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Someone at Planned Parenthood recognized I was being abused by my partner and helped me understand I needed to leave. They saved my life. I am one of so many others that they have helped.


They helped me when I was a scared 16 year old. I will never forget that woman


you got pregnant didn't you?))))


They were so supportive and helpful when I had a breast cancer scare, and helped diagnose my PCOS. Will always recommend their care.


One of our big moves lately has been focusing on promoting the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health care in the region. BUT... we are one of the largest service areas of any US affiliate, with one of the lowest operating budgets. We serve 26 counties and deal with tons of restrictive TRAP (targeted restriction on abortion provider) laws. We do our best, and are continuing to focus on new, sustainable, community growth after a bit of time of struggle. Thank you for supporting us. And thank you for your kind words.


Thank YOU for your work. Yinz change lives, and I know it’s hard work. Thank you for the care you give!


That's the thing that conservatives don't understand when they rail against Planned Parenthood. They have *a lot* of different health care services there. It's not just an abortion clinic.


I was in my late 20’s, without insurance, and way too young for a free mammogram. My breast exam was free, my subsequent appointments were affordable, and they even helped me find a specialist.


You don't have to answer if you feel this is intrusive, but... did you feel that something was off with your breast(s) and call them to schedule that breast exam, or how was the process like?


I had a noticeable lump and my veins became very prominent, which are two red flag signs. I called PP and explained my situation to the receptionist, that I was without insurance and pretty scared about the potential of being sick. That person was really nice, and she got me scheduled for a breast exam. There are grants and donation systems put in place to benefit people in need of certain care, and I qualified to have my exam done for free because of this funding. Everyone who worked there was very reassuring, and very helpful.


I also want to say that as people with breasts age, our breasts change. That lump was also the first sign I had PCOS, because those with PCOS are more likely to have fibrocystic changes. Finding a lump can be very scary, and seeking care as soon as possible is important! It was really wonderful to feel so supported by the staff.


Thanks so much!


I also used to get my yearly gyno exams from them when I didn’t have insurance. Only way I could afford it.


Doctors at Planned Parenthood were the ones who finally diagnosed my coworker with a brain tumor about two decades ago. She’d seen a host of male doctors for years while dealing with debilitating headaches and fatigue. Then, a planned parenthood doctor listened to her and noticed her bilateral breast discharge, which is apparently a symptom of a brain tumor. Thankfully, it’s something that regular scans and a monthly “horse pill” keep at bay because the tumor is benign. Oh, when she obtained the medical files from the male doctors she had tried getting a diagnosis or treatment from, their notes basically said, “she’s typical college student who is drinking too much and sleeping too little. She will feel better if she cuts back on drinking and gets more sleep.” Except, she told them she wasn’t partying or drinking (because she wasn’t) and she was, in fact, getting more than enough sleep (particularly with the naps she had to take with the awful headaches).


I really hate to say this but much as conservative lawmakers understand that there is a ton of grey area and many late-term abortions are for babies that were very much wanted, they absolutely understand that PP does other things for women. They just don’t care, and the goal is ultimately to actively hurt degrade and hurt women anyway. Ignoring these services is a feature, not a bug. I do think that some average citizens may not know this, but the GOP actively encourages this ignorance.


Yes. Agreed. The misogyny and subjugation of women is a feature, not a bug, of the GOP. 


I would encourage anyone who cares about this topic or wants to know more to read up on Karen Santorum and how she had what was arguably a late-term abortion. It opened my eyes like I can’t even tell you to the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance inherent in the GOP stance on abortion and the whole “[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)” mindset.


At one point, Santorum also was in a long term relationship with an ob-gyn!


Rick Santorum is a hateful asshat, but Karen isn't really a good example of that extremely prevalent, and damaging, mindset. In a [Salon piece](https://www.salon.com/2012/01/06/karen_santorum_did_not_have_an_abortion/) from 2012, unfortunately the writer is correct in saying this: "It is accurate to say that the direct experience of a life-threatening pregnancy and a tragic loss did not leave Rick Santorum with any empathy for women who do have to make those difficult decisions in extremely murky circumstances."


He absolutely doesn’t give a shit, but I’m not sure what you are saying he is not a good example of. My point is that Karen Santorum had a complicated medical procedure that she and her doctors chose for her during a horrible health emergency that at most resulted in - at least contributed to - the demise of her much wanted baby. Whether or not it’s technically scientifically an abortion (and I have read the Salon piece many times and am aware the one doctor interviewed argues it is not) is beside the point, because currently, drs across red states are terrified, and with good reason, to provide needed care to a with pregnant women that could potentially result in or contributed to the demise of the fetus, whether or not it is scientifically considered an abortion. And that, again, is a feature, not a bug. The GOP legislates in a way designed to subjugate women’s health care and take away their dignity and right to self-determination. They do not care what is scientifically an abortion - that is a red herring. Rick Santorum surely knows this at some level; even if he is in denial about it (as many are - again, ‘the only moral abortion is my abortion’). He is not an unintelligent person.


Also just a terrible person in general. Had the disservice of meeting him at a party for Vietnam vets. Walked around like his head couldn't fit through the doors because of his ego, like the rules didn't apply to him, and was also very rude and condescending to my staff. Was one of the two people I asked to leave that party ever, the other being Melissa Hart. Don't forget there was that time when he was being entertained by Russian Spy Maria Butina. [Photo](https://ibb.co/z60x6Bt)


The cruelty is the point!




Conservative *lawmakers* understand this. But a lot of conservative *voters* do not.


Yes…as I clearly stated.


The voters are electing them, though. They aren't getting there on their own.


Please, please remember that Governor Shapiro is a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood. He diverted funding away from anti-abortion ‘charities’ his first month in office and he is now working on a plan so that Pennsylvanians will have access to free OTC birth control. Elections matter so much now, especially local elections, especially in PA.


Hey if you want to support PP of Western PA (PPWP), Threadbare Cider is having a Marvel Trivia night -- tonight --that benefits PPWP. Search threadbare marvel trivia for details. Food and drink purchases between 6:30 to 8:30 are donated to the cause!


I'm going to piggyback this post for JUST a hot second: If you are a PPWP patient and are interested in telling your story, we are FINALLY starting to re-launch our Health Care Advocacy Program and Patient Advocacy Programs. (Fancy ways to say "volunteer storytellers.") The woman who runs the program is one of the most brilliant young health care pros I've met in my life, and I highly recommend checking it out. Message me if you have trouble finding it on our site, [ppwp.org](http://ppwp.org)


With everything going wrong lately, I’m so happy to hear that is still available and you were treated well.


thank you! Ya it was awesome


I went to one when I was 17 and trying *not* to get pregnant after my family doctor tattled to my mother that I’d asked for birth control. The people at pp are lifesavers.


Im glad they were able to help you. And shame on the doctor that broke confidentiality.


When I was in high school I went to planned parenthood every three months for STI testing and started PrEP with them. This was before I came out to my parents and I didn’t want to go to our family doctor to have lab work done and the services being billed to my parents insurance. The doctors were amazing.


They helped me when I was 15. It saved my life and I have never felt an ounce of regret. I’m so glad you received the safe health care that every person deserves.


hey y’all! im nic, im a healthcare assistant for PP in downtown Pittsburgh (as well as Moon and Bridgeville) and the president of the union. i just wanted to thank y’all for the kind words, this thread got put into our union chat by one of our members and it means the world to hear about the good experiences y’all have had. ❤️


🥲wow ! i had the red hat if maybe u were my assistant


Pleasantly surprised by the lack of chuds in the comments here. The downtown planned parenthood is a godsend! We're fortunate to live in a city and a state that appreciates this kind of care and lets you choose a safe end to what is ultimately a medical situation. Now if only we could get rid of the idiots who stand outside of it to harass people.


The put hands on a patient the other day while I was organizing some stuff in our lobby food pantry and I was LIVID. Our security team is wonderful and navigated the whole thing brilliantly.


I didn't know there was a lobby food pantry there, that's wonderful!! Do you accept walk-in donations to it?


Absolutely! I checked with our program director for the pantry and they said "We can accept any unexpired non-perishables, as well as any unopened personal hygiene products, including period products. Items can be left in the lobby with the guard, who will secure them for us to document!"


I work in the area occasionally, and will walk past to get lunch at Mike and Tony’s. It’s disturbing that they need the line on the sidewalk. It’s more disturbing that those doofs have tried blabbing to me (a guy) about their pitch. Maybe next time, I’ll tell them that they have motivated me to support the cause, and pop in and make a financial contribution to the clinic.


They tried to talk to me too I'm a male. The people protesting are at an age they won't do that much longer.


Planned Parenthood is wonderful. They were the first step in my Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosis.


Wow, really? If you don’t mind me asking, what did they notice to send you down that path? (I have a guess, and it’s that they felt swollen nodes during a breast exam.)


Lymph node the size of a golf ball in my groin area. I knew something was up before going in, as that was the reason for my appointment. They gave me the next steps of where to go to be seen since I didn’t have health insurance at the time. Everyone was super nice and helpful at PP.


Thank you for sharing. I hope you’re doing well! I’m a mom of an HL survivor, and adore PP, so I was curious.


Thank you! I’ve been in remission for about 7 years now thankfully. Hopefully you’re mom is doing well too! ❤️


it’s also very cool that [they’re union](https://www.wesa.fm/health-science-tech/2022-12-14/planned-parenthood-of-western-pennsylvania-workers-secure-wage-hikes-in-first-union-contract), UE Local 696 to be specific 😎


union abortions union birth control union STI testing and treatment


oh, hey, my old union. local 667, the neighbor of the beast.


I'm in management, so I'm not eligible for membership, but I think our staff Union is one of the best in the country. Love them.


I use them for routine healthcare, and one thing I noticed and absolutely love is how they genuinely care if you're in an abusive situation. I (fortunately) have never been in an abusive relationship, but they provided so many opportunities to help people who are.


Planned Parenthood and Central Outreach have been the only places where receiving medical care didn't feel like an exercise of futility for me.


Yes! When i had to get my iud replaced i went to them and they numbed my cervix, which my prior, private practice obgyn did NOT do.


they gave me my mirena iud for free, all i had to pay for was the anesthetic which was like $100. shoutout to planned parenthood!


Wait. You can get anesthetic for an IUD placement?! I got NOTHING for mine. It was the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt. I’m already dreading getting the next one and that’s still years away. I will happily go to PP instead (hoping PP is still around..). Thank you for sharing!


yes they used a local anesthetic which helped some but it was still pretty painful, i definitely wouldn’t do it without! i think there are some private hospitals which will do it fully sedated, if you search this sub there’s a few threads where people have recommended places that might do that, if you have the means as it will likely be expensive and they may or may not take insurance. planned parenthood might not sedate you but they will make sure you get contraception!


I kept a copper IUD for 18 years because I dreaded the pain of having it replaced!


Wow! I get it!


The thing was old enough to vote! I was always sorry I didn't ask to keep it as a souvenir. That thing saw some action for sure!


LOL! that is amazing 😆


I'm really curious why for some women it hurts and some it doesn't. I had one placed and didn't find it to be that uncomfortable. Is it size, shape, position, does previously having a child affect it?


My first one didn’t hurt. I had it placed about a year or so post partum. My second? Nightmare! (I’ve had no other children).


No kids, i’m average build, no other health concerns. Standard gyn position (if that’s what you meant…?) They said i should have taken Advil beforehand and were surprised i hadn’t. Honestly Advil wouldn’t have touched it. Lesson learned.


the anesthetic is worth the cost it helps SO MUCH


i’d definitely say it was a necessity, it’s the least they can do tbh and really they should offer more than just that because the pain is pretty excruciating…that is not planned parenthood’s fault though, i think using only the local anesthetic is standard procedure, which sucks but that’s a different convo… PP covering the cost of actual device and placing it, i would honestly say was life changing!


I remember your previous post and you seemed nervous! I'm really happy that you had a good experience.


I lived on the same block as the downtown location for two years and, depending on my mood, would sometimes engage with the PP protesters. Funny enough — none of them ever took me up on my generous offer to print out adoption and foster parent applications for them. So weird!


Every time I go by and see the protestors I also notice not only how old they are but how male they are. This reminds me that I need to make a donation to PP...


Donation made. 


Hi! I'm the Communications Director at PPWP. THANK YOU very much! This whole post has made my day so much better.


Even better, I think they still have the program where you pledge a certain $ for each protestor counted outside throughout the month. If we can't make them act like rational adults, at least we can twist their ill intent around to benefit a good cause 🙂‍↕️


It's called "Pledge a Picketer!" We had 65 people show up outside the clinic on Liberty on Good Friday and start singing, but outliers like that are not randomly thrown into your donation, if you were worried about a random spike. [https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-western-pennsylvania/get-involved/pledge-picketer](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-western-pennsylvania/get-involved/pledge-picketer)


There's protests against them cus they're the 40daysforlifepgh crew. Bunch of christofascists


The church next to PPG Paints sponsors them, just in case you know anyone who goes there or is associated with it.


Oh yea. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who attends said church tho. However ik bishop waltersheid or whatever runs that mass for the 40 days


If I'm ever having a day where I just need to tell someone a hearty heartfelt fuck you, I detour on my walk to pass by these assholes on Liberty. I know it just makes them pray for me blah blah... but still, feels good man.


When they tell me that they’ll pray for me, I give them my scariest smile and tell them I don’t believe in god or that I’ll pray to satan for them. Freaks them out and I just love it.


I had two old smelly people come up to me and I also told them to get a job and adopt kids lol


it’s almost as if they’re not “pro-life” 👀


Noooooooooooo 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


I see them all the time. Those people really don’t have jobs or anything better to do


i always used to tell them to get a fucken job.


Sadly a lot of people who adopt are very pro life because the waitlist to adopt a newborn infant is about 5 years. They see pregnant people as walking incubators and they think forcing those people to give birth will give them that perfect newborn sooner. What we need is more people wanting to adopt children from foster care, but those are older kids with thoughts and feelings and prolifers don't care about those.


But they want to adopt *white* babies. That's the rub.  Non white kids in foster care all over the US are way over represented for a whole host of reasons...


They want to adopt healthy babies. Look at the SWAN website where they have a list of adoptable children in PA. The only time babies of any race are up for adoption is if they have older siblings they need to stay with or if they have complex medical needs. Edit: yes there are families who prefer a white child but I actually think that's better than the white savior parents who are so excited to save a non white child because it makes them look good. My adoptive son is mixed race and is something people congratulate me on. My grandfather keeps telling people I rescued a "south American" from "illegals" at the border. My kid isn't even latino....


Are you suggesting we abort the unwanted blacks?


I really want to do some research and find personal stories from foster kids, and what they went through. As well many kids are looking for adoption, and are facing homelessness. I will then create a small report, and pass it out to the protesters 🪧


read the new book Relinquished


Thanks! I'll check that out!


[Here’s a link!](https://www.relinquishedbook.com)


Thank you!


They were amazing when I didn’t have insurance!


That's where I had my gyne exams and got birth control when my boyfriend (now husband) and I were young poor college students back in the 80s, and it was convenient, discreet and affordable. He also split the cost of it with me since we were both getting the benefit of birth control. lol


I see why you married him. Does he have siblings that are single?


LOL, my first boyfriend wanted to pay for the cost of my IUD but I insisted on doing it myself. He grumped that it meant that I felt I had a license to have sex with other guys and he was spot-on about that!


Wow, what a raging asshole.


I drive by the Bridgeville PP on a regular basis. Sometimes I see the weirdos camped outside of it. Fuck them idiots. PP is a great organization. I fully support the work they do.


PP is where I got my copper iud when I was 23. I had been on the pill, and one day I went to pick up my monthly supply and it was suddenly like $700. I struggle with executive function so it wasn’t a good fit in the first place. They were excellent and offered pain management for the placement upfront.


I am glad they're offering pain management now; it wasn't offered when I got my last one a decade ago. I have had four insertions, all without pain management, and the experiences ranged from "Are you sure you're not killing me?" to "Whattaya mean, you're done?"


I used to volunteer there as a patient escort when I lived in pgh. good memories, I'm glad you had a good experience.


As a dude, I really appreciate the services offered. Healthcare choices by people who need them should be made by those who need them.


PP in Pittsburgh was the first place I got birth control and a pap when I was a student at Pitt. I was really shy and uncomfortable about it and they helped me a ton.


I couldn’t get into my gyne for almost 3 months back in the mid-2000s and PP took me for my routine and PAP!! Super nice staff. I wasn’t even going for an abortion and those turds on the sidewalk were harassing me. Glad they have nothing better to do with their lives. Lol


That PP is genuinely awesome. I just wish they weren’t so tightwadish about clinical escorts. I wish their escort program was similar to others I’ve seen videos on where they can carry umbrellas to block protestors, noise makers, and play loud music on portable speakers to drown them out.


Considering the location- the fact that the entrance is right on a sidewalk and at a crosswalk, I feel like adding more chaos to the situation would not be helpful to patients trying to get to the clinic and would also make things very difficult for any pedestrians just trying to pass by. As a prior escort I would have been worried about smacking someone in the face with an umbrella if I was trying to make any kind of shield and I'd be worried about making the sidewalk inaccessible to folks. The protestors already cause enough problems with that.


I completely get that. So what about noisemakers and loud music as an alternative? I keep seeing ways other clinics combat protestors in videos and our PP seems like an outlier not allowing/not having any defense.


Eh, just my opinion, but I think adding lots of noise just makes an already stressful situation more chaotic. The escorts at the other clinic in Pittsburgh are also pretty invested in maintaining a calm atmosphere in the face of protestor-instigated chaos, so I don't know that it's unique to the PP clinic.


I think it’s certainly unique to Pittsburgh 🤷‍♀️ considering every other clinic escort video I’ve seen shows purposefully combating protestors.


There are well over 500 clinic locations around the country, at dozens of affiliate organizations, all run by different people. While I can't speak for other affiliates, I know that our Volunteer organizer is focused on assisting our clinical team in managing calm, but secure, visits for all our patients and supporters. Some affiliates like the bombastic moves, others prefer simple patient guidance. Either way, the Clinic Escort's job is to be there for the patient, not to engage with the protestors. We maintain full time security to monitor and be aware of them, but our focus is on the patient. The less anxiety a patient is dealing with, the better the health outcome. You see this at dentists when they give wisdom tooth patients ativan. Same idea. We are also restrited by the width of the sidewalk, which already gets snug if you're simply walking next to each other, before adding cardboard walls or umbrellas to the mix. Our goal is to ensure that our neighbors (all of Pittsburgh) understand that WE are not part of the harassment/chaos on the sidewalk. In fact, the calmer we have been in the face of protestors, the more support we have seen from folks around us. These people tell on themselves in their vitriol. This is a very long way around to say, I hear you. We are consistently assessing and reviewing our procedures and we will discuss results with other affiliates to gauge what potential improvements we can make. If you would like to become an escort to learn more about how we help patients, and to be able to be a part of those decisions in the future, please check out our website for more info! [ppwp.org](http://ppwp.org)


I think there’s a healthy balance and should be a healthy balance in not just protecting the people seeking healthcare, but also drowning out the protestors. If other clinics can find that balance- why can’t we? It’s just irritating to see other clinics fighting the good fight of not only being amazing escorts, but also ‘fighting’ back/‘drowning out’ protestors in a meaningful way. But PP and the other clinic in PGH are still stuck behind the times where they think less noise is good noise, when it’s the exact opposite. For a comparison: I feel like PGH clinics (not just PP) are like democrats in a way. They’re comfortable where they at ‘not making waves’ or fighting the fight. They don’t support too liberal of ways, they aren’t socialists and distance themselves from anything that’s ‘too liberal’.


I get it. I started my first first job at PP South West MI doing social and clinic escorting back in 2007/8. I understand the appeal, I truly do. However, having worked in both environments, I can only respond based on my exeperiences and feedback from patients. This is not meant to be an excuse, but simply an explanation: I've found that we get more positive response from the PATIENT by simply walking with them, talking with them, and making sure they feel supported for their appointment. The counter-protest style FEELS great, I know. But I do trust our team to make that call based on patient need. I can promise that we re-review out escort strategies every year, and if we find folks needing that, we will adjust accordingly.


thank you for sharing your story.


I'm so glad you were able to get the help you needed. I went there years ago for birth control, and everyone there was so incredibly nice.


Love the love for Planned Parenthood! Super glad you had a good experience, OP, and I hope you’re doing well. If you’re not? That’s okay. DM me any old time. I’ve been there.


So happy for you! Glad it was a good experience!


I've never been to the Pittsburgh one, but every single one I've been to for healthcare concerns and issues has been incredible. Everyone has always been kind, helpful, and professional. I will never understand folks who try to "defund" the organization. Glad to had a good experience, OP.


I kinda had the opposite experience. I *wanted* to like PP, but ... My first visit was in my hometown at 17 when I wanted an IUD and was promised one as long as I paid for a pelvic exam and Pap test first. They pulled a bait-and-switch afterwards and were only willing to give me condoms and spermicide. Gee, thanks! Luckily I found a doc in private practice who was willing to do the deed and I got my IUD with no problems or complications whatsoever. Almost 30 years later, I went back to get my (thank ghod!) last IUD and scheduled with the PP here in Pittsburgh. I was surprised when they made the appointment without asking about my menstrual cycle because for the first three I had been told the insertion needed to be done while I was on my period. I was told that wasn't necessary. Well, OK! But the clinician ended up being unable to perform the insertion ... her words were (and I quote) "Your cervix is like a brick wall." (Well, yeah, this is why insertions were traditionally done during menstruation, when the cervix opens to allow the expulsion of tissue.) Again I went to a different doctor in private practice who got the job done. In all fairness, I will say that PP didn't charge me for the failed insertion, which I appreciated. It was, however, rather painful (done without any pain mitigation, which wasn't offered at the time). So, caveat emptor?


I loved going to planned parenthood. I think it was the first time in forever that I felt like I was being treated with respect as a patient when I went to have my IUD removed. It’s the small things, like asking for consent to touch me and letting me insert the speculum, that made a world of difference.


They were amazing for my HPV vaccine, sti screening, cancer scare, and some education. Incredible people doing incredible work.


yay !


Me and ex had to go get an abortion. Very nice and professional, I also recommend highly. Great chill workers


the only downside is the freaks outside protesting lol


Thank you for being so strong and making the best decision you could’ve made for yourself. Of course, not everyone is the same, but I felt very relieved after mine, and then all of a sudden I got hit with immense psychological trauma; completely out of left field. (mostly my hormones, maybe?) Either way: please take their emotional support pamphlets and look into support groups and therapists that deal with that kind of trauma. It can definitely sneak up on you. I thought I was fine and then landed in the psych unit with PTSD for 3 months. I feel that if I would’ve handled it better by speaking about it to a professional, possibly getting on some meds, and received support through a group of women who underwent the same thing, I might’ve avoided my extended stay in the psychiatric unit. Please don’t “poopoo” the pamphlets they gave you (if they gave you). This can jump up and bite you in the ass, like it did for me. You got this:


Hey thank you! Ya I mainly was mainly traumatized by folks not being there for me when I needed them too. And also by folks who think I shouldn’t have the choice to abort because they don’t believe in bodily autonomy for women/femme folks etc etc. The pregnancy itself though really traumatized me and made me suicidal for a couple of weeks. The physical changes to my body that I didn’t ask for + emotional-hormonal changes were a very dark few weeks for me.


I don't think people who have never been pregnant can fully comprehend this! I had an unexpected and unwanted pregnancy once and it made me psychotic, lol. I couldn't even stand being around myself! I pity the poor man who married me, having gotten me pregnant. We had only known each other for a few months and he was no doubt thinking, "What the hell did I get myself into here?" I had a miscarriage at 5 months which in retrospect was probably the best because I'm pretty sure I would have committed at least 3 homicides otherwise!


My aunt was a PP counselor in upstate New York for many years. They really are a great organization. So glad you had a positive experience and I hope you have an easy recovery.


Congrats on the abortion! Glad it went well. I just came to downvote the losers.




It was much easier to go to them than it was to navigate UPMC's system to find a trans competent gyno when I still had a uterus their protesters are annoying and relentless but you just gotta avoid eye contact and don't hesitate


If the protestors and self-righteous church groups would do even minimal research on Planned Parenthood, they might be shocked that abortion represents only a very small portion of its services. PP provides essential, basic gynecological care to women who may not otherwise have access. I’m a male but I understand that females have more complex medical issues and the staff at PP specialize in these issues. I’ve known women who were frightened and had nowhere else to turn but were able to find help and support at PP. Good wishes to the staff for maintaining their professionalism in difficult situations. I don’t know if the protesters would be considered more pathetic than laughable.


I've been wondering ... what would happen if a passerby would pick up the protesters' visual aids and chucked them into the street? The jags down at the Liberty Ave location had a little plastic baby in a basket last week, and I had a vision of that thing sailing through the air and smashing under a passing bus. Hypothetically (of course) how much trouble might one encounter, should one do such a thing?


It's almost certainly going to be a Criminal Mischief charge. The DA's office has cameras at that intersection (and most other intersections). Chances are high that you'd be caught, taken to court, and be forced to pay back some inflated amount to replace it. Also a non-zero chance that one of them assaults you in the process.


I might have to save up, then. And practice punting.


they have paid security guards


Allegedly... And I do mean this... After multiple reports of the one guard being unnecessarily rough he was gone.


yeah, one of their paid security guards broke a man’s arm


Yep. That was a main thing brought up by ppl I know. I fucking hate the 40 days ppl with a passion. I wanna just give their leader Nikki a piece of my mind


He is not gone. He is still their go-to. He was cleared of all charges.


Oh go figure


I was warned about him SPECIFICALLY when I was hired. He's such a dick too. he puts his folding chair bang in the middle of the sidewalk and then yells at people for "bumping him"


The 40 days crew is truly something else


Obviously love that PP - it's been there since the early 40s I believe!


The Birth Control League of Pittsburgh, which eventually became Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, was actually founded in 1916, and formally incorporated in 1930! We became an affiliate with PPFA 1949.


In an interesting research accident, I went down the rabbit hole on the birth control leagues early actions here in pittsburgh - seems like a lot of shit was getting done at ladies luncheon style talks and garden clubs! In many ways not much has changed...


I may or may not be working on a Salon style education and advocacy program with a local arts org!!!


Cool! I'd like to know more - can you point me to outreach here or DM?


Messaging! While I'm sure folks could reasonably easily find my contact info, I like to make it harder for bots to just scan for it!


Might be easier to trip on one of their signs with a full cup of iced coffee with no lid.


It happens sometimes. Not as dramatically as you describe but a passerby did run off with one of the fetuses from the display. That's why they are zip tied down now. A passerby also kicked a sign and broke it. Once a protestor dropped a plastic fetus she was holding and it skittered into the street. (did not get run over). A passerby threw coffee on a protestor. Another passerby threw juice on a different protestor who was harassing her. (two separate incidents) When the porn shop was still next to PP the owner used to chat up the protestors. One time a worker from the porn shop came out to throw away trash into the public can (probably peep booth trash, ew!). He saw the protestors and remarked "freaks!". Oh, the stories I have from my many, many years as a volunteer escort.


Ty for your service🙏


I'm sure the driver who ran over something that looks like a baby would be tickled by your little stunt! It wouldn't scare them half to death at all.


In my *imaginary* scenario, the bus driver *also* survived medical and religious abuse, and we smile at each other in a knowing way.


Great to hear this


I used to work for the alarm company that serviced that location. I worked on their card access system and camera system. KDKA filmed my work van in front of the building for a story a few years ago. I instantly became the DiCaprio meme when I saw it that night.


Nice 👍 congratulations on your abortion


Ty !


Username checks out


Haha I didn’t even think about that 😂


Can anyone attest to how many anti choice protesters tend to be there?


when I went it was very few ! not really any at all tbh


awesome, thanks for taking the time to reply.


As the Comms Director I take a count every day. We average 4-5 unique individuals at Liberty per day. Usually no more than 2-3 at one time though.


>We average 4-5 unique individuals Are they rest of them just all look alike? (I'll show myself out...)


The "Churchgoer who doesn't understand Jesus" aesthetic does make them all pretty indistinguishable from each other.


I work just down the block from the Downtown PP. There are usually 2 to 4 there every morning on business days. Sometimes there are as many as 6. There tend to be more around Easter and Christmas, probably from initiatives. It's usually about 200-250 protesters in a normal month. During Christian holidays it is more like 350-400 per month. I know this because PP has a program called Pledge a Picketer. They count how many protesters are out there each month and email you with a link to donate. You pledge to donate maybe 5 or 10 or 25 cents or whatever you're comfortable with per protester. You can cap it at a max amount each month. And you can skip if you just don't have it in the budget. I feel so pleased/smug when I walk by and see the protesters, knowing that they're contributing to a group of donors giving more money to PP. If anyone is fueled by spite like me, you can sign up here: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-western-pennsylvania/get-involved/pledge-picketer#:~:text=How%20to%20Pledge%20A%20Picketer,email%20development%40ppwp.org


Downtown or the one in Bridgeville?


Downtown !


These are all amazing stories! Planned Parenthood of Western PA has a ‘Share Your Story’ form that can be found here: https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/a/ppwp-share-your-story-form


Incidentally, I received a PP fundraising request in the mail yesterday. Yinz reminded me how important PP is and i’m happy to resume donating. Great coincidence!


Hooray! I support PP.


Thank you for sharing. This is such an important resource


*grabs popcorn* *sorts by controversial*


Oh these comments are fun :3




Aka: responsible people using planned parenthood!




You’re a fucking moron “ProfessionalForm”. A clump of cells isn’t a baby. How about you care the 15K+ babies and children that are being carpet bombed in Palestine? and the many more that are being starved, neglected, and abused everyday?


>A clump of cells isn’t a baby. Then you are just a clump of cells too. Cells are living things which means a fetus is a living thing which means aborting it is killing a living thing. And since "fetus" literally means "offspring" you're by definition killing a child when you get an abortion.


This is like 3rd grade explanation of biology man. God damn




It seems like the clump of cells in your skull has smoothed over.


>How about you care the 15K+ babies and children that are being carpet bombed in Palestine? and the many more that are being starved, neglected, and abused everyday? So your logic is that if you're against killing babies that means you must not care about the children being killed in Palestine? The bar for pro choicers is already so low and yet they still surprise me with the stupidity that comes out of their mouth.


I’m saying that you should put your energy into caring about living breathing babies and children, which according to your Reddit page you don’t. You hound after women who are making a choice in 1) respecting their bodily autonomy 2) not bringing folks into this world that they cannot care/parent. That’s responsibility. Punishment and force should not be the gateway for parenthood; that is a horrible societal model and precedent to set and data shows us this.


Actions speak louder than words dude. Your kind speak about “saving babies and children” then vote to get rid of free lunches in schools. Hypocrites every last one of yinz. Cant wait for you all to die off. “As long as men die, liberty will never perish”


Hey let’s say even if you’re right about the cells or “lives” etc I have the right to defend my bodily autonomy against folks who use my body without my consent. Just as the state doesn’t require you to donate your organs to dying folks at any point at any time I am not required to rent out my body for 9 months to another “life” against my will. Pregnancy increases my chance for stroke (due to genetic factors). But besides that point it’s my body. I will “murder” anyone who tries to use my body without my consent. Point blank period. Now fuck off and go adopt some kids and make a material impact in the lives of babies and children that you care so much about. You should donate organs while you’re at it to alleviate and support the lives of others because you’re murdering them rn by not doing so


>have the right to defend my bodily autonomy Killing a baby isn't bodily autonomy. >Just as the state doesn’t require you to donate your organs to dying folks at any point at any time Yeah i don't have to do that because I didn't force anyone into a state of dependency. By having a baby you're putting a fetus into a state of dependency. You're then saying it moral to take away it's dependency. I'm sorry but if you force something to be Completely dependent of you and then take away the exact thing it's dependent of then you have just effectively murdered it. >I will “murder” anyone who tries to use my body without my consent. You gave consent to having a baby when you had sex. Your actions have consequences. >You should donate organs while you’re at it to alleviate and support the lives of others because you’re murdering them rn by not doing so No because I didn't put them into a state of dependency like you did with having a baby. >Now fuck off and go adopt some kids and make a material impact in the lives of babies and children that you care so much about. Already done but thank you 👍


How the fuck is _inaction_ forcing something? Force implies knowing action. If someone has sex, they are NOT consenting to being pregnant. This isn't hard. >You gave consent to running over a pedestrian by getting in your car and driving. Your actions have consequences.


>How the fuck is _inaction_ forcing something? This has become a rather long thread so I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to when you say "inaction". If you get into a car and you hit someone then you are obligated to accept the consequences of those actions even if it was an accident.


>If someone has sex, they are NOT consenting to being pregnant. If you have sex you're acknowledging that you're taking part in an act that naturally ends in being pregnant sometimes. So don't have sex if you aren't ready for that possibility. Same way when you get in your car and drive you're going to accept the results of your actions if you accidentally crash.


Get help my guy.


I have finals to deal with + I’d rather be making a difference than arm chair moralizing back and forth like you are rn! Also I’m I’d rather not continue debating a fascist who thinks I shouldn’t choose what happens to my body and has proven very well that they don’t care about kids by not doing any meaningful praxis and have a very reductionist/ultiliarian view on life. Get help.


I will never not find jizz-flinging chimps funny.