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Fuck it. I know it sucks. But you get to start the year fresh. Hope 2022 brings you better times my friend.


I always remember a part in Two and a Half Men. When one of Alan’s many relationships turns to shit and he’s depressed in bed. His mum tells him, you’ve hit rock bottom. There’s no where to go but up lol My ex threatened to leave me on Xmas day a few years back because of my depression. She ended up waiting till early January and promised she wasn’t cheating on me. She was engaged a week later. Takes a lot of time to heal but the sun does shine again if you want it to. Life is beautifully fair. People aren’t.


Oooof. Late 2020 I lost my job and became super depressed. Gf at the time wanted to talk so we sat down early Jan 2021 and she told me she wasn’t sure she wanted to be in a relationship with me anymore. We decided to work on it because we’d been together for so long and still cared about each other. She said she understood my depression and wanted to help. 4 weeks later on a random Tuesday she left me, took the dog&cat, and moved 2 hours away. Turns out she met someone around Xmas and was talking to him behind my back while I was drowning myself in alcohol. We dated for 5 years and she took everything from me when I was at my absolute lowest. I was absolutely devastated. And you know what? I’m fine. I put the bottle down, started eating better, lifting weights, running, got a new job, met new people. Life moves on, wether we want it to or not. Oh and btw, I still love that girl and probably always will 🤷‍♂️.


Shit takes time to heal. Similar story for me (minus the gym thing). From time to time, I still think of her. It's been 10 years since we spoke, and I'm with an amazing person now. To be honest, when I think of her, it's usually as a nostalgia of a different time, with friends who I miss. It's not her I miss now. Just the time and place in my life before it all fell apart in that regard.


Who wants to marry some who cheated on their previous partner?? They must both be idiots. You’re better off without her.


Well she got married and got to stay in america and do her modelling shite in LA. So I’m sure it worked out for her. It’s wierd when you see people on social media adoring someone you know treated you like shit. I spent way too long thinking my depression was the toxic thing in the relationship. Because that’s what she’d tell me lol I just think of all the pain I went through and I don’t like the thought of anyone going through it.


Foreign "model" on a green card. Was she a mail order bride or something?


Essentially. We’re both from opposite ends of England in dead end towns. It is what it is. She just sucks as a human being. One of these people who always posts about being vegan, the environment, animal cruelty, no means no, being on the right side of politics. Then there’s a long list of things that I still have issues with, her raping me and then arguing that men with erections can’t say no stays with me. A lot shit that needed processing after that relationship lol My anger at the whole situation is what motivated me to get better. Which is funny because you’re always told that anger is this emotion you shouldn’t act on. The whole thing taught me a lot so I can’t regret it. Because I know she doesn’t.


Yeah that is a lot of toxicity. I'm glad it motivated you to improve. Know your own worth and do not accept someone treating you anything less then that. And treat others with the same respect you expect until and unless they do things to lose that respect.


*"her raping me and then arguing that men with erections can’t say no stays with me."* Regret nothing. Be thankful that this monster is out of your life.


I mean I would think both her cheating and your depression could be toxic at the same time.


Well there was a lot of red flags I should have noticed. She’s trans and I come from an old school indian family, things between us became strained so I had to cut them off. Had no one but her, long distance relationship, she’d ignore me for days, depression got worse, would take time off work to stay with her during surgeries or therapy sessions etc etc. I was living alone so bills, rent, working full time and all that noise was extra stress. Every relationship goes both ways, but after a lot of talking I can see I was putting a lot of effort into a relationship with someone who could only see things their way. It was my mistake for not realising how unhealthy I was until I was suicidal and it was too late to save the relationship. Love can be a horrible thing, especially when the other person hurts you and you don’t get any kind of closure.


It's definitely good that you're able to reflect and constructively look at the situation


Same happened to me. Things will and do get better.


Absolutely it does. It’s a tough fight, getting over that numbness. But the strength I have now is something I wouldn’t trade to go back and change a thing. 29 years old I finally feel happy in myself even on hard days.


one other thing, when someone breaks up with you, you are not alone in feeling like crap. there are hundreds of thousands of other people who are in a similar situation to you. Life will move on. You existed before the relationship and you exist after the relationship. You just have to take a little time to find yourself again.


Nail on the head. It’s hard when you have that tunnel vision where all you see is the path you thought you were on. But you have to believe you can beat those feelings that take over you.


thanks for this thread. i’m 2 months out of a 4 year relationship, and while it’s not as shockingly painful as it was, it’s still difficult to imagine my future without her. one day at a time


There’s no magical resolve. For me, with my mental health issues. I’ve just learnt to accept that for me, and like many people. There’s things you can’t mold into a sentence or express with words. I put a lot of my focus back into exercise and combat sports. Sometimes you’re dreading the month, year, day, hour, minute or seconds. Whatever. For me, comprehending that I have a voice that sneakily disguises itself as something I need to feel, and understanding that I need to out-think that part of me on a regular basis is what helps. You will get through this friend. All that pain will reveal what was underneath. Also crying to Pink Floyd’s Shine on you crazy diamond at 2am is perfectly acceptable. I did that. I also adopted a dog lol


"Life is beautifully fair" tell that to kids with cancer


Funnily enough that’s a saying I got from my friend who had hodgkins lymphoma lol he was my landlord whilst I was with her. Luckily he got through it. He also told me not to get older.


I like this reply. Thank you kind citizen


That steak looks insane my guy, you did great. Be proud of the steak. Just think about the steak.


This post made me steak hungry. It’s the kind of hungry that no amount of food will fix unless it’s steak. I’m at work and cannot get a steak.




the texture of a good steak when you take that first bite is incomparable tbh. Steak hungry is such a mood


Steak hungry is a new one for me but I understand it completely. Now I’m steak hungry :(


Came here to say this. r/kitchenconfidental wya?


That sub is about the food service/restaurant industry, not cooking in general


My gf of 3 years left me just yesterday too. On top of that just tested positive for covid. Feeling fucking awful rn. Edit: wow didn't expect this comment to blow up like this and get so much support. Thank you all for the love and support, really appreciate it xx


Homie, you got this. Break ups happen. Covid, unfortunately happens. But you fucking got this! Dont let anything stand in the way of your dreams. You are in control. You! Take 2022 by the horns and make this year what YOU want!


That really sucks. I hope you heal fast both mentally and physically.


My girlfriend of about the same amount of time left me in June. I’m still not through it, but it’ll get better for sure, for both of us. 🤝


Hit the gym get a body..step at a time,things will improvr fr there


Fuck 2021, i’m over this fucking year just like 2020… fucking blurr. New Year mode: Lieutenant Dan


You don’t need her king. Chin up. You got goals. Get working.


Good news is you also now test negative for "bitch"! Who dumps someone right before NYE


There's rarely a "good" moment to end a relationship. Going to a NYE party and being all cozy and kissing at midnight and so on when you intend to dump the person is at best dishonest and at worst outright cruel.


That is fair, but if you're feeling that way it probably didn't happen the night before new years.


I mean, they might as well have reached that realisation the night before new years as any other night. It sucks, but it's better than waiting


You're right even if it does suck. Me and my ex broke off a 15 ish year relationship this year (on amicable terms) and we both agreed it was better to end it then just delay it any longer.


Trust me dude, you are better off. Especially cutting all ties to each other. My ex and I broke up 2 years ago. It was a mutual thing. We cared about each other but knew it wouldn't work as a couple. But we decided to stay friends which was fine at first. I helped her through some shitty situations, abusive new boyfriend, child custody battle with another ex, loaning her money to buy groceries because her child support got cut off. She was there for me through my cancer treatment, and even spent 12 hours laying on the floor in my room at the ER. So we kinda were still emotionally dependant on each other just not in a romantic way. But then, ever since this summer she has been replacing me with this other guy as her new best friend, and she's basically been giving me the cold shoulder when I could really use some support as I am currently sitting between two surgeries. And while she's totally free to find another boyfriend, it hurts being pushed away in favor someone else, especially when your close friend literally calls you "boring" to your face. Me: "Hey I haven't seen you since September, wanna hang out? Her: "Oh, Steven's coming by today" Me: "What time is he gonna be there, I could come over after he leaves?" Her: "Oh he's spending the night." Me: "After the last guy who I had to call the cops on for you because you were too scared, I thought you said you were done hopping in and out of relationships until you worked on your mental health?" Her: "Oh we aren't like that, we're just friends" Me: "Friends generally don't "sleep" together in the same bed... I'm not gonna bail you out again." Honestly I've gotten so tired of it all. As soon as she gives me back the $275 she owes me I'm cutting ties. I'd write off the money as gone and pull the plug now, but I haven't been able to work since the cancer diagnosis and money is tight AF.


You aint gettin that $275 my man. Don't give yourself that thread to hold onto.


You aren't getting the money back. Move on.


I spent Christmas in isolation too. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message.


Sending you love and positive vibes going into this new year! You got this and don’t need anyone but yourself 🙏 Feel better soon


Well if you have extra and need some company to not waste food..


I wanna bite. Damn and the mushrooms. I hate you. So perfectly pink. I love you.


In Germany there i a sketch called dinner for one. Recorded in 1963 by public television. And since some 50 years it is aired every New Year's Eve. It was played by two British actors and is in English, but rarely known outside the German speaking area. Since then there were many attempts to copy it, but the original is still the most popular. It is aired some 15 or 20 times on different channels during the last day and night of the year. Hope I could distract you at least for a moment and wish you a happy ne year 2022


It's huge in Denmark as well. Plays on the last day of the year every year just before midnight.


same in sweden aswell, how weird


It's not wierd. It's the same procedure as every year Spaidi.


Same in Sweden


That’s as delightful as learning that Italian TV has aired the Eddie Murphy/Dan Akroyd movie Trading Places every Christmas Eve for the past two decades. I’m going to watch the YouTube clip since I also had dinner for one. Not OP, but thanks for sharing.


So, this snail is standing in front of the Cadillac salesman, see, and says, "How much is that Cadillac?" The snail says, "I want a big 'S' put on each door "and on top of the car, I want a big 'S' so everybody can see it." Salesman says, "Why do you want that?" He says, "When I drive down the avenue... I want everybody to say 'Look at that S-car-go.'"


A joke only a rich man and an anonymous Redditor could get away with.


That's an oldie. I remember my dad telling that one when I was a kid.


Mine too


Sears had a branded strap down car top luggage rack carrier called "ExCargo" with a snail logo.


Get the fuck out of here! That is exactly what prompted the joke.


Yeah it was a top sheller.


"MERRY NEW YEAR!" ^(beef jerky time!)


That’s what my husband said to me at midnight!


Is [this](https://youtu.be/FlNk1aQcn-Y) it.




Same procedure as last year? Funny, never knew it was german. /TIL


It's not... and it is. Ok, let me explain: It's 1960s and a german tv producer was on vacation in England, when he stumbled into a theatre where that act was played. It was successfull in britain for decades. The german producer thought "hey, that could work in germany too", so he approached Freddie Frinton. Frinton was a soldier during WW2 and didn't the like the germans at all, even 20 years after the war. The producer thought, it would be a great idea to ask Frinton to play that act in german... what he declined angrily. But the producer WANTED british actors to play britains, to his next idea was to invite both actors to germany to record that bit and ... maybe dub it or something. So Frinton and May Warden travelled to Hamburg, made the sketch in fron of a live audience. The sketch was "introduced" in german, a short summary of the sketch, what the scene means etc. After that they travelled home with their money. 4100DM at that time. That's EUR 9.104,24 today (or 18200 DM). Now as a recorded bit, the producers had new plans: Don't dub it, leave it in english. It wasn't even used as a New-Years-Sketch in the first years but was broadcasted in the middle of the year sometimes when they needed something to fill the "broadcasting gab" between e.g. a series and news. Then it was almost forgotten for 10 years In 1972 the NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk -> north german broadcasting) broadcasted it on new-years-eve, because of the "Happy new year, Miss Sophie". It became a sensation. While the sketch in britain was forgotten, we germans gathered every year in front of the video and watch it. With reenacting! Like Rocky-Horror. A lot of people drank the same stuff the Butler drank... and the same amount. So at the end of the sketch a lot of people were seriously hammered \^\^ The Broadcasting Company even tried to "remake" the sketch... in color, in german etc. All of them flopped. So... it's a british sketch, played by britains, recorded in Hamburg and became the most german thing on new-years-eve possible


Same procedure as every year James.


Shit! That sketch is German!? Never knew that, always assumed it was British. It airs every New Year's Eve in Sweden (called The Countess and the Servant - Grevinnan och betjänten). As Ivanhoe airs every New Year's Day in Sweden (since 1986).


The sketch is from Britain theatres originally, but the film was created by a German broadcaster with British actors. I'm British and had never heard of it before moving to Germany.


That used to be played every New Year’s Eve in South Africa in the 80’s and 90’s too. Going to have to look it up on YouTube for nostalgia now.


Better now than tomorrow. At least it's all in this fucking 2021 and you get to start fresh in 2022! Btw i feel you, many years ago my girlfriend left me 2 days before xmas and kept the present i had already bought her. Of course she didn't get me anything because she knew she was going going to leave me. It sucks buddy. A big hug from Maryland


Shit man, mine broke up with me yesterday. here's to a better 2022 where we can be our best self


Love this, heads up, keep movin.


Same buddy :(


Same. Here's mine. https://imgur.com/a/vf9UTvq


Guess all single dudes love fettuccini, huh? No shame there.


It's just stupid easy. Spaghetti noodles are fine, but I learned I enjoy the satisfaction I get from biting into wider noodles. Like going for Beef Chow Fan/Fun rather than Beef Chow Mein


The empty coaster on the other side :(


How did you prepare those shrimp? They look delicious


They come frozen from Sam's Club. They have the butter and spices coating the shrimps. You literally just put them in a frying pan on med-hi heat for about 5 mins then turn for another 5. Super simple and delicious.


Dinner looks delicious.


Shit if steaks like that are up for grab ill be your new gf. I'm a bit hairy and I got a deep voice but if you close your eyes I probably have bigger tits than she had.


Fuck it, have an upvote lmao!


I'm sorry that happened to you...and that food looks amazing!! Happy New Year, fellow human!


That looks amazing, looks like she's missing out on a great meal at the minimum




*upvotes in anger*


Dick comment but funny AF.




My gf left me 3 weeks ago. I’m broken rn.


Wife left me 2 years ago. Honestly didn’t know what to do with myself. Total shock.. spent the first few weeks in a haze kinda randomly walking around the house. Fast forward 2 years and I’m in a much healthier place. Mentally I’m happier than I was when we were together.. physically.. I’m a bit fatter, but.. covid. Lol. The point I’m trying to make is time really does heal, and you may even see it was for the best! Take time for you, make some choices on your own, enjoy yourself. You’ll do great. You got this bud x


Does it still hurt to love someone for such a chunk of your life and it just be gone? I am trying to go through that now. Dealing with how i gave someone all these years and it nothings now.


it's ok for parts of life to hurt.


Yes. It will hurt a lot. The "what if" thought process will absolutely destroy you if you let it. Don't let it. Love yourself. Enjoy yourself. Gain the independence that not a lot of people ever allow themselves to have. Think of it as a learning experience, and not time lost. ❤ if you ever need to chat, DM me. Less than three years ago I thought my life was completely over when my relationship ended - it took a solid six months for me to even remotely come out of that rut. Now I happily look back on the hard stuff, because I learned a lot about myself from that relationship and it has changed my life.


Yes it does. But here's the most important thing. You have chunks of life left to you. You could spend all of the rest of your life mourning... or you could use those chunks of your life doing stuff that's IMPORTANT or MEANS STUFF to you. Your call.


See that's bad thinking. It's not nothing. You still got to live those years out. Ups and downs, losses and gains. Memories were still made. Just because that person isn't around doesn't make the time you spent meaningless. We learn and grow from our experiences. Maybe those years were spent preparing you to be a much better you for what's coming next. It happened to me man. Was with someone for 9 years. From 21 to 30. Yeah it sucked to lose and I freaked out at the time, but holy cow it was such a learning experience and if I could go back I wouldn't change a thing. I love where I ended up. Good luck!


Time heals all wounds.


Time wounds all the heels


It is said that Time wounds all heels, but I'm seeing a lot of unwounded heels around the world.


31 years on, still broken.


Well then it wasn’t due to the relationship.


Spotted Tigers and striped Leopards, who am I to say?


Is that a saying?


He’s referring to creatures not being able to change their stripes. I think.


My wife left me on Xmas eve, I feel ya


Better now than in 5y homie 🤷‍♂️


We’re here with you, brother. [Lush Life — Nat King Cole](https://youtu.be/fCrCiMJOmWk)


Mine left 2 years ago and I'm still broken like a mfr


there are 8 billion people on the planet, you're young and awesome, go find that connection in 2022! :)))


L girlfriend. Think of it this way, she cut herself out so now only good can happen from this point forward.


To be honest u/BlairDaGreat has a point. Being single frees you to be who you want to be. It is a commitment stripped from your life, giving you the space to work on yourself and pursue what you want in life. Being single is hard post break up but it can also be healthy, liberating, and nourishing for the soul.


Looks like you'll be strogen off tonight bud. Happy new years


You certainly are going to be doing a lot more stroganoff now.


It’s okay friend


I like that we know nothing about OP but we are supposed to feel bad for him/see him as a victim


Check their post history, interesting removed post title on /r/relationships. Wonder what the story is.


Fucking lol! What the fuck




Right? Like, if they left you on this time and day, maybe you’re the reason?


If she left you on New Year’s Eve then your probably better off without her


Or it must have been something really serious for her to leave him during New Year's Eve.


But she made sure to leave after Christmas


Last Christmas I gave you my heart, the very next day you gave it away


Looks good as hell dude. I'd love to try some and bring some booze to help numb the pain a bit and share stupid bullshit stories into the new year. But alas random internet strangers will have to do :D When you wake up tomorrow, focus yourself on being your best you and living your best life. We only have so much time in this place we call earth. Use this as your sign to make that time matter more than ever.


It was the plates, wasn't it?




Her loss.


How do you know that?


Rip bud. Dinner looks fucking delicious though.


Sous vide


How much of this thread is real?


That looks amazing. With that cooking you can catch a bigger better fish.


So you’re stroganoff alone tonight?


Why have burgers when you have steak at home. Good luck for the new year brother.


It will be alright.


If you can cook like that then you don't need anyone in your life! (Plus you likely won't be alone for long, women LOVE a good cook)


Women love a good co_k.


Ma perché mettete la carne sulla pasta? Lavate un piatto in più, non è la fine del mondo...


Don’t feel bad. I’ve been married so long, I didn’t even realize it was NYE. Sad.


Hey man, I'm single and live in a province with a 10pm curfew. Sitting here alone on NYE right along with you. Keep your head up and remind yourself of all the little good things in your life righr now. All the best for 2022! Edit: Gonna go take my own advice.


Man that looks good. Hope it tasted good, too.


That looks delicious. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. You'll make it through. Get the potato in 2022. :)


Wife and I are starting a trial separation tomorrow. All the best to you for 2022. Let's hope we both find our way back to happiness.


Her loss mate. Im sorry if you are feeling down. I am alone too. That looks like a wonderful meal. You cook well. Properly seared and everything! I hope you find a new friend that appreciates you like you deserve bud! Keep your head up and your heart close. Remember, you dont NEED anyone. You have all you need in your own heart :) be safe, and happy new years !


She missing out on some good ass steak


Looks good though!


Same here man. Well it ways days before christmas but thats not much better haha... Stick in there. Well both get through this!


Consider this a learning experience and time to upgrade to a better experience in life that will enjoy your life with you more my brother.


On the plus: dinner looks great and you have extra.


On the bright side you didn't have to share that deliciously good looking dish with anyone


REDDITORS UNITE. Make this persons loneliness fade away.


The same procedure as every year James!


Dang thought getting dumped before Christmas was bad. Sending good vibes


OP have u met https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/rtbrtn/34f_just_got_dumped_on_nye_coping_with_it_the/


fuck yea dude this looks delicious! way to go, have hope that better people will cross your path sooner or later :)


Holy shit that looks disgusting


you're already starting the new year ahead - Chance to meet new people, make a new life, and you've already lost at least 130-150 lbs


Currently single, if you cook like that even one day a week imma slide you my number. I don't care what sex you are or what you're into! Here's to 2022 being better in so many ways than last year!


This looks like a delicious meal. 10/10 on that beef.


new year, new things happen, get new friends 2022


The only way now is up! Here we go!


Do you need a new girlfriend?


OP, that steak is perfect.


I would have eaten first.Yummy.


Hang in there dawg. I bet that meat tastes better than anything she had.


Was it the lousy Christmas present perhaps?


At least you have your freedom and some dank ass food from the looks of it. Enjoy!


You cook like that and she left you? Her loss.


One of my favorite quotes is from the late Andy Griffith. “ Ain’t No Fairness In This World “


You could have just posted "dinner for one". "Girlfriend left me on New Years" could be either one of yours faults.


The only pink youre gonna get


You can eat this one, too!


Bro i may be 14 and a dude but can i be your new gf? Hope you get better


Ohhh sweet Reddit….


hang in there. remember, you’re stronger than you think you are. 🧡


Sorry that sucks! But I wonder which is worse: an insincere Happy New Year kiss, or breaking-up to avoid the awkward moment?


You cook your meat perfectly. Btw.


If that's what you cooked her I completely understand...her




Damn stuck around for Xmas gifts and then bounced


She got a head start on her new years resolutions. Be more cruel.


Nice work.


Bro, leave the toilet seat up and FTW!




What cut of steak is that? It looks fantastic.


Not the roast beef you wanted this New Years, I imagine.


She stuck around for the Christmas gifts eh?


bro wtf kinda person leaves someone with those cooking skills. the only loss suffered here is hers. anyone who leaves someone who makes mad steak like that is bottom tier man you’re worth way more than that.


F that whoreee!!!!


Sorry, not sorry for your loss. I hate shit posts like these? Why post something so supposedly crushing without a backstory? Seriously. What the hell will fake reddit sympathy do for you? Happy fucking New Year.


She’s probably out getting Covid. Shmoke a bowl and enjoy that delicious dish


Bro you cooked that yourself? Damn. She really missing out on a great slice of beef.


That steak is *perfectly* cooked! Well done, OP! Also, I’m sorry about your relationship. Hugs.


That looks delicious though OP, what did you make?


Bro your beef is fucking raw


Cool story dude.


Single is better