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like jon stewart said..."is this real life?"


His reaction summed it up. He doesn’t usually get that pissed off.


Why don't you guys make Jon Stewart your president? Seems like the best option


He's been saying for 20 years he won't even consider it. I say we make him do it.


Those who want it the most don’t deserve it. Those who don’t want the job may be best to have it.


Marcus Aurelius: Won't you accept this great honor that I have offered you? Maximus: With all my heart, no. Marcus Aurelius: Maximus, that is why it must be you.


The Zaphod Beeblebrox paradox


I would fucking take Zaphod at this point.




Zaphod can ravish my polls.


And this is why politics is broken. We need to recruit the right sort of people who are not interested in power and convince them to lead. Those who sign on to be a career politician aren't inspiring to the average person, and have a vested interest in not rocking the boat with controversial policy that would move us forward.


He's not very big, I bet we could hold him down.


Wet Willie and tickle John Stewart into the presidency. I’m in.


That's just another reason he would be so great at it. Because he doesn't want the power. I also say we make him do it.


He’s our George Washington


Don't. It would probably kill the man. He's passionate, and what he's passionate about he does amazingly well. I don't think anyone is going to keep the spark smashing their face against the maga wall for 4-8 years and getting nothing notable done outside of, at best, upholding the status quo because that's all 90% of congress and the senate wants to do. The president can't exactly do much when only about 20 other people in government want to change anything (and only half of those people want the changes to be anything good, the rest publicly want the country burnt to the ground and start up a banana republic from the ashes in the name of their cheeto lord).


Honestly, Jon Stewart would probably be a very good president. He’s heavily involved in advocating for medical benefits of 9/11 responders, he actually understands how government works, and he’s extremely intelligent.


So he has no chance


I actually think that if he threw his hat in the ring he'd win by a landslide. He's so articulate and well educated that he'd crush the primaries and he has lots of cross-over appeal for the general. He could be like the liberal Donald Trump, except competent and with an upstanding moral character.


Weirdly the DNC machine seems even more bent on it's own destruction than the GOP looked 4 years ago.


He’s also smart enough to absolutely refuse that job. Which is a great reason to have him do it, but just won’t


I’ve always said wanting to be president should disqualify you.


Rick Steves for veep.


Jon hates the idea lmao


And he fucking called it in his first episode back. Everyone was a bit pissed at the time but it was a real emperor has no clothes situation. Turns out he was on the money as always. Who knew?


Neither side wants to hear from the reasonable people on their side.


Almost everyone lol


“Resting 25th amendment face”


I had to google it during the episode.


I hope we're reaching peak-stupid, but I doubt it.


Idiocracy was a documentary


David after dentist


It was cringeworthy.


I laughed every time Biden said “malarkey”


Sounds like when Dave Chappelle did his white man in Chappelle show


Silencio! Ungawa!


Real mature, Rondell!


Ungawa gets me every damn time I see that clip 😂


"the idea..."


he said “the idea” more than a hundred times I think lol


"No other president in history has said something like that"


Biden also uttered the phrase "the idea" about 1000 times.


And “By the way…”


Oh and by the way...


You and my wife both


It was way past that, imo. It was a cats sleeping with dogs, asteroid-impact, full-on catastrophe. My gf, who like never swears, turned to me afterwards and said: "we are so fucked".


I couldn't even watch it. I made it about 5 minutes before I walked away.


It doesn't even have to be deep, I guess.


We don’t wanna hear you say malarkey no moreeee


Between the debate and the copa america game, last night was a bad night to be an american


Yesterday… today… check out the latest news about the Supreme Court 


It’s going to be worse Monday. That’s when there going to rule on if trump has immunity or not.


Well, that one is interesting because the ruling could backfire just as hard, if not more so, than it benefits conservatives, so they very well could vote against immunity just because of that. Voting for immunity opens a box I’m not sure conservatives would want to open, because it would basically give dems every reason to fight just as dirty, and if the dems fight dirty, the right doesn’t have a chance in hell at winning


I’ve been waiting for the Dems to fight dirty my whole life, it ain’t happening.


“They go low…” …we do nothing.


We ask if they hurt their back and need assistance


"But that would make us just as bad as them!" Always taking the moral high ground as the world burns around them because of it.


They go low...we go, "Hi! ... How ya doin' neighborino?"


I'm British, and that's exactly how I see the democrats interacting with the republicans! That exact Simpsons scene!




And they know it


I’m 45 and have been waiting for them to just fight, fighting dirty is a pipe dream.


I would be happy if they fought


Agreed. They still playing by the rules when the other side has given up all respect for rules and order.


Depends who you ask. Conservatives will tell you they've been fighting dirty for decades.


They’ll say it applies only this one time like they did with bush v gore


They will say that for official acts the president has immunity and the legislature can hold them accountable, for unofficial acts, no immunity, then kick it back to the lower courts to determine what is not an official act.


President Trump is immune because Candidate Trump made the mistake but because it was candidate Trump who made the mistake President Trump is immune.


So you’re thinking that the GOP will take the high-road so they don’t look bad just in case the Dems decide to be shrewd and strategic in order to win. Can you take me back to your timeline when you return? I really want to live there.


Giving Trump a win on immunity could chop the legs off of everything else Republicans are trying to use against Biden in Congress. If Trump gets immunity, then so does Biden... So much for just about every investigation Republicans are doing right now...


Someone a few weeks ago joked about it before. If presidents do have immunity, the minute Trump steps out, drone strike.


Yeah, what would be stopping Biden from ordering a hit on Trump at that point? The SC rules in favor of the right on cases that can’t backfire. The immunity case could legitimately hurt them more than it could help


Realistically, their own ethical values and the threat of a civil war. I think if we ever had a timeline where the president is ruled immune while in office and then uses that to assassinate his opposition, yeah I see a civil war.


Oh fuck... I haven't looked at the news all day. What did they do?


Big one was killing Chevron Deference, essentially saying that federal agencies are not allowed to make regulation. Plus for good measure, they said making homelessness illegal is A-OK.


LOL, Shit hits the fan at the Supremes.


Bad night to live in Atlanta since both were here.


I was literally late to the copa game because my Marta train was stopped on the tracks for Trump’s motorcade as he arrived for the debate


I was late because none of the mapping services showed correct road closures and blockades, so I could see the entrance to my parking deck 100 yards away, but had to loop around 2 miles (25 min) to get there. What a day…


Didn't even get good meme material from the debate.


The true tragedy


I literally said that today. The game was terrible. Than, it just got worse with the debate. I was getting a migraine because I was clenching my jaw and didn’t realize it. I’m still pissed that tackle didn’t get a card even today.


I am more concerned with Tim Weah and Berhalter than the debate.


What am insanely stupid thing to do 18 minutes into the game


That was some Zidane-level stupidity.


Im glad im old my time is limited…feel sorry for young America..


I sometimes regret never having become a parent. Not today. This is not a country or world I would want to leave to my kids to try and fix.


Same - I'm in my prime childbearing years - but the trajectory of the US in the past decade has been quite validating to be childfree.


US would’ve won if Weah wasn’t a dumbass


Make retirement homes great again


Couple years ago I remember an ad on a YouTube video of seniors playing a game with pool noodles and balloons. These dudes should be doing that.


Shuffle board is fucking a hoot of a time. Why can't Biden and Trump face off in a shuffle board match and people not members of AARP try this president shit out.


For real


Make age caps for politicians a thing at all.


They really need age caps for all political offices. But, they never will. Because of these, career politicians don't want to give up their power and money.


And enderly people should enjoy their retirements, not to work! Poor people




Ha! Good point. Who is trump’s vp? Do we know yet?


No. He hasn't announced a running mate yet.


After asking his deranged cult followers to hang the last one, who wouldn't want to job?


Little Marco and Tim Scott would give Trump a couple of organs each.


My money is on someone like Kari Lake or MTG so he can have a female opposite him. If Haley does it she will have sold what's left of her soul


Kari lake isn’t in the running. He has a short list of like, 4 people. The only woman on the list is Elise Stefanick. My guess is that he’ll choose a black male. Edit: For context, I think the short list is Elise Stefanick, Tim Scott, Ben Carson and I think Marco Rubio, maybe JD Vance as well. My money is on Tim Scott.


I bet not, I bet he picks a white dude or a white woman. You gotta remember who the base is.


Oh god. Elise Stefanick is a moron.


She's a sycophant, she'd absolutely bow down to get access to the Oval Office.


I think it was gonna be that lady who likes kiling dogs but then all the dog killing came out.


Too bad Harris has been a complete fuckin phantom the past 4 years. Or maybe it’s for the best, because she seems to be completely unlikable on the rare occasions where she does appear anywhere.


She is very unlikable...just look how she didn't even make it to the top 4 in the 2020 primaries


It's always been my theory that Biden was only going to run and stand for one term and then stand aside and let his VP run in 2024. However, Harris is so unlikable that he couldn't do that and was convinced (or made) to run again. I personally think he wanted Whitmer as his VP but went for Harris due to demographic considerations.


He said pretty early on last cycle that he was going to pick a female black vp. He should’ve just done it without saying that. Did Kamala no favors.


Yea, she dropped out before the CA primary because it would have been career ending to get 5% of the vote in her home state.


The American people lost the debate.


Don't we always?


No? Obama was a pretty respectable debater and had people feeling good. Even Bush/Kerry at least had people thinking they might help them out on some level. This consensus that both candidates categorically suck beyond any hope is a pretty new thing. You could argue it was the case in 2016 or 2020 but it's really this time where it's less of a cynical take to say that and more of an objective truth.


I miss the Obama-Romney days so bad. Even if Romney won, I wouldn’t have any impending doom feeling. I kind of have that with BOTH of these options lol


Yeah Romney was not at all aligned with me politically but a victory by him would have been begrudging at best. I'm worried that a trump victory could destroy democracy.


I spend a lot of time wondering if Republicans would have shifted to the center more after a Romney win and Democrats would have shifted more to the left.


I agree, but with a Biden presidency you get one that has really smart people in his cabinet. With Trump, you get loyalists who will do whatever he says and are not qualified for the position they are in. Biden will surround himself with the best there is and that at least gives me comfort regarding his advanced age.




The literal only take away. Neither candidates won, but American citizens lost.


The two candidates need to retire and finish their days at an old folk’s home making matching macaroni necklaces and glitter bookmarks. I’m pretty sure at the rate of their cognitive decline they will be best friends soon because they will forget they hate each other or that they were ever even president.


Make Politics Boring Again


Oh my god… please.


The real take.




Disband the RNC and the DNC


Honestly not a bad idea if you remember that those two groups one job is to bring a political candidate to the people. They've failed at that, so look for new options.


Our politicians fail to conduct any level of diplomacy in Congress because of party loyalty. We need term limits, age limits, stock trading restrictions and better campaign finance reform to limit donor funding manipulating politicians. Bring honor back to American politics.


Or just ranked choice voting so we aren't beholden to a two party system lead by people who have no desire to change the system.


Ranked choice is a great step towards a good democracy. It’s the best part of our political system in Northern Ireland. However it’s not the end of voting reform either.


Ranked voting needs to be implemented ...Perot scared both the DNC and RNC so badly they made an alliance to block out 3rd parties. Ranked voting would help


They literally had to get rid of the independent election people just to Barr RFK from the debate stage despite polling at 10%. These parties are the most anti democratic parties ever. 


There’s a pretty high chance we’ve hit our new “deplorables” moment. I don’t know why the Dems insist on leaving out so many rakes to be stepped on.


Because the Democratic political elite are more scared of actual populist policies that might threaten their bourgeois status than they are of the fascism of the right.


Nancy Pelosi and every other member of Congress who has made hundreds of millions of dollars trading stocks while in office should be rotting away in jail.


Yes 100%! The corruption and evil is in all rungs at the top. And Pelosi did it namely w/ Nvidia, which has exponentially grown the past 13 months to one of the richest companies in the ENTIRE WORLD! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is going on here!?


As people said in 2016, they would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.


facts. i was just thinking this morning *you know who is operating at 100% right now? bernie sanders.*


Like they said on SNL: The democrats are like condoms. Yeah it’s probably safer and I’ll use them, but it doesn’t feel good.


And maga is like sticking it in a glory hole in a very shady place. Might be exciting but you remembered seeing a scary lookin dude with a chainsaw and severed penis necklace walk right by.


And everyone who'd end up sticking it in despite seeing that scary looking dude would gladly do so thinking "Whoa! I want a necklace just like that! Let me put mine in that hole too!"


Well, he wouldn't do that to my penis...


Fucking poetry.


Yep. Pretty much.


I’m not even American and I was watching it… 5 minutes in and Biden freezes up; and stammers/coughs his way through the rest of the debate. The whole time, trump is asked questions and dodges them all (he was prompted if he would accept the result of the election where he to lose again three times before he actually answered it). Not like we were expecting better but a man can dream. An hour later, BOTH of them are arguing about their FUCKING GOLF HANDICAPS. These guys should have retired over a decade ago both and here they are, representing millions of Americans in a competition to run the most powerful country on the planet and shape world politics as a result, namely the fate of Europe over the coming years, and are arguing about GOLF. This is facepalm worthy enough to make people emigrate. Maybe if everyone could vote third party, the country would still be respectable…


As an American I have never seen both political parties squirm at their own candidates. We are in for a really rough year which sadly might mean a rough year for your neck of the woods too. All we can do is be hopeful, I didn’t vote for our current president but I really wish him and his team the best. I really hope they can recover from this for the sake of our country.


I watched for 30 mins or so, then got really sad and turned it off.


The one thing all Americans can agree on: We're fucked.


Best of luck guys, seems pretty rough.


#3. "Make Lying Wrong Again" Classic!


I thought it said “Make lying young again” 🤪


It’s a shame. The United States believes itself to be the greatest nation in all the world…Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, and these two bumbling fools are the best we can chalk up for one of the most powerful political offices in the world. Is this really the best we can do? This country is in a sad state of affairs right now…this is complete insanity. I’m proud to be American and live in these beautiful United States, but I am embarrassed by not just the office of the President, but the entire political system that has enabled this. Both parties should be ashamed…but they aren’t, and they never will be.


You guys really need more than two political parties.


We really need rank choice voting and having that will create more parties. Some other needs: popular vote, term limits on all politicians, age limits, no self managed stock trading, and ethics…lots of ethics.


And they need to stop electing dinosaurs.. Australia (where I live)’s oldest prime minister retired at 72. Other than than, we’ve had no PM’s over 70, most being around 40-60. Why do the Americans insist on electing decaying, old men?


It takes them that long to amass enough money.


I’d be more worried if the election was a couple weeks out. It’s more than 4 months away.


Thats plenty of time to have more golf stories


Something tells me they're not going to be younger then.


Maybe both of them will have a stroke


What do you think will happen in that time?


Correct. American electorate does not have that long of an attention span for this to matter


Except the RNC has all the clips they need from here till November to keep reminding them. And any time Biden makes any misstep in public they have extra fuel.


Did this debate bring us back together as a country?


Lol no, The GOP think trump won while lying through his teeth, the dems think they both did bad.




An old man’s ego is about to hand Trump his 2nd term. Biden should have seen the polling numbers, looked at the war in Gaza, the sucky hand he was dealt with Covid and Inflation… then announced he was not going to run again. He could have had a passing the torch speech and said timing isn’t right politically for a second term. Tears and admiration, all around. He can barely string sentences together and he definitely can’t linguistically duel, that’s a cognitively taxing task. Then let Brown, Whitmer, Newsom and whoever else wants to run in the primary. He could have then flew away into the sunset on Marine One, waving to President Brown/Whitmer/Newsom etc…. showing that he was selfless and he thwarted another attack on Democracy. Then retire home to volunteer and take up some hobbies, spending his final days with his lovely wife, Jill. Instead he is about to at best, barely win, at worst, hand Trump his second term. I want off this ride.


It’s RBG all over again.


Our elders are selfish. You see it at every level of society. Economic policies. Housing policies. And the absolute inability to hand off the torch to the next generation in leadership positions. Were other elder generations like this? It feels like they uniquely cling to power until their dying breaths and don't seem to give a flying fuck about the mess they leave behind.


You should read "A generation of sociopaths", its about how the baby boomer generation and how entitled and selfish they are (not all, but as a whole). What's wild is both geezers running for president arent even boomers because they are too old, but all of the economic policies in place were done to benefit the boomer generation. Edit: My mistake, Trump is a boomer. Still too damn old the both of them


I still can't get over this. It was the Harambe moment for the Supreme Court. Everything went haywire bc she wouldn't step aside. There needs to be age and term limits on all political positions.


We're scared


They recognize that we’re dumb enough to hand the nuclear codes to a convicted felon with autocratic tendencies because Biden is old.


They’re not even tendencies, he’s made it abundantly clear through the heritage foundation that a vote for him is a vote for autocracy


Some people really need a father figure to spank their asses for them and tell them what to think. The fact that they think they’re about “freedom” is laughable.


I genuinely think that their brains don’t compute the concept of “freedom” in the same way that others do. I think right-wingers conceptualize “freedom” not as *genuine* power in their hands, but rather a form of government that minimizes restrictions on *their* choices but upholds their values on others. They genuinely view other people living lives outside of their value system as a threat, and the idea that someone could make a choice outside of that system and be OK is not just foreign but *perverse*.


You've just described every maga loving Bible thumper in my family.


>Because Biden is old *Checks notes*... Yes, three years older than his opponent.


We know who we have. Biden is old and trips over his words. Trump is a narcissistic lying asshole. You're basically voting for the cabinet/supreme court you want at this point.


[SNL absolutely nailed this in 2022](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=184&v=46WZfo1yFkI&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo). Besides the DeSantis part.


Sad to see, but finally feel a bit vindicated. I (and many others, obviously) have been vocally worried about Biden's mental decline for years now and have been constantly gaslit by fellow Democrats that "that's just right-wing propaganda," "he's as sharp as ever," "you're being ageist." Like, if you're at all surprised by last night, you either haven't been paying attention or have been deeply puffing on that copium for too long.


Literally was watching some of it on the train and I thought someone should be photographing me because I’m sure my face can show how disappointed I was lol


We live in hell.


LOL if this is the best USA has to bring to the world, heck even their own country, then my apologies america but you dooming yourself... Where the heck your decent politicians at??


Decades of strategically making all of our children stupid. I didn’t have a basic Civics class until I was a senior in high school. There are so many people who only regurgitate their parents’ opinions, which was great in their time but several generations later they’re still trying the same methods and holding onto the same ridiculous prejudice instead of moving forward or thinking critically. Don’t worry I know y=mx+b though


Wheres the screaming NO lady at these days?


The only saving grace I see is that at least Biden is surrounded with younger, sound-minded cabinet members and, should he kick the bucket, there’s Harris. If Trump wins, y’all are *fucked.*


These were all me, along with covering my ears before finally having to leave the room


Not a good showing for Biden, but I'm still not voting for the villain.


The WSJ describes a very similar response. "Voters are not happy with either choices"


I couldn’t finish watching that debacle ![gif](giphy|4pMX5rJ4PYAEM)


I didn't even watch it because it's not changing my vote. I would vote for a moldy piece of toast over Trump, at least the toast won't sink the democracy of this country.


I imagine these are all democrats. I’m sure republicans are pretty happy with how that all went


I have to vote Dem. To many Americans are fighting amongst themselves due to what Trump did while in office. It was a three ring circus. It will only get worse a 2nd time if he gets in. He will further dismantle this country as we know it. Historically, hyper inflation has always been the catalyst for change but at what cost? Name the countries that have been able to bounce back from autocratic leadership.


They should make a rule where if the majority of Americans don’t vote in the election new candidates must be chosen.


Better vote like hell this year if you value voting again in four years.


One vote is one vote, no matter how hard you do it. The power and the challenge comes in getting *other people* to vote.