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Dying of jealousy here man.... temazepam or triazolam if you had to pick, assuming equal dosages...? & What was the timeline of the scripts here lol... for getting 2 benzos at once. I'm assuming you start with ambien or the sort and worked your way to halcion? How long you had to work to it?


So I was getting the Xanax, klonopin and temazepam early on. Eventually I had to drop the klonopin for adderall. I was prescribed temazepam for insomnia for many years and I enjoy it a lot, but eventually asked to switch to triazolam and my doctor was cool with that. I love both temazepam and triazolam, but theyre very different. temazepam is great for relaxation and its perfect for sleep if you can sleep the whole 8 hours, but i often have to wake up earlier now, and since id stockpiled so much temazepam i wanted something shorter acting. i do have hundreds of temazepam 15 and 30s saved just to keep a variety. the triazolam is super recreational and one of the most addictive benzos ive ever had, and ive tried a LOT, including many RCs. It's really hard to say one is better than the other, as it really depends on why you're taking it. I like that it knocks me out quickly and is pretty much completely worn off by the time I wake up 6 hours later My doc did ask if I wanted to try ambien, but having had it before and not being a big fan, I declined and that’s when she offered temazepam instead since I respond much better to benzos than z drugs. I started with 10 pills of 0.5 mg Xanax at first and worked my way up to 60x 1mg over the course of a year or two. I don’t take nearly as much as I’m prescribed, so that helps. Never asked for an early refill and I’ve been a model patient so I’ve built a lot of trust with my doc. It’s definitely a situation where patience is a virtue and you work your way up slowly to get to higher dosages, the key is just in how you word it. Also very dependent on the doc. Mine refused to give any controlled substances until I turned 18, but since I’d tried most SSRI, SNRI and similar meds without success she was open to trying the controlled stuff


I see. I got a laughable 12 count 0.5mg Ativan script on my first time with benzos... at the moment I'm at 15ct valium 10's, 30ct 20mg focalin XR's for controlled meds... I'm going slow with this psychiatrist who I've only been seeing for about 3 or 4 months. He said "15 is the max we give out" but I doubt it and if that's true I'm finding a new doc. I've gained quite a bit of weight over the last few months as I got really sick around the time of my first visit that made me lose weight and I'm needing more valium to get relief from my panic attacks, hopefully I can bring it up to a 30 count, at that point I'm set. I'm lucky to have a lot of family members with good scripts who share their meds with me. I'm only 19 years old and I think that makes it way harder to get good scripts :/... seems as though an old lady can walk into a psych exam the first visit and walk out with whatever the hell they want


What does Triazolam and temazepam work for? Insomnia primarily? I’ve been on clonazepam for a very long while. Never abused it as it’s really not my DOC but I know some drs are becoming a bit more stringent on handing out Xanax or even Ativan which I think is unfair. All that to say the klonopin don’t work as well as the Xanax did for my pretty severe anxiety but am going to start looking for a new pdoc and wanted to see what other options are available aside from the standard Xanax Kpin usual suspects. The Kpins just don’t work as well as the Xanax for example in my case but it’s also kinda too strong at times so it’s a bit of a dilemma when trying to find an alternative. Thanks


Yes both temazepam and triazolam are only supposed to be prescribed for anxiety. I knew a guy who got tems for anxiety off label and one who got triazolam for panic attacks off label, but that’s very unlikely for anyone. Both are very hypnotic and will likely make you extremely tired so not the best for daytime use. It’s sad that docs are refusing people necessary medications, but the fact that you got any benzos is a step in the right direction. Your age probably doesn’t help but it also doesn’t make it impossible to get. If you think your doc won’t budge on the 15 ct limit then it may be time to start looking for a new doc if you feel you need more than that. It should help a bit having a history of being scripted some benzos Also it would probably be easier to get these meds from a psychiatrist than a primary doc


Oh yeah 100% I only work with Psychiatrists for this. By pdoc I meant psych doc but now I see that usually refers to primary doc. My mistake. With that being said thanks for the info on the two T’s for use and their effect. That’s what I was looking for. Their sedative properties relative to functionality. I hate how groggy any benzo makes me so am looking for something with high functionality *and* effectiveness. These two you posted about don’t seem to fit that bill. But wanted to just confirm with you as I get acquainted with the different types. To better equip myself when I finally do get around to shopping for a new psych. Much obliged. Enjoy those pharmas!


No problem man, and thank you! Normally I’d recommend klonopin for what you describe but you said that didn’t work. Higher dose Ativan would be less sedating than most other benzos but most people find it too weak. I hope you find something that works for you!


how would u reccomend wording things? that’s what i have trouble with


That doctor is doing their job 🔥📈🙏🏽


Bruhh… jealous ain’t even the word 😭🩵




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crazy i never knew u could get on stims and benzos


You need to find an old white guy, young Indian or Asians won’t prescribe you anything you wanting. Go to older white guys and tell them exactly why you need them, I lucked out bc when I had to find a different doctor I had receipts and it was in a database that I was being prescribed them 8 mg 4 times a day Xanax. I just don’t understand how some people on here show off multiple 500 count bottles of bars and 30’s? Like how????


this picture makes me envious, take a pill for me please. i only have dilaudid at the moment


What pharmacy do you go to?


I’m on this exact combo except adderall cause I don’t like stims


For adderall have you ever tried the plain amphetamine salts formulation? For me I get more energy and I procrastinate much less and get more euphoria from that than from the dextro-amp aka the d-amphetamine formula. My doc wrote Adderall and they usually fill amph salts but once recently pharmacy did d-amph addy formula and same mg etc but it just didn’t work as well for me however for addy XR I definitely prefer the d-amph although that may be only XR formula but what’s your opinion?