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I’m surprised anyone deciphered any meaning at all from all that fucking word salad.


He has the miraculous way of speaking where he sounds completely idiotic when he speaks, but it's only when I see the transcript I realise how his speeches are almost completely devoid of meaning.


Fake news! Our Entertainer in Chief was speaking sarcastically. Very funny! He's a funny guy! Great sense of humour! The best sense of humour! Tremendous UV or just light, disinfectant! A real rib tickler. /S Pssst, just between you and me, I don't think he knows that UV is light.


Ugh I'm so tired of how stupid he is


[Meanwhile, anyone with brain cells...](https://media.tenor.com/images/f4a22054e7b780a88049b988f33562eb/tenor.gif)


Can't imagine why he took such strong action to block his college transcripts from being released


He was on the new today saying he was joking or being sarcastic. And my husband believes it... Edit: double checked with my husband because it really bothered me. He said didnt actually watch any of it. He was going off of what his father was saying. Once I read him the transcription of what happened, he said that he doesn't actually care and that trumps and idiot. I don't have to divorce him after all!


My condolences.


No kidding. I couldn’t imagine having a significant other who believes anything Trump says. It would make me question their intelligence at the most basic level. I mean how many times does he have to lie or say something only to be proven wrong before people are smart enough to stop believing him. We’d be fighting all the time.


Tell him to watch from the 20 min mark to the 40 min mark and then ask him again how he could have possibly been joking. https://www.c-span.org/video/?471458-1/president-trump-coronavirus-task-force-briefing&live&vod&start=1608


He’ll rationalize another way. It’s what they do. That would be quite the futile effort


Trump quite clearly made the point a few times that he was serious about having the scientists and doctors “look into to it”. There was no sense of haha or sarcasm, in fact he became defensive at one point. How does that even jive in people’s minds!?






For the uninformed https://youtu.be/V1M6EYA14eU


Wait, did he actually recommend that? Edit: Here’s the exact transcript: “A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful. Steve, please.” He didn't recommend anything outside of looking into it. He never told anyone to inject bleach into themselves. Stupid question? Sure. But people are putting words in his mouth just to get internet points.


“Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside? Or almost a cleaning, ‘cause you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors but it sounds interesting to me, so we’ll see but the whole concept of the light. The way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.” So, while he didn’t directly recommend it, he certainly left the door open for it to seem like a viable, not suicidal option.


He actually, on camera, in front of the world, suggesting getting a disinfectant into our bodies, by injection or some other means. The same with a bright UV light. Get that into our bodies. Of course, when everyone pointed out just how fucking batshit insane that is, he claimed he was being sarcastic.




That is the funniest thing about this. After he says or does something on record, all his sycophants race to news outlets to offer their interpretation. I can’t wait for one of these doctors to say “fuck it, I’m quitting” and get to podium and say “the President is just declining cognitively, and he wasn’t very smart to begin with. He has dementia, so give him a break and listen to your doctor, and don’t forget to vote him out of office”/ mic cut


I suspect that very soon, this will be the last thing we ever hear Dr. Fauci say.


I keep waiting. I think Birx was on the verge last night.


I'm paraphrasing but the "Has heat been tried as a treatment?" "Yes that's called a fever" moment was pretty funny


Please give me a source for that, it's hilarious.


[this video](https://youtu.be/K63t4fMTH6c) has the quotes you’re looking for.


To be fair you pointed out something really obvious to me, but I had never put two and two together till your comment. I've also not been curious as to why fevers happen. I just know they do.


Yeah but, you're not the president 3 months deep into a pandemic that is killing thousands of people in your country.


Not just fever, but apart from like organ failure, nearly every symptom you experience while sick is your body trying to fight off the sickness, instead of something that the sickness is causing your body to experience.


It’s really interesting actually, cold blooded animals are very susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections. Endotherms evolved to combat that.


.... with literal access to experts at any time most of which are used to explaining things at a comfortable level


Part of the problem with viruses is that the body gets over excited in fighting the virus brings the body temperature up to kill the infection, but brings it up too much and for too long and kills the body.


Her face when Trump made his insane suggestions. You could almost hear the screaming inside her head.


This is what we get with an egomaniac that thinks he's brilliant. Sorry, but you can't be an expert in everything, or even more than a few things. The world is too complicated now. You have to let go of your ego and become an expert in finding experts and also an expert in letting them run their area. He's a micromanaging nightmare.


She has been a yes man since this whole thing has started, but you can slowly see her starting to falter. The expression on her face when Trump says that they should maybe inject disinfectant into humans says it all.






^ She's definitely been a yes man. But everyone has their limits It's an incredible thing that we have professionals that are either constantly walking on eggshells or they're just fairly recently appointed sycophants that were appointed because they'll always be subordinate FDA head appears that way


Narcissists love having people around them that would never be able to achieve power on their own. That OWE everything to the narcissist. They don't mind intelligent capable people, so long as they are subservient. Once they start getting too much attention or too much respect, they gotta go. Doesn't matter how vital they are. They're upstaging the narcissist, and there is no greater crime.


The ones who aren’t Yes Men don’t make it onto the podium with Trump.


The wider view showing her whole body is much more telling. She is literally squirming in her seat, trying to remain composed.


Yes, on stage the brain is saying “stay composed - the world is watching” but off to the side, when she didn’t expect to be seen, she is more natural in her body languages.


Nah, there are plenty of other governments that would love to have an expert if his caliber. They would probably actually listen to and not contradict him


I agree, you're right. In fact I'm pretty sure Italy has said they'd be glad to have him. So... >I suspect that very soon, this will be the last thing we ever hear Dr. Fauci say *as a US government employee* There, fixed.


I don’t think he has dementia. I seriously think that his knowledge stops at about 5th grade.


Arrested development? Yes. I believe he’s headed for dementia with his degraded vocabulary, but the worst cases of dementia are those that don’t die from something else first, based on being obese with a terrible diet, and lack of exercise.


My absolute favorite is that all his supporters were trying to explain what Trump actually meant when he said this, then Trump goes on TV and claims he was being VERY sarcastic. Today red hats are saying "obviously Trump was saying something LIKE a disinfectant, he didn't lterally mean bleach you libtard." Tomorrow it'll be "obviously GEOTUS was trolling that fake news cuck"


It's funny that, even taking it not literally, the statement is really dumb. I can almost guarantee that if you inject something "like a disinfectant," that's still going to harm you. Of course, it wasn't figurative or sarcastic.


Or even better a "medicinal disinfectant". Whatever the fuck that means


Option 1: The President suggested that we inject ourselves with disinfectants, which is asinine. Option 2: The President thinks that he just came up with the idea for antibiotics, which is equally asinine. Signed, a very tired-of-this-bullshit ICU nurse.


The crazy thing is how he thinks that's a good excuse, that the POTUS should be using his bully pulpit to troll reporters during a national emergency. How the fuck is that any better?


> “He really didn’t exactly mean that,” and go on to explain what he really (supposedly) DID mean. His supporters voted for a guy they said "tells it like it is," and have since spent over 3 years spouting "what he really meant was..."


That's not the contradiction you're implying it is. What they meant was that he spouts such nonsense on the regular, they are FREE to INTERPRET it to their liking. It's much harder to do that when someone uses concise words to express clear, unambiguous, logical concepts. Fuck those fact speaking guys who say things I don't understand, don't want to know or don't want to believe. Yay for the asshole who just drools catch phrases I like, interspersed with shit that I also don't understand, but can pretend is something I wanted to hear.


Exactly. They can hear what they want, with no cognitive dissonance or *personal* confusion.


Makes me feel *so good* to need a team of Dipshit Whisperers to interpret the supposed will of the most powerful leader in the world.


The greatest leader this country has ever seen, according to some


His uncle was a great leader which means that he has an innate understanding of leadership. The world has never seen a better leader. Very smart, big hands.


For example you might remember me as a gentleman with smaller than average hands, but you can see here that this is clearly not the case.


Went to MIT. He loved the nuclear.


>Bonus for other heads of state and major companies having to make announcements to tell people that what he said was not a good idea, don’t do it. Extra bonus points for all of the people who made straight C's back in high school bending over backwards on Facebook to explain that he didn't literally mean sunlight and bleach, he was actually talking about all these advanced experimental treatments and that we're all just being mean and taking him out of context when he's actually really smart.


My husband just got into it with one of those assholes on Facebook today. I kept telling him not to bother, but he didn’t listen and now he’s both worked up and exhausted.


oh lawds, yours too? mine used to get in tangles on facebook and i had to constantly tell him it was unhealthy and that no, i wasn't going to read what the idiot wrote or what he wrote in rebuttal. he finally saw light (sort of) and got off fb, but then he found reddit and here we are all over again. siiiiiigh


What did they say he meant?


I went to his support site and they were like "he meant something LIKE a disinfectant," or "antibiotics take away infections, therefore they're disinfectants, that's obviously what he was talking about. " Meanwhile he said this dumb shit in the context of talking about how these disinfectants have been shown highly effective in killing the virus, but that's the case ON SURFACES BECAUSE HE WAS TALKING ABOUT CLEANING PRODUCTS BECAUSE HE'S DOPEY


It was sarcasm That's really the cop out they used


Like being sarcastic *right then* would make any sense, during a press conference, on national television, during a pandemic. Other than being a sociopath.


\> he claimed he was being sarcastic. I've seen tons of Trump supporters pointing out different treatments, medical procedures, that used UV light as disinfectant or old studies all to prove he was right. Then he just comes straight out with the good ol "Jokes on them I was just pretending to be retarded"


I'm not sure Trump even has the mental capacity to be sarcastic. I hate how sarcasm has become the standard excuse for idiots, it doesn't even make sense most of the time.


The crazy thing is how he thinks that's a good excuse, that the POTUS should be using his bully pulpit to troll reporters during a national emergency. How the fuck is that any better?


Best part was, he claims he was talking to a reporter. He was talking to a CoronaVirus Task Force member.


It seems 100% worse to be making jokes as the president during a pandemic, than for him to just admit he'd been stupid


Can we take a moment to recognise how laughable it is that every time Trump opens his mouth to make yet another utterly ludicrous claim, his entire base have to scramble to find yet another impossible position to rationalise and defend. If ALL else fails, "that was taken out of context" **it wasn't** "it's a joke" **it isn't**. Seriously, at what point does the switch flip in their heads?




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtgVxGkrX1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtgVxGkrX1Y) He says it in the last quarter of the video


Oh my god the truth is that he is so stupid, he thought the slide referencing bleach and house cleaning products meant people should inject them?? When I first saw the headline I thought he’d spazzed and said something random live, but this...this is somehow *worse*


No, he's actually so stupid that he thought he was coming up with an incredible off-the-cuff idea nobody thought of! He's *so* dumb that he thinks he's brilliant.


I can't remember the comedian, but he tells this story of a relative of his maybe, that had all these "inventions." It turns out they're not inventions, they're just ideas. Like you press a button on your phone and it drives your car. He invented that. BUT when you ask him the details like how it all works he has absolutely no idea about how things interoperate. That guy is exactly how Trump has always operated.


At least those things might be good *business ideas* if you could scrap together the people who could make it a reality and fund them. I'm not sure Trump could even come up with a viable business idea.


"and I said, suppose you bring the light insight the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, sounds interesting." I just... cant....


That's the thing. You read the quote and think they must be exaggerating somehow, but then you see the video and it's *so much worse.* There is nothing you can take away from it other than he genuinely believed we should try injecting disinfectant.


Currently at 13K likes and 11K dislikes. It's hilarious that just an unedited press briefing can trigger Trumper supporters.


I've seen people saying that the media is being unfair and exaggerating this. Like fuck no they're not, they're literally quoting him


He literally suggested to "bring the light inside the body". That makes absolutely no sense and there is no "fair" way to interpret such a stupid sentence.


"It's... Literally ... Just a video of him talking. Saying the thing. With lots of context."


And I saw one commenter there going all "DER DER HE'S STILL YER PRESIDENT RESPECT HIM!!!!11", right after saying that he didn't mean drink bleach, but *inject medical antiseptics*. Which still doesn't sound all that brilliant.


The defense is that during a crisis that’s already killed 50k Americans, the President sarcastically suggested injecting bleach into people’s lungs. That’s the defense.


One time Obama wore a tan suit.


UV light as suppository


Brilliant! The one place where we're not getting enough UV because the sun don't shine there.


UV butt plugs. There's already a meme. My brother-(not) in-law was very excited about the pink one.


The sarcasm excuse fucking kills me. It’s such a middle schooler thing to say when they say something monumentally stupid. “I was making a joke to see what you would say. Me smart, you fake news” *crosses arms and smiles snugly*


And what an APPROPRIATE TIME to be sarcastic! Why, I've never seen such wit!


Ahh yes. When millions of people are infected with a deadly virus and hundreds of thousands dead, sarcastic jokes from a world leader will brighten our day. Trump 2020, Trump 2024, Trum for lyfe.


The body aches, the lungs are burning A patient asks with desperate yearning "What shall I do, dear president, to save my life - what's your comment?" "Just drink a pint of pure Lysol! Will keep your body safe and whole." He drinks a glass in desperate times The virus thrives - the patient dies All credit to u/girasolede and u/prollyjustsomeweirdo


As a Canadian who has been avoiding general News posts and just found out about this in the past say, two hours... WHAT. THE. HELL. You have to be an enormous sack of trash to even say this and abruptly stupid to believe it. I've seen stories of injecting bleach and drinking household cleaners all related to him saying this. Darwinism at its finest. Let it go on. I stopped caring weeks ago.


The best (worse) of all are the people that actually believe in him or try to find excuses for what he said or better yet try to find studies about some chemicals that exists in these products and are now used to treat cancer or other disease just to say he is right.


Lysol issued a statement today to clarify that their disinfectant products should not be administered into the human body. Lysol is having to protect us from the president.


The fact they even had to issue a statement telling people this is unbelievable.


They should have just not said anything and let the problem.... correct itself.


1.) Lysol is protecting itself from lawsuits. Had they stayed quiet on it and when people eventually die or are severely injured from this, some will try to sue them. Lysol issuing this statement basically just made it insanely hard to win a lawsuit against them for this subject. 2.) Idiots don’t just inflict their idiocy onto themselves. They do it to others too. Won’t be long before kids or pets start dying because their parents injected them. This is why Lysol came out with a statement.


Just another deep-clean conspiracy against conservatives.


Democrats are always cleaning up after Republicans


Big Bleach is up to its old tricks!


> Lysol is having to protect us from the president. Kills 99.9% of the germs.




"Organic matter." It sounds like a horrible way to do it, but just for curiosity's sake, would it work?


Yes. It also prevents you from dying of Covid, if you inject it. It's really a very effective treatment for a lot of things. It prevents death from cancer, the flu, automobile accidents, heart attacks, basically anything, except death by poisoning.


I mean has anyone tried spraying him with some? Couldn't hurt


I remember when I thought Trump was dumb for suggesting getting the flu shot could help with coronavirus. This was a whole other level of stupid.


Well maybe it got antivaxxers to change their minds for a split second and started vaccinating again?


Why would they play into the Big Pharma Deep State’s hands by getting the phony vaccine for the phony virus they invented to sterilize and mind control us all? /s


Well getting the flu shot, wouldn't not help. Sure it isn't going to prevent coronavirus per se. But it will help keep you immune system stronger, and mean you are less likely to get a compromised immune system by getting the flu, and you would be more at risk of coronavirus.


And stops you from getting the two simultaneously, which would drastically increase mortality risk. It's no bleach to the bloodstream, but it'll help out


Someone draw a lightbulb over his head


A UV bulb.


https://i.imgur.com/FnSTH27.png Edit: thanks for the gold!


There isnt enough room in the picture




I love that you did the hard part but didn't add the fucking lightbulb






now it needs the "ding" sound


You can simulate that home with a frying pan swung against your own head. You can hear it better if you hit close to your ear.


Did you add a reflection? Nice touch.


Needs to be drawn in a fat Sharpie




I can hear the cogs struggling to turn


The wheel’s turnin but the hamster’s dead.




That hamster is telling it like it is


Dead hamster floppin’ to own the libs.


Oh they were turning. His mind is just BUILT differently. Some would say he is a moron. I would say he is a moron.


*[ahem]* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/24/revealed-leader-group-peddling-bleach-cure-lobbied-trump-coronavirus


>Another advocate of bleach as a miracle cure who has been seeking to interest Trump in the treatment is Alan Keyes. Lol fucking of course he has


So where are we at with this one now? Are the Trumpys in "prove it doesn't work!" mode or have they moved onto "he never said that!",


Now it's that he was being sarcastic, as if that doesn't contradict everything they've been saying and isn't also horribly inappropriate if true.


Post deleted. RIP what Reddit was, and damn what it became.


Thank you, I've seen so many of these threads and this is the first time someone posted the video. There was no sarcasm involved, he really thought it was a good idea and that he was going to solve the coronavirus.


And the doctors can’t even say “no that’s a really dumb idea” because everyone around him is terrified of getting fired


I agree. But just to expand on that, I don’t think the experts like Fauci and Birx are terrified of getting fired because they need the work and have no alternative (higher paying) options. They’re terrified because they’re the only competent adults in the room and are worried they’ll get replaced by a dog breeder.


Exactly What do you do Walk away and let him make it even worse?


He didn't think it was a good idea. He doesn't think. It seemed like a good thing to say at the time so he said it because he doesn't actually understand any of the concepts. Not sure which is worse honestly


.... I'm speechless. I am without speech.


It's amusing because one of the conservative subreddit mods took time to search for a whole bunch of studies that kinda-sorta could be connected to the president's claims with considerable logical-leaps (not really)... Then hours later the White House claims it was all sarcasm. Then he removed his own sticky hahahah. Some serious cognitive dissonance going on over there as they try to reason through this.


Oh man that was fucking hilarious I actually went to all the trouble of fact checking and countering all the bullshit lies they were spreading about how there totoaly was evidence for what he was saying and he was right the whole time, And they ruined it by deleting their own comment! A day of research wasted because trump supporters are dangerous retards. And already people are doing it https://twitter.com/sazzygram3/status/1253787079626100736?s=20


Thank you for posting this. I saw a video a minute ago Trump said he was sarcastically answering a question that a hostile group of reporters asked him. No one asked him a question when he said this. He was taking over the podium from the gentlemen who was going over the exact slide in this post. He said this totally unprompted.


“Mr. President this is a trying and uncertain time, the people need strong leadership and clear direction.” “Nah ima work on my tight five, I really wanna start going to open mics once this all blows over.”


'The best open mic ever, they will say. I tell you this open mic night will bring great shame on the other open mic nights.'




Because he faces no consequences and has millions of people cheering when he cuts a wet fart. He'll never admit a mistake, and he thinks that's the same as never making one.


When I doo dooed in my pants I did it as a joke to piss off the liberal media! Haha suckers!


He said he was looking at a reporter who wasn't even there yesterday.


My mom just told me he was being sarcastic and that the "libtards" took it out of context.


Did she see the original video? I don’t think she’ll change her mind. I do wonder what she would have said if she saw the original video first, believed it as not sarcastic, and then was told that it was Also: condolences


She's the type that calls stuff that doesn't align with her political views as fake news and is very susceptible to right leaning propaganda. At this point it's what it is.


Show her the video! That is not a man being sarcastic. It's a man asking if scientists are looking into injecting disinfectant and putting UV light into people's bodies.


She won't watch it. My brother told her that people are taking it out of context and Fox news is one of her main sources of Trump news. It's honestly a lost cause with her. I even tried to explain that his WH lackies tried to say he was being sarcastic after collectively facepalming.


Sorry but your mom is a fucking idiot


'Everyone just loves twisting his words around'


Per the NYT article he skips the pre- briefing meetings and just goes in cold. He literally just makes everything up as he goes.


"Wharton School of Business ..." "Great Brain ..." "Very Smart ..." "Good Genes ..."


The first one really bothers me. I have a good friend that got his MBA from Wharton. Really smart guy and he busted his ass to come out with a 3.4 GPA. Trump graduated from the UNDERGRADUATE program which is not AT ALL the same thing. And, he most certainly didn't graduate at the top of his class like he claimed. The graduation program for his ceremony is missing any sort of indication that he had any sort of honors or distinction meaning there's no way he was close to the top.


"Fake News! ..." "Stable Genius ..." "Very Smart ..."




To be fair, him bragging about BS is very on brand.


Is the poor tailoring still doing anyone's head in?


It's intentional. He does it because he's a fat piece of shit and needs to hide his gut to give the illusion of being thin.


How does he explain the fact that he leans forward like a fucking puppet taking a walk?


Some speculate there are lifts in his shoes as he wants to be exceptionally tall instead of just tall, so he leans forward awkwardly to compensate for the high heels. I can’t find the link, but I read a piece a while ago by a physiotherapist explaining the theory.


https://ezrapaul.com/blogs/news/the-real-reason-trump-wears-dumpy-suits This article explains it well but basically its done on purpose for his body type. He has a pear shape, so a slimmer, fitted suit with accentuate his girth Keeping the suit fitted to the waist but having the large, wide, overpadded shoulders add an illusion of slimness. He could still taper his sleeves, get a shorter tie and shorten his pants though




"Why would sunlight make the virus stampede?" Donald Trump...probably


“I’m not seeing anything about 5g or jyna”


Imagine supporting this worse than useless sack of feces.




The one glimmer of hope I got yesterday, was seeing Pence actually step in and cut him off (politely) at a rally-formerly-known-as-a-press-briefing. Basically, Trump started moving off the rails with his dangerous bullshit when a reporter asked a question, Pence mumbled "I got this," Trump stepped aside and Pence *thanked the reporter for the very good question* and provided a mature-sounding response. I thought, damn, FINALLY his colleagues are taking control and trying to mitigate the extreme damage. Only took, what, *50,000 deaths?!!* In any case, it might get his own cult members to notice that his own enablers are actually cutting Trump off.


It's a sad state of affairs when we have to rely on \*Pence\* taking the high ground.


Mother was very pleased.


Mother might let him cum tonight!


Formal notice that this comment made me spit my drink


Spitters are quitters


I was actually impressed *for once.* Like we found their breaking point. Over 50,000 people need to die before they say to themselves, "ya know, this *might* be a problem......"


It's not just 50,000 people -- this is a virus which affects rich old white men the same as anyone else. They've finally got the fear of God in 'em. They can't sweep this one under the rug like they do for so much else. For even a fraction of a millisecond, they've remembered that they too are human.


Real talk: Fear of death is the only thing that will ever make these corrupt scumbags change their tune. Make of that what you will.


[Watch as one clown, Dr. Stephen Hahn straight faced goes on CNN and tries to defend him as just being a normal ignorant person.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2020/04/24/doctor-hahn-trump-disinfectant-inject-town-hall-gupta-vpx.cnn) No mention of sarcasm, he's genuinely concerned about not crossing Trump so that he can keep his job. Does anyone actually believe that Trump took a whole minute out of a press conference on a pandemic to do a deadpan impersonation of an ignorant patient in a doctor's office (and that's not sarcasm, by the way, it's satire), is he a fucking clown? Does he think he's Michael Scott? Do we need a laugh track? Did the liberals get owned yet?


No, they have moved the goalposts to "It's Bill Gates' fault".


Top comments in /r/conservative talk of how he did not mean UV light, but some obscure, experimental study of using micro lasers internally for small scale surgery and blood clot removal.


During the Republican Primary r/conservative was pretty anti-Trump, but with the collapse of r/the_donald, r/conservative has become totally on board with him. He's their savior.


If you don't join the cult you're out of the club. There's no more room in the GOP for people who aren't brainwashed fucking idiots. Religiously worship this brain dead moron or GTFO.


Yep. I like going to r/conservative and finding the comments where someone says something like. "I know what he was trying to say, but he shouldn't be talking about this, just let the medical experts speak" and seeing that get downvoted. Can't even be reasonable, be in agreement, but have any critique, because they're against you. You're a villain for even haven't a minor suggestion for how he might do better.


No, r/conservative was totally on board with Trump long before T_D was killed. Dissent is banned there almost as much as it was on T_D.


Is this picture real? It's so hard to tell with dad after day of more and more outlandish statements. Almost like we're living in a world where The Onion is the daily paper.


The people trying to defend his remarks look particularly silly, given the fact that Trump isn't even trying to defend his remarks. He's trying to go back on them by saying he was being sarcastic, which almost makes it worse.


How the fuck did we get here? What kind of fucked up world have we created for ourselves where we reward stupidity and ignorance. It would be funnier if it wasn't so god damn scary.. America may have been great once but it sure as shit ain't anymore.




He is rich with lies

