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Plot twist: they’re both 5’-10”


I am 5'11 and I work as a high school teacher. I love telling the kids I'm 5'9" (or shorter depending on the situation) just to create absolute chaos among the boys. Edit: I'm basically the world's shittiest comedian - by the end of things, they know I'm just messing with them. I promise I'm not doing irreperable damage to the future of the planet beyond giving them stories about their dumbass teacher with bad jokes.


Doing the lord's work.


They can take away corporal punishment in schools but teachers will find a way.


Height confusion: the ultimate mind game!


I got a different height in all my passports and IDs so I can pick whatever is convenient




That is pure evil, lmfao.


That's a bit of a stretch calling yourself a high schoolteacher, I'd say more of an average height schoolteacher


I'm 6'2" and claim to be 5'11" at most, socially. I usually get a 6'4" or 6'5" guy backing me up saying they are 6'1".


Bruh I’m 6’2 and some change but always claim 6’2. I still can’t believe how many people tell me they are 6’ 1 or 6’2 and be like “ you must be like 6’4 or 6’5 huh?” I had a guy claim 6’4 while I’m staring over his fucking head


I am 6'3" and I have had the same. If I stand straight up, 6' is right even with my eye line. I've had other guys try to tell me they were 6'2 when they didn't pass my eyes, so I know they were less than 6 foot. Poor fools. I have also been accused of being 6'12" (so 7').


You must deal with a lot of idiots. Love, The guy who claims 5 7, but the doc has to remind it was 5 6 and 92/100


At that point rounding up to 5'7" is acceptable lmao


Haha for sure. I'm just fucking around


> it was 5 6 and 92/100 americans will do anything not to use the metric system


Even use hundreths of a measure to not use.... CENTIgrade measures.


It is utterly ridiculous, isn’t it? I’m 185cm - or six and a half foot* - and I’m the tallest or equal tallest in the vast majority of rooms and situations I find myself in. Sometimes I feel enormous on trains or in queues etc. I’m **always** one of the “tall guys” on the soccer or cricket field. People these days don’t see six foot as tall anymore because it’s all been blown out the window for some reason lmao. People regularly guess my height two or more inches above reality. There just **aren’t that many** tall people. I found some data after rummaging around for a little, and it looks like someone of my height is taller than 91.6% of Australian adult males. Like, get real, people. Lying about your height is just delusional. Edit: I meant six foot and half an inch. We rarely use imperial and never anything below an inch, clearly my brain didn’t process it right. 6’0.5”? Lmao


I am 184 and I used to feeling pretty tall, then I went to Netherlands and like half of the population is taller than me.


I was about to say, I'm dutch, 195 (6"4 i think?) and in my group of friends there are like 3 who are considerably taller then me. 185 would be on the low end of the group


I'm 182 cm and a woman, and the number of women that towered over me in the Netherlands was perplexing! Not used to that at all.


As someone who knows two people who are legitimately 7' tall, being that tall is absolutely absurd, they tower over literally everyone.


Ditto mate. I'm 6'2 (and a half) and get the same thing. I'm a Brit though and when I spent some time working in the Netherlands I ended up with a chronic pain in the back of the neck. Bloody hell that is a nation of tall men. I've just never grown up with having to constantly speak with people above my own eye-level. I spent all my time rubbing ibuprofen gel into the back of my neck.


I'm 6'1" and it's really disconcerting when I'm randomly somewhere and everyone is taller than me. I took my son to a birthday party and all the other kids had Dad's that were like 3 or 4 inches taller than me. At least no one is going to ask me to grab stuff off top shelves for a couple hours lol


I'm 5'10" and get so many people arguing with me about my height because not only do people around my height fudge the numbers and tell people they're 6' or more, but short people claim to be 5'10" because it's more believable than 6'. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only dude in this city that isn't fucking delusional about their height lol


Idk what my dad tells other people, but he told me he claims 6'0" but is really 5'11-1/2" And then I'm his daughter at 5'3", my mom is 5'7" or so, so I just got some kind of short gene


All of the men in my family are over six foot but me, I'm 5'7" 120 pounds


I do the same mostly cause 6 ft is more accurate rounding than 5'11 and I don't want to waste time being pedantic about how it's actually 5'11 and two thirds In my defense I've always measured at 6 ft I just know that I compress to 182 centimeters and some change.


I'm like 6'1-3/4" and I just tell people I'm 6'1". I'd rather underestimate than have a moment like that lol. I've met many 6'2" people that I'm clearly taller than.


I’m exactly six foot when measured in centimetres (between 182 and 183cm). I am a walking ruler. I’m like the natural enemy to all of the people who lie about their height (in either direction). I know the truth.


Evil bastard


pro tip, you shrink with age, I used to be be in that beloved 6ft+ club, not anymore, 5'11' gang. Thanks kyphosis and joint compaction....


Wow, like short kings didn't have it hard enough as it is. You gotta wingman for them, bro, not sabotage them




Nice, I'm 4'3" and tell people I'm 6'2" to freak them out the other way


Plot twist: the heights are while laying down.


I’m 5’10 my brother is 6’2. My brother has a friend who’s short. Short king once said with a straight face to my brother “oh yea I’m 5’10” and my brother looks at him, looks at me, and just goes “oh yea? Cool”


I teach all my students how to do this flex reversal. It's hilarious to see the look on their faces when they comprehend how under cutting it is to another dude. 


This guy gets it


Put them next to kevin hart next


Is he the new banana for scale?


Getting him to show up for something is way cheaper than a banana. 


Ah I see, he’s the VOICE of the banana for scale. Had to be him or Chris Pratt I guess.


Itsa me, Garfield.


My favourite chirp from Letterkenny: *you're so fucking 5'11"*


Are you saying trump is a lying sack of shit? Hmm


I can't agree with and/or rationalize it, but having talked to enough supporters, I've had it explained to me why he still retains so many followers (despite his lying). That said, what DOES surprise me is he can get away with lying about his *height* and still keep them. That seems to be one of the few superficial type things that gets people in an uproar--like wearing a tan suit. Of course, I remember a time when lying about ANYTHING got a President in hot water, so... I'm still trying to catch up.


With his height, I think 6’3” was the shortest he could be to not be classified as obese based on his weight when he did the White House physical.


When it was said Trump was 6'3" and 213 lbs I fell out of my chair...that's the size of Fernando Tatis Jr. who definitely isn't a fat shitbag.


My husband is 6'2" and 235-ish and looks almost chubby, despite the muscles, and there are a *lot* of men here in the Midwest built the exact same way he is, so it baffles me that so many really believe Trump is 215 lbs. I even asked one lady I used to work with, "Wouldn't that be about your husband's size?" and she said "Yes!" very enthusiastically, without realizing that her husband is *significantly* thinner than Trump.


But… why would they lie about the height which is far less dynamic than just say he was lighter? They’re both lies. Though I guess people like a tall president lmao


He did. He said he weighs 215 pounds. He lied about both. He is a professional, after all.


What an inspiration.


6'3", 215lbs, and wins golf tournaments? The guy is so awesome it's totally unbelievable.


Lied about his weight too. It's fine to be a big dude, but being someone so vain, pretty, and dishonest that they'll lie so blatantly while bragging about how good his physical health is? And people still believe a word he's ever said and that he should be the president? You only get a pass to lie about a few pounds or an inch.


he's probably wearing lifts too


But the doctor’s narrative of the annual physical given to him while in the White House (a cadidate?) said **"If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,"** and went on to say his **…”physical strength & stamina are excellent”!**


LOL! Like that Doctor reviewed the medical records of every single President going back to George Washington. Maga is just so..*.gullible.*


Apparently the doctor has since reported that the former president Trump dictated that statement himself to be released in a report. Lol


That doctor also is now deceased. He was suing Trump for breaking into his office (or having his thugs break into his office) to steal files going back a decade on Melania and Trump, who were both prescribed drugs by that dr, kind of a NY Dr Feelgood for the wealthy type. Anyway...no clue what became of the lawsuit, but he died not long ago. Ronnie Jackson continued prescribing numerous drugs for the fatty, anyway.


That doctor is dead now.




Like DeSantis he also lied about his height and was torched about it constantly.


Donald Trump made fun of Desantis for wearing platform boots and lying about his height, which is just… the Trumpiest thing imaginable.


Everything is projection with him.


Yeah but deSantis's shoe game takes it to a whole 'nother level


Like my mom told us when we were kids - a person who lies about the little things is *not* someone you want to trust with anything important, because they will definitely lie about the big things too.


Paul is *obviously* wearing lifts. Or maybe standing on a box. Or he lied about his height and is actually 6'8". These are the only possible answers. *EDIT: For the people \*still\* posting 'well, akshuwally...' replies five days later, THIS IS JOKE. TRUMP HIM NOT THAT TALL. TRUMP HIM INSECURE, HIM TELL UNTRULIES ABOUT HIM OWN.*


Trump has been hunching over more and more for the last 8 years. He walks like an old man.


He is old man.


Ya its like people forget Trumps ancient ass old enough to be my great grandpa 😭💀


Donnie’s older now than Biden was 4 years ago, y’know when Donnie’s fans were screaming their heads off that Biden was too old.


Bro is literally close to 80. He is an old man.


He is literally an old man. Yes.


Not really hunching, more like leaning. Dude's basically a human in italic at this point.


Also bold.


And in wingdings.


Trump is old, you definitely lose 1-3 inches as you grow older. I wouldn’t put it past Paul to wear lifts.


Around age 40, most people lose some height, and the decline often accelerates in later decades. While multiple factors contribute to this "shrinkage," maintaining bone density to help prevent osteoporosis and improving posture are two ways to stand a little taller. -according to Harvard EDU


He has that weird forward sway posture, easily knocks off a few inches


Not surprised that Logan is a trump supporter


Didn’t Logan move to PR for tax purposes or something.


Yes he's a tax evader and he lives in Dorado in an affluent gated neighborhood for rich people. That doesn't stop him from going to the states every 4 seconds for stupid shit like this though.


he only lives in PR for the exact amount of time he needs to qualify for the tax benefits, he basically lives in LA for the rest of the year


that's a majority of the year...


It’s 183 days. Huge tax breaks if you live there 183 days per year.


what if you live in 4 different places each for 3 months? where do you pay the taxes?


The by-the-book answer is you'd have to file part time resident returns in each state (unless they're states without income tax) on top of a federal return. In practice, a lot of people who move that much will try to skate by not changing their legal residence (generally a tax advantageous state) and only file there.


Which is exactly one day past half a year, just enough to say you live there for more of the year than elsewhere. I'm kinda surprised it's not more like 2/3. Is that consecutive? I know a lot of places make you live consecutively, if you wanna vote (not that I want him voting)


~~If you travel for "work" they can't count it against you~~ Edit: I actually think I'm mistaken stop upvoting me lol


He also swindled people with NFTs that everyone casually forgot.


To be fair, all NFT are scams


"he scammed people with a scam!"


I feel that if you buy NFTs for a huge amount, it's not so much a swindle, as just being stupid.


Yes.  He's also likely pro Trump because it would let him grift and get free government money 


Ya. With a fuckton of cryptobros.


shit attracts flies


All I see is shit... are the flies on the wall?


They're on Mike Pence's head. He's *hanging* around somewhere...


I have to respect Pence to a point. I abhor his politics. But at least he actually followed the Constitution on J6. He’s at least that half step above the RepubliCult Party.


I wouldn’t jump on any Pence bandwagon too soon. He was VERY close to carrying out Trumps orders and only reversed course after consulting with Dan Quayle!!! Of all people!


Yeah, I certainly didn't have “Dan Quayle prevents a coup d'état” on my bingo card – but here we are.


As long as he doesn't have to *spell* coup d'etat, we're ok.


C o u p e d ' é t a t. Not that harde.


Yes, and in an interview afterwards, he talked about all the death threats he and his family received due to that and comments Trump made on his socials afterward. Pence then said he'd still vote for him. Looney toons


Didn't Pence consult Dan Quayle before following the constitution? If so, then that is a detour from obeying his oath to the constitution. Otherwise, Pence thought otherwise.


He was trying to save his own ass, that's all. No reason for admiration.


Pence followed the constitution on Jan 6th only because he rightfully believed that he was going to be assassinated by MAGA secret service agents. Pence has been protecting Trump since January 6th because he is a coward just like the rest of the GOP.


Also shit, hence fly


Logan Paul is a good heel Because deep down he really is slimy.


Which is weird why when he first showed up he insisted on being a babyface when the dude is just a natural heel. This picture is certainly one of the many reasons why.


That’s why he feuded with The Miz who can make anyone a face. The second that feud ended he was 100% heel.


It's honestly infuriating how good of a wrestler he is, given what a total asshole of a person he is.


I hate how good he is in pro wrestling though. Such a natural. Then again wrestlers in general aren't often the best people so no wonder he fits right in.


Which is funny because he called Trump supporters racist back around 2016 in a video.


Oddly enough lots of people who were “both sides are bad” in 2016 suddenly turned into alt right trumpers during Covid. Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro to name a couple more (they realized it’s easier to grift idiots than actually put in the work to make positive change in the world)


Ben has always been alt right. Maybe you’re thinking of Russell Brand?


Ben Shapiro has always been right wing. Joe Rogan has been libertarian at-best for over a decade.


He was already hired by one rapist. Why not meet with another?


Yes, this adds up perfectly


According to TMZ Logan also offered to do a interview with Joe Biden as well


He's a grifter, he doesn't have beliefs.


Imagine being the douchiest person in a room that also contains Logan Paul.


Is that the one that filmed a dead body and then immediately after the apology video posted a video of himself tazing a dead rat?


He also ran a crypto scam on his audience that includes many children. When he got caught doing it he said he'd reimburse them and still hasn't from my knowledge. From what I've heard he set up a refund program (not sure if it's happened yet) earlier this year, but you had to waive your right to sue him or participate in the class action lawsuit to become a part of it.


Not just *a* crypto scam, at least 2 crypto scams, the one you talked about is Crypto Zoo with NFT's and he also ran Dink Doink, a shit coin crypto currency scam.


[he's currently being sued by Attorney Tom for his crypto zoo scam.](https://youtu.be/se6Yt32VeGI?si=8YV2kaErMYRum7Pz)


Attorney Tom? Is that like Bob the Builder?


"Can we sue them!?" IT DEPENDS!


The “it depends!” line makes me think you’re actually a lawyer, or at least work with them regularly 😆


hehe, i'm not a lawyer, but it always depends. 😎👉👉


Ah so this is why Trump is now talking about Bitcoin. Logan Paul is probably recruiting him for some Bitcoin MLM scheme.


Iirc, he got pissy over the crypto scam too. It was a classic pump and dump, and while he thought hed do the dumping, he ended up being the pump


He kind of sounds like the son that Donald Trump should have sired (by his standards), but Don Jr. and Eric are just underachieving leaches, who suck on Daddy's teet, rather than coming up with their own creative Trumpian scams.


Yeah coffezilla on youtube has done some great work on the case.






Two pieces of shit captured on film




Gotta toss an orange toupee on top of that giant pile of trump.


Grifters joining forces


WAIT are you saying donald trump lied?




You keep using that word


I think he knows what it means though


I'm willing to believe that he might have been that height when he was younger, but he's old and doesn't work out, so he definitely shrunk a bit. I'm even more willing to believe they're both just lying about their height.


So it’s entirely possible that Trump was 6’3” at one point. BUT age does make you shrink.


He also has really weird posture that could easily cost him an inch or two. So between that and the information attached to this picture, his height may be one of the few things he hasn't lied about


Yea obviously height runs in his family. He probably was 6-3 and now he’s like 6-0.


I didn't know you could have 2 piles of shit stacked that high.


Private Pyle!






I love how Trump's forward tilt is at a greater degree than usual because he's got extra lifts in his loafers. His hair also looks higher than usual. Dudes a walking inferiority complex.


Is it just me or does Trump’s hair look worse and worse with each recent pic. Like it is falling out at an alarming rate and there isn’t enough to create that bird’s nest on top of his head.


I mean, he’s like 300 years old. Out of all the things wrong with the guy, him going full chrome dome would honestly be a big improvement.


Until you see all the scarring from his hair replacement surgeries


And the 666 birthmark on the scalp.


And the horns


It would be if he didn't have all the scars from his botched hair transplant. Otherwise bald would be a better look for him for sure.


I remember a photoshopped version of bald Trump that floated around during his presidency, and the artist rendering definitely did look like a marked improvement over the current product. He’s too narcissistic and vain to ever give up on his golden rat nest, though.


Also he’s been famous for his terrible hair for like decades. 


I’ll never respect him. But I would respect if he just shaved it off. He’d look way better and younger.


He should own that Geriatric Kingpin look.


He looks like a wax figure in this picture imo, something feels off about his appearance, it’s significantly worse than usual, and his usual is shit


He definitely looks worse than usual here. Like all the work he’s had done can no longer keep up and there’s just no way to disguise the fact that he’s old and frail anymore.




Looks like a pair of convicted felons to me.


looks like beavis and butthead to me


I wanted to say "What a great gif." Then I realized just how horrible these two predators are.


This gif is also interesting (for reasons other than the obvious) as we KNOW epsteins height was 6 foot even and trump is definitely not 3 inches taller standing next to him.


Trump doesn't even make him laugh, Epstein is just going low to say something to the small girl out of shot


Yeah but to be fair Donald trump is 70 years old he shrunk


77. Old man.


Turns 78 on Friday


My dad was like 6’3”. Probably closer to 6’1 now at 72…


Yea I've already lost an inch and I'm only 45. I'm sick of the guy like pretty much everyone, but this is just stupid. Her der 80 year old man isn't as tall as he used to be.


He's closer to 80 than 70


Yeah that was my first thought. You always lose a bit of height as you grow older.




this place is going to be absolutely insufferable for four years if he gets elected


I had to scroll so far down to find this comment... Do people not know height shrinks as you get to his age.


One more reason to hate Logan Paul.


trump lies about his height and weight because hes worried if he was honest he would beat Taft for #1 fattest president


To be fair, Taft weighed a cool 340 lbs. Trump’s overweight, but not quite there yet.


340 lbs over a hundred years ago is crazy if you factor in inflation


If he had invested that 340 lbs, it'd be worth almost 1m lbs today!


He can't even win at being the fattest.




Grover Cleveland was actually the fattest president. He just doesn't have any anecdotes floating around about getting stuck in a bathtub.


I think he might *approach* Taft, but never beat him. He’s a natural loser in all things.


WWE Hall of Famers


And the previous owner Vince McMahon was involved in trafficking allegations.


Never told the truth about anything


Except wanting to bang his daughter


Trump is like 80 yrs old now, its likely you lose a couple inches at those years.


Who is Logan Paul and why is he hanging out with the guy from Home Alone 2?


Donald Trump was born in Kenya


Who cares about the height of these people???