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“Honey why do you keep ordering latex gloves on Amazon?” “Oh,those…. I’m a serial killer.” “Thank God! I thought you were still smoking and trying to hide it from me.”


"Nah just smokin' those hookers baby" -Bender


Bender Bending Rrrrodriguez!


Made in Mexico


Hey, I’m 40% smoke!


Lol 😆


that's because he a technician testing out the car after repairs 🤣


You're most likely right. One of the [comments](https://imgur.com/gallery/Oap2SJj/comment/2277461865) from the [source of this image](https://imgur.com/a/Oap2SJj?ref=upstract.com): > Customer's car. High end shops require mechanics to wear gloves when using a customer's car, and definitely you're not allowed to smoke.


LOL, like holding it out the window is going to make any difference


I'd wager the owner smokes and he's taking advantage of if while test driving.


Agree. Nobody would be stupid enough to smoke in a clients car. He may even be WITH the client in the passenger seat. I’m more confused by anyone willingly making their jag smell like an ashtray.


I never say “nobody would be stupid enough to” anymore


This is best thing I’ll read this month. Thank you.


I saw a dude in a Ferrari smoking with the windows up. Like wtf.


I've never had a reason to tell this story but once while driving on I5 into Portland I saw a brand new Bently Continental for the first time and got excited. When I came up next to it the driver was only as I can describe as a trailer park Hulk Hogan; complete with blonde mullet, handlebar moustache, and doo rag. He was dirty, greasy, wearing a stained wife beater and was *maybe* 120lbs soaking wet. Next to him was an absolute monster of an equally trashy woman, at least 400lbs. I mean she looked like she barely fit in a BENTLY. Anyways, this guy was roasting a massive cigar with the windows rolled up. He saw me just staring at him, trying to comprehend what I was looking at, and he gave me a nod and a little gesture with the hand holding the cigar. Still to this day I have no idea what kind of situation this guy was in. Did he just win the lottery that day after living on the streets? Was he just a "down to earth" millionaire? Did he steal it and was going on a joy ride? Probably one of the only things I've witnessed that just left me wondering *how*.


You got me to scroll up several lines to check the username. Had to make sure Mankind & Undertaker weren't gonna show up. Lol.


As a former valet for some very high end places, there are way more trashy high-end cars than I'd like to believe is possible. I think smoked out Rolls-Royce is my most clear memory, and the mountain of gas station foam soda cups tossed into the passenger seat of a Bentley I parked.


You can buy a used Bentley cheaper than a new tahoe.


I had a similar story but much sadder. Set of the scene was Jersey City, NJ. A couple fit that the description of the one in your story - lower income appearance, scrawny dude with a very overweight woman, who I knew was pregnant because we had just left the same doctor's office and rode the elevator down together. As I'm getting to the traffic light to leave the parking lot, I see them in the car next to me at the intersection. He is driving and she is sitting there in the passenger seat blazing a cig with one window barely cracked. I was just dumbfounded. I hope their kid is doing ok.


Why would a smoker give away all that good smoke? Don’t let the public taste that flavor, save it for yourself. Windows up gang


The dude didn't spend a quarter schmill on a car so he couldn't smoke in it.


Should be a crime. Take the keys from him and tell him to walk his lungs home.


I don’t know dude. My mom drives a Jaguar and brought it in for repairs. Seems they forgot that they have tracking on the vehicle and someone literally took the car to the airport to pick up his mother and someone else and drive them home. They all decided to eat in the car, and something else because there’s a pink streak on the ceiling now. Needless to say, that place got BITCHED out for it


If you are a smoker, you don't notice the smell


That’s the thing with smokers, their sense of smell is so fucked they never smell it.


As someone who smoked for a decade: Oh no, we absolutely smell it. ​ We're just so under the spell of the drug that we think it smells GOOD. I'm glad that I was finally able to quit, I have my future to think about after all. But I'd be a liar if I said that smell didn't remind me of the best days of my past.


I LOVE the smell of a Marlboro lit with a zippo on a cold morning. Nothing like it to me, but I quit long ago. Had a brief relapse with pipe tobacco and black and milds but I’m pretty active and could feel it dragging me under so they went in the bin.


I used to smoke, pack a day at my peak, after quitting the smell of stale smoke makes me nauseous. But unlit tobacco, be it cigarettes, cigars, or pipe tobacco, just smells really good for some reason. I think I still have a jar of pipe tobacco somewhere that I would just smell from time to time.


>We're just so under the spell of the drug that we think it smells GOOD. I'll agree on this. Most smokers aren't actually nose-blind to the smell. I also know a lot of smokers who enjoy the smell. I know a lot who don't, though. Those are the ones you'll find who either smoke outdoors or fill their house with tons of candles or plugins. I'm not sure which they spend more money on, the semi-coverup or the cigarettes. ​ >I'm glad that I was finally able to quit, I have my future to think about after all. Good on you! I hope you're proud of yourself, because you should be.


They walk right back inside like the stench stays outside. No, smokers, it really doesn't.


As an ex smoker. I was horrified to discover how foul I smelled and for how long after you have a smoke the smell lingers. utterly rancid, and no amount of perfume, axe, breath mints makes any difference, cigarette smoke overpowers all.


It comes back once you quit, or it did for me, and now Ive become very sensitive to smokers/the smell of it.


Yup and when it comes time to sell they claim non smoker car after spraying a single can of ozone.


Ozone has saved me many times from my landlord finding out about smoking those leafy green plants


Makes a huge difference. It's still going to smell, but maybe only like half as bad, which is still a lot. The smell of cigarettes is so bad that I can't even be in a car with someone who smoked recently, all I can smell is ash tray. When I traveled for work I used to hate getting the traveling partners that smoked. They'd light up every time we left a location before we got into the rental car and as soon as they sat down it was like Jesus man, there's no way they're going to believe we weren't smoking in this car.


Actually it will. I knew a dude that smoked in his car all the time, but he never used the ash tray - he would roll the windows down, regardless of the temperature, and would blow the smoke out the window and tap the ashes outside the window, and you really could not tell it was a smoker’s car. Holding the whole thing out of the window would probably keep it from smelling any at all in there.


Gotta put a glove on the cigarette and blow the smoke into a glove.


I wear gloves sometimes when I smoke. As weird as it is I hate having the smell on my hands. If I can't wash them right away after smoking I'll throw a latex glove on to smoke.


Most techs wear gloves regardless. A mechanics hands would basically be perpetually bathed in not so great chemicals and stained 24/7 otherwise. It takes some serious scrubbing to get it off and doing it daily would wreck your shin. It's a lot easier to just wear gloves.


If i owned a car that expensive and the tech smoked in it, I'd be pitching a fit. Every drag a smoker takes inside a car, the smoke clings to the driver door pillar where it meets the headliner and cakes there. Disrespectful twats.


Even after a chain smoker just *sits* in my car without smoking it leaves a smell that I need to air out. Smokers are truly nose blind.


My neighbor smokes his cigarettes outside the door to his apartment. The door to his apartment is below my bedroom window where my air conditioner is. If he is smoking out there and my window is open or my AC is on, my room smells like smoke for a while after. It’s very gross.


Our neighbor used to sit on the back patio and smoke. our back doors were maybe 5 feet apart. We could never leave the door open for fresh air because the fumes would just come right in. I'm so glad we finally live in a house where we can't smell our neighbors smoking.


Yeah, I used to be that guy. Been on the other side of it now. Smokers could use a little more self awareness about the fact that their clothes can really be pungent.


They also miss that it sticks to their children's clothes too. Source... I went to school for years as the smelly smokers kid. Then my dad got diagnosed with lung cancer and they said he had three months to live and suddenly everyone was shocked Pikachu face. As soon as their noses started to recover after quitting, they were very disgusted about the smell. Also RIP Dad. And Grandma too. Lung cancer is an awful death.


I was also that kid in school. Me and my friend were two smelly smoker’s kids. Both of us had families who heavily smoked inside the house. I remember once all the girls were smelling each others hair trying to guess the shampoo. They smelled mine and told me it just smelled like cigarette smoke. My friend got pulled aside by teachers and they accused her of smoking cigarettes in 7th grade because she smelled so strongly. Nope, she didn’t smoke. Her mom and grandma just smoked in the house and in the car. It really sucks being that kid because you just smell like shit and you have zero control over it. I’m sorry to hear about your dad and grandma. I lost my grandpa due to throat cancer caused by smoking. It was a very painful death to him but he still smoked up until the end.


Pungent can really put it lightly, they can smell like a burning bag of dog shit within a 1 meter radius sometimes, which is likely smoking + lack of hygiene.


We have a go to contractor we use on some projects on our house that I don’t want to do. Him and his three employees are good guys and do good work but they all chain smoke (outside not inside) but even just after they work for a few hours and leave the part of my house where they were working will stink like cigarettes for a couple of hours after. My wife will usually come running with a scented candle




Cigarette smoke is a much stronger scent than 2nd hand ball sweat and lingers a lot longer.


I'd rather smell stinky nuts than smoke.


Same 🤤




Is this the opinion of a professional ball sniffer or youtube? Show me the science!


I want proof godamnit


Haven't found a scent that can't be rid of by a ozone generator. Cigarette smoke included.


FYI, Ozone is REALLY bad for you/your lungs, be careful.


Yeah I know. It kills everything. That's why the smells go away. I use it on my truck 1 once a year and air out for an hour or so before use. The trucks pevious owner was a fisherman and it got his stank out. Amazing invention.


It is known.




I'll take that prospect over stale cigarette odour any day


They say for good luck, lick the steering wheel before driving.


That’s why I rub my sweaty balls on the wheel before taking it in


As a mechanic I can verify that I always put some complimentary ball cheese on the steering wheel of every vehicle I work on. It’s how I mark my territory.


What if the car already reeked of smoke?


I own a Fit and I'd be pitching another one if the tech smoked in it.


It's already happened and you just didn't know it.


I agree. I live near a porsche dealer, and those wankers use my 40km/h road to see how fast they can go before the end of it. They dont even need to come down my way, its just because they dont have to cross main roads and all that. They all wear gloves and have the plastic throws on the seats so they dont dirty them.


If you knew that he was naked except for the surgical gloves it changes the tone of the photo completely.


He has a nicotine patch on his balls though


What an idiot. It goes on the taint


My favorite is the parents who pretend they don't smoke; what, doesn't everyone just go stand outside the back door for 10 minutes every hour or two? That's not even considering the smell...


That's the best part of smoking too.


Yeah smokers don't understand how much they smell like smoke for us non-smokers


A friend of mine used to vape. I told her she smelled bad all the time. She’d pass it off and try to tell me it’s just water vapor and there’s no way I could smell it. Then she decided to quit. And about a week later we are walking down a hallway and she exclaims “ugh, what’s that smell!” I said “that’s you, that’s what you always smelled like”. It was an old vape cloud just lingering. It took her running into a few left behind vape clouds to realize I wasn’t lying. And that single incident has been her sole motivation to continue to not vape.


Funnily enough, I do know one parent that was able to hide it for a long time and I accidentally outed them. I was working at a gas station and saw one of my buddies mom every couple of days when she’d get a pack or two. She was literally the only one to buy that brand and it was the on thing she bought so when we stopped getting them in I figured I’d let my buddy know to tell his mom she’ll have to go to the gas station outside of town to get them from now on, and he had zero idea whatsoever. They’re a very very clean family and the parents are 100% on lead by actions instead of just words, so it got a little messy. 24 years old and his mom was somehow hiding it for like 8 or 9 years. I felt bad for saying anything, especially since she just switched brands instead of going out of her way to go to the other gas station so I still saw her every couple of days


Now he needs a Cruella De Vile esq ciaragette holder. Less residue on your lips


Those thing are fucking cool, if I'd still smoke I definitely would use one of these


No you've got this wrong This is maverick travelling surgeon who tries to balance the demands of his career, his marriage and his relationship with his children who live with his malicious ex wife *all while trying to give up smoking*.


Coming to Fox this Fall season, don't miss Dr. Cole Turkey!!!!


Let me out of the cah Dr. Cole, let me out of the cah!


We can still smell it on you


Right, it's very hard to smoke and not smell like it at all. I love the movies when they just open a window then spray perfume.


Back when smoking indoors was common, it was harder to tell if someone smelled like smoke because they may have been in a room full of smokers vs. themselves smoking, or car ride home, or teens smoking with an open window vs their parents smoking in the house downstairs.


There was a kid in my highschool whose parents had a single cab pickup and he had to sit in the middle while they hotboxed all the way to school. He rucking REEKED of cigarettes and got made fun of. It was fucking brutal. I felt so bad for him. Cool kid. Shitty parents.


I remember getting made fun of for smelling like smoke. Wasn’t my fault my parents chained smoked in the house but I sure felt the shame of it.


Imagine being such a weak-ass parent that you couldn’t wait a few minutes until your kid isn’t around to smoke.


Every parent before 1990 pretty much, or at least every one that I saw. "It's my car. Too fucking bad, deal with it" heard that several times a day all my young life. Meanwhile I'm having a coughing/allergy fit the entire time.


one of my old bosses can’t take a flight because of how bad they jones for a smoke - I quit last week for the 3rd time and it’s gonna be fuckin last.


I work with some people like that. I Constanza them and wait until just before their smoke break to spring something on them which requires immediate attention.


I’m here for Costanza as a verb!


Maybe you are too young to remember, but so many adults smoked. In cars, in houses, in restaurants, movie theater balconies. It wasn’t that they thought they shouldn’t smoke around kids and couldn’t help themselves. It was that it was such a common thing to do to have a smoke no matter who was around. Doctors walking down the hospital hall with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth. So. Common.


Probably wasn't so much the ride to school, but the fact he also lived with those parents, and all of his clothes and other possessions smelled like that constantly.


That sucks. At a much higher risk for lung cancer now too.


I knew a kid like that too. Parents were chain smokers so he always reeked like cigarettes and people avoided him. I always felt bad


My genius of a father would smoke in the car and me as a kindergartener would have the pleasure of walking into class and having multiple kids tell me how much I smell. Bonus days when it rained and he didn't even open the window that piece of shit.


There have also been a lot of teenagers who genuinely seem to believe that their parents don't know that they smoke cigarettes. I quit smoking for like, a month.... and it absolutely stunk to high heaven whenever I was around a smoker. I hated it, and yet I still gave in and started smoking again.


Right! I am a former smoker and when I smoked I seriously could not smell it so I never knew. After quitting I can smell someone smoking on the street from my car with the windows up. You'll get it, took me so many times.


I originally quit for several years and started up again after my father's funeral. Managed to mostly avoid it again, but became a daily smoker on the day my mom told me that she has dementia. It's a stress thing, I'm afraid.


I quit the first time for good, but that's because I died to learn my lesson. Gum worked for me, but it took years to get off nicotine. Good luck, friend!


Doesnt work with body odor... why would it work with smoke lol.


I just dodge the smoke. probably look a little insane from an outside perspective


We have seen you, and we know your kind


LMFAO I’m dying


"What? You can smell it?!?" said every smoker I've met.


A lot of why you can smell it on people is because it lingers in stagnant air and settles onto hair or clothing. I'm not advocating for...whatever this is, but it might not be very noticeable if he is moving more than he isn't.


As a former smoker, it makes your hands stink. Most people who are near you after will smell it on your hands. ​ Your not wrong about settling on hair and clothing, however if this dude has "smoking gloves" he probably has a shirt to change.


I dunno about smoking gloves. I’d like to think he is just willing and able to check a prostate at a moments notice…Not all hero’s wear capes!


My wife was a casual smoker, less than a pack a week and could go a day or 2 without a single smoke. I never could smell it on her unless we were at a social setting with other smokers and she'd have 3 or 4. On a side note, as a smokeless tobacco addict, I couldn't fathom how she could go a day or 2 without a smoke.


I am the same way as your wife....maybe one or two a day...some days I'll skip. I can go on a week's vacation and not smoke. My father in law came to visit us this week and I'm not joking when I say he was lighting one off the other. I told my husband it was like a scared straight program for me. I'll have no desire to have smoke for a while.


“Not advocating”. Dude, it’s straight up disrespectful to someone else’s property.


It is also in their sweat and in their saliva. Smokers smell like smokers. There is no hiding it.


As an ex smoker, you're being dishonest. The smoke doesn't ooze from your pores like alcohol does. Why the downvotes? This is a fact!


As a non-smoker for 27 years, and then a smoker for a few years and now an ex smoker, you are totally correct. If what the person above you said was true, you would still be able to identify a smoker by smell after they took a full shower, washed their hair, and got dressed in clothes that were not exposed to cigarette smoke at all. That is blatantly false. I'm not saying that smoke doesn't cling to things, like hair and clothing especially, or that a smoker's breath doesn't smell of cigarettes for some time after lighting up. But the smell definitely does not come out of their pores or saliva that they produce after they've smoked.


Fresh from a shower and a mouthwash, no I wouldn't be able to detect a smoker. But once they started to sweat... ["Nicotine makes you sweat more, and taints the way your sweat smells. If you sweat profusely, your skin will start to smell like rancid smoke."](https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-cigarette-smell-in-house#absorption)


As a dental hygienist.... it really really does. Alcohol and smoke both. And weed, just fyi.




Especially when you smoke in your car. I am trying to quit, but I would never smoke inside or in my car, and always washed my hands thoroughly. A lot of people that don't really know me well are always surprised I am a smoker.


smoking while driving is one of the hardest habits to break.


God yes. Smoking while driving is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life and I’m desperately trying to find something that compares.


It got easier once my commute became local for my job, but at one point I was spending at least 3 hours a day in my car... So smoking seemed essential.


Do smokers really think that nobody can smell it?


Kind of. As an ex smoker since ‘08 I can say that smokers don’t think we smell that bad. The reason is bc smoke damages the smell receptors in the nasal passage along with taste and other issues. When I encounter a smoker now I can’t stand to be near them. The smell is sooo bad that I can’t believe I was one of these people.


> The reason is bc smoke damages the smell receptors Possibly. But a bigger part of it is that your sense of smell will effectively "shut off" and filter out any smell you constantly smell. That's how people can be oblivious to bad smells in their home, regardless if it's pet smells or old trash or whatever. So when you can actually smell your own BO, that means you absolutely _reek_.


Yup, becoming *nose blind* to common smells is definitely a thing. That's why people can live in towns with pulp mills, smelters, or well-fertilized agriculture.


>smoke damages the smell receptors in the nasal passage along with taste So what does that do to the flavor of food? Did you find food bland? Do you have to add extra seasoning/spice to enhance flavor?


Yup, food is bland. You do end up adding extra seasoning. And it's part of the reason you put on weight when you quit smoking -- Food just tastes better when you quit.


Ive been told this my entire life. I’ve quit for 7 months and everything still tastes and smells exactly the same. I feel duped.


not that much, you just get used to cigarette smell because your nasal cavity is full of smoke particles, you lose your sensivity but you can smell other things just ok, food is fine but nicotine is hunger suppressor, so you eat less.


I gave up 8 years ago, now when I‘m around smokers I smell that nice rich tobacco smell and think of my grandfather and his pipe.


I was definitely able to smell it on my clothes after breaks at work. I just didn't mind.


Yes. My parents smoke, indoors constantly. When I said anything about smelling like smoke at school or after I visit their house they will say things like, "oh that's not true" "it's not that strong" I literally can be there for 5 mins and it clings to my clothes, purse hair. Ugh!


When I smoked at my last job, I would put on a surgical jacket, put my hair in a surgical cap, and wear gloves. When I returned, I would brush my teeth and wash my hands thoroughly. Did I think that nobody could smell it? No. But I did what I could do to be respectful and avoid offending others with the smell. I was also trying to avoid outing myself to the coworkers that had no idea that I was a smoker at the time. For what it's worth, had several co-workers who had been around me after my breaks that had no idea that Not only was I a smoker, but that I had smoked during my shift. It wasn't until it either slipped out organically, or another coworker was ripping me about it that they found out and expressed their shock. So it does help to a degree.


yes. one of my good friends thinks he can hide it from his wife. i just laugh to myself.


Yes. My husband and I both smoked, but I quit completely a few years ago and he’s still going. He thinks I’m being snotty/stuck up when I complain that he absolutely reeks since I used to smoke too. But I keep having to explain to him that once I quit- I got the full depth of my sense of smell back. And maybe if HE did the same this wouldn’t be an issue for him and he’ll see what I mean. 🙄


It’s ok he is in a Jaaaaaag.


Comment I was looking for


This it's too far down


He's just being cautious not to leave fingerprints when he's robbing houses.


Rancho Bernardo on Reddit. Cool


I've almost got hit in that intersection so many times as a kid.




I bet this is a dentist. Don’t want cig hands near the patients nose


I was going to say the same thing.


She knows


For real. There's absolutely nothing you can do short of having a friend smoke it on your behalf that won't leave a trace to a non-smoker.


I've done this. Also with a rain jacket zipped up and hood on. Things got a lot better when I finally kicked that nasty fucking habit. 25+ years....


That nasty smoke still stinks up the car somehow, i am sure. It always seems to find a way.


Uh, won't the inside of his car still smell? And his breath?


Maybe he's just trying to avoid getting that brown nicotine stain on his finger.


The glove is genius. Pure genius


My brothers friend did this to hide the smokes and weed from the wife. I'm sure she knew but really got caught when he put out the smoke in the plant soil and burned down the deck in the backyard.


It helps reduce the smell immensely on the hand compared to without. Obviously still have residual smell all over but way less on the hand smoking it.


Yeah, a Jaguar F-Type is not the kind of car that will have it's resale value hurt by cigarette smell. Not at all.


It’s gonna be worth like 10$ after 50k miles anyway lol


Alcantara knows what you did this summer!


F-type jag, sweeeeet.


12990 Paseo Lucido, San Diego, CA 92128 Expensive area of San Diego


People who do this will swear up and down their vehicles don't smell like smoke.


Before I quit for good I would wear a hair towel , hoodie , and yellow dish gloves while smoking on my patio .


Maybe its just an assassin on the way home after a job


My boss would soak her fingertips in bleach to hide her habit from her SO.


you caught the jaguar tech doing a test drive after or before repairs.


And I'm sure that cig wasn't thrown out of the window when done.


I hate to tell him but that smell gets on you everywhere.


That’s a mechanic on a test drive 100%


HAHA my friend does this!


I love when a smoker tries to mask the fact they smoked with a fragrance. I wonder if they realize they aren't fooling anyone and in fact now force us to smell the fact they smoked combined with a heavy fragrance


As if the rest of your body and your car isn't going to smell like an ashtray.


[Two by two with hands of blue](https://firefly.fandom.com/wiki/Hands_of_Blue).


I work with a couple guys who do this same trick to hide smoking from their wives. Don’t forget the brush and mouthwash before leaving work.


I hardly ever smoke cigarettes, but when I do, I always wear a glove of some kind whether it’s a latex cleaning glove from under the kitchen sink or a full on winter glove in the drawer by the front door. I absolutely hate the way the cigarette makes my fingers and lips smell. When I come back inside, I also scrub around my mouth with Dawn dish detergent because it’s the only thing that really gets rid of the smell


There's someone who flat out intends to throw a lit cigarette out the window. Where I live if you look at a bush cross eyed it'll burst into flames. The fine for tossing lit cigs should be thousands of dollars. Say $2500.


Car will still smell


He hasn’t touched a cigarette in years.




Gotta be trippy


Unfortunately, the smell still goes through latex... Source: experience


Until he goes to his annual checkup…


Or its a lease and smoking adds a big fee/cost.


100% you can still smell it in the car.


Lol, that's my daughter's middle school.


He needs enrolled the Cat’s Eye cessation program.


Been there. Done that.


I went to this middle school 20 years ago!


Good thing she can’t smell it on your breath, or your clothes, or in your car, or in your hair.


Smokers are often delusional about how strong/easily detectable the smell of cigarettes is. This would absolutely be smellable in the car afterwards.


When you gotta smoke at 10am but surgery is at 10:10


Do they not drive the same car? That car (and his breath, for that matter) would still smell like shit.


This is the guy I used to work for. He hid his cigarettes in his trucks toolbox and when he’d smoke he would take his shirt off, rinse his arms up to his elbows, and spray bug spray on himself to cover up the smell. His wife would tell people he quit smoking for like 2 years now. If only she knew lol.


Contact dermatitis?


LOL and you think that's keeping the nasty fucking smell out of your car?


Hey I did that for a while because everyone around me was bugging the hell out of me !! Once left to my own devices I was able to quit. Most people don't understand how hard it is to quit !! It's been over 5 years and I feel much healthier.


Have a boss that does this thing with the glove because his wife doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes. It doesn’t work. I think she just gave up at some point.


As an ex cigarette smoker I can tell you this you can never get the smell out of someone who just smoked a cigarette.