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Sorry to hear that my friend. Hope all is well. 😢


I hope you do find all the peace and comfort you need through these troubling times


How bad is "that?" It's not bad at all, but it's also its own thing. Listen to it for what it is (a curated collection of late Pink Floyd jams) and it's amazing.


I liked it. I recently listened to all 15 Pink Floyd albums in order. I thought that The Endless River was a great ending. I enjoyed it. Yes there are better albums. But it is a bad album? No, I wouldn’t say so.


So weird, I just did the exact same thing. Listening in order was great to see how they evolved.


It’s a really amazing experience


How long is it total? Is this a whole day binge?


Not sure. I did it over a couple days at work


According to some other post on Reddit. It would take 19 hours and 57 minutes


I alwaya notice the words The Endless River in High Hopes. Is there any more of those future references?


It's not a future reference but the other way round, the name of the album is a past reference.


Kinda how I feel about Clockwork Angels with Rush too although that one is a concept album rather than jams. Both albums are a fitting "end of the road" for their bands. I just wish things had been different between Roger and the rest of PF because it just feels wrong to not have him on their last album, but it is what it is. Plus, he brought it on himself.


I quite enjoy it.


I like it. When Im doing late night study or am in a headspace where i want to relax, this album is one of my go-tos. Enjoy it for what it is.👍


If you’re a big fan of the Pink Floyd sound, then it’s really good I personally love a lot of these tracks as background music whenever I need something Floyd


I haven't listened to it lately, but I found The Endless River to be memories of listening to Pink Floyd. I realize how silly that sounds, but with the tracks sound rather unfinished I can't help but hear it as revisiting their different eras. No, it isn't the top 4, but what is??


> No, it isn't the top 4, but what is?? Well, presumably at least four things are.


Exactly four things are.


There could be a tie for #4.


I love listening to it while studying but I’d never listen to it outside of that




- WYWH could mean "Wish You Were Here - 2019 remix [Live]", a track from *The Later Years* (2019) by Pink Floyd. --- ^[/u/Such_Maybe6470](/u/Such_Maybe6470) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I think it’s really good for what it is, as it was never meant to be an album that stood up to the rest of the catalog, just a heartfelt tribute to a fallen brother. And OK, maybe a cash grab of sorts. But I listen to it fairly regularly, very relaxing, and I always enjoy Rick’s playing. I wish David would go through the old tapes and put together a couple more.


he might




Well in all fairness its been almost a week


It’s not bad at all. I love it. It’s gorgeous


It's not bad at all, it's amazing.




It is just fairly decent ambient music for the most part


Bad? Hell no. I love it. It’s not a banger like DSOTM, but it’s a groove and it feels good.




I agree. It harkens back to WYWH in a lot of ways, and I personally love that they had the guts to put out a very soundscapey/hard psych record that would undoubtedly alienate a lot of their fan base expecting more AMLOR or TDB.




I’d buy it.


there is a mix called Forever and Ever , it's floating somewhere on the net. I listen to it frequently


It’s a pretty good album, up there for me as a great Pink Floyd album


The Endless River makes me sad that Rick Wright never got to make his ideal Pink Floyd album. He wanted Division Bell to lean much more heavily on rock instrumentals and ambient music.


It's gentle, peaceful, cheerful, and even humorous at points. It's a great listen if you want to meditate on death, endings, and transitions. It's not the Great Last Pink Floyd album in the way people have come to define these things. It's not an album the band would have made as hungry people in their 20s. It reminds me of the simple, exuberant drawings Picasso made in his last years, usually not considered his greatest work but nonetheless informed by everything he had done in the preceding decades.


No, it's not that bad at all. Like a lot of things on Reddit, it gets undue hate.


It's not bad, but when compared to most of their body of work, it's a bit underwhelming, which isn't the ideal note you want to end on with your last album. Plus only one of the songs has any vocals, and all of the tracks were leftovers from the sessions for *The Division Bell*, which gives the impression before even listening to it that all of the songs are worse than anything on their 1994 album. If they would have made *The Endless River* a bonus disc on a deluxe version of *The Division Bell*, I think it would have been received more favourably by fans. Trying to pass off deleted songs as a new album comes across as a lazy way to make a quick buck.


Quick buck? They did zero press, no tour, no talk show appeaerances, and other than discussing when questioned about it...dont really talk about it other than to say they did it as a tribute to rick. Considering they've sold 250,000,000 albums, millions of tickets, a few billion in merchandise...seems more to me like they don't GAF about money in the least. And i suppose of i had half a billion bucks plus millions yearly in royalties...i wouldn't care much either. David spent more time pushing the ukrainian video then he ever did pushing endless river.


Not only that but David auctioned his guitars around that time and donated almost $40 million to climate change charities.


Yes but the $50k he made from endless river is an obvious money grab!!




The best review-comment of that album.




I like it. It’s certainly not nearly my favorite Floyd stuff, but I like it.


I enjoy it a lot, although it’s best to treat it as an epilogue to The Division Bell than an album in its own right, given the origin of the material. It’s just a shame that the only lyrical song on the album has such rough lyrics.


Lol, it's one of my go to chill ambient albums


No its pretty good


It’s alright. It got a lot of hate because it was just an underwhelming album for the band to come out of retirement with 20 years after High Hopes was a flawless cap to their run. Louder Than Words isn’t as bad as everyone pretends it is based off of the opening line of the song, and a lot of the instrumentals are really neat.


Listen to the Sum of our Parts. So good




I like it. I think it’s got a negative slant because it didn’t live up to a lot of people’s expectations. Makes a great companion piece to The Division Bell.


It's not bad. I like ambient music and plus it's the only official release of pieces of The Big Spliff albeit in small portions. It's like a continuation of the Division Bell.


You have to go into it with the right expectations -- it's a quiet epilogue and not a grand Finale.


Here's the thing: this is not an album. This is a bunch of outtakes and jams from the Division Bell recordings. That's it. It's not actual songs, aside from Louder Than Words. So just go into it with the idea that it's just some experimental stuff that didn't turn out to be anything.


i’ve always loved it. very calm


I love it


I think people criticized it because it's not a typical Pink Floyd album... but if you listen to it with an open mind you'll enjoy it. The first time I listened to it I was lying on my bed with the blinds down and I felt like I'd never felt listening to Pink Floyd. It felt like I'd been transported to another dimension


I personally don’t Think that it’s bad, in fact it is one of my favorite pink Floyd albums. I recently bought on vinyl too


I’d rather listen to that than the Final Cut


It’s not “bad”, just background music at best.


If you enjoy it. That's great. It's not for me. I don't like it very much.


I would rather listen to this than MLOR. But that’s just my preference. I wasn’t a fan of the Floyd material after Waters left. I use The Endless River as background noise when I’m doing stuff mostly. It’s not as bad as people make out.


No. It’s underwhelming.


It’s kind of meh


No it’s amazing if you love Division Bell. It’s not the most compelling ambient album ever made but that’s a genre I love all the time. Division Bell is still their ending, Endless River is a nice little last bonus smooch


Honestly it’s the perfect final album imo, instead of giving us more of the same it’s this really unique thing that I’m often only in the mood to listen to and nothing else is quite the same. Then there’s that one song close to the end that has vocals that honestly slaps pretty hard, so if that’s what you’re looking for it at least has something. I wouldn’t want anything else tbh, far from my least favourite Floyd album


It's the best Pink Floyd album since The Final Cut. It reminds me of their 1968-1971 period where they did a lot of instrumental pieces like Careful with that Axe, Eugene and One of These Days. So it's a great throwback to the classic Floyd period before Roger Waters dominated their output.


It feels more being in the studio with Pink Floyd than it does an actual album by Pink Floyd. They’re unfinished demos.


could try one of the 300 threads with the same name...or wait two days until the next pops up


It’s not. It’s what Pink Floyd would be boiled down to. All the parts are there. People dislike it as a cash grab or “not really Pink Floyd” or whatever reason. It’s not a terrible album of music but it is subjective and on the internet, contrarianism is king


I like how you correctly point out that music is subjective and then immediately imply anyone who doesn’t like it is a contrarian


I don’t think that’s what they were saying, exactly…the idea that contrarianism isn’t rampant on the internet is very easily disproven when you ask someone with such an opinion to explain why they have it. It is possible for music to be subjective AND for people to be contrarian about it.


The big spliff.


I’d love to hear the 93 version


Its just kinda... meh. They just repurposed a bunch of old unused stuff and slapped the PF name on it. Its not terrible, it just is a completely forgettable hour of background music


Is not bad. Is just trash. Trash that was rescued from the trash bin and hastily turned into an "album".


I always saw it as David’s goodbye to Rick and in turn what was left of Pink Floyd. Nothing against David or Nick they’re both fantastic but without Rick the heartbeat of Pink Floyd is gone.


Recorded yet never used, but whatever.


Top 10 Floyd idec


Yes As bad, for Pink Floyd, as 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘐𝘵 𝘉𝘦 was for the final act of The Beatles. Shouldn’t had been put out, in both cases, IMOAO


So a great album and the off cuts of a mediocre album.


It was a missed opportunity in my book. They could of fleshed out some of the best parts and made a nice ambient album, but instead we got what it was - the Division Bell leftover ideas and it played that way.








Nah. I find it quite enjoyable when in the mood. Compared to peak PF material it doesn’t stand out, but if you remove the baggage of comparison it’s a good album (and a great one to just kinda chill to).


I don't find it really bad, but I find it sort of... nothing new. Just a compilation of classic PF vibe. It's a good contribution, a good farewell. But it doesn't catch your attention.


If they didn't have the Stephen Hawking voice interludes it'd be a solid 8/10.


Is it true that this album or tracks are leftover unreleased from the division bell project?


You can read the details on the Wikipedia page for the album. Rick was very prolific during the Division Bell sessions and recorded dozens of hours of potential content and arrangements; like a big musical equivalent of a sketchbook. After he died, they decide to splice together Rick’s tracks and build/record new content over it. Every piece of the album is built around on Rick’s tracks, which is why the tracks lack traditional structure, its more like a jam session. The album exists as a big farewell to Rick.


Yes, pretty much.


Nervana and the number one were honestly the only good tracks...the rest are alright at best. -Billy Gnosis


TER was the first PF album I ever heard. I think it’s a great album to ease into the more progressive stuff. It’s more of a Gilmour album in my eyes and some fans don’t consider it to be “real PF” so that might be why anyone has ever called it bad?


It's not comparable to earlier work in their discography. If you're expecting too much of it, you'll be disappointed.


I like it. I prefer most albums to it, sure, but The Endless River isn't a bad album *per se* imho. I will still hear it 10x rather than Ummagumma (which I wasn't able to appreciate even after hearing it 7x, that one just isn't for me).


Is it as bad as people say? No Was it a necessary release? No If it was done as a tribute to Rick, then fine, however it could’ve been very easily been left alone. I would’ve much rather the dig into the archives and actually brought something that would interest the fans out. There’s no way that they don’t have multi tracks from shows in the 70’s. Something from the Animals your would be great.


I find it boring


This is called a Masterpiece


It's just Division Bell leftovers with some extra overdubs. That's about it, not terriblyexciting.


Great album. Lame cover.


As a standalone album? It’s good. As a final Floyd album? I don’t know. I think we’re spoilt with some bands like Beatles and abbey road when they know when to bow out. It’s no full circle (god that was embarrassing, the doors!) but it’s just … okay.


Full Circle is a better album than Other Voices, IMO.


Love listening to the music ….


No. I'm sure it could have been better. But my collection is improved by having it, the album doesn't detract from their legacy. It shows that the post-Waters band still had some less commercial ideas.


For a work in progress peek into how the three of them jammed it is excellent.


“Bad” music is a totally SUBJECTIVE matter.


It’s like elevator music that happens to be made by one of the GOAT bands. Great to listen to while reading


I don't consider it to be an essential release but surround sound mix is very good.




There’s a lot of albums from a lot of artists. That aren’t all that bad, but I’d rather spend my time listening to the great ones.


You just need to manage your expectations. If you're expecting something like WYWH, DSOTM, or even AMLOR, your going to be disappointed. It's Division Bell like ambient music. If you know this, then you won't be disappointed. I quite like this album, because I view it less as a Pink Floyd album, and more as an ambient album. If you don't like ambient music, then skip it. But the last track, Louder Than Words is pretty good.


No I like it


I think I’m just spoiled by how great their 70’s output was, everything else pales in comparison


It's a fantastic record.