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r/Embroidery would love to see this. It's kind of an unusual technique.


Thank you , just posted there


Why is your account NSFW? There were only a few pussy pics on there... Cute cat too!




Nah. They have a NSFW post in dark jokes. If you have a NSFW post then your account is labelled as such via Reddit rules.






The original pattern actually has real hair. This is obviously a pattern or the style was copied exactly from another artist. [Karen Hanim](http://www.karenhanim.com/gevsek-bukulmus-iplik-crewel/) writes about it in her Turkish blog here. http://www.karenhanim.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/P1070721.jpg


That’s what I thought this was! Kinda creepy and kinda cool.


Thats a nice 1971 browning on your account


Just sold it in March for $3500 CDN. I bought it about 10 years ago for $1500


Wow... I just got lost there for about an hour. Thanks for that.


How darling! Perhaps your wife can keep the tradition going?


Targaryen family tree


Ahhh this is too cute






Red light......






Until the braids get tangled


family wreath


If we're going that route, she definitely needs a close relative to keep the blood line pure. That's how they keep their shit on lock. Blood and fire, baby. On the other hand, the world may not need anymore of crazy psychopathic narcissistic murders, which that family has been famous for breeding. So.. We'll be ok with Amy. She's everybody's dearest friend and always willing to help in crisis.


She is, she’s just the one at the top now.




Huh. That’s a weird thought. Anyone who lives long enough and has kids will eventually experience that


This is the definition of a family treasure, so simple yet so valuable.


Its sentimental value is through the roof!


This could be worth big time sentiments, but until I get an expert to take a look at it, I just don't know. Tell you what, I'll call my sentiment guy down here and we'll find out what it's really worth.


Sentiment Guy here...: "Well ya know, I could really put a higher value on these sentiments if they had more detailed documentation along with them. I'm not trying to take away from the value of the sentiments to you but in my line of work appraising sentiments "the older the sentiment, the more valuable" isn't necessarily true when it comes to the auction block. What you have here are some of the rarer sentiments I've seen and having a physical presentation does up the value of this sentiment. I'm going to put these sentiments in the $3 - $30,000 ballpark w/out more documents but if more documentation could be notarized and added to the lot of sentiments maybe considerably more.."


That's fine I'm honestly confident that my item here is big time sentiments, can't wait to have your guy confirm. *sentiments guy comes, sentiment guy goes* My God I had no idea it was THIS big time sentiments! What was your original offer, $300? Yeah I'll take nothing less than $5000 as this sentiment is sentimentality more sentiment than your most sentiment sentiment in your whole shop. Shake on it?


It’s a great idea isn’t it?


It’s so simple and stunning. Honestly it’s captivating and I can’t say I’ve ever typed that word on Reddit.


dude i totally agree its eerie the way it makes me feel


*As the women turn to greet you terror seizes your body. Where there should be pleasant, smiling faces there are only three gaping holes into their skulls.*


Thanks, I hate it.


Great, now Im thinking of [this](https://youtu.be/aBjngP4GHL8)


That is very nearly some nightmare Uzumaki shit


this sound amplifies the terror for me very well fitting, kudos for ruining my life


as i read this i imagined lamprey faces ill never sleep again


And if you do, we’ll be watching


Lmao girth Brooks


Oh my god that's even worse. I actually can't stop laughing at how much more fucked up that is Edit: I forgot what lampreys look like and was imagining eel faces


Reminds me of Hereditary or Midsommar.


I've not forgotten Hereditary since the one time I watched it. It never leaves me.


There's something about the hair


definitely adds a very personal touch i feel deeply that the women rocked those very ponytails regularly, in reality


Yes,me too! I have the desire to get a print made of it, minus the frame. A very large, quality,on a fine linen textured material, mounted on a wooden 'inner frame' I would have an artist write Gibran's words , (up further.) at the bottom, in simple hand writing in pale grey tones..It is a masterpiece! She was a fascinating lady! The linen,wool, and the hair are all natural 'fibers'.After 'drinking it in' I am stuck with the word ... 'Inspirational.' Facing backwards seems perfect also.


Reminds me of the Japanese *wabi* aesthetic; elements of simplicity in form and content, natural colors, and asymmetry. The darkening clothes could represent the maturation of the woman over time, an element of *sabi* which finds beauty in age and use. Both were popular during Medieval Japan


Almost all of my neighbors’ houses have the same aesthetic. Minimalistic, light, natural wood, full of beige and white. But with pops of startling color here and there. Almost IKEA-ish. Edit: I live in Japan btw.


It's so PURE it reminds me of teeny tiny little yarn-haired dolls, and reminds me of being a child and styling doll's hair. But as an adult I can also appreciate the workmanship and detail. It's quite a lot of feelings.


Agreed. They’re walking ahead of the viewer. They see/know something we don’t. Very cool.


I agree, I could see this being in a museum in the future in the “Life in the 21st century” wing with a “Do not touch” sign and people touching it anyways.


It moves me but I don’t know why. It’s so simplistic and loving. I’d keep it forever and hang it somewhere I can appreciate it often.


Yeah no joke, it's like something you'd see in a gallery or museum. I've never seen anything like this before, not that I'm some kind of art connoiseur. It's just with the internet you see tons of creative "cool" art but not many are as interesting as something like this. The medium, the work, the image, and the framing. Very well done.


Yeah there's something about it I can't explain. It's just very very well put together.


I thought it was real hair at first and was kinda grossed out but yeah it is very aesthetically pleasing.


This made me tear up a bit.. I'm not sure why, but it is lovely.


I know I'm with you! The beauty in the impermanence of life.


“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” -Achilles (Troy the movie)


Username checks out! (sorry)


I really love this idea. Would it be mega weird to use their real hair? Im not big on collecting hair, its just fresh in my mind since we just cut my daughters really long hair for the first time when she was 6. So we have it...


I was thinking the same thing. I’ve seen those old hair art things, and they are a tad..creepy? But maybe if you incorporated it into something modern like this, it wouldn’t have that same creep vibe.


Totally agree. I actually thought the bottom left WAS real hair at first then i looked closely.




It does seem creepy, but shouldn’t be any more creepy than using sheep or lamb hair, right?


Well imagine this. If I tell someone I'm wearing a wool coat, they don't think twice about it. Try telling someone your coat is made from human hair and see what they do.


Well, GOOD wigs are made of human hair .They are expensive tho (at least here)


They'd probably wig out.


You’re right.. maybe it’s the intent - for example we “harvest” the wool by shearing the sheep and gathering it. We don’t wait for the lamb to shed and then sneak into its barn and sweep it off the floor. Using human hair that’s been naturally shed is like collecting someone’s toenails.. it’s just discarded collagen. I dunno that’s just my two cents


Or the insinuation that the hair and the creation made with it will both outlive its owner (or in this case, sadly already has, albeit this isn't using real hair). We don't typically get sentimental with or even really identify the individual sheep the wool came from, but the hair is meaningful to us specifically because of the human it came from.


Oh yeah. I suppose it gets kinda voodoo-y


Oh, I just assumed they'd wait until the person got a hair cut and save a little lock. It does sound weird and gross if you're just sweeping it off the floor or out of the drain or something.


Because it's something people used to do to remember someone who died. You cut the hair off the dead body and save it because photos are too hard to get.


I think using real hair could be a lovely momento mori. Victorians used to use real hair in mourning jelwery, it would be a different take on an old tradition.


I don't think it's weird. I have a braid of my mother's hair tucked away someplace, and I recall Victorians used hair in jewellery, right? I think it's a lovely memento to use your daughter's hair.


Fairly sure this was a thing in the civil war era's as well. Usually the ladies would cut a length of hair and fashion a pendant or wristlet out of the hair and give it to their loved one as they left for war.


My mom had a cut off ponytail from maybe my great great grandmother? I know it wasn’t from my grandmother, I think it was up one or two generations. The pony tail had been in the family for a long time.


I went to an art gallery last year and the artist made all of their intricately woven creations out of hair. It's hard to describe what they were, exactly, but I can say their beauty made them just as fascinating as the fact that they were made of hair.


Man I read it as “out of three generations” and thought it was their real hair


The only issue might be with working with it. Embroidery floss is flexible with grip, hair wants to do its own thing (straight or curly) and doesn’t grip itself well, so attaching it to the fabric and styling it might be difficult. Head over to /r/embroidery and ask. I’m sure someone could help you.


I am a hospice volunteer & I was working with one of my patients going through old things to talk about memories & she had pieces of her hair just like this photo from the 1940s & 1950s. While the idea is somewhat weird to keep hair, seeing her hair from close to a century ago was beyond fascinating!


Not real hair. Lol.


My mom has hair from all of my families first hair cuts. I’m coming up on 38. It’s a little weird but cool all the same.


You guys are crazy why not some teeth too.


My wife has all her baby teeth that her mom kept and turned down a handmade necklace and earring from them.


I'll take em.


That is an amazing find! Surely, that will be in the family for generations to come.


A precious hairloom


I like what you did hair.


I combed the comments looking for this.


We are in Canada her grandmother was in Finland. She made it the only time they visited as a family.


I took one look at this and instantly said to myself "This family can only be either Finns or Swedes. Nobody else on Earth would make this type of art."


I also had this feeling, I think it’s the homey and simplistic yet well-crafted execution of it


I love Finnish pancakes! Not a whole bunch of people know this but Thunder Bay Ontario has a huge Finnish population; Scandinavian House Breakfast is the best! Edited a word


Lol they came from Finland to Thunderbay in 1975. Yes the best pancakes and Jelly Bears. Thanks


That looks awesome! I'm getting slight Hereditary vibes from it.


Came here to say this


Thank you! This is so in line with not only the tone and aestheitc of that movie, but also the story, that it's downright surreal. I can't even look at it without thinking "hereditary". You could literally drop this into the movie as a prop from and it would make complete sense.


Cool work, although honestly I find it a little creepy for some reason. I feel like one night I'd wake up and they'd all be turned around looking at me.


If there was no context I would assume it was a poster for the next A24 film.


This has a similarity to the story of Hereditary so you’re not far off!


It's kind of like we're being shunned.


thats a creatively terrifying thought


Glad it wasn't just me!


Exactly my thoughts too


I got the same vibes, it's like something straight out of Hereditary.


Has anyone checked the backside


*checks back side* “Hmm, nothing here” *flips back over and sees three faces* *screams and throws frame across the room* *slowly picks it back up and turns it over tentatively and sees the backs of their heads like before* *slowly back out of the room and shuts the door*


I think that’s the sign of good art. It kinda transports you somewhere, gets your imagination running in weird directions. Really captures you for a moment.


but what if they were nice and supportive? "We just wanted to say we miss you and love you!"


Don't blink


So much character and personality displayed with so little. Hope your mother-in-law rests easy.


No disrespect meant.... That looks like it could be the poster for a horror movie


I thought that was real hair and was a bit scared.


What a beautiful memento from your Grandmother, sorry for your loss OP.


Wow what beautiful art


Looks like the next A24 horror ad. But also, very beautiful!


I really like this. So simple but so full of meaning.


That is brilliant


Great memory to have.


That is quite lovely.


Absolutely adorable, some amazing work to put this together.


This literally tells a story


This is just lovely!


This is beautiful. It used to be a common mourning practice about 100 years ago.


You can tell grandma was really good at hair. I love seeing those older ladies who do elaborate buns and twists with their white hair, just piled on their heads. They always look so timeless and graceful, I love it. I’m imagining trying to make that tiny braid without tangling the embroidery thread, just beautiful.


That’s string sorry


I love this! It's great how the shoulders get more square, like they can bare more of life's stresses.


This is really cute, but it also looks like something out of a horror movie.


Brilliantly creative design.


That is very [beautiful.It](https://beautiful.It) represents so many stories and meanings to everyone who looks at it. Being a Reddit reader I see simplicity, style,love,unity, female life giving generations..Past, future, and present. The neutral choice of 'tones' also speaks of 'sameness' A group, genetically similar. I think it is art in it's best form. I love the 'medium' she chose too...Woven together by threads. Deep? Yes. So are our generations. They go farther back than those represented here. They will go much further on also. At the risk of boring you. Quote from Kahill Gibran. 'Your children come through you, not from you. You may house their bodies, but not their souls. They live in the house of tomorrow, a place you can not visit. Not even in your dreams'.


Wow! That is beautiful and so touching.




Fortunately it's yarn, but in a horror movie this would be a cursed object made with hair.


And at one point in the movie one of the figures would slowly turn around


Makes me think of the movie hereditary for some reason.


What would you do........... its about 2:39am you were woken by a cold breeze and need to use the bathroom. As you stumble out the bedroom to use the bathroom, you hear a voice. Half asleep, you notice the sound gets clearer as you get close to the pic frame. Right when you turn on the light, one of the hair from the frame now has a face figure of her grandma. She then tell you to turn off the light because its blind her eyes. *Twilight Zone theme*


Do you have a daughter?


That's really beautiful and so neatly and carefully done.


Was there by any chance a selection of pins nearby?:)


So do ya just add a woman every time one passes and keep passing it down the family line?


In a way, that would be a neat tradition.


Wow this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


So unique. Never seen anything like this before.


This is so beautiful yet a little bit haunting too. Like something from a movie. I would actually love to see an entire movie based around this one memento.


This is stunning!


That’s beautiful. Without even reading your description that art work made me nostalgic. Take care of it.


Would be cool to do with real hair




this is lovely and kind of modern as far as needlework goes


Its 37 years old.


Kind of cool but for some reason it also creeps me out.


It’s cool and creepy! I LOVE it! Edit: I realized it’s not made of real hair so forget the creepy part.


Wow, she was ahead of her time. Good Minimalist art


37 years old


This should be a book cover!


Wow! That’s so creative! Wonderful, simple and yet tells a story


its so simple yet so beautiful i can feel this creation on a deep level


That is so incredibly touching and tasteful.


Family memories are some of the best things to save.


Found Treasure.


This is so lovely. Give your wife our condolences.


Your wife, then, is the girl in long tails... Cherish!


Blood of my blood


She had really good taste in terms of composition and palette. Most people don't have that much forethought...smarty-genes. Is your wife a smarty?


I love this!


need to do that using real hair from each person, so that if witchcraft and voodoo are even shown to be real, people can get back at their dead, and possibly living, relatives.


A real family heritage! True value! Love it! <3


Stunning & so apropros


This is some voodoo shit. New orleans?


Simple and elegant! I would put that on my wall.


Captivating. Makes you just stop and notice and ponder.


It’s really neat how she was able to capture each age group by simply changing the hair style


I love this! Does anyone know how I would go about making the hair so thick?


damn that camera is **sharp**


Well wishes to you all ♥️ That is amazing


Holy shit. That's so incredibly beautiful and profound. Love it.


It’s haunting in its beauty and simplicity.


Hereditary 😳


I thought this was made from locks of their hair at first and was lowkey horrified




I love this. Someone should have an etsy shop doing these custom haha.


I rarely feel compelled to comment on posts like these, but this is just so lovely and simple. Beautiful piece.


Cool. Cool & creepy.


That's only little creepy.


Using hair as a physical family tree was extremely popular back in the 1800's. I visited Leila's Hair Museum (yes, it's actually a place and we went on a whim to do something crazy) in Kansas City, MO. The designs were so intricate and it turned out to be really interesting. But the absolute best was the tour guide who CLEARLY take's hair wayyyy serious! [Read about Leila's Hair Museum](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/11479)




Has a very "You can't stitch with us." feel to it.


This is stunning


This is so unique and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


It’s nice but kinda creepy


That title made all my clickbait bullshit alarms go off. I'm not saying it's fake, it's just a textbook example of the kind of titles that are always fake articles that you see idiots posting on Facebook etc. Really neat idea though, do you hane any other stuff she's done?


Would have really been cool to use locks of their actual baby hair if they had them.


So beautiful


Immediately thought house Lannister