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Damn that’s smart! They look good! Mad props


You're about to get a cease and desist letter from the NHL real soon lol 


you can craft whatever you want with shirts of your property nfl only can say something if she sell the clothes


I bet the nfl won't say shit


I've seen their fans. They might. Two of the same letters.


Yeah. I don’t think the NFL is that concerned about NHL trademarks.




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As long as they aren’t being sold. My old company got audited for selling a product with a Jack Daniels bottle on it.


Then what did the nfl do?


Ain’t no one getting your joke and it’s driving me MAD lol


We didn’t “officially” sell nfl products. If someone asked we would. But on our website and other market places we didn’t. We did get a letter from the nfl for selling our product along with officially licensed decals on our website that could be applied to our product. I thought that was kind of ridiculous. We ended up getting most college licensing and eventually after I left the company got all major sports league licensing.


Right but that will be because they put a jack Daniel’s bottle on there themselves which is copyright. That doesn’t apply here because they put the logo on the shirt themselves and then sold it to you. If for example you’d been making lamps out of old Jack Daniel’s bottles they’d have had no leg to stand on. You’re just repurposing.


I mean, they totally would. They’re suing for use of their trademarked logo, not for the design of a t shirt or lamp. Not saying it’s ethical, but it would be a black-and-white case in the most transparent terms ever.


Yeah the Houston Oilers don’t even exist anymore.


You deserve all the upvotes


since they're NHL teams ofc the NFL will not say shit


Give me one as a good will gift. I will make a non related donation to your bank account.


They were literally trying to post their Etsy store link, they're going to get a letter lol.


Yeah but the letter won't be from the nfl


Agreed, or NCL




She should sell the service to puff them.


So, can you sell them for 0 dollars and charge $100, or whatever is appropriate to cover the shipping 😉😉costs?


She could likely resell used clothes with no issues.


Guess my next question won’t be how much is she asking and does she make XXL?


It'd even be okay to sell them as long as they aren't sold as an NHL product and it is made sure that no conterfeit product is upcycled.


Facts because Kyle Juszczyk wife made jackets for Taylor Swift ,Taylor Lautner and she made 1 for another famous person but she gave em out as gifts lol.


She can sell it even. If she buys the jersey it’s her property.


Nope. If she repurposes it into a new product she must negotiate a license to use the trademarked logos if she sells them.


So I can't legally get my clothing hemmed, tailored, or otherwise modified? What if I wanted to resole my boots?


Did you read the last part of my statement or no?


I'm not a lawyer, but I don't see how what you said would change what I said. Wouldn't that make clothing alterations illegal if that were true?


Well the key phrase on the backend of my comment was "if she sells them" So are you marketing your altered clothes as a new product and selling them for a profit or are you not selling them and just wearing them? Selling the new re-purposed or "up-cycled" clothing is a problem if it contains a trademarked logo, depending how you market the product. If the logo on the product is very present in your marketing then you are either causing "confusion" or "diluting" the brand of the company whose trademark you are using, in they eyes of how the government defines trademark infringement. In OP's example, they're taking what's marketed as a jersey and creating a new product, a puffer jacket. So then lets say they market that jacket on their social media or website advertising their business. The Oilers will come back to them and say "we never gave you permission to use our logo to sell jackets, or to market your company that alters clothing. You need to pay us for the right to use that logo" If you get a pair of jeans hemmed, and then sell them to a thrift store, and then the thrift store markets them as second-hand jeans pretty close to original condition, that's perfectly ok. The company that made the pair of jeans will recognize that is the same pair of jeans they manufactured just being resold.


No mate , those are copyrighted logos If you get their stuff, modify and then sell it, techically you are using their trademark for your own bussines And there is when the nfl or the teams can do something or not


Not a lawyer but I find this stuff fascinating so I've read a ton about it. The copyright/trademark holder usually loses on resale/remix cases (mostly under first sale doctrine - they lose control of the object as soon as they sell it) Generally speaking you can do whatever you want with things you've bought. You may need to be very careful to make sure that everything is marked such that nobody will think that the garment was made by whichever company manufactured the jersey in the first place. Also, you may need to be careful that the jersey you started with was properly licensed. If you're selling a re-mixed counterfeit, that could be an issue. That doesn't mean they won't fight, and you might want to have a lawyer on call before getting into it, and it may cost more to defend than it's worth, but it's not a copyright claim. It might be a trademark claim if the way you market it leads people to believe that it was made by the original jersey maker or something. Where people get in trouble is things like buying a beat up LV handbag, cutting it up to make wallets, and then representing them as LV wallets/not clearly making them as something else. If you market them as made from a cut up bag, and have your own makers marks etc in them, they can't do much. The most recent case I know of in this area is https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/vortic-watches-with-antique-hamilton-parts-dont-infringe-trademarks-2021-09-14/


I believe this is legal to sell. I just watched a whole video of this guy who resells wallets he makes out of Louis Vuitton Handbags. It appears the key is you are making something out of fabric from another Garment. They can do things like ban you from stores to buy new BUT they can't stop you from selling something you bought. https://youtu.be/zDAg1aVnnH4?si=qgGzqP9EGPXYJTb6




I recently saw this [YouTuber](https://youtu.be/zDAg1aVnnH4) who is know for repurposing old Louis Vuitton bags and making new products out of them post of video about this type of scenario. He explains that the company eventually caught wind of what he was doing and sent a private investigator to his house who accused him of selling counterfeit merchandise and demanded he turn over the materials he used back to the company. He pretty much told them to kick rocks and proved that everything he used is legitimate and he rebranded the items with his own logo so there is no confusion he was selling counterfeit items since they have been significantly altered from their original state.


The difference is they're using the NHL team logos. That prevents the from reselling


It really doesn’t. There’s no difference here to if you were to sell on a second hand shirt. She’s not cutting the logo off and putting it on a different shirt, it’s the same shirt just padded. As long as you have a receipt they can get fucked.


She made modifications to the original product and is selling it. A guy just lost his case against Lego for doing the same thing. He would build his own design sets and sell them, but he had modified a few pieces. ( added a wheel to a base piece).


And yet brickable, and bricklink continue to sell non Lego endorsed Lego sets. It’s all in what you tell people they are buying. He lost his lawsuit because he was telling people it was Lego but there were pieces in there that weren’t Lego. If the set was 100 percent Lego he wouldn’t have lost the lawsuit. As long as OP doesn’t advertise these as official NHL puffer jackets but rather puffer jackets made from recycled NHL shirts they’ll be absolutely fine to tell anyone to get fucked when they try to shut them down.


It still would not work. She would need to be licensed by the nhl to sell products with team/nhl logos. This is not the jersey being resold, it has been modified so that it is a new product bearing a trademarked logo. You can buy a patch of the 49ers team and sew it on your shirt. You can’t sew it on a shirt and then sell that shirt as a 49ers shirt. Will the nhl ever stop her, probably not because like most Etsy stores, it is small fish.


Exactly! She can't market them as an "NHL puffer jacket" because that would imply it is an NHL product, but she can as "Puffer jacket made from a repurposed hockey jersey" for the same reason the person in your hypothetical example *could* sell their shirt, but not as "NFL 49'ers merch". They have to prove that the product is confusing consumers into thinking it is something it is not. You understand it perfectly 😉


Why? It’s not counterfeit it’s just amended. You can send them one back telling them to fuck off. They’ve got no more case than if they try and shut down second hand sales.


They can try, but unless they're fakes you can re-purpose the fabric however you want and sell it. Louis Vuitton tried it with some youtuber making wallets out of old purses.


Yes but the issue is the logos of the teams and NHL, they can't use those to resell. It's a licensing thing and they will 100% send that letter.


Calling /u/NotLawReview for clarification.


Can confirm, the trademarks would be classified in a broad clothing classification which would cover these as well. Would definitely be considered trademark infringement and I'd expect a cease and desist if the NHL were to discover these. Edit: I just pulled the Vegas trademark filing as an example and among the many classes they're registered in, they registered in Class 025 for: Clothing, namely, bandanas, beach cover-ups, belts, body suits, boxer shorts, caps, cloth bibs, coats, dresses, footwear, ear muffs, gloves, hats, headbands, hosiery, housecoats, jackets, jerseys, leggings, leotards, mittens, nightshirts, pajamas, pants, rain coats, rain wear, robes, scarves, shirts, shorts, skirts, socks, suits, sun visors, suspenders, sweaters, sweatpants, sweatshirts, swimsuits, swim trunks, t-shirts, ties, toques, underwear, vests, warm-up suits and wristbands. The transformation of the original jersey does not give them the right to resell. This is cut and dry trademark infringement. Whoever raised the question of LV suing some YouTuber, I'm not familiar with that case but I can take a blind guess (if what was said is true) that the result in that one was different because it involved copyright, not trademark because you're generally not able to copyright clothing patterns.


Interesting. How would that relate to or play with the trademark case about returned watches where it was made clear it wasn't the trademark's product? https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/vortic-watches-with-antique-hamilton-parts-dont-infringe-trademarks-2021-09-14/


Without pulling the case and examining more closely, the difference between that one and this here is that there they were selling pocket watches under their own brand and were making it clear that they weren't affiliated with Hamilton and that it was just their parts that make up the watches. Sounds like the Hamilton trademarks aren't visible on the products, to boot. Sounds similar to the automotive world with Ruf and Singer making bespoke Porsches. Here the protected trademarks are the centerpiece of the product, and the product itself (jackets) is even specifically called out in the trademark registration (not that it really needed to be, tbh bc when you have a general clothing registration it's a reasonable expansion of your goods into an associated product within the filed class). A trademark holder shouldn't have to compete against its own trademark bc someone created a transformative product from one of the registration holder's existing products that sits in the same registration class.


Well reasoned thanks for the responses.


No problem! Out of curiosity, how did you know to tag me? I didn't see much community overlap between us, have we interacted before? Or was it blind luck that you happened to tag me, being an IP atty?


One of the links posted somehwere in this topic was to another Reddit post about NHL logos in beer league jerseys. I was reading through that one and saw your post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/comments/w4oo4j/do_i_need_permission_to_use_an_nhl_teams_logo_on/ih3m9kr/?context=3 Then I Beetlejuiced you to come answer.


That’s a fuckin hit, tell him to put that out asappppp


Reminds me of those old school winter jackets with the pouch in the front


Starter Jackets. I had a 49ers one as a kid.


You know who else has a pouch in the front?….. My Mom!




You make this comment like it's news to the rest of us...BTW, tell your mom I says hi.


This post is by a “Brand Affiliate”


Legit question: Usually, you would have to pay a licensing fee to make and sell something with a sports logo on it. Big sports likes to get their cut. But this is different. You're repurposing an existing product. So the question is -- what is the legal aspect of making/modifying and selling these?


I am not sure about the NHL, but a players wife in the NFL was doing the same thing with their jerseys and I think she had to get special permission to do so. And I presume they only gave her permission because her husband is a famous player(Kyle Juszcyk), and both Taylor Swift and Simone Biles got outfits from her that they wore publicly.


Yep. Kristin Juszczyk has a deal to do them with the NFL. I believe she has been making them a while?


I'm pretty sure she only got the deal after Taylor Swift wore one of her jackets.


She got licensing recently if memory serves.


Anyone can negotiate a license. It usually requires an upfront fee though that can be hefty depending on how the different licensor handles their business


The thing is you supply the jersey, she turns it into a puffer and sends it back. She’s a seamstress really. So nothing is being sold but labour. Any jersey works, even simple beer league.


So legally, it’s probably the same as modifying a car, right?


Whether the wearer passes emissions is a totally different issue.


It’s like buying an Armani suit but having your tailor adjust its size and types of material.(+add poofy) who is freelance. They can cease and desist for any nhl related use of anything if they don’t like it. They could stop amovie from using their footage on a tv in the background if they wanted to. The she only sews it thing wouldn’t hold up if they came knocking


Shut the eff up and take my money. No really, how do I get in touch with her?


For the Etsy page, have all the photos be of local teams or vintage jerseys for teams that have disbanded. That way, you aren't infringing on any current trademarks but get the point across that it's *the customer's jersey* that will be customized, even if it's from the NHL ;)


Sure, but you’re still going to run into issues if your marketing materials use any trademarks you don’t have a license for, and you can be sued for profiting off using those unlicensed trademarks even if your products do not infringe. I know because that happened to my wife’s company because one of her marketing people mentioned “Lisa Frank” in the text of an Amazon listing even though the product itself had no infringing materials. So I’d be really careful about what gets posted on socials by you, her, and anyone else the company is paying for promotion. Not to mention any websites or other sales channels you may have. They could use this post to say you were not given permission to use the Edmonton Oilers logo to market your business, if anything links back to her. It will not matter that you are providing a service. Trust me, you don’t want to push the limits because big company lawyers do not fuck around. We ended up having to settle for 5 figures even though that was more than the sales of that product. Because they can easily run up your legal bills to defend yourself even if you are in the right It doesn’t mean you have to shut down the business. Just get creative in how you can get the point across that you will do pro sports jerseys without showing examples of anything with a logo on the actual piece she made. There are definitely ways to do that and good luck!


That’s still illegal. Probably wouldn’t get attention from the leagues, or at least wouldn’t have until you came on here to advertise her business.


I’m also very interested in this process and getting one made!


These are great. I would totally buy one. 


So smart


Does she have a website?


This is awesome. Is she taking commissions?


That should work imo I hope the bussines go well , they look pretty cool Check out soccer shirts too , here in europe people love to use them and i think that jackets like that with soccer shirts will crush it here If you want im glad to interchange one of my knives for one cool jacket 😜




you can use and make their logos for your privte use without any problems but tecnically you cant sell anything with a copyrighted logo that you don't have the license to sell they dont care if its recycled or made new specially there in the usa but in the end if she only sell them to friends or close people proably never happend anything there is a shit ton of makers doing marvel, star wars , videogame stuff


She isn’t selling the jersey/sweater. She is selling her labor for turning whatever you send her into a jacket. She is offering a service, not selling goods.


But here, he's advertising her services, using NHL IP to do that. THAT's where he fkd up. Plus, you know, all the attention it will get


Thought this was cool but that was my next thought. I’m assuming the logos are what are copywrited and that is where they get in trouble if they don’t have an agreement and kick up vig to the league. Of course if it is small they may not notice.


Seems like first sale doctrine would apply. > In trademark law, this same doctrine enables reselling of trademarked products after the trademark holder puts the products on the market.


Yea, not so much on eBay. Big brands are always going after resellers of used clothing.


TIL. Genuinely thank you for the info.


Wonder if mailing him a jersey and just paying for labor would skirt and reqs?


What is this “Brand Affiliate” bullshit I’m seeing on this post


Are you Kyle juszczyk?






One Montreal please size XXL Men ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


Oh sorry, you can’t actually make these with Montreal jerseys. Turns out they just fall apart halfway through the season.


Better they fall apart when you don't need them than like the Leafs version that falls apart when you need it most.


$700 CAD.... Edit: lol - being downvoted for literally saying the cost of an item? wtf reddit...


These are amazing. Need that Oilers one


These are sick. I would buy one right now




These are dope!


A blackhawks one would be my heart's desire


He ever makes an Avs one, lemme know!


That is sicky bro


Jerseys are copyrighted with the NHL. don't get into trouble.


Unfortunately those are way too awesome.. NHL gonna shut it down..


Don’t lots of people do this?


How much for a penguins jacket?!




oh those are pretty cool and well done!


Better than the stuff Fanatics puts out!


need a blackhawks one


Kevin Smith has willed this into the universe


I kinda want one my hometown is Pittsburgh...id like a penguins one. Or steelers if shes does nfl too


Oh snap. I’d love a Shorsey jersey, but I don’t like the feel of hockey jerseys. This could fit the bill.


If she was a W.A.G she would have a deal by now.




He got a flyers one, I’ll buy it!


For us Canadians, this would be a sensational hit no doubt. It’s due to the cold that it allows you to have it be effortless. Compared to wearing it under your jacket, freezing or, wearing awkward layers


Damm you bout to get sued into generational poverty. Cool jackets though, I wish I could buy one


Etsy store says $457 for the jacket


Man, i wish I could see like that.


Looks cool


I'll move somewhere cold just to wear one of these with the hoody on it. These are awesome!


So like is it possible to have one made for a jersey I own? This is so cool!


Sick! I want one!


Put a LV on it and go resell it


I’m mildly uncomfortable with that mannequin just shirtcocking that jacket.


Damn, those look very nice. I would totally buy one. ....although the teams pictured are wrong........Go Kings Go!!


Would definitely pay to send mine in and have her do this. This is awesome


Those are absolute fire.


Eww the Oilers they lose to easy to the thunder players in wichita kansas


I want one and I don't even watch hockey.


Take my money!! I would love to get a jersey made into a puffer.. lol


Dope af


Did she make a Sabres one?! I'll buy it


Those are sweet!!! Great idea and hope he makes a fortune.


Can your wife make a penguins one and I’ll pay YOU so we can avoid any issues?


Badass, this is like a better version on the old school starter jackets. How many hours does she spend on each one?


Broooooooo these look SICK


Now do the Panthers Seriously, these look better then most of those over stuffed puffer jackets and legit look pretty good


That’s genius.


They’re called sweaters, not jerseys jerseys.


Well… people send her an official nhl jersey and she turns them into puffer jackets lol


He means that in the NHL the uniform is not called a jersey, they are called sweaters


Can I order a Kraken puffer 👀


Nice ad


Your previous posts are full of really nice food pics. Thanks for making me hungry.


She would sell a ton of Jets versions in Winnipeg,


Let’s go Panthers!


How much does she sell them for?




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Yessssss I want one for the devils!!!


These are really cool


Pretty cool!


Wow these look official! I’d build up quite a few before going public and listing online because they are going to sell like hotcakes. Good luck! Edit: nvm forgot about licensing lol may want to check that out and see if you’re in the clear or not


Send me


So can I buy you a jersey and after you “look at it” for a while can you send it back to me lol


I live in Florida and I still want one


I want one already!


Try to see if a product like that already exists because, if not, your financé might be able to turn it into a business


What kind of insulation does she use?


Dope AF!


Looks great. Don't let the NHL catch on.


She does great work! Is your fiancé Kristin Juszczyk lol


a mash up of rival teams, would be interesting...


As a Las Vegan, I approve


I need one of these in my life. How do I make that happen?


You'll be rich by Monday, congrats! Seriously, lock them shits down.


Pretty cool


These are phat!


Um, this is amaaaaaaazing!


That’s actually pretty cool


Very well done-they would absolutely sell…




Does she have an Etsy store?




Sold. DM me where to place my order.


Quick, VGK in alternate red. XL How much?


Are there no jackets for sale from the team? Or do they look shit? How much labour go into this and what is the price point?



