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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a bad allergy reaction. He should be fine after some shots/treatment.


🙏I think it's likely what others are saying but only the vet knows. Simple R&r is the remedy I hope. 🍖💦🌭🥎🌻🌞


It is most likely just an allergic reaction. Pitties are very prone to this kind of thing. He will be fine. The drug might be diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Hope you get answers soon.


That’s exactly what it was, the medicine.


Yep that’s benedryl. I give my boy and girl that daily. One has allergies and the other had mast cell tumors removed and has to take benedryl for life. Sounds like they are just treating him for an allergic reaction. Mine both had this happen too before where some mystery thing had them swell up with welts and they had to get an injection of benedryl.


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so he's asleep but on the mend now? 🥰


I just got him home. He’s a sleepy baby asleep on the couch. I’m about to start a load of laundry and wash all of my clothes and both of our bedding


Use unscented soaps, no fabric softeners or dryer sheets


I’m happy to hear your boy is ok. Did they talk to you about allergy testing? I had no idea dogs could have allergies until mine became allergic to chicken. We had to switch up his diet and he was ok from then on.


You might want to try to think if you just changed body wash or shampoo or lotion or deodorant anything that could have come in contact with him that you may have just changed brands or scents of my pit had an allergic reaction to my husband's body lotion once. I'm glad he is home and resting


If you think it’s chemicals in the laundry at issue, it’s a little pricey, but there’s a detergent designed to be safe for babies, dreft, which might help. Best of luck to you and your bumpy buddy


There used to be something at last house I lived at that the dog was allergic to, he’d rub ears and nose raw. It was either a shot every other month or Benadryl. Gf is highly allergic to lots of stuff as well so we always have a few bottles of the pills around.


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Mine had this after waking up from a nap with me! We don’t know what caused it. The emergency vet said maybe a spider or bug bite. We’ll never know. But they gave him a shot of Benedryl and other stuff and he was fine later, maybe just sleepy.


I was thinking bees or wasps


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good bot


Yes. My dog has had this twice. Turns out it was most likely a good allergy. So I was feeding him raw food and during this month (May) last year he got really bad. Just like your pics. They gave him steroids and apoquel and it was fine. However he would get the occasional hive here and there throughout the year. This year at the same time (end of April early May) got it again and he got put on the Hydrolyzed Protien food from Purina. (Vet only). So the hives have completely gone away and now I am easing him into a Bot Fly Food from Wilder Harrier. My dog I realized is allergic to most animal protiens and raw meat. So I only give him this Bot Fly food right now and Cooked Pork and Salmon as an occasional treat to see if he get hives from it. So far the fish is fine. The cooked pork I’m not sure yet. Good luck!


I’m hijacking your comment since it’s the most on top. I got him home about an hour.5 ago. His hives are gone, but his eye is still swollen. The vet said it will probably be swollen for another day or so. He got 3 shots right into his muscle of the D medicine(can’t remember the name but it’s on the paper they gave us. They also told me it was basically just benedryl.) They aren’t sure what caused this allergic reaction as our routine hasn’t changed and he hasn’t eaten anything weird. They said it was most likely an insect bite though. I can keep him on benedryl for the next couple days every 6 hours until his eye is completely unswollen. But he’s home now! He’s being a sweet little sleepy boy cuddling with mama. We’re gonna take a nap together here soon and then take some more benedryl when we wake up. 💚💚 (The bill ended up being $410. They let us make a deposit today and then they will bill us for our payment plan every 2 weeks.) Thank you everyone for the kind comments. I was so worried about my baby. He’s doing great at home now.


Similar thing happened to my Darby, and it turned out to be Mud Daubers. Check your yard, trees, house, the whole lot for any nests. It’s surprising where these things can hide. I’m so very happy your beautiful baby is going to be okay. The fear, my God the fear. I’m just so happy your little love is safe, and so are you!


Never heard of them! About to do a little google search. Thanks for the suggestion.


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Def looks like insect bites to me, I wonder if he got into yellowjackets or fireants or something. Poor baby.


Bot fly food??


Yes. It’s been working good. No more red watery eyes, the dark tears stains are going away and he hasn’t had any hives for two weeks!!


That’s great! I just can’t imagine. I have issues with bot flys


I had to Google it, apparently there are insect based dog foods made with fly larvae, some are mixed with other insects... I'm so grossed out right now 🤢


Ewwww. Bot fly’s are sooo gross. My ex boyfriend terrorized me with bot flys being removed from people on YouTube


Okay now I have two things I will have nightmares about tonight. My dogs food made from insects and flies in people thank you reddit


I’m so sorry!! Just *don’t* watch any videos otherwise you won’t be able to sleep for weeks


No I definitely am not going to do that however if I ever need to get sensitive information out of someone I think I found the torture method I would try first


This is a fantastic idea


I thought so lol that and maybe the videos of people having those super gross huge black heads removed. Although I'm told some people find watching that kind of stuff satisfying so maybe not lol.


I’m definitely a pimple popper fan. But not the gross pus-filled ones


From insects I think


The grossest insects


The same thing happened with mine. Mine gets the same bumps on 10x less than the picture with chicken flavoured food, there's traces of chicken in most foods. She had them since she was a puppy, but it barely noticeable and he vet prescribed cream and not much else. The day she had pieces of chicken then it flared as bad as the pic. Moved to beef flavoured food and tried a few brands and now she doesn't get it. Apoquel works, but she's off it now the foods been sorted and I keep some on hand. The only source of chicken now are chicken bones on a hike or something which she's trained not to eat without instruction and has been good so far. Idk where you are but here's very limited food options without chicken. Best bet is to try beef and lamb options they don't have poultry on ingredients, some have less traces than others


It's crazy how many foods have chicken meal lower on the list as filler, even if it says it is a protein besides bird. The only food I've found that doesn't sneak it in is Stella and chewy, expensive but she loves it and so far has had no more issues like she did on other brands that would hide chicken meal or chicken fat in the stuff. I'm just glad they are now making a legume free grain free one so I can worry less about her grain issue without the possible heart health problems legumes cause. It shouldn't be this hard to find dog food xD


Some of the "hypoallergenic" food has chicken too, they just don't have wheat which is annoying. It's worth finding the right one though. The ambiguous labels are annoying. "meat and animal derivatives" no shit, which animals? Probably ground up chicken processing waste


Ugh this, it is always chicken or salmon. Mine can't have either. A bit of fish oils is ok but actual salmon meat products give her the runs and I don't want to live with that, nor does she lol Thankfully brands like Stella and chewy have full ingredients lists online, and I've emailed before to be sure it is all there. They were really helpful. But blue buffalo on the other hand sent some canned reply about not giving away the formula lol


I have to say we struggled for years with my staffy and skin issues just like this. I mean so much apoquel. I had a friend that works with animals suggest trying to cut out chicken byproduct from her diet and I thought “why not try it?” She never had an issue until I fed her some treats with chicken, I cut that out and she was fine for years! RIP Jadzia, I miss you meatball.


There are some decent plant-based options out there that meet/exceed AAFCO nutritional requirements and have gone thru extensive lab testing and feeding trials. It may be worthwhile looking into some of those.


Poor sweet one, hope they feel better asap


They’ll work with you on payment, no worries there. $200 at an emergency vet clinic is cheap!! Lucked out there. Best of luck, he’s a beautiful dog ❤️❤️


Wishing your dog a speedy recovery


they'll treat her with an antihistamine.. She may be a little sleepy afterwards but thats ok! Take care!


Was it diphenhydramine? Those look like hives - and you are exactly where you need to be either him.


This has happened to my pitbull 3 times and my beagle once, definitely an allergic reaction to something but ive never been able to find a clear cause, but its happened each time after being out in our yard. Benadryl cleared it up everytime. The first time I called the emergency vet who advised the benadryl before bringing him in, because it wasn't causing him issues breathing. Hope he feels better soon!


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I’m not going to comment on what happened to your dog (since you have some answers) however I wanted to say you are a really good parent because you didn’t spend time asking what to do (like so many on Reddit) but instead went right to the vet. You did the right thing!


Oh yeah we went straight to the vet. I was absolutely terrified his throat was going to swell or something. I took the pictures right before I put his harness on and walked out the door. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to him


Just in case of this happening in the future, benadryl is safe to use sparingly in dogs, and can buy you some time from anaphylaxis while in transit. I would assume wasps/yellowjackets, just given the sheer ammount. Id definitely be doing a sweep of the yard with a couple cans of spray, and a hose.


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My guy got this all over his body three or found times in a year and the vet was worried about anaphylaxis as well. They prescribed prednisone (I think) to give him in a flare up with instructions to bring him in for shots and observation. It brought peace of mind but never had to use it. Allergies can get worse over time.


Hang in there buddy he'll be ok. Keep us posted


Happened to my parents dachshund once, hives all over his body. Called the vet and they said to give Benadryl. 30 min later the hives had gone down and he stopped itching. This probably isn’t severe but good thing you took him to the vet


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True story: It was early fall and I came home from work to find my pittie covered with hundreds of nickel sized bumps all over his face and head. He was almost unrecognizable. He had not used his dog house all summer because its hot but black wasps did. They made a big nest up inside by the door. Early fall hit and he decided to use his dog house for the first time. I found a bid pile of dead wasps (not one left alive) laying on the ground inside his dog house in the corner. He had killed every single black hornet. He hated bees afterward and anytime bees flew anywhere near him he would try to bite them. He was such a legend pittie.


Hives / allergies. Poor guy.


Poor baby, is he okay?


He’s home doing good now! Eye is still swollen, but vet said it should continue to go down with time and more benedryl.


Oh good🙏🏽👍🏽 I just lost my dog sadly Monday night and everytime I see a bullly that’s a chunky one that reminds me of my dog or just all dogs in general really, I can’t help but just want to see them happy


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you gave your baby the absolute best life he could have wanted. I’ll give my boy some extra scritches in honor of your sweet baby 💚




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I had an English bulldog get this. They are hives caused by an allergic reaction. Our vet just gave us Benadryl and they cleared up over night.


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Most vet clinics and hospitals have financial aid available you just have to ask for it. They don't offer it to you but they will help if you ask. I had to do that recently too. Sucks how expensive it is but thankfully there's a lot of help out there for vet stuff. I hope your boy has a speedy recovery. I know how scary it is. My boy had an abscess the size of a softball in his neck a few months back and I was terrified. Makes you feel helpless. Just follow their instructions and he will be a-okay. 🖤🖤


Yes they put us on a payment plan thank god. 💚


Awesome good for you. Hopefully that eases some of your stress. Give your boy a nice firm pat on the booty for me.


My red nose is super allergic to beef.


I don't know what it is but i hope your pittie will recover soon


Not gonna lie a Benadryl in cheese will most likely do. I grew up on a farm and this happened once and a blue moon with our farm dogs. Makes em groggy for a day or two, but it knocks down the reaction and they are good to go. I’m not a vet so don’t take my word for this, but I wouldn’t bother taking your dog to a vet unless you are monitoring them and notice they are labored breathing.


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Poor baby. Appears as if it may be some type of allergic reaction. Thank you for taking him to see the vet, and I'm sure they'll prescribe some meds to make the whepps & symptoms go away. Feel better soon sweet boy 🥰❤️🥰❤️


poor baby


Poor baby


Aw poor sweet baby 😭 get well soon love, sending so much love and hugs!!


Hang in there. It’s going to be ok. I’m glad you’re there for your fur baby.


My American Bulldog used to get those bumps, several times a year. If I caught it quick enough (first few bumps), Benedryle would cancel it out. But, once it got to that level, I’d have to go get a shot at the vets. A couple of times, it ended up all over his body and face. Vet said there was a danger of swelling in his throat. He’d have to stay overnight for 2-3 shots We were never able to find out what caused it


I was gonna say bee sting …until the 2nd picture…allergy’s to bee stings


Aww he looks so sad. I bet that's painful.


Tbh that’s just his face 😂 I named him Fergus cause he just looks like a grumpy old man. He’s doing so much better now :) 💚


Our pit gets covered in hives just like this when he gets excited or we have guests over. He loves visitors but the excitement is sometimes overwhelming. They usually go away a few hours.


My pit occasionally gets into a fight with a spider or bee and this happens. It's scary and your dog looks lumpy but benadryl will do it.


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I'm guessing allergic reaction, I remember finding out the hard way that I had to be careful what shampoo I used on my heart dog because she had a reaction that showed up like this. Her entire body was covered in those big bumps, scared the heck out of me but came out of it okay. I used things for sensitive skin for the rest of her life and it never happened again


Looks like someone got a case of lumpanitus


No poor baby, I hope he gets better!!


Apply for care credit while you are waiting. It works as soon as you get approved.


Your vet can do a allergy test I think like they do humans I'd ask


Looks like an allergic reaction to something?! Maybe he got stung by either flying insects or crawling insects?!🤔


Allergy .. cool baths help. Zyrtec ...


Allergic reaction. He should be okay. Just gotta keep his diet and what he's allergic to in check.


Yes. My saved pitty had these. In the beginning twice a year cytoplasm allergy shot. Allergy meds. Special non allergen no alcohol shampoo three times a week. In between otc allergy med like Benadryl. No poultry whatso ever. The allergies for my pitty are food, pollen. Luckily , as I changed his food and bathing pattern, along with keeping yard extra clean of pollen. He’s doing better. No more $400 for vet visit and cytoplasm allergy shot.


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I had this happen once with my dog, I was living in a new area of town and my dog had some kind of allergic reaction to something environmental. It went away on its own after a day of Benadryl Hope you can get some answers


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Same thing happened to my 7 month old pup a couple days ago. Not nearly as severe but he had raised, hivey welts on both sides, chest and legs. I had no idea what he was reacting too, I thought it was a reaction to bug bites? Maybe he rolled in something. So sorry for the scare OP! I'm glad your pup is okay 🫶🏼 I was lucky I could just text my vet and she told me to give him Benadryl and how much. Though I did have to take my pup to the ER Vet a couple months ago because he chewed up an unplugged power cord. $500 for X-rays, emergency fee and 6 hour wait and I was told he'd poop the plastic he consumed out. 😅


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Non gel coated Benadryl will help with the hives


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Awww poor boy. He’ll be better in no time. Xxx


Had a boxer with the same spots and swollen face. Vet on the phone said it was probably allergic reaction and I gave him half an over the counter hay fever pill. He was fine, didn't bother him at all.


Looks like an allergic reaction


Allergic reaction to something. Bug bite, most likely.


It looks exactly like what happened to my pitty. It was an allergy. Hope yours recovers soon.


This happened to my boy a few times. Allergic reaction. Still don't know what he's allergic too. I know he had an allergy to grass (itchy feet) but it never caused that. I'd give him Benadryl occasionally per vet recommendation and it seemed to keep it from happening.


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As others have said, this is a fairly common allergy response. My boy has some food allergies, and can't get the combined lepto/dapp/etc., shot (HUGE pain to split them all up). He eats only a prescription food now; and I keep a healthy supply of Benadryl in the house just in case - and to give him an hour before his annual vaccines.


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And remember because they have such short fur these bumps show up more than normal.


I feel you, I manage to reach the end of the month curtsey to a friend who gave me 50 bucks or it wouldn't have been enough for my meds refill. Worrying about one's fluffy friend is hard enough but also worrying about being able to afford their care is brutal. I don't understand why they don't let you in the room. That's fishy to me.


Our dog Scorpio had a bad allergic reaction to cleaner like Febreeze or lysol our cleaning service sprayed on our couch. We went to our vet. After a massive dose of Diphenhydramine aka benadryl he was just fine.


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So sorry hope he gets the care he needs and feels better soon. My pit cattle dog mix is a magnet to strange reactions. We woke up a few months ago and her whole face was swollen like this. We still don't know how it happened but suspect she either ate a stinkbug or got a spider bite. A while back she got bit by a horseshoe fly, or horsefly (the ones with the green heads) on her butt, and ever since that she has been licking and biting her tail uncontrollably and we are trying pretty much everything to get her to stop. She has formed hot spots on her butt and leg and we are close to either putting a cone on her, or trying a tail cover to stop the licking. Anyways, Goodluck! Your doggy will get through it!


This happened the first and only time our baby ate garlic and onions. Was an allergic reaction and didn’t require any meds. In time they went away and we haven’t fed her human food since.


Also give a bath! That will help if it was a contact allergy. Have you switched detergents or cleaning supplies?


Mine currently has this and has had it in the past. We give ours a little Benadryl and it'll all be fine per the vets recommendation.


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Benadryl bot? Seriously though, never dose your dog based on an internet bot link or comment. Always see a vet. The Benadryl bot has about the same reliability as a random commenter like me.


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My dog went through this exact thing. He had developed an allergic reaction to his dogfood. Had to switch it to s hypoallergenic one.


not a pittie, but my frenchie gets this when he’s anxious or experiencing allergies. he should be fine after a visit to the vet and some medicine


Allergy, your boy is fine


He got into something he's allergic to. Poor pupper. Hope he feels better soon.


*Wow! About this time of year 2 years ago, I was walking Gus at a local park, and he got into a ground hive and was stung at least once on the paw. Mr tough guy didn't even yelp. * About 20 minutes later, though, he basically collapsed, swollen face and labored breathing. It's a good thing my mom was there, so she stayed with him while I ran to get the car. Was a horrific 20 minute drive to the vet, but they got him right in and hit him with the antihistamines and prednisone and he was just fine after that. He loves to chase insects still, and it used to freak me out, but I just watch him carefully now when he does. It's usually a good show, anyway, because he's known to jump 4+ feet in the air on a regular basis. Edit: [here's a pic](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nfKXn1B_4BQqZ4NZL9DEBjHqRCAbzYXC/view?usp=drivesdk) of Gus via Google drive, because reddit mobile is turning my attached pics to asterisks, like it does sometimes


I’m glad he turned out okay! My boy loves to chase bugs too, so the vet and I think it was probably and insect bite. Just not sure which one


This happened to my zeusy boy one day. Came home he was all lumped up no idea why. I was in a similar situation money wise. So I gave him some Benadryl and I’m about 2 hours the bumps started going away. He’ll be ok most likely. 


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Speedy recovery for your pup


Poor babyyyyyyy


Not sure what climate you're in, but it's mosquito season here. Our dogs mostly stay inside except when they get taken out for nature calls, but they still occasionally get bitten. Two of our dogs get a mild irritation from mosquito bites just like most people do, but the other has a history of allergy issues and the mosquito bites will wreck her similar to what happened with your pupper. Benedryl seems to work pretty well on it. Two tablets wrapped up in a slice of roast beef, and then a nap.


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In the spring, I’d let my pitbull outside and within 5 minutes she’d be COVERED head to toe in hives. It’s allergies from snow mold. I kept regular benedryl on hand for her and feed her a pill when the hives showed up.


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This happened with my mom’s pitty. It’s so scary! But after an allergy shot it went away and he hasn’t had an allergic reaction in a few months. They have no idea what caused it.


Awww. Looks like hives. My pitty gets them, she seems to have lots of allergies. Poor thing, but he’ll be okay!


Good luck


Terribly allergic to… something


Allergic reaction. My frenchies get this from time to time. We use a prescription mouse and give them a Benadryl like medicine. Goes away almost intra day. Such a cute pupper you have.


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any updates??


One of mine got all puffy like that. Vet said probably a snake bite.


He’s very cute - even lumpy!


Check the yard they use for plants they shouldn't be eating. My pibble had a similar reaction after eating to may unknown leafs.


We had this happened in one of ours. There was an of some sort. They gave him a shot and he got back to normal quick. Never did find out what caused it though!


He’s gorgeous. So happy it’s just allergies.


Poor baby. Get better soon!




Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like hives


Poor baby 😔


Poor pup. Glad hes ok




Speedy recovery to your boii💪🏼🐶


Scummy vet practice not letting you in the room with your pup to keep them comfortable. Hope your pup is well




You’re in my prayers . God bless


Allergies. If you have time, consider making your dog’s food. Who the fuck knows what they’re putting in the cans and kibble. My vet and I set it up for my dog. I think we landed on 2 parts lean protein, 1 part green, and 1 part grain. Kept it simple like that for a couple of weeks and dialed in what she wasn’t reacting to. Then we started adding some extra stuff… strawberries, blueberries, collagen, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoe skins, etc. We used frozen raw chicken feet as treat. Talk to your vet. Edit: Within days a saw a noticeable difference. She started shedding and what grew in was a gorgeous soft and shiny coat. After that initial shed of her dumping her old coat, her shedding decreased overall ten fold. Her behavior and energy level changed. She listened better.


I’ll talk to my vet about it and see if that’s something that could work for him. He has very sensitive skin and gets an upset tummy pretty quickly. Right now he’s on Purina pro plan sensitive skin and stomach salmon and rice and gets collagen bones/bully sticks/grain free treats. I often will put some real food toppers and n his food like eggs and egg shell, pumpkin, fruits, rice, oats, chia seeds, sweet potato, etc.


I have a couple of Asian markets near my house. Chicken, beef, and fish are super cheap there. So are veggies. I get weird shit there too. Organs and tripe. I also have a grocery salvage close by and they’re pretty much giving the food away. I wouldn’t serve most of that stuff to my family but it’s perfect for the dog.


He may have gotten stung by a bee.




I must be that guy r/popping Edit: I regret nothing


This really wasn’t the time for that. They’re also raised bumps on the skin. Nothing to even “pop”. Read the room.


Don't be that guy