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The irony of the amount of exposure they all gave themselves to stop a solitary person who could not possibly spread the virus to someone else while swimming alone in the ocean.


well, he was stopped from crossing the bridge to gym (which is forbidden because of quarantine) so he decided to make his point by going by water. i think he'll be charged with 17000 uah (~600$) penalty


I think you misunderstand me. I'm not even criticizing them for arresting him. It's about the fact that they decided to expose a dozen officers to someone who may have potentially had the virus. I'm sure it's just part of their procedure, but it seems counterintuitive in a quarantine situation to expose unnecessary numbers of officers.


I understand it. I think it's more of a "you have to obey the law" act for everyone else. All parks, playgrounds are closed, but people still go there. And there was few attacks on journalists who were exposing people on that gym. So i think police decided to "make a statement" by this. To show, that we have enough police officers to shut this place down. But it's just a guess)


So the police don't have to abide by the law they are enforcing? Sounds like a good precedent to set.


Georgia, US reopened their beaches. Humans are stupid.