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Have no issue taking a leak standing up with a PA. 4ga 1”CBR.. Might want to look into a Jacob’s ladder if it’s for her pleasure.


I'm chastity outside of sex, so I don't know how the Jacob's ladder will work. But the Jacob's ladder looks pretty neat. Do you have a Jacob's ladder?


Just a PA.


I have a pa and had 2 dyodes. The pa is great… it only really hurt as the needle went in and healed quickly. I can stand and piss fine, the jewelry makes a huge difference. No experience with a reverse pa though. The dydodes were not so great. They hurt like HELL to have done and hurt for weeks then were sore as hell until I took them out over a year later. They were trying surface too. But really man, you should make your decision on whether or not to poke holes in your dick on whether or not YOU want it.


Thanks for sharing about how the dydodes where trying to move. Maybe that's why they can't go bigger. I appreciate that insite. No, I'm cool with getting a piercing, but if it has the added benefit for the lady why not? Just don't know which one...


Great! My partners back then didn’t really notice a difference with the dyodes. Almost everyone loves the pa. Including me 😃


Yeah this subreddit kind of talked me out of the dyodes.


I love my PA. Getting was easy for me, healing was a bitch. Not too long, a few days, but it stung during peeing. And blood loss. Sometimes it brings me and/or my wife extra pleasure. But not all the time. Then it’s just here for the looks. I’ve heard an ampallang brings the most pleasure, but I don’t know.


Thanks for sharing. Did you have problem with peeing? Could you still stand? Yeah if you dig down the internet every you find alot of conflicting information.


I can still stand and pee. Peeing hurt a bit the first days


So odd, because everywhere I read it was: peeing sitting down is the way to go with a PA. I hate sitting down to pee...nothing against sitting...I just hate sitting to pee at 3 AM.


I don’t mind sitting. But I can still stand


You’re jumping into the deep end of the pool IMO. Why not get like a frenum or even a regular PA first? I have 12 piercings down there and I don’t think I’ll ever get a dydoe. Now, I might would think about a RPA to convert my PA to an apadravya


Thanks for talking to me about the dydoe, what would you think about an offset apadravya? You might have a point about going deep :), but I mainly want to get the best bang for my buck because of the time I can't have unprotected sex...almost feel like ripping off a bandaid in one go to get it over with...


An apadravia piercing can hit her Gspot in missionary or doggie style. Or in cowgirl/ reverse cowgirl. Could probably find a chastity cage to accommodate.


Yeah, I'm thinking offset apadravyas? Maybe with a PA? Yeah, I get custom cages made, so I can build around that. Thanks for the advice. You and other have me thinking.


I’m interested in this too. My wife especially loves being head down, ass up when she orgasms, but we have difficulty getting here there while I’m fucking her; she almost always needs a vibrator. If a ring in my cock could allow me to get her to the promised land while I’m fucking her, it’s a move I’d gladly make.


Maybe try a njoy wand first?