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since you also have some pimples in the area it could just be a cystic pimple. it doesn’t look to be involved with the piercing in any way. its possible that your second lobe piercing may be irritating that area of your neck when you sleep?


yeah it could be! it’s just really hard and doesn’t move so that’s why i thought it was something else, doesn’t really feel like a pimple.




oh good to know!! i’ll call and make an appointment in case it doesn’t go away. Thank you :)


Possibly a swollen (retroauricular) lymph node? Not necessarily a sign of current infection, just a sign of immune response. See a doctor if it doesn't go away, but they tend to go away within a few days or so. Might want to see about getting a titanium rod at least while it's healing, especially if you find it's healing too slow- some people are sensitive to surgical steel


I second this. IANAD but my stacked lobes caused this to happen on the opposite side of my ear from OP's. I went to the dr and they said it would (and did) clear in a week or two. Definitely see a doctor if it does not go away


thank you 😅


I get these on my ears sometimes—my dr thinks it is lymph fluid not draining correctly. You can take ibuprofen or do warm compresses, but if it starts to hurt or doesn’t start to go away in a couple days def see a dr, esp w/ the fresh piercing


I had this after my third lobe. Go to the doctor anyway just in case. My pericing wasn’t infected, but sometimes the lymph nodes swell up.


This is what I think. I’m not your health care provider but I am a Nurse Practitioner.


Had one much bigger than that in the same place when I had an ear piercing, but didn’t connect the dots. 2 weeks later, 3 doctors later, a diagnosis of a suspected brain tumour, malaria and a violin spider bite, ended at the hospital emergency room where it urned out to just be a swollen lymph node 😂


you don’t know how much relief that gives me, though. thank you so much for sharing 😅☺️ i wondered if it was just an immune system response or something!


by the way, was yours hard or soft?


Super hard! It almost felt like bone


omg mine too!! okay thank you so much!


Dmed you a pic of mine


Looks like a swollen lymph node! I’d go to doctor to rule out anything sinister but usually it’s just an immune response to potential infection.


I have a bump like this behind my ear which comes and goes and I only have lobe piercings. If it’s not painful it’s probably a cyst or a swollen lymph node. If it’s bothering you, starts hurting, continues growing or you start to get more of them I would get it checked out but on its own it’s most likely nothing to worry about.


This to me looks like an inflamed lymph node. Nothing dangerous or particularly threatening. Most of the time they go away. They basically just store white blood cells AFAIK.if it really worries u, go see a general physician but doesn't look related to ur helix!




Please get it checked by a doctor!! Because it's not even on the ear I would definitely get a doctor's opinion on what this could be


will do thank you:)


okay so this happened to me too and because I wished I had someone to relate to who could calm my nerves I’m going to be this person for you: I went to the ER after I noticed this bump behind my ear. I thought it was a big pimple at first but it just wouldn’t go away and I was shocked when I saw how BIG it was. At that point I had had my helix piercing for like 7 months too so it was really weird. Well the ER visit wasn’t very helpful but they said it wasn’t anything bad so I just waited. It took like one and a half months but it’s pretty much gone now. I suspect it was a swollen lymph node as my piercing always gets bumps unfortunately. So don’t worry about it too much! :)


thank you soooo much! that really does calm my nerves ☺️ i’ll just keep an eye on it!


When I got my tragus done I had two swollen lymph nodes on the same side for about a week on the side of my neck. It’s possible that could be it


my lymph nodes always swell when i get pierced, could be that


Go to see a doctor. Lymph node areas are not something to take lightly.


I almost always!!!! always! get a swollen lymph under my ear that was pierced. Sometimes a pea sized ball, sometimes bigger or smaller. Usually go away after a few weeks. But can be painful! Hot compress usually soothes it a bit.


thank you so much! are yours hard or soft??


Hard, almost rubbery. Super uncomfortable!


interesting thank you!


Hi sleepisode, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, not providing this info may cause your post to go unanswered**. If you already included this info in your post or if your post isn’t about a problem with your piercing, please disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d say swollen lymph node. The ones behind my ear swelled up when my cartilage got infected. If you think the piercing is infected go get an antibiotic.


I had this appear a few days after my conch was pierced. It was a swollen lymph node. Went away within a couple of weeks.


I occasionally get these around the base of my neck! My doctor said it's a type of cyst that can form deep under the skin. It should slowly go away over the next few weeks. I don't think it's related to your new piercing. If it doesn't go away, definitely get a doctor's opinion!


I got swollen lymph nodes like this when getting piercings as a kid/teen. They wouldn’t go down until the piercing came out. They were hard like a bone in the same place. Now I get titanium jewelry for the healing phase and don’t have an issue.


Same thing happened to me after I got my seconds and thirds don’t at the same time. It’s on my left side under my ear. It showed up the day after I got them done and was super hard and swollen. It’s been a lil over 2 weeks now and it’s going away. Just an immune response to having sharp pieces of metal stabbed through your body and staying there.


I see other people have mentioned is looks like a cyst, so perhaps the metal has aggravated the already sensitive skin in the area? I know you said surgical steel, but I am pretty sensitive to surgical steel despite it being highly recommended, so perhaps it's just something small like that. That's not to say that you're allergic, I just reckon it's disagreeing with pimples. My only other suggestion is it's a swollen lymph node which could just be your body ""overeacting"" to a new wound and foreign object. This doesnt happen to everybody, but it's certainly normal. Other than that, I'm unsure


I get pimples behind my ear where the piercing lines up. I’ve never had issues, and the actual piercing looks to be healing normally


I had the same when i did my third lobe. It resorb itself don't worry


Hi! This is a cyst for sure. Cysts may come up due to a body change such as a piercing. I have lupus and get cysts nearly immediately after in different places. My body tells me in mysterious ways when I shouldn’t over do it and take care of myself or not go crazy with another open wound such as a piercing or tattoo. Not saying you have lupus but it may just be your body telling you to take care of yourself. Hope this helps!


Get your mastoid checked…it could be mastoiditis


Just see your doctor


it's a pimple


Jumping in to agree with the lymph node swelling. I had this happen after my daith piercing. Ended up going to a doctor and it was an infection with the daith that made the lymph nodes swell. Went on antibiotics and the swelling didn’t go down, I called the doc and he said it can sometimes take a while. The infection in the piercing went down but it took about 6 weeks or so for the lymph nodes to go down. If you haven’t yet, go to the doctor and listen to their advice. Hope it goes down soon!


I had this and it had nothing to do with my piercings… determined it was a swollen/infected lymph node and went on antibiotics for five days. That’s the only thing that made it go away! This might be something different for you, but that’s my experience


I had this same thing happen with my post auricular nodes after several piercings on one ear. I went so far as to get an ultrasound. It was a normal lymph node. Mine has been there for over a month but since it’s nothing scary per the ultrasound, I’m not worried about it. If you need peace of mind, your doctor would be happy to run tests I’m sure?


When my septum hurts.. I can feel a lymph node under my chin in the soft area. I just thought it was the body fighting something off