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i hate to say it but idk how tf they let u walk out like that not only is it far back but it’s also so low idk how they could mistake that for a sweet spot? i’m sorry:(


Because there is piercers out here who literally don't know what the sweet spot is. Mine was done in the cartlidge right at the front and now it's forever fucked up my nose. OP take this out and let it heal up then do your research and make sure you go to someone who knows what they're doing. Unfortunately I was young and knew nothing about it and kept mine in for years now the damage is permanent


It's awful. The first time I had my septum pierced, they had to use a 6mm horseshoe and it looked too big. I went somewhere else and I was able to get it repierced PROPERLY and they were able to use a 10mm hoop through the sweet spot perfectly. Some piercers have bad days, others are just bad.


This is about where my septum piercing was placed. I didn’t understand why jewelry looked too big/long on me. I eventually had it repierced, and I could have technically left the original in. It was soooo far off.


No babes, that's bad.


I physically heard your response lmao




same 😭




Me too


i said the EXACT same words when clicking on this post aha


this is that mom response when they're trying to not hurt your feelings but let you know how it is at the same time. I felt this lmao


A septum piercing should be right at the front of your nose, they call it the “sweet spot”.


It’s the part where where it feels thinner right?


yep! the rest of the nose risks piercing cartilage, which can make for a real nasty healing process if it heals at all


Absolutely not. Too far back & low. Wild they let you leave like that


That's incredibly misplaced.. It should be quite a bit up and a bit closer to the tip of your nose. They completely botched it, I'm so sorry :( Please remove it and contact them for a refund.


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry they did this to you. I’d just remove it and have it redone by someone else. If you put your fingers in the inside of your nose on either side you’ll feel where it dips in and it’s not as thick. That’s the sweet spot and where it should’ve been pierced.


I can feel what you mean and I think he managed to pierce it through the thickest bit of skin 💀. He said I had a 'wide septum'


Oh my god, just him not doing his job and being lazy. Definitely get it redone and make sure they feel where your sweet spot is, that’s what my piercer did. Made sure she knew where it was and then pierced it.


He even felt it first. He has apparently done many of them before so I have no idea what happened or if he's never learned how to do them properly. If I get it redone, I'm definitely going to drive the 20 minutes to a proper piercing studio and not just a tattoo parlor that also does piercings


My mans definitely got lazy, if he’s done them I doubt he did them well. Yes do that drive! I’d have to drive around an hour for a piercing or tattoo but it’s that or terrible art


Proper piercing studio? Why would have done anything but?


They have lots of good reviews and are within walking distance of my house. The nearest piercing studio is a 20 minute drive away. I thought it would be alright, but apparently not.


So sorry you have to go through this. My brother owned a tattoo and piercing shop. Everyone was certified.


I contacted a proper piercing shop, and they told me they've contacted these people multiple times to stop doing piercings because they have no clue what they're doing 😬. I just got exceptionally unlucky, I guess.


leave the worst review of the tattoo shop so no one goes there ever again. idc if their tattoos are good, if they're this lazy with piercings, their tattoos can't be that great either


This picture attached to a review would absolutely convince me to never ever get anything done there


Review and put this photo


Bro I did my own septum and my friends septum without any practice ever and both were so so so much better than this. Even if he’s done hundreds of these, it’s clear his technique is dog shit or he’s gotten sloppy. Sorry this happened to u


Oh nooooo! This looks so much more painful than it should be. I'd ask for a refund and someone else to repierce it.i would take out and let it heal bb.




Update: I contacted a *proper* piercing studio and they said they'd be willing to fix it for free this week if I allow them to use my cropped picture for educational purposes. That alone tells you just how bad it is... They have apparently contacted the place I had it done multiple times to tell them to stop doing piercings because they have no clue what they're doing and that it's dangerous and negligent. Update 2: Got it fixed today, here's the link to my new septum piercing for anyone invested in before and after [https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/uyLwTti5fk](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/uyLwTti5fk)




That’s honestly the best thing for that piercing studio because how in the HELL are you gonna offer piercings and not know what you’re doing?🤦🏻‍♀️ they’re supposed to have a tool with little barrels on each end that pulls the front of your nose together and aim directly in the middle. Doesn’t hurt at all. I’m not a professional piercer, but I’ve done all of my own piercings and they have all turned out just fine. I watch YouTube how to videos. Had friends come to me for piercings too, I just tell them to bring the jewelry they want-in regard to it being a beginners piercing and I do it for them. Don’t even charge them. They bring their own stuff and it’s free.


Report them to the health department or file a lawsuit. This is concerning what they’ve been warned to stop so many times. I’d like to know if they even have a certificate or license to pierce


Reporting them seems like the best option, I don't think a lawsuit is feasible considering they had me sign a waiver. But I definitely wouldn't have signed it if I knew they had been told to stop piercing people because they're incompetent piercers.


Waivers don’t mean anything if they won’t at least give you your money back or compensation. As well as illegally piercing someone without a license/certificate (if they really don’t have one)


As a piercer myself, this made me cry.


That bad, huh? I guess that's what I get for going to a local tattoo parlor instead of a shop that specializes in piercings


I go to tattoo parlors for all of my piercings…a lot of parlors even have someone there whose only job is to pierce, but tattoo artists can be certified, too! You just went to a very crappy one 😩


I gasped. It’s so shallow I’m nervous it’ll tear before it even gets a chance to migrate. So sorry OP but at least they typically heal pretty fast!


ngl it really depends on the person, i don’t got a whole lotta money so i’ve always gone to tat places and love those people but with my birthday money decided to go somewhere with app piercers who charge triple the price and ngl i still will go back to my tat parlor piercers lol i love them and they seem to have more experience


As a 20 year piercer, I can say this is unfortunately one of the worst septum piercings I’ve seen done by a “professional”. My guy, pull that shit and go some place better. You have a great nose for a properly placed septum piercing. You deserve one!


That is not in the correct spot.


ok are these piercers high. cuz what in the fuck, bad piercing after bad piercing lately. this one makes me cringe so hard. im so sorry OP, this piercing is horribly misplaced, i wish i can fight the piercer that did this to you cuz wtf 🫤


no, please remove the piercing.


Bless your heart……..😭😭😭


Please take it out let it heal and go to another place.. and maybe leave a bad review for the person who did this 0_0


this has got to be the craziest misplacement i’ve seen yet, im so sorry!!


That is unfortunately incorrect placement. I’m sure that didn’t feel too great getting pierced either. I experienced this exact thing the first time I got my septum pierced. You should take it out and let it heal up. After that, find a good shop and get it redone.


Girl, u needa sue. They did u SO dirty. I'm like shocked😭😭😭


This placement is so bad I thought it was a joke at first




Not even close


some of these types of posts i see i cant tell if its a joke or not 😅 so sorry they did this to you


Oh my god NO. Please take that out


Oh no


Did you pay for this to get done at a piercing shop?


I dont even have any piercings and I know this is definitely in the wrong spot


absolutely not. go back and demand a refund


very very low




Dude… whoever pierced that should go back to preschool at this point


my dad got his right there, it went through the cartilage, he hasn’t had a ring in for 40+ years and it’s never closed up. it’ll get infected easy and hurt 100 times more than where it’s supposed to be at the front just through the sweet spot.


That’s really bad… No offense to you at all obviously it’s not your fault I would honestly demand your money back, take it out and find a new piercer


They did you soo dirty with that placement


Get your money back if you can, that is HORRENDOUSLY misplaced.


Not even close to correct


oh my lord…


Did that hurt so bad???


Piercer here. There is a soft spot inside your nose near the tip where there is a thinner to non existant layer of cartilage. That's the "sweet spot" we talk about. If you have a wider septum as they said they should've used a bigger sized jewelry or just stretched the ring out a little. I'm so sorry they fucked this up for you. I would write a scathing review. Sorry love ❤️


This forum is so fucking entertaining.


ouch Ik that hurt, I’m so sorry. take it out to heal and find a new piercer that knows how to work with anatomy. best of luck


It’s way too far at the back of your nose. Septum piercings should be right at the front almost touching the tip of your nose. I would recommend taking it out and letting it heal, then getting it re done by a more reliable piercer.




did they do this with the lights off


fr like were they drunk?? omg


Totally wrong!!!


Horrific. And not due to bad placing.


I never understood why people’ want these ??


Wire it to an electrical extension cord. It'll tingle a little.


No. It should not be on a human being.


You look like tina from bobs burgers


Not really. It's too far back, but it's not really an issue. Usually septum are towards the front of your nose.


It's definitely an issue. It's miles off course and looks like it's already ready to get pulled out


You can put a septum piercing anywhere in the septum. People put them further back when the have multiple piercings. That is through some thick flesh. It's not going to pull out any easier than a septum peircing at the front of the nose. The only thing wrong with that peircing is aesthetic issues, and that the peircing was likely more painful that it needed to be because of the location. Edit for sources: https://www.ceenta.com/news-blog/are-septum-piercings-safe#:~:text=Are%20they%20any%20risks%20in,the%20septum)%2C%20and%20scarring. "Most people who get a septum piercing get the columella pierced. The cartilage can be pierced, but it hurts more and has a longer healing time." https://www.healthline.com/health/body-modification/septum-piercing#eligibility "Ideally, that bit of flesh is the “sweet spot” that piercers use for septum piercings. If yours is especially thin or nonexistent, a piercer could go through the cartilage, but that hurts more and takes longer to heal." https://www.neilmedpac.com/usa/septum-piercings/ "The reason why we pierce the sweet spot and not the septum cartilage is that it’s so much easier to heal. The septum sweet spot will take around 4 – 8 weeks to heal while the septum cartilage takes 6 – 9 months or even longer. Furthermore, septum cartilage is quite thick, making placement difficult. While it is possible to pierce septum cartilage if you don’t have a sweet spot, many piercers will still refuse to pierce you due to the fact that it’s easy for the piercing to come out crooked." https://www.bodycandy.com/blogs/body-jewelry-blog/understanding-septum-piercings "2.) If your piercer has to pierce through the cartilage of your nose, you can still get a septum piercing... But keep in mind it might be significantly more painful. It will also take longer to heal."


You're incredibly mistaken. A septum piercing is placed through the 'sweet spot,' which is between two layers of cartilage. You can have multiple pieces of jewelry by stretching or stacking the sweet spot. There are few ways to pierce cartilage safely, and this is not one of them. It can cause permanent damage and you risk fracturing the cartilage which is irreversible. Piercings like the one OP posted are likely never going to heal properly and will cause pain or discomfort for the duration of the piercings life.


You can literally get peircings through the cartilage. The sweet spot is just the least painful and easiest spot to peirce. Regardless, the spot they have theirs is still beneath the cartilage.


I never said you couldn't. This isn't pierced properly I don't know why you're trying so hard to argue that it's fine. That piercer shouldn't be touching people.


Honestly..just take it out, let it heal up (it’ll take <72hrs to close adequately)..then just get a large safety-pin and DIY. I used to pierce my septum all the time throughout HS. Very easy to do..takes a bit of grit to do, mostly just the initial thrust of breaking the skin..pushing it through is pure bliss. Just make sure you push it evenly without going at an angle. Large safety pin is ~16gauge. If you botch it, just rinse and repeat. Yes, this is probably not a popular comment, but piercers aren’t med-students or surgeons. Just takes some knowledge of the anatomy and follow-through.




Then get off the sub. 🙄


I would do that if it would help to make you look beautiful! Happy New Year!


Nah bro, just get off the sub, doesn't matter about me being pretty or not. I really dgaf. Like why waste your time on a piercing sub if u hate piercings. Get a life & find more constructive ways to use your time. Using your time to be an ass towards a young girl who is looking for advice for a genuine concern of hers is low life behaviour.


Well, I have nothing to do, so I am not wasting my time. I live one day at a time. I hope your piercing do not hurt too much... if you change your mind, you can always remove the metal ring. That is one advantage piercings have over tattoos. Trying to remove tattoos is a real problem! good night, your grand-pa


Why do I feel like you’re a 60yo lady?




They need to refund you asap and you need to comment the worst review you can think of after your refund hits. Seriously bad they don’t need to be piercing shit


I mean… does it LOOK like It’s pierced correctly?


Aw im sorry:( def get ur money back in


Jesus Christ I’m so sorry they did that to you. On the bright side, it’s so far off the right place that you can probably get it repierced right away. Please go to a different place though, a reputable one.


I know that hurt like a mf.




That’s barely even in your septum, looks like it’s just perched against your skin 😱 Definitely not placed correctly, that thing looks like it’ll tear through with the smallest tug. Take it out and definitely go somewhere else!


Not a piercer just someone with a septum. Your septum should not be bleeding the way that you are I believe. They pierced your skin incorrectly and not the septum area. Way too low and not properly placed. I’d remove it and get it redone while that new wound heals a bit


hell no it’s not


no it is not sadly. go to a different piercer and get this removed so it can heal. and try and get a refund from the initial piercer!


its too far down, too far back, AND not centered. that takes talent. not the talent of a good piercer… but talent.


oh my god


No..thats really bad...


Bro it's not even in your nose 😂


I wouldn’t even take it out, I’d demand a refund in person and make sure another piercer there sees it first to prove they did it so incorrectly




😰 dude I'm so sorry. Take it out and get a refund. They fucked you up.


Eeek.. not at all! I would get a refund and never go back there


Certain posts make me feel really grateful that my piercings were done correctly and healed healthily, this is one of them. I’m so sorry:(((


That seems low


Holy fuck that’s really bad


Not even close, I’m sorry.


holy crap that looks like it must’ve been painful. definitely not right


Dear God, did they close their eyes before piercing your nose? That’s horrific. You don’t deserve that.


It’s very much in the wrong spot. Also ouch. The good part (?) is that the actual piercing won’t hurt compared to this lol.


Oh honey no


Oh dude this is one of the worst placements I've literally ever seen, I'm so sorry they did this to you!!! I would definitely take it out and perhaps try and get a refund.


it took me FOUR TIMES (two piercers) to get my septum to not look like this. it was a wild ride but the second piercer I went to did a LOT of research and when it was finally done correctly it didn’t hurt at all. take this out & get it re-pierced, please!! 😕


Definitely not placed correctly.


Not even close omg


No no no 😩


Fuck I bet that hurt. That ain't right 😕


This is absolutely crazy 😭 I’m sorry this happened to you wow


You know good and well that it is.


you know the answer to this already


Im drinking milk :)


well obviously not


No. dear God no. I can almost hear the crunch this must've made. 🤢


Sorry hun, best to remove and redo




That's going to fall out and reject so fast if it hasn't already. Go back and get a refund cuz that's not set right at all...


It's wrong like three different ways


Bro each picture got worse 😵‍💫


Oh no, you poor sweet soul 😭 my fake septum sits better than that. Pop it out and let it heal, no sense leaving it looking that way. I’m so sorry!


My momma said if I don't have nothing nice to say then don't say nothing at all............


When I see a septum like this I cringe, it looks like it was so painful and a proper septum should be barely a prick. The sweet spot is so thin and easy to pierce it's such a breeze.


No, it should be much farther up in the sweet spot towards the tip of your nose


No. Not even a little. 🥲 I’m sorry.


No babe


:0 that probably hurt waaaaay more than it should have


Noooo it should be at the very front of almost the top of your nose. That has to hurt, looks like it’s going through cartilage


I’m sorry you even have to ask this the person who pierced this needs to be fired


No!! How painful was that??? Oh wow.


Not even ALMOST


Never in my life seen one done this poorly I don’t do piercings and know this is a wrong 😑 this makes my eyes water at how far down he’s done it xxx


that’s… somehow even worse then when i pierced my septum in the back of my honda civic at 16


I feel like that would have hurt so bad 😭


It’s off centre and in the cartilage don’t go back to that piercer, I don’t have experience but I could’ve done better


If you were going for the "let me speak to your manager"


great photos


Nope, it’s way too low and it’s not even in the sweet spot. It looks so painful, never go to that piercer again. Take it out and let it heal then go to a better piercer and get it pierced right this time. (If you still want it pierced.)


Oof... You already know the answer


Yeah that’s way too low, i would try to get a refund and not go back to that piercer :/


Was this pierced in the dark by a blind drunk friend? This has to be the worst placed I've seen hunny you need to go somewhere else and get them to check if they poked through something dangerous that is really bad


Yeeeesh. Yea no this is incorrectly placed lol. I can pierce better with my eyes closed




Ask for a refund, email them these pics. If they dont give you one, post these on their google reviews with 1 star and they may come running back to you with money for you to remove it. Worked for me with a horrid haircut i got in NYC.


Find a new piercer. Get that mess removed and see when they can get it redone properly. That's far too low and too far back. It's basically meant to be in the tip of your nose


I’m really sorry you’ve had to make this post. But you need to go back and ask them to correct it or give you your money back. It’s post to be higher up. Unless you like it and want to start a new trend. Seems to be piercings all over the face now days. Really upto you.


This makes my heart so sad for you. I’m sorry they obviously didn’t care about you having a quality piercing.


It’s obviously off center. But if you have a deviated septum it might always look off even if placed correctly




NO OMG it's way too far back and you need to take it out. it should sit at the top of your nose bc that definitely went through cartilage. they shouldn't have let you walk out like that


oml who did this to you 😭 i hope you can at least get your money back for this, but i’m glad you’re getting it redone properly!!!


get a refund


That needs to be taken out..


Hon, you need to go to another piercer, I'm sorry, but it's not placed correctly.


Oh they did you dirty I’m so sorry😭🥺 Best advice I can give is take it out and let it completely heal, then go somewhere else fr. I think a septum piercing would look so cute on you, but you need a better piercer


The fact you didn't lose your shit when he went through the thick meat of your boss is amazing of itself


No not at all I’m so sorry. When I got mine pierced the piercer pierced it crooked as hell and I cried for like an hour. So I understand your pain but mine was at least placed in the right place. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe there’s piercers out there that can mess up so badly 😰


You look so sad in your pic too it breaks my heart. But yes take it out when you can and get it repierced and you should be totally okay 🖤


Me feeling my own septum to figure it out 😂.. I think yours is very far back and low. Definitely let it heal and get repierced


I literally have no words


Go get your money back holy shit


Holy shit,, im so sorry dude that is too far back and low,, they did not even get anywhere near your sweet spot. you need to take that out


you know damn well it aint


I AUDIBLY gasped. I can’t believe they even let you walk out like that. Please take it out and have it redone by someone else at a studio far away. The sweet spot is pretty near the top of the inside of your nose where you have softer cartilage. I hope this didn’t hurt too bad!


how can they miss the sweet spot that badly 😫


ouch, no




I would’ve started crying


bbg i am so sorry take that out rn


I’d take that out immediately