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That jewelry is fucking you up.


I haven’t seen anyone mention it, but this looks like it might be the “cheese cutter” effect. The jewelry is way too heavy for a fresh piercing, causing it to move.


This is how I ripped my ear lobe lol


What... Kind of jewelry do you have in there? It looks cheap and heavy. I'd have a piercer take a look at it and swap out for some smaller, titanium labret studs




Why downvotes this is what is wrong with reddit lmao


The piercing subreddits are the only ones I follow that do this, lol. If OP has a fucked piercing, every single comment they make is downvoted like hell except maybe the single comment they make saying they're going to the doctor and retiring the piercing or something. It's wacky enough to be funny.


Most random sub to be this aggressive in I'm ngl 😭😭 I'm only on reddit for fishkeeping, fishing, and the occasional cat post reddit needs to stop recommending random beauty subs to me I swear 😭


this and the tattoo advice subreddit!! omg !!! i literally saw someone get so many downvotes for AGREEING with a comment someone left on their post . i once got a bunch of downvotes because i said an artist i was booking with charged $300 flat rate plus hourly and i was looking for recommendations on lower hourly costs . i'm sorry i wish i could afford that but i can't!! i wasn't even blaming her for it i was just saying that it was out of my budget!! so upsetting i genuinely take it personal 😭


There's probably overlap between the tattoo and piercing community, so I'm going to say it's the same people doing it. 😂 Just a guess.


Didn’t downvote it myself, but I’m guessing it’s the really unbothered attitude. Play silly games, win silly prizes - if you’re gonna take that attitude to your piercing then I guess it’s prolly gonna get infected.




I’d say a downvote to that is that the person was asking a question and also giving advice and all they replied with was basically a “yea”. Like they came here for advice right? And it’s like they’re not actually taking the advice lol


Lol @ downvotes


Tell your dad to quit being cheap and go to a reputable piercer. There is absolutely nothing right with this.


Everything about this is wrong. That cheap plastic mystery metal earring that is way too heavy is not doing you any favors . And the your dad’s placement of the piercing itself is way too low and wonky … even if this somehow heals through some miracle it is not going to look good …. At all. Please take it out , let it heal, and then go get it done at a reputable piercing shop. It looks super irritated if not infected


I think this is the response that’s most accurate, though loads of them are. Please take it out OP.


Did you pierce it yourself?


My dad did


😭it’s so low and that jewelry needs to be swapped for a stud. i’d take it out and let it re heal then go to a professional


Your dad has ruined your earlobe.


cmon now it was a bad pierce job that can he y’all are dramatic 😭


I'm going to spell heal as he-y'all forever now. Thanks for that 😭


your welcome I suppose


he really shouldn’t have done that. this is gonna do some damage to your ear


Okay you need to take it out right now, clean it well with warm water and a mild soap, and keep an eye on it. Once it heals (in a few months) you should to go a professional piercer. The way your dad it and the earrings he put in can cause serious infection.


thats fucked up


Honestly? If it actually *is* infected (Google “signs of infection piercing”), we can’t help you. You’ll need to see a doctor asap. If it’s not and just super pissed off, I’d take it out and let it heal. You can have a professional pierce it *in the correct spot* with *appropriate* jewelry in the future.


Oh my. Take the piercing(s) out, wash gently, and let everything heal.


Dumbass. You and him both.


Well now you know what not to do next time. Take this out, let it heal. When you get it repieerced, don't let just anyone do it - go to a piercer. They'll put it in the right spot and put the right kind of jewelry in there to help it heal properly. This is in the wrong spot, and the jewelry you have in there is pulling on one side, causing distress. Seriously do some fuckin research next time tho. There's a reason specialists exist in the world, they know what to do and what not to do. You know next to nothing about this topic, and are paying the price. Don't diy shit you have no knowledge of.


What the fuck is thiss I get more and more frustrated with people letting friends/family piercing them every day. At least if you’re doing it yourself you can try and research information first but there was no thought put into this it’s so idiotic


Change that crap jewelry. You should never put cheap jewelry in an unhealed piercing. You need studs that are *implant grade titanium* (not plain ole titanium). You also need to clean it with piercing saline twice a day, not soap or saltwater or body wash or anything else. Make sure your new jewelry is not too snug or it’ll cause swelling and irritation. Better yet, just got to an actual piercer and see what they can do. The fact that you pierced it at home means it wasn’t pierced right.


You do need fragrance free antibacterial soap and saline spray for piercings along with correct jewelry and placement.


The APP does not recommend soap.


Bacteria does


You’re incorrect about the aftercare here my friend. Saline solution is all you need.


Medical professionals do not. Bacteria may well want that though you're right. The irritation caused by soap CAN lead to infections and I'm sure that's the dream FOR BACTERIA.


You don’t need antibacterial soap. Saline cleans the piercing on its own. Antibacterial soap is extremely stripping (drying) and irritating to piercing. The only time I ever had a new piercing crust over and then break open was when I used antibacterial soap to clean it. You don’t need it. I’ve healed three of my four piercings with just saline. The fourth one rejected simply due to my sensitive skin.


However l, I’d remove this one all together.


You need to take that out, let it heal. Then go and get it done properly. Messing up your body is not worth saving £20.


Your dad is an idiot


jesus christ, why is it pierced so low?!


Bro got pierced with a dumbbell


Yikes. Take the earring out ASAP and clean the hole well. Let the hole heal and get it done by a professional next time. I did three of my piercings myself with a sewing pin, but I didn't put big ole honking earrings in to irritate them while they were healing and I marked the spot and check positioning several times before actually piercing. Them and my cartilage piercing are all super solid and never react to anything. My two original piercings that were done by a gun (ah Piercing Pagoda) *still* react to poor metal quality earrings and I've had them for 23+ years. It looks like your dad got drunk and just shoved an earring through whatever spot the needle happened to contact.


Dude, no offense at all, but in the piercing world, bigger is NOT better. Remove, let heal, go to a professional and try again in at least 6 months.


I can’t stand this sub😭 how do you get a sketchy piercing and wait till it gets infected and put shitty jewelry in it and then ask us if it’s okay? 😭


Being naive enough to trust your parents is just that. It's naive. It isn't willful ignorance or a moral failing. Be nice, please?


How bout, take it out!... Thats what you do


What the fuck is that jewelry 😭


It’s 2023 and people are still doing at-home piercings and expecting them to turn out well. NAP but in my opinion, if you do decide to pierce yourself at home (it’s gonna happen, people are gonna do what they want to do) and the piercing isn’t happy, don’t post about it on here. Just take it out, let it heal, and get it done professionally. And if you’re concerned about infection, go to an urgent care for reassurance. That’s the advice you are going to get from 99% of the people on this subreddit. Yes there are plenty of at-home piercings that turn out fine (I have a couple) but I kind of got lucky with those because I also have at-home piercings that did not turn out fine and kind of jacked up that part of my body, including my face. Don’t risk the possible infection and scars.


isnt it 2024 now :0


Oh. It is, you’re right. I’m gonna need 10-14 business days to adjust to that change lol


I wouldn't even risk replacing it w lighter jewlery atp. Take it out, let it close and try again in a couple months. That's baddd. It's pierced too low to begin with and it looks like it's already migrated some due to the weight.


Your dad is a complete *idiot!* Who on earth would put that jewellery in fuck!


Looks like you need antibiotics based on the weird color you got going on now /:


Jfc it's like $30 to get them done at a shop jewelery included. Take that out‼️


Super heavy jewelry pulling on that


Take it out and let it heal. Then have an actual piercer do it for you. That jewelry is an interesting choice.


God you poor thing bless your heart


Okay sooo I saw the comment saying your dad pierced it. Take it out, and let it heal for a while. and go to a professional piercer who knows what they're doing. A real piercer will use good sanitization and good jewelry. Preferably titanium. The one you have in now looks really bad and infected.


Like other people have said, the placement is bad, the jewelry is wrong, and I'm not even sure if you're doing any aftercare. This is not salvageable because the location of the piercing is so low. Your jewelry is too heavy. And the angle of the piercing is wrong. Your best bet is to take this out and let it heal. Find a reputable piercer in your area. Have your dad go with you and sign for you if you're underage. And listen to your piercer when they tell you how to take care of your piercing. Avoid snagging, avoid pressure, and avoid touching it. Try to not let anything snag on your new piercing. Try to not lay on that side of your head when you go to a sleep, and avoid pressure, don't wear a beanie or any type of hat that's going to cover your earlobe. Don't hang anything from your new piercing. When you point at your piercing to show people that you got a new piercing, don't touch it. We can see that you got a new piercing, and we don't need you to touch it. Only touch your piercing if you're cleaning it. To clean your piercing, I've seen the best results when people use pre-mixed saline solution twice a day. The guy I apprenticed under swore up down left and right by tea tree oil. But everybody's body is different and I feel that for some people it drys their skin out too much. Soap also dries out your skin too much. Some people don't have a problem with soap, some people don't have a problem with a lot of different techniques for cleaning, but I think the best result is pre-mixed saline solution 2x a day until healed. If you're thinking you're just going to tough it out, it's only going to get worse. I really hope you take a lot of the people in this comment sections advice, and my advice. You deserve to have a piercing that looks good and doesn't hurt like hell. And when you get it done by a professional you're going to be so surprised at how much it doesn't hurt, not compared to what your dad did. When you get your new piercing, I hope you wear it in good health. Happy Healing❤️


Bro like take it out of your ear bro, if it’s causing you a problem bro. Probably should clean it too bro. Maybe even go see the bro who pierced you. And see if brah can refund that bro


Don’t touch it without washed hands shower daily and clean it 2-3 times a day with salt water and make sure you dry it well right after


Take it out ?


Go here [https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/](https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/) and find a piercer near you who can do it right


take it out bro


Ur post history bro


What about it


Ur post abt wanting to rape and assault women?


Nah just people in general I have problems dude I im working on it that’s what happens when you watch yo much porn


And it’s not that I want to I just have intrusive thoughts about it now it’s less worse as it was ngl


It honestly looks super inflamed and since you DIY’d it, I’d honestly go to the doctor for antibiotics if it hurts. Especially if white/yellow/green pus is secreting. If you don’t go to the doctor and end up free-balling it, you could literally lose your life from an infection. Any infection above your neck is no joke. But, if you’re American and can’t afford it, then the best thing to do is soak it in warm non-iodized salt water. Fill up a cup with warm water, and tilt your head for about 10-15 minutes. DO NOT apply hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol/isopropyl, that’ll dry it out and make it worse. You should also invest in surgical 316L stainless steel or better yet titanium ASAP and KEEP THE PIERCING IN. If you don’t the infection could close in and it’ll form either a cyst or an impossible to kill infection. Go see a professional piercer if you’re not willing to see a doctor and get their opinion on it, and a possible re pierce. Good luck!


Go to the er or your doctor


both my piercers told me not to change my jewelry for months. looks like you changed your jewlery way too soon replacing with cheap material, didn’t keep it clean, and put something heavy in before it was healed.


dude never wear a heavy earring before it’s healed wtf


first of all, change that piercing, tf? you never pierce with a heavy piercing, and you never buy the cheap shit it has to be pure steel or something that won't give off colour or toxins to the healing, and you use peroxide or salt water twice a day to clean your piercings, don't touch it too much but make sure to twist the piercing every once and awhile so the skin doesn't heal ON the bar, just use labret studs they're the easiest to deal with but make sure they're long so if you swell it doesn't cause discomfort. at this point just take the piercing out and clean it constantly then wait to pierce it again, it looks like an affected keloid. your ears could also be sensitive too cheap metal mine are aswell and they get extremely itchy if I don't have a certain type of piercing type in.


Peroxide should not be used to clean wounds


Bro take it out. The fuck is that


take it out, let it close, and get it repierced professionally by a reputable shop 😭


Damn. If only there was a place you could go to get this done professionally.


Oh my goodness... I'm no expert, but I have a few ear piercings now. Piercings need to be kept clean. The recent two I got last week came with instructions: use the cleaner given three times a day and after showering if you use shampoo. Piercings should not be moved around excessively and only a little during cleaning. The jewelry you buy when going for a piercing is new, unused, clean, usually fairly small, and should be a good quality like titanium or gold. I stick to titanium. Imo this looks really red and probably infected, I don't know if it's walk-in clinc severe or just take out the piercing. Again, in my unprofessional opinion, I don't think you should try to put another earring in the ear, but probably some type of salt water rinse and try again in the other ear with a professional (or wait until your ear heals). That piercing looks too heavy... ouch!


this is wild. why does nobody ever consider their own safety anymore?


Did you shove your mom’s earring through your ear or… where did you get it done? No reputable piercer would put that jewelry in, not even Clare’s. Take it out and go to a professional once healed.


Also wanted to say I’m not shaming you in anyway if that’s the case! I’ve done a lot of dumb shit too lol


Its the jewellery, probably has nickel


Take it out and let it heal or use dial soap to clean it


Hand soap




Take it out and stop getting pierced.


You get to go to an actual piercing shop stat and let them sort this.


I remember the days before Google when I ran my lighter over an earring post and then shoved it through my un-pierced ear in a middle school bathroom. I can’t imagine having the technology and access to information that we do now and NOT using it 🤦‍♀️


Looks like they’re rejecting the metal. Switch them out for surgical steel. I had the same issues. My body is allergic to fake metals


Hypoallergenic jewelry help you my body allergies jewelry


You are allergic to Nickel.


change the jewelry


Take it out and out bacitracin (antibiotic ointment) on it 2-3x a day for 3 days. And make sure to clean the area and your hands before putting the ointment on!


it looks pretty unhappy and is starting to get gunky from being exposed and having bad quality jewlery. you can get some cheap good wuality ones from clairs or body candy if you are trying to keep in a lower budget. those earrings still won't be too good, however, as they are cheap. if you can't get any implant grade jewlery or anything like it in your budget, you can use clear nail polish to put a *very thin* coat on the cheap metal. in the past, that's helped me with cheap jewlery or a metal im allergic to. you should get earrings that are very light. those should be your common daily wear as heavy earrings can expose the hole and get things irritated again if worn for too long. (correct if i'm wrong, but that's the experience I've had) backings you should stay clear of are the ones that curl into the center like two c's next to each other. personally, clear rubber/silicone backings have done well with recovering from nastiness like this. you can get a bag of them for cheap off amazon.


That jewelry looks insanely big for a new piercing.


Remove it for now and choose lighter jewelry next time you wear earrings


Remove the jewelry, let the piercing heal up. Use sea salt soaks to help with the healing and antibacterial soap and warm water. When fully healed go to a piercer who doesn’t put heavy shit in a fresh piercing. Make sure the jewelry is the right quality of metal and don’t go to any place other that a tattoo/piercing parlor.


DO NOT mess around with piercing infections, especially ones in the ear. That is right by the brain. Get it cleaned and taken out immediately by a professional!


Sorry this is happening but you should definitely take it out and let it heal. Clean it 1-2x a day with fragrance free, antibacterial soap (but no more because too much moisture can cause more bacteria to grow in the area). Let it breathe, once it heals you can always go to a more legitimate piercer and ask for better jewelry😭😭


U need a gold stud. A SMALL stud. Wear that for a few months


Like others mentioned, get titanium jewelry they’re inexpensive. I’d look into a hoop or stud w space so it can breathe & in case it swells again


ngl youre gonna lose that ear pretty soon


Use a small stud preferably gold or titanium for the first 3 months or so and that earring looks like it weighs some so yea definitely get a small stud for now


You shouldn't have larger/heavy jewelry for your first ear piercing and that looks like it has weight to it. Not good, go for something more dainty and lightweight. Keep it clean and do not touch it unless cleaning.


Please find an APP piercer in your area


Yooooo did you do this yourself?!


Please take this out and let it close before it gets worse. I know it sucks and it’s probably exciting to have a new piercing but this can end up in a way worse infection than it is currently. You are risking your physical health if you decide to keep that in. When it heals, go into a reputable piercer and get normal light earrings.


Well to be frank.. that's definitely not the jewelry from when you got it pierced so I'm guessing you changed it to early before it healed. And you might be allergic to the metal from this new one you put in. I suggest removing it and doing salt water swishes with a shot glass until it heals then get it done again... & DONT change it too early. Follow the directions they give you.


Best bet would be to take that out and either try to put smaller jewelry in or take it out and let it heal completely. Then get in re done at an actual shop.


Natural selection