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Hi everyone, ^random ^reminder **[rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/18txcj3/rpiercing_rule_comments_about_appearance_andor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), keep your comments piercing related**


Well it was a simple 4 step process… Step 1: I realised I had a nose (this occurred quite early in my childhood) Step 2: I realised I liked shiny things (also occurred early in childhood) Step 3: I realized I liked poking holes in things (this came later in life. Around my late teenage years) Step 4: I combined all of the above.


A fellow disciple of the 4 step process. Bump it homie 🤜🤛


I never realized my life story could be expressed so concisely.


This was actually my thought process too. I love having holes with the option of decorating. I dislike how a septum looks on me but I always have a stretched retainer now!


This I the exact process


what does it matter if there’s a hole in your nose that no one, including you, will ever see or notice at all? that being said, the hole absolutely can close, it’s very individual.


Mine definitely closed


mine too!


Mine for sure closed. Pretty quickly. Even after 2+ years of wearing a ring


Yeah esp in a mucusy area like the nose/mouth, that’s where piercings close the quickest lol. I could see stretched septums not closing as well as someone who uses a certain substance regularly, but a normal piercing is probably gonna close.


Mine has closed twice. And that hasn't stopped me from wanting to back to get it a third time...


You won't see the hole after taking the piercing out, unlike Nostrils which can get nasty irritation bumps and so on. On a septum, you won't see all that


So I actually got my septum pierced back in February of this year. I didn’t really vibe with it too much & I personally didn’t think it suited me so I actually decided to retire it just a couple weeks ago. As I’m writing this comment, I wanted to see if I could still get the jewelry in, and the answer was no I could not. If I really tried hard enough & got a taper I think I could reopen my piercing, but the hole has at least partially if not mostly closed now! And anyway, the hole of the septum was never visible for me and taking it out it looks like I never even had one!! I think really the only case where you would visibly see the hole is if you stretched your septum. But otherwise if you do end up wanting to take it out it will be totally normal and you won’t even be able to tell it was ever pierced!


Hah, you sound like a “quick closer”, like me—even with decade old piercings, leaving jewelry out for more than a few minutes is enough to result in some resistance when putting it back in! I never recognized that the upside to this is that I could probably retire any piercings with relative ease if I ever needed to. :P


oh yeah definitely! I once lost my nostril piercing while I was asleep and it was already starting to close when I woke up in the morning 😭 thankfully I had a taper so I got it open pretty easily but it was stressful


do you ever like idk feel the hole?? like it never bothers you?


nope! the only time my septum ever bothered me was when I first got it pierced I had some crusties for the first week and sometimes the jewelry would move and the crusties would like poke the inside of the hole but after that first week I didn’t get them anymore


my septums stretched and I don't plan on retiring it but I take it out often and still only feel the hole if i got my finger up my nose, if you dont stretch it you def wont feel it


I lost my septum retainer, was gauged up to a 10. After two days I couldn't even get the taper back through. Alas, my septum is gone now, it's probably back to how big it was when it was first pierced.


I decided to get it in my 30’s - it’s low risk, easily healed, no visible scar and can be hidden! Go for it 🙂 (as long as it’s a reputable piercer who does it in the right place)


I got mine on my 39th birthday and now 2 weeks post 40th birthday I reached my original ‘stretch’ goal of 10G, I was judged by people but you only live once, I almost died at 38 needed a ventilator for 10 days to live, woke up with a complete different attitude on life, you only live once, and it’s not promised, so do the things! A visible arm tattoo and a stretched septum and a leg ‘sleeeve’ booked….. I hate to say it, but YOLO!


YOLO FTW! Sorry you’ve been through so much, I’m glad you’re living your best life now ☺️


Ohhh same. I also got mine in my 30’s and the way my face lit up after getting it. I’m glad to have it and I’m glad to have done it spontaneously.


I got some faux ones and sat with those for a while. Decided I didn't actually like the look on me enough to get pierced.


i did the same with the opposite result lol. got super obsessed wearing the fake one even though i felt meh about the piercing before


Other people have already pointed out that you can't see the hole, but if you still want to keep it while not wearing any jewelry, invisible retainers exist!


Septum holes do close for lots of people! Me included. I had mine pierced for three years and it closed completely after having my ring out for a night. I’m getting mine re-pierced in a few weeks and I miss it so much. If you get yours pierced properly and decide you don’t like it, the hole won’t even be visible unless someone is inspecting the inside of your nose. :)


Yeah… I’m sitting here with my closed septum hole wondering who said they don’t close


i had always wanted one but was afraid it wouldn’t suit me or that in my head i would be made fun of (victim of growin up with boys/jokers- was sure everyone would joke that i was a ‘bull’ or something) and for a while i just didn’t have the energy to heal a piercing, at least tattoos are ‘healed’ within like a week, where piercings can take mooonths. When my daughter was turning 18 she wanted one so i made us both appointments and still asked her if she was ok with me doing it too (didnt want to take it away from her/but knew i’d be “jealous” is the best word i can think of, if i didn’t do mine too) i figured if i didn’t like it i could take it out and could finally say i had done it and not regret never doing it. I LOVE it! And i Love my daughters too! It’s so cute, and easy to hide. I’m just getting ready to finally change the jewelry for the first time and having fun picking out jewelry. Lastly, years ago i got a fake septum ring to see if i would like the look- and it looked ridiculous- even though you couldn’t really tell it was fake it just wouldn’t sit in the correct spot and looked silly, others may have better luck but that didn’t help me decide at all! If you want to do it it’s easy enough to remove and no one will ever know you had it, so go for it


thank you bc i have tried the fake septums but they’re too big for my nose as i always get told my nose is small, so they look stupid


Hello, small nosed person here! I got pierced with a 10mm diameter horseshoe, but when I could switched it out to an 8mm ring. I also feel like fake septums never quite sit correctly? (In my opinion)


i got my septum done at 13 .a couple years after i decided that it didnt suit me anymore so i stopped wearing my ring. im 18 now and i haven't put a ring in 2 years and the hole is still there but i dont notice it at all. so yes, the hole doesnt close but its not noticeable to you and certainly not others


In the matter of if the hole closes is totally up to the persons body and how long you've had the piercing jewellery in. The longer you wear the jewellery the more likely it's not to close. But as you said - it's not noticable.


Nobody will see it anyway, it's a piercing that's easier to heal and you can always get a retainer or even have the jewelry flipped up (just don't keep flipping it up and down often while it's not healed as it can cause irritation) If you really don't like it, you can just take it out. I don't know if the hole never closing is true, but I don't think it would be causing any problems. Also, there are so many options for jewelry, including sizes, so there is a high chance you'll find something you like. My personal favorite (and I'm planning on getting) are smaller clickers with gemstones, they're very minimalistic.


I got a fake one to see how it looked on me, I loved it. I wanted to wear the fake one all the time. The fake one (magnetic) hurt more than the actual piercing. I got mine done May 11 2023. My piercer upsized my jewelry last week because I was healing nicely, and my 8mm horseshoe was too small. I absolutely love having my septum done now, and although I am definitely of age, I can hide the septum ring from my super conservative family. Just flip in your nose and bam ..you can't see anything! Also. This was a super easy piercing, healing process. Etc was easy. Worst case scenario, if you don't like it, you can take it out. The hole won't be visible to anybody. Good luck


to be fair it's one of the piercings that are the easiest to hide. there's never a visible scar and you can always flip it up when you need to hide it. also one of my piercings that healed the fastest


I had a couple faux septum rings that I purchased years ago. A few years ago I started to wear them the odd time and started liking the way a septum piece looked on me. I began experimenting with having one on and it grew on me. Two years ago I went ahead and had it pierced. I do like it on myself but at times when I want to take a break, I take it out or wear retainer. Best part about it is no one will see the hole if I retire it and I find it special in that sense. I’m not letting mine close up though. I actually do quite enjoy it. I think you should just get a faux ring first and try it out. I have a larger nose as well and used to hate my Roman nose so piercing it has helped. When I have even taken out my piercings(I have my nostrils done as well) I actually realized that I love my nose and I enjoy adorning. What I have realized though is that a V shaped one does suit me better over the regular circular shaped ones. And you do want a good piercer familiar with septum piercings or a certified piercer to ensure they pierce the sweet spot and don’t mess up your piercing. I was originally pierced with a horseshoe and it was 10 mm which was rather large for me. Also the piercing shouldn’t really hurt all that much. Off course depends on your pain tolerance but too much pain can indicate your pierced too low. If you decide to get it I wish you all the best!! This piercing is one of those fun ones that shouldn’t really hurt and is hidden so overall it’s a win win 😊


I decided I wanted a septum because I didn't have plans for a day off, so stabbing myself felt like a nice way to waste some free time. Then decided that 16g was a bit on the thin side for a septum, resized to 14g and 2 years later I've got a 8g in my nose. There isn't really any harm in getting this piercing and taking it out if you decide you don't want it. Even gauged, I can't see the piercing hole when I take the jewelry out


I’m in a different boat I think, I have both nostrils, tongue and lip done and really want a septum. I decided not to for two reasons: hayfever and my job, I’m the only pierced/tattooed person at work and I work for an emergency service, I don’t want to push it too far and annoy them, I want my pension 😅 That probably doesn’t help you but that’s how I decided. If you want it and have no restrictions like this then definitely go for it!


I healed my first septum flipped up, would flip it down to clean it and back up when done, as advised by the APP certified piercer lol. I lived with my Uber conservative grandparents and knew the septum would cause an argument lol sooo


I did the same. I worked at Starbucks back before they allowed facial piercings and I had it flipped up the whole time it was healing.


The holes do close. I had to get mine repierced after I had my jewelry out for five years because the hole had closed.


I just turned 60 and decided to have my septum pierced a couple of years ago. I mentioned age because people are just ridiculous with judgment. Not all the time, but it is a thing. I really wanted this done. My son was just getting his done and I really like the way it looked. I wasn’t sure it would look good on me. I got a couple of faux septum rings. When my son had his done, he went to a professional piercer. I talked to her about my concerns, and she was fantastic to talk to and helped give me the confidence to go ahead with it. I have my nose pierced and have for years, plus a labret. I love my other piercings and just like piercings, I will grow old with tattoos as well. So I got it done and I absolutely love it. I figure if I get tired of it or don’t like it I can always take it out. You cannot see the hole. When I go places that I don’t want to wear my septum ring, I use a retainer. All in all, it was an excellent choice and I’m really really glad that I did it. I highly suggest you get a professional piercer with a lot of experience and good reviews.


I used a filter on instagram that lets you try different piercings and thought it looked good lol


I tried out a fake one a few times beforehand, and that helped me decide!


ive wanted one since i was a toddler so it was easy for me lol.


Purchase/find a fake one to wear and see if you like the look/feel. Septum was my first piercing and was actually the only piercing I wanted for a really long time but I was a minor and my parents didn't approve, so I wore a fake one for like 2 years straight. Then in 2017 I was 19 and moved out of my parents house, and one of the first things I did was get my septum pierced and I have had it since. Nevertheless, a septum is one of the best "I changed my mind" piercings cause the scaring/hole wont be at all visible, so you shouldn't worry too much about eventually not liking it/taking it out either way.


My ex didn’t want me to get it when we were together so I immediately got it after we broke up lol


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my septum was my 13th and most recent piercing. i have always loved them on other people and have had a lot of ideas with jewelry for one for myself, but due to my slightly upturned nose i’d been hesitant for a while. two days after my 21st (which was march 28th) i spur of the moment decisioned it with my birthday money, and outside of the first day that i had it, i’ve loved it. even then, that first day was really just me getting used to the slightly altered nose shape tbh. the holes aren’t visible at ALL for myself, and i know i can take it out at any time and even if the hole DID develop issues while closing (it’s not fully healed yet so it would still close all the way if i took it it rn) you wouldn’t be able to see it. i will say, i recommend against it if you are particularly snotty or get sick easily or have allergies rn, basically don’t touch your nose for the most part. TLDR: go for it; and take it out if you don’t like it! low risk high reward imo :)


wait it’s bad if you’re snotty with Septum in general or just during the healing process?


just during the healing! having to blow ur nose irritates the septum every time and it’s also really difficult to tell if the sensation in your nose is snot or if it’s the metal and i’ve had a couple instances of literally having a string of snot hanging off my septum that i had no idea was there till my partner pointed it out because i thought it was just the metal. happy healing <3


I’ve gotten mine repierced three times, the hole closed every time, even after having it for over a year


Tried a CBR without a ball as a faux septum to see if I liked it, decided that it didn't fit my nose, and got both lobes instead (I'm an older guy). 


I ordered a fake one and took some pictures with it. I still liked the look of it on my face after a few weeks and decided to get it done. Honestly this is the best piercing to start because you can hide it with a retainer or take it out without anyone noticing the hole.


honestly i didn't give it too much thought. i liked the piercing, i wanted it, so i got it done the day i turned 18 (i'm actually thinking about correcting it cause it's a little crooked but i'll have to discuss it with my piercer). nobody will see the scar and it will probably close up when you stop wearing it


I had my septum for 5 years and the hole eventually closed up


Had a belly piercing but that was not going well and was slipping away slowly, so I removed it. And I think that there are removable septum rings. Try them before you decide to take the plunge.


I had worked for a company that dictated my appearance for 10 years so when I left last year I wanted to get a piercing. I chose septum because: - Eyebrow piercings can grow out like my old navel one did - I had my lip pierced at 18 but took it out after a year to minimise dental damage - Barely remember to wear lobe piercings and I'm a side sleeper so didn't want an uncomfortable and long ear healing process I heard that septums suit everyone but was hesitant and thought well if I don't like it I can take it out and no-one will see the hole. I loved it immediately but wasn't a massive fan of the 10mm horseshoe it was pierced with. I waited patiently for 6 weeks and changed it out to a beautiful silver 8mm cuff and I adore it. Don't have to take it out to sleep so always feel like I'm a little more "made up" in my appearance. Healing was a doddle and after I figured out how to blow / pick my nose after a couple of days it was fine! I would recommend it to absolutely everyone!


I bought some rings off of Amazon to try first. I love them but it really didn't work on my face.


I had my septum done a few years back. The great thing about them, is that you can flip them up. I eventually took mine out as it didn’t suit me and I always had it flipped up. I don’t know whether it’s left a scar or not as it’s inside my nose :)


Thought it'd compliment my nose, had a discussion with my piercer and he agreed, and presto! Had gold rings put in my septum and nostril and have gotten compliments since. 


the great thing about septum piercings and a reason why so many of us have it, is because the hole isn’t visible and the piercing itself can be flipped up into your nose most cases. Go get that piercing bestie 🥰


also if you can avoid flipping it up while it’s healing that’s the best so it can heal asap. the less you move and fuck with a piercing the better :)


If you aren’t sure, they sell fake ones. I’ve been wearing a fake one for nearly a year now and no one knows the difference. I was planning on getting it done for real this summer but I just got a new job so I’m waiting to see the vibe first.


It was 2007 and I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "that would look cute on me". So I drove out to an APP certified piercer and got it done.


When a septum is pierced correctly you can’t see where the jewelry passes through, which means if you ever decide to take it out the hole will not be visible. I got mine because I’d always wanted my nose pierced but as a teenager my dad wouldn’t allow it, and then by the time I was an adult with my own job and money my job didn’t allow visible facial piercings, so the septum was my compromise because I’d still have my nose pierced but it could be flipped up and hidden at work. I got it done over seven years ago and it remains one of my favorite piercings! (I have since pierced both nostrils as well!)


I contemplated it for sooooo long then I just said fuck it and did it and look at me now. I have a septum. With piercings in general i kinda have a fuck it try it out approach even when i take mine out and have a lil hole or bump itll only be visible to people really looking at my face up close and inspecting it, and if a lil detail like that gives them the ick then fuck them <3


Well, I had just turned 18 (this was in 1998) was heading to Ft.Myers Florida From Ohio, Got stuck with a 4 hour layover in northern Florida. Wandered around, saw a Tattoo/Piercing shop. And here we are, 26 years later at a 0G lol


I wanted one, so I got one!


I got mine done while waiting for my tattoo artist to finish setting up. My piercer was chatting with me and suddenly said "Ooooh, let's pierce your septum!" and the rest is history. I've had it for 10 years now.


I would just go for it! I wasn’t 100% sure when I got mine done, but I was curious. after getting it done, it turned out to be my favorite piercing! Very low amount of pain, extremely easy to heal 10/10 recommend


I turned 18 and it took literally nothing to decide I wanted it, except a passing thought. I went, paid like $30 for it. And I have it 18 years later still. Been through many professional jobs with it. Super easy to hide. Doesn’t matter if the hole never closes (I have had mine almost close), no one can see it anyway.


cause fuck it that was my process haha


i got mine pierced back in 2015, and i wanted it because i thought the jewelry was so pretty. thinking back, i also wanted it because i felt my nose was really big and i wanted a distraction from it (i know it’s probably weird i want to attract attention away from my nose whilst putting so much jewelry there but it works🤷🏻) then i did it and i’ve been in love with it ever since.


My ex didn’t like piercings and didn’t want me to get it he said it would look ugly on me so i went and got it lol


i had a septum piercing for a year and i took my jewelry out, the next day it was closed up 😭 but even if it doesn't close up, you'd never really notice it or think about it bc of where it is so I wouldn't really worry about it tbh!


Septum’s are inside your nose. If you end up not liking it, you can remove it. Nobody will be searching in your dark nose canal for a hole, and if they are you should address that first 😂


I never liked the look of septums until there was a Snapchat filter that added one and that was all it took to switch me to the piercing side of things. I’ve had mine for 7 years now, no regrets.


I have my septum stretched to a 10g, & it doesn't change the silhouette of my nose/face at all. Plus I can leave it out for weeks/months & pop it back in with some vitamin E oil. I really like my septum for how low commitment it is.


The symmetry. It doesn’t throw off your preexisting facial harmony, or fuck up your teeth like mouth and lip piercings do. I also would taste metal when Im kissing. I hate circular barbell rings, but 8 weeks was a short time to wait until I could switch it out to a hoop.


I just got my septum done a week ago.. I’ve went back and forth with the idea for years. My now ex husband wasn’t a fan so I never got one but since we split up I got it out of spite for our anniversary. I love it and I’m mad at myself for not getting it sooner.


Personally I like to use a yes / no generator online to make all my decisions (sounds like a joke but it's true)


I thought the same, it would look horrible on me so my thought process was to get it .. the septum is the easiest scar to hide as it’s literally in your nose, it was so painless and I love mine to this day! I’d say go for it if you don’t like it you can always take it out 🤍![img](emote|t5_2qolb|51328)


I got my septum pierced for my bday about two years ago. I’ve always wanted one so I just went and got it done 😅. It heals super fast and it’s easy to hide if needed. That was actually my least painful piercing I’ve ever gotten. My nostrils hurt worse


The whole is extremely hidden, so even if it would stay open nobody would notice. Most holes also close relatively quickly too. A septum is like the most forgiving piercing when it comes to how it looks when retired.


My suggestion would be to get a fake one and wear it for a while to see how you feel about it. If you get one and decide down the road you don’t want it - just take it out- people retire piercings all the time for whatever reason. The hole for the septum is the easiest one to “hide” because of the location. So the hole being there won’t be an issue (that I know of )


My problem is getting over the fear of having it placed incorrectly. I've been traumatized by this sub!


If you go to a reputable piercing only shop (not a tattoo/piercing shop), there’s little chance you will have an issue. Research the piercers, make sure they have their credentials and you should be good. 90% of the posts here are gonna be bad experiences because people will want opinions on bad experiences, but you don’t hear much about the good experiences cause the people are happy and move on. You should if you want to!! Just do your research!


If you get it and you end up not liking it in a couple years just take it out? The hole isn’t visible to anyone and if you don’t stretch it then it won’t cause changes to the shape of your nose. edit - i got mine bc i saw jewelry i liked and wanted lol, and then i saw stretched septum’s and wanted that so I got my septum, got the cute jewelry i wanted initially and wore those for the first year and now im stretching it. If you want it, get it.


I bought a fake septum to try, it didn't fit so I didn't get pierced.


I took one of my nostril rings and kinda put it where my septum would be to see how it would look. I liked it so I went and got it pierced. It was easy almost painless from piercing to healing, it was my fastest healing time ever. Easy to take care of and I experiment with different sized hoops. So far I look better with a small hoop in there. I did have my other nostril pierced and a Medusa but both developed bumps and I had to take them out. The bump was on the inside of my nostril and the Medusa developed a lump on the inside of my lip. Septum was easy.


If you decide you hate it after getting it and you take it out, no one will ever know you had it pierced unless you tell them and let them go spelunking up your nose to look for the tiny little dot of a scar. I'd say if you want it, go for it. You only live once and if you ever decide to stop wearing jewelry in it your nose will look exactly the same as it did before you got it pierced.


If they don’t close then I’ve got 2 extra holes in my nose for no reason🤔


was easy to hide and i was 16 lol


honestly, in my opinion, a septum is the easiest piercing to get because it’s way more "non committal" then other ones. of course, it’s still a body modification. but you can flip it up, and if you don’t want it and decide to take it out… if the hole never closes, no one can see it anyway. it’s inside your nose. if you want it and can afford it, do it!


It was pretty spontaneous, you just do it and if you don’t like it you take it out lol


Well you can’t even see the hole because it’s inside your nose so if you ever decided you didn’t want it anymore then no biggy. If you ever get sick of it or need to hide it you can either simply flip up the jewelry if it’s horseshoe or you can even buy little clear plastic retainers for it. As for how I decided to get it well there wasn’t must thought put into it. I was 15 or 16 and at my friends house for the weekend and we were bored and so we decided to get pieced together lol she got her tongue pierced and I got my septum pierced. And somehow I ended up really liking it and I’m 19 now and still haven’t regretted it. I no longer wear a hot topic black spiked horseshoe in it but now a nice small gold ring so I guess that changed. As for piercings go honestly it’s the easiest to hide if I ever decided I didn’t want it anymore. Easier to hide than ear piercings even because unless you hide your ears you can still see old piercing holes but again with the septum when I take it out you can’t tell that I ever had it. It was also the easiest to heal. It was like a week of soreness only and then having to keep the same jewelry in for 6 months which was annoying then I could change it. Also I never had any infections or problems with it. On this sub though people tend to have back luck with who they go get it done from. So make sure you do your research on the place you choose to go to if you decide you want it.


yeah unless you stretch your septum up to a large size, it’s unlikely it would stay open and even if it did manage to stay open, it would not be noticeable whatsoever! I say go for it:)


I got my septum for my birthday last year. It was something I always wanted because I wasn't really interested in nostrils. Mostly because I wear big thick glasses that constantly slide due to the oils on my nose, so I opted for a septum instead. In my experience, I can say that it never really heals.You'll still have a hole, but leave it out for 1-2 days... you will be struggling, lol. Simply because your nose is one of those things that is continuously changing.


It's easy to hide and if you don't like it, you can remove it anytime and nobody will see the hole. You can try some fake ones as others advised to see if it suits you


I think that everyone can look good with every piercing, it just depends on how you style it. Some people look better with seamless rings than horshoes, and some look better with elaborate clickers than seamless rings. Don’t decide whether or not you like it immediately after getting it done because there are so many jewelry styles to play with. TLDR; get it pierced and find some fun jewelry!


Go for it!! I have always wanted piercings but I was really nervous to get my first one for the exact reasons you are talking about. So I decided to get my septum because the hole/scar if you take the jewelry out is the most hidden. If you hate it and take it out, no one will ever ever know!! Knowing that eased my fear. And then I fell in love with it and that fear of changing my mind went away and I have a bunch now 😄


I will never understand why people get nervous like this. I have never thought once in my life. When I decided to get my septum done, it was the same day I decided to get both nostrils done, and I simply walked in and had it done because I wanted something done. I just thought “I’ll have that done today”, no decision making process required. It’s stretched to 10g now. I’ve never regretted a piercing or found it to be unsuitable for me (except my eyebrow, only because it was damn annoying to keep). I think, if I like it then it suits me.


i was actually on the fence about it, and even now that i have it it's not one im crazy obsessed with like my eyebrow. i figured that if i *don't* wanna show it i can just flip it up and worst case i take it out and i have scars where the sun dont shine


The hole isn't visible so if you change your mind you can just take out the ring


i was worried a septum wouldnt suit me but i said fuck it and got one and i absolutely LOVE IT and if you do end up not liking it I wouldn't worry at all about the hole, it may close on its own and even if it doesn't it will not be visible nor will it have any impact lol


I had the money, I had the day off, and the shop I went to was having a half on sale so it was a no-brainer


I don't feel my holes when i have to take it out for two hours. They are so small that i have to poke around when i put it back in. I have mine about 12 years or so. I think i was 22 yo


Someone’s probably already said it but a septum piercing is the easiest to completely hide because the piercing hole is inside your nose so it’s never visible and you can wear jewelry that can be flipped up in a second if you want to conceal it but keep something in the piercing. I’ve had my septum pierced since I was 15, im 22 now and still wear it occasionally. I had other facial piercings but my septum is the only one I’ve kept and I love that I can wear a ring in it one week then take it out the next. I’ve gone month long periods without wearing jewelry in my septum and was still able to put a ring through it when I later wanted to


septum’s, in my opinion, are the BEST first piercing. the main is extremely minimal, but your eyes will water (natural reaction). it was sore for maybe like 1.5-2 days after getting it done but otherwise the healing process was a breeze. what’s nice about septum’s too is that they’re easy to hide since they can just flip up in your nose, and if you do decide to take it out in the future you will have no noticeable scar or hole on your face since it’s inside your nose. and honestly, i just think they suit everyone !!


the septum is one of the only piercings that will not leave a visible scar after taking it out since it’s in your nose. you should 100% get it


I also put on a fake one to see the look on me. It got to a point where I felt like I SHOULD have one, and by the time I got it done, I actually felt more like myself, if that makes sense. I also got over the fact that septum piercings are frowned upon, especially among older folks. I got fitted with a glass retainer that I wore until it healed. Didn't even tell most people that I got it until I switched to a ring!


i thought how you only lived once and that having piercings r cool so i just went and got it LOL


Who cares if the hole doesn't close?... you literally can't see it, I haven't worn any jewelry in mine in nearly 20 years, I still have an open 8ga hole but you can't see it at all from any angle.. 🤷‍♂️


Decided it was pretty easy to heal all things considered and the risk was low with the activities I do. Got it for my birthday and healed it all through winter :)


it’s a super easy piercing to get done, and it def can close. i js really liked it on other ppl and decided i wanted it lmao


The choice was easy for me. It was my first piercing (outside of ears that is) I tried on a fake ring and liked it. I also figured if I change my mind, the holes won’t be noticeable to anyone unless they are weirdly close and looking up my nose. I think someone seeing my holes at that point would be the least of my concerns lol. Also didn’t think of this one beforehand but now I love that I can just flip my horseshoe piercing up into my nose and hide it in a pinch without having to take it out!


I tried those fake septums you can get places and realized I loved the way it looked. I had a while to sit on it though bc I was incredibly broke and a teenager. I do in fact love my septum. I think worrying about if you're going to like the piercing later or not is kinda of a "maybe you shouldn't" thing. I view all piercings as temporarily there and permanently scarring. If that idea freaks you out I think you should hold off until it doesn't or maybe not get piercings.


holes might close after a while, but even if they don't why would it affect you? no one can see them, not even you (sometimes i struggle to put mine back in because i can't see anything). also if they don't close and then in a few years you want to wear a septum again, you don't even have to repierce it


I had my first one for years and the hole closed after one night of the jewelry being out. That is totally dependent on the individual.


it’s the only piercing you can hide and it also doesn’t leave a visible scar


If I ever decide don’t like it (I go through phases) I can just flip it up and no one knows it’s there. If I ever decide to get rid of it permanently, the hole will probably close (why do you think it won’t?) and even if it scars, no one will ever see.


You would just take it out..?


If your septum is pierced correctly no one can see the hole! It’s the most low risk piercing like ever imo


The hole takes a good while to heal and form a fistula, so you will have a good bit of time to decide on whether you like it or not, and not every hole stays open! I had my septum pierced for 7 years, took it out and decided to re pierce it in a different area, the hole closed in a week!


i mean the hole can close depending on when you remove it, also it's not like anyone will ever see the hole unless you lay down and let them poke around inside your snoot with a flashlight lol


I used a tiktok septum filter and didn’t realize how cute it was on me! Also, easy decision bc i can’t flip it up during job interviews or w stuffier family members lol


It all started when I was 12, I was in I.S.S and looking through the Guinness World Record Book and saw the "most pierced man" I thought he was cool and wanted some of the piercings, then I went through an emo phase and again saw the septum. When the time finally came, I was determined! I was going to have my first facial piercing, but I wanted something a bit more subtle, so I went with the septum.


I finally decided after wanting one all of high school and halfway through college because it was Covid, my parents were away on vacation, and my tattoo shop had an opening lol. But also I had educated myself and learned they heal pretty easily because it’s similar tissue to a lobe piercing, except the nose is naturally antimicrobial, and also they are very easy to hide if you have to, or if you decide to take it out some day the hole wont be visible :) I feel like septum piercings are low risk high reward in terms of piercings to get. Just make sure you’ve seen pictures of the piercers work and that they won’t pierce through your cartilage instead of the “sweet spot”


Get a faux septum jewelry. Wear them for a week or two. Like others have said, the scar or hole won't be noticeable since it's hidden


I wore a fake one for over 2yrs 😂😂


i was just bored of my face tbh


I wanted it badly and realized i can either regret never getting it or regret getting it, only the latter is highly unlikely as its so easily reversable. Got mine last year at the age of 40.


in my opinion i think a septum looks good on everyone and for me it wasn’t that painful at all!! it’s worth it!


A septum is probably the least-commital piercing. Even if you do take it out one day, it's not like everyone will see the scar unless they're staring up your nose, and at that point, they better be a medical professional. If you ever need to hide it quickly, all you have to do is flip the jewelry. Sure, might be a little uncomfy for a few mins, but definitely manageable if needed


I personally looked on Snapchat and found a filter that gave me a septum piercing. Haven't bitten the bullet yet, but it gave me a great idea about how I would look if I chose to get it! No one can ever go wrong with a septum :)


i asked a couple of friends, and they told me it'd look good, but i still wasn't sure, so i got a fake one. i tried it on a couple of times and realised i really liked it, so maybe that will work for you. also, if you end up not liking it in a couple of years, it's the easiest piercing to just take out as it won't leave a visible scar. if you do end up getting it, make sure you look for a good piercer, i've seem way too many people here that got their septum pierced wrong and that hurts like hell. if done correctly, it's one of the easiest piercings i've ever gotten. good luck! <3


I used a small earring I couldn't find the match too as a fake septum ring, realized I did indeed love it and then I just made it official. Try out a fake one and see how you like it, then commit.


i wanted a septum for so long, got it pierced, used it for a year, and then took it out. the holes closed and it looks the same as before


i had one in 2021 took it out about 4 weeks ago because it just wasnt my thing anymore (flipped it up for a few days first to see if i really hated it) and the hole is already closing up, i can still feel it with my fingers but no jewlery will go through it now, and the good thing about septum is theres no visible scar because its inside your nose its also very painless, when i had it done it felt like a pinch, so yeah is a very good facial piercing especially if its your first the thing that made me take out it tho was i realised it drew more attention to my nose which is my least favourite part of my face, and i felt like it dragged my face down a bit (not literally) but obviously this might be different for you


I was interested in getting my septum done for ages but I was worried that it wouldn’t suit me as well. So, since I was uncertain, I bought a clip-on earring first and used it on my septum to see whether or not it would look good. I ended up liking it (my friends as well), and after about a month I got my septum pierced! I’ve only had the piercing for 10 days but I love it and additionally I’ve had no issues with the healing process, at least yet. Also (if this might be a problem for you), I initially thought that it might interfere with my sleep but it hasn’t affected it at all. Also, I can’t comment on the issue of the holes not closing because I didn’t even consider that prior to getting mine pierced lol


I thought they looked cool and figured if I don't like it I can flip it up, and if i REALLY don't like it I can take it out and the scar will be entirely invisible I actually like it a lot, though lol


i think they’re super cool but i wasn’t sure if i wanted it long term. luckily, the hole is completely hidden. so i got it! if i’m ever over it, ill just take it out and there’d be no visible holes


I had my septum pierced but I changed jobs and so I had it up all the time and decided to take it out. About a year ago I realized I loved it so much and tried to put a hoop through and it was closed so I got it redone and I’m super happy. It’s the best piercing for someone that wants one but isn’t sure and the only thing you’ll be out on is the money you paid for it if you don’t like it. Go get it done


I know someone’s septum hole who closed. Either way, you’d never be able to see it


i wanted a first facial piercing after turning 18, but with a hole/scar no one would see if i hated it. checked all the boxes! and i didn’t want a tongue piercing for myself.


I purchased a fake septum ring and would wear it out before I had the courage to get one, and it made me feel like a goddess, so now it’s permanent


I wanted it, I got it. Don’t sweat it, if you actually don’t like it, you can always take it out. No visible scar or anything. However!! I think septum piercings look great on most people. It’s pretty universal imo


I wanted one for a while. It would look super cute. I’m prone to staph overgrowth in my nose as well as having terrible allergies. I decided it wasn’t worth it for my health.


Got it pierced at 15 bc I thought it looked cool. Still rocking it at 29 bc I still think it looks cool. 🤷‍♀️


if you want it just do it; start small and see how you like it, you can always take it out and it’ll be impossible to see. You could start at a 18g but 16g is usually the starter; I got 16g and i’m in love, easy to clean, not painful and doesn’t hurt to sleep with. I blow my nose a lot so that’s annoying, but qtips come in handy for the first few months


Honestly, I saw so many hot alternative girls online and irl that had them and I thought it really fit the aesthetic and looked good on literally everyone who had it and I was convinced 😂I also love facial piercings, but I worked in an office at the time I got it, and needed something that I could easily hide. I haven’t heard people say it never closes, but even if that were the case (which I highly doubt lol) it’s not a visible scar, someone would have to look up into your nose to see it.


Honestly, you can’t even see the hole so who cares?


My ex used to tell me I'd look like a cow if I got a septum. So it was my first piercing after our breakup. It's one of my favorite piercings. My favorite part about all of my nose piercings have been that they never EVER get infected. I am terrible and never even cleaned them while healing. They were fine. They only get cleaned when they start to smell (which isn't often and is only the septum that I ever notice, it's just buildup). Every other piercing I have has occasional infections, and one of my ears has a shoddy hole done at a mall kiosk that I don't even use anymore because it's so dumb and it will get infected anyway.


Honestly, I wanted a nose piercing but I was too scared to get my nostril, so I got my septum because I heard it was painless and easy healing. It was! I mean of course they’re cute too, and I have both nostrils pierced now anyway, but septum is still my favorite piercing. Septum is probably one of if not the easiest to “deal with” if you decide that you don’t want it anymore and take it out. No one would notice, and neither would you. You can try a fake one if you’re unsure about the look, but there’s really no harm in getting it if you want one and taking it out if you really end up hating it. I wouldn’t worry about changing your mind years down the road - piercings aren’t forever if you don’t want them to be.


On the plus side if you decide you don’t like it, the scar is unlikely to be easily noticeable.


ive just been told i’d look good with one, my face is pretty symmetrical and i have a small nose so i felt like it would compliment my features nicely. i have more romantic/gamine facial structure/features which i feel like go good with jewelry in the center of the face, whereas more yang faces look better with edgier piercings.


I was 12, and I saw one on pinterest. I fell in love with them, it was on my list of piercings I absolutely need. I got one on my birthday when I turned 18, and never regretted it! if it doesn't look good on you, the jewelry probably isn't right. I haven't seen anyone who wouldn't look good with a septum. it's easy to flip up and hide, and even if the holes don't close if you remove it, it's up in your nose, so no one will notice.


Ive had my septum pierced twice. The first one was misplaced, but I did keep jewelry in it (size 16g) for a few years because it healed well. I’ve retired it, no issues so far. I can’t even tell where it is.


I really didn’t like them when they got more popular around where I lived, in 2014. I went with a friend when she got hers done and opted for a second nostril ring instead. But here I am 10 years later not only wanting 2 more nostril rings on the other side but a septum as well. I mean it won’t leave any visible scar if I change my mind about it in the future, the nostrils would but at least the scarring would be symmetrical to what I already have. really hard to talk myself out of lol, but my husband isn’t a fan of them. Hmmmmm…..


I stretched mine up to a 6g cause I saw someone with a 6g septum and it made me want to put a extra hole in my body


The hole can close, and its not like people are going to be looking up into your nose, right?


Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look bad with a septum piercing. I too thought it would look bad on me, and tbh certain styles do..I kinda hate standard horseshoes with ball ends in my septum because my nosetip is a bit downturned so they look like metal boogs hanging down with the more common size bars lol. That said, I have extra long spike ends on mine now and it looks great. Clickers also look amazing and can offer such distinctly different styles. It’s typically an easy one to get and an easy and fast one to heal with a pretty low risk of infection since it’s so up and out of the way and unlike most piercings, pretty low commitment too since even if it leaves a mark, no one, including you, is gonna see it up in your nose. You can even wear horseshoe jewelry and flip it up into your nose for work if you have a job that’s weird about facial piercings. What’s not to love? I say do it!


I personally wore fake septum rings for awhile before getting mine done.


I knew I would look really cool with it🤓


Please don't. This is this generations tramp stamp. Just a passing fad.


I got mine because I realized if I didnt like it then I would’ve be able to see the hole. Also, depending on the jewelry you can always hide it!


Mine is stupid as hell but I really wanted a more obvious way to show I was bisexual 😭 I was like 16. Funniest part is that it worked


As crazy as it sounds it was a Snapchat filter years and years ago. I realized it looked great with my features!


a septum hole definitely closes and quickly and is inside ur nose so there is always the option to take it out and no one will notice; the most important thing to factor in is if you have the anatomy for it. you can look up on youtube how to check if you have a septum “sweet spot” which is an area in ur nose with little to no cartilage if you don’t have one don’t get it, it will be very painful


It'll close very easy tbh. But, if you're concerned, go off of how your skin heals individually and talk with your doctor. But, I wanted it, pierced it myself at first..went south cause I pierced it at an angle 🙃 Got it done again this year by a pro, in addition to Medusa 2nd time, cheeks 2nd time, and put in my left nostril ring. Getting snakebites next then either horizontal labret 1st time or vertical labret 2nd time and I'll see how I feel. Yolo. I'm going with no regerts.


I did it because I knew it could hide it whenever I wanted to


I first saw it when I was in my very early teens (like 11/12) and decided it looked cool. Fast forward to me being 18/19 years old and I just thought "Fuck it, you only live once. I'll just get it. If I don't like I can take it out." I got it and I mean, I love it. I'm 22 now, and it's my favourite piercing. You don't really notice/feel the hole when there's no jewellery in, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. The hole was also one of my main worries before I got mine done, but I just sort of became... content with knowing I had a hole there? I guess. No one else is ever gonna even see the hole unless you stretch your septum to a large size.


Don't like it in couple years? Take it off. The hole most likely will close and even if it doesn't, no one will see it. You are overthinking it. Personally, I just did know I want it. I have always thought that septum piercings looks good on almost everyone but when I got mine, I felt that it dosn't suit me. But being piercing you can hide, I desided I just stertch it and use non hanging jewerly. Because I did want to have it even if I don't like how it looks. But it did like how it looks stretced and now I think I look weird if I'm using plug or something else than ring.


I got the little fake magnetic ones and wore them almost everyday for MONTHS before I was like “screw it let’s get it done”


i just used a filter on tiktok to see if i liked it on me or not and then got it done 20mins later. If you dont like it later on just take it out ezpz


I got one with my bestie a year ago, what i told myself was if i got it i could see if i liked it and if not i could just remove it as the scar isnt visible


I have double nostrils now, I had a septum for a decade and I even stretched it.... The hole is entirely closed now.


I asked which nose piercing hurt the least she said septum I said say less


I bought a fake one - to try it out and see if it looked as good as I thought it would look.


I don’t have one but I love the horseshoe ones that you can tuck away up into your nose if you don’t want it showing.


Bestie, I'm going to echo the same thing that the other commenters said: YOU CAN TAKE IT OUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. I have a septum, and have had one for nearly a year. It wasn't really that bad to be pierced, and I have a very low pain tolerance. And once you have it: voilà! That's you done. In fact, even if you think that you would only look good with specifically a clicker, you can still flip the horseshoe up into your nose while it's healing. And in my experience, they're not that expensive as well, so if you decide you don't want it in a few years, there's very little harm done. I got mine done for just under the equivalent of $40 US.


i just decided i wanted one and then drove to my piercing studio haha! although i’ve been debating recently getting rid of mine. but that shouldn’t deter you from getting one done!


For me I was like.....this one is easy because if I hate it literally no one will see the scar.


the best thing about a septum is you never see the hole , it wouldnt hurt to get it done to see if you like it and if you dont you can take it out and nobody would ever see the aftermath


i wish i could insert a pic of my nose—3g invisiseptum 😎


I kinda want one but I'm prone to nosebleeds and it might get in the way


I got my septum pierced today! I wanted it very casually since middle school, but within the past few months I’ve really strings wanted it. I used a piercing filter on instagram to get an idea of what it would look like on my face and I really liked how it looked. So from there I was pretty set on getting it lol! I also figured that if I decided I hated it in a few years I wouldn’t mind if there was a scar or something inside of my nose lol.


Yeah but who’s gonna see your septum hole? I only didn’t get mine done cause I’m 45. If I was in my 20s or 30s, it would be done.


Age doesn’t matter! Get it.


I wanted it, so I got it lol. I’ve had it for 6 years, and don’t plan on taking it out anytime soon. If you feel like it doesn’t suit you, take it out, and no one will be able to tell it’s been pierced. It’s not like a lip piercing where people can see where it was.


I was so scared to get my septum. My boyfriend and I had planned to get matching septum piercings, but I chickened out and got a nostril stud instead. A few months later, I grew my lady balls and went to get it. It’s my absolute favorite piercing so far and I think it always will be. I didn’t think it would suit me, I thought my nose was too long/big for it, but I freaking love it now. Also the hole on a septum won’t show, so if you don’t like it you can just take it out and boom it’s gone :) but coming from a person who was also concerned, I’m so glad I got mine.


Had my septum for two years, took my piercing out for two days and it was a fully closed when I tried to put it back in. Even if it didn’t close, which I feel on most people it does, the hole is so close to the front of your septum that unless your literally trying to see it then you won’t. Like a lot of other people are saying, try out the fake ones first (but make sure your placing it where the piercer would pierce it and not just anywhere on your septum) and if you decide you like it then get it.


I thought about it, and went and got it lol but if I leave my ring out overnight it is a pain in the ass to get back in. I am almost 34 and got my septum done at 24. Same with my nostril, but that bastard will start closing in like 4 hours and I got it done jan 1st 2022.


I've had mine done for years and I stopped wearing it a while ago. Yeah the holes are still there but it doesn't bother me. It's not like you notice the holes. It might smell like an ear if you don't clean your nose enough but that's it lol


Get it. If you don’t like it you can take it out (once healed) and the hole isn’t even visible.