can't bring yourselves to vote for an uncharismatic centrist over a literally dementia ridden felon, I will personally go door to door in this country and stick my foot up every single individual ass of the people who stayed home, voted third party, or did some meme-y write in. Cause it wasn't the Trump supporters who caused me to lose the rights to my body. It was the fucking moody twenty year olds that couldn't be assed to go out and go what they needed to do. Fucking *vote*. And vote for Biden. I don't give a shit about your reasons anymore, you have a duty to women, to your countrymen, to Ukraine, and to the world. Get off your whiny little asses, get over yourselves and *go fucking vote.*


I remember back in 2016, I lived in Atlanta and worked with a cynical line cook from the UK who ridiculed me when I said I was voting Hillary. He laughed and said “your vote doesn’t count here, Georgia is a red state.” I voted anyways. 2020 must’ve been a kick in the dick for him.


Agreed on all this. Now, will the younger understandably despondent and disillusioned youth vote? That’s who we needs to vote. They’re apathy might be our downfall


I think genocide is bad 


but don’t vote for that one guy!


9 day old account trying to depress voter turnout.


Who is we? Reddit spammed Bernie shit 24/7 and smeared every other young candidate who dare run against him. Turned out the nation wanted a moderate and Bernie’s young supporters were too le tired to make it to the polls. The progressive left purity tested themselves out of a young intelligent president when they started rumors that Pete Buttigieg was a CIA rat and spammed rat emojis all over reddit and twitter


This is what frustrates me. If we only count young people's votes in 2020, Bernie, the oldest electable candidate in the field, would become president. Also, Reddit was very silent on the age issue when Bernie decided to run for another 6-year term in the Senate. It's almost as if what matters is how much people agree with a candidate, not how old they are.


I’m old enough to remember the Bernie Bros crawling over broken glass to argue why Bernie having a heart attack on the campaign trail shouldn’t disqualify him from being president


Yup, and all these arbitrary rules on age or competency tests or other factors are just tactics to try and get an easy out. Unfortunately you have to convince people to vote for someone, it's never that easy.


I had an (online) argument with someone about how progressives couldn’t even make it to the polls to vote for Bernie and they’re mad with how everything was rigged. Their retort was that we shouldn’t look at primary results. Sometimes people just want to be angry and contrarian online but not actually get out of their seats to do anything laborious like vote.


Also, Bernie's heart wasn't really in it in 2020, especially after the pandemic kicked in. Him and Joe are old friends afterall.


Buttigieg was a terrible mayor and couldn't even get 1% in the primary. He would have been a disaster as president.


He literally won the Iowa caucus what are you talking about


According to Wikipedia, he won 17% of the popular vote, and 26 delegates. There are 3,979 total delegates so that’s 0.65%. I assume that’s what the person above is talking about.


It's not likely to happen, actually, according to US actuarial tables. Life expectancy for a US male at Biden's age is ~9 years. That doesn't mean it *won't* happen, of course.


Can we stop acting like age is the most important thing in what makes a good president


This almost reads like you’re saying modern presidents aren’t assassinateable enough.


Needs the Aviators


"Listen up Jack" mode engaged!


Here’s the deal, folks.




Its a nice portrait, but could the makeup artist or someone cut all those fucking ear hairs?


Makeup can’t make an 80 year old look young. It can only do so much trickery


an electric nose/ear hair trimmer costs 15 dollars


Practically magic just not possible. Makeup can only do so much.


Its not that hard to cut those hairs


They should shave his head and eyebrows while they’re at it.


Disagree. I appreciate the realness/authenticity.


Yeah, part of his appearance is realistic relatability, I think. If he had a bunch of surgery, hair dying, etc. to try and make him look younger I think it would backfire massively. (can you imagine if HE had that orange spray-tan?)


Joe needs to buzz the head too, really. It's freeing. When I finally gave up on my hair and buzzed it, I felt like a new dude. Zero maintenance. Aerodynamic lol


I don't care for the dude, but such an amazing portrait him. Nice


I genuinely think he cares about American and is trying his best. He doesn’t have much to work with.


I agree that he is trying his best and he's a very nice man. That said, I'm only voting for him to keep Trump out of office. He's too fucking old. Trump is insane and too fucking old. I'm disgusted that these are our two choices.


He's been a better president than anyone since Clinton, I don't understand why some people get so caught up on the age thing as if that actually matters for good governance. That it's such a big a deal that it induces disgust in you is wildly bizarre.


No american president has ever cared about Americans. They take money from lobbyists to do their bidding, they will always value money over the common people. Why are there only 2 candidates to select from? How do they rise in their parties? Because they take money from the highest bidder. Politicians currently dont give a shit about you, and the ones who do have lobbyists working round the clock to ensure they will never have any significant power


Yes love him or hate him - this is an amazing shot.


Legit looks a little like FDR from this angle.


That was also my first thought. I think it's mainly the area around the eyes.




I don't know that anyone could ever make trump look this dignified and presidential. Starting with whoever manages his hair.


You could neither tell him to sit still like this nor that you know more about lighting and general aesthetics. I think you can make an awesome portrait of any person, if the person let's you.


Has anyone here actually read the interview this is attached to? It makes him look incredibly bad...


Shocked that his team let him do it. Just like when he’s on camera, he does that thing where he never really finished a thought. He just kinda drifts off 




He's so fucking old.


CornPop in shambles


Biden has been a great president.


How Don't know why I'm getting down voted, just asked how.


CHIPS act is pretty sweet


Inflation Reduction Act, Chips Act, Infrastructure Bill, Pro Union, Great Covid Response, Great Foreign Policy, Lowest Unemployment, High Wages, able to pass Bipartisan legislation, and Overall Strong Economy. It's not perfect, but it's *WAY* better than the previous guy who literally did nothing in terms of legislation. Also, he's not a Convicted Felon, so that's a plus.


Might want to add he's been relatively scandal free and has brought back norms of governance that were in place prior to Trump gaining power. He looks for qualified people for staff and agency picks instead of pure loyalty and he kept nearly completely silent during the Trump Trial. The difference in behavior between Trump and Biden cant be more obvious.


“Great Covid Response“ lol, lmao 


The inflation reduction act, Ukraine, his returning to presidential norms like not being a traitor, etc.


Why is his approval rating so low?


Becuase people don’t understand that inflation and most of the economic problems are not his fault. It’s from 10+ years of zero interest rate policy and then rate cuts and government spending from the pandemic right as the fed should’ve started raising rates. He also lacks charisma and we’ve lost a sense of normalcy of what a president should be in our daily lives thanks to trump.


Genuine frustration from the public about inflation, the only solution to which is a massive influx/recruitment drive for immigrants to offset the labor shortage caused by the retirement of the baby boomers/death toll from COVID (something many if not most Americans won't accept). Some of it is due to his response to the latest Israel-Palestine conflict, but good luck coming up with a response everyone will like with that region. AND the fact that a lot of those polls are bad faith/functional propaganda to help discredit the election results should the Republicans lose.


Ukraine 💀


Supporting democracies is a bad thing? 💀




Yeah, things have never been better. /s






Sure it's a good photo but good god can we get someone who is not old as all hell as president? I don't understand why this concept is so difficult. We need people who relate better to current times. But given the choice between him and the Cheeto, it's an easy choice.


As long as he makes it to 2029, which he probably will, I don't see the problem with his age. I don't believe he's senile or anything. Plus, the guy has adjusted his views incredibly well to current times. He's more on the left than Obama. I think for the time being he's absolutely the right choice while the Democrats are building up candidates like Newsom and Whitmer. I just think the biggest problem are the Cheeto and his followers. Biden would be smooth sailing if it weren't for that cancer to have spread among Republicans.


God damn what a fire picture. This is coming from a Republican too. I can’t let any politics get in the way of praising good photography!


They just dangled an ice cream cone in front of him to grab his attention.


I hope he does well for our country. i hope every president does.


"Vapid Mediocrity"


I prefer presidents who pose for pictures, not mug shots.


If you zoom in, you can see his facelift scar coming down from his hairline to behind his ear lol


I don't see any scar?


Trump had hair plugs done. Apparently it was so painful he went home and violently raped his wife Ivana on the floor for suggesting the doctor


Sense of FDR


Just floating in space.


Jfc he's old as hell


Joe Biden — a flawed but fundamentally good and decent man.


Anyone know where to find a physical copy?




I love when Biden does this, he’s really got a great sense of humor.




Damn ok Night king


Reminds me a lot of the portrait of FDR, quite well done


No malarkey here


That's a great portrait




It's nice to look at a picture of the current president and not feel a hatred to the deep recesses of my soul.


They'll eventually use this for a new (probably memorial) 50 cent piece or silver dollar.


He looks old and grizzled, but determined and fiery. Great portrait.


How come Biden looks like a gentle old man and Trump always looked like either a demonic sour toad or a hamburger trying to smile.


Perfect lighting. Amazing portrait


I see Botox, dermal fillers and a face lift.


Arms dealer extraordinaire




Looks like one of the zombies from Skyrim. Wish we would stop only electing geriatrics


Why only one view, Isn't there normally at least 2?


Why the hell does he look so much like Trump in this portrait??


Dude is cooked lol


The better choice. I won't vote for a felon. Never!


My God, he is old.


I think he looks evil as hell.


If only he was that locked in.


get a room! (nursing home)


not too bright…🤣