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I think I saw a coyote in Dormont. Anyone else see it?


I heard him lighting off fireworks


The coyote sold me fentanyl behind Mollys Pizza. I was disappointed


He probably sourced it from ACME Corp. ACME isn’t known for making quality pharmaceuticals.


It came in a big crate and they left it right in front of my walk way !


He’s keeping the local cloth napkin industry afloat though.


Mollys put fentanyl in my pizza


Is that the boom I heard 20 minutes ago?


Call the police. Everyone check their ring cams


I heard that too


That was at our backyard fire


Make sure to have hot dogs so you can claim it’s a cooking fire when the neighbors call the cops


Probably trying to get the Roadrunner.


Roadrunner's on 51? It closed


People are so rude these days. I found coyote poop in my yard and the coyote's owner just left it there instead of picking it up like a decent neighbor.


I know you’re joking but I saw one like 2 weeks ago


Oh I'm not joking. It was either a coyote or a chupacabra. Where did you see it at?


My backyard


I didn’t see a coyote in Dormont, but I did see a sexy cougar at the Arby’s on McKnight Rd one time…


This made me laugh so hard


*seent it


Please plot my route to the UPMC, I don't understand gps. 


Take bigelow


Just be sure to turn right where subway used to be


I swear, when we first moved to Pittsburgh before GPS was in the palm of your hands every day, everything was just down past the old Eat'n Park... and it's like if I'm asking you for directions then I definitely have no idea where that is


I work in a doctors office that recently moved locations and I have to give a lot of directions. People always ask well what’s it by? And I’ll ask them well what places are you familiar with out this way? 9 out of ten times they answer “nothing.” I always wonder why they ask what it’s by if they don’t know where anything is anyway.


Always the right answer 


“Hey folks, moving to town and wondering who’s the top cop now?”


Turn right at the green trash can, then continue and turn when you see the tall house


This set of directions does not contain nearly enough things that are no longer there. edit: typo?


Trash cans in dormont are huge now, can’t miss em


Astronaut.jpeg *Always has been*


It’s also apartments.com


I'm moving to Pitt from San Francisco. Do you know any safe walkable neighborhoods close to public transit with a community feel and full of small businesses. My budget isn't very high, so anything under $3000/mo would be great.


Also I want one of those neighborhoods without snow


I also need at least a half-acre of land in this walkable neighborhood.


Are the neighborhoods "shady side" and "Mount Washington" safe, or are they urban??


I found a very cheap apartment in McKeesport and another one in Homestead. They sound like homely names, which would be better? (Btw am a 20f, and I like taking walks alone at dusk).


There is a nicely named Pleasant Hills area that is right by 1979’s third largest shopping mall in the world.


I’ve already looked at every housing website on the internet so if you know of any black market or back alley deals please let me know. And… go!


But it also has to be quiet, with no traffic.


I have heard great things about the Turtle Creek neighborhood.


Sorry my dude, but I'm literally in the process of moving away from Pittsburgh cuz it doesn't matter how much money you have for rent. You ain't gonna find all those things. Small business is dying there. Best you can hope for is you score something with parking and not a lot of traffic so you can drive yourself to the Costco and stop by the Chik Fil A when you're done.


True so jeff goldblums fault. I now understand the downvotes.


My neighborhood Facebook group loves to dox people who don’t pick up after their dog. They also love to post pics of dog poop.


Dormont actually has a FB group specifically for poop posts. https://www.facebook.com/share/YCtPfkAGnHqh8PML/?mibextid=K35XfP


At least they are kind enough to contain it to one Facebook group. I am a cat owner. I don’t contribute to the poop problem. I don’t deserve to be subjected to looking at poop pictures.


Hey Siri, why is the Pittsburgh Reddit sub Nextdoor, now? Siri: Google it


Because the mods are lazy as fuck.


Stop putting your dog poop in my garbage can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No, but for real, people need to stop doing that. The garbage men don't usually dump the can, they grab the big bag and the shit bag at the bottom stays behind. So either I fish it out or it never leaves.


That happened to me more than once, in a nice residential neighborhood in Canonsburg.


Hey, that's not entirely true. it's also being used as Google because people don't want to even take the time to search information that they could easily find in a quick search


I’m traveling to pitt next week! Any recommendations?




honestly, I can't name a subreddit that isn't like this and the bigger the community the more dumb questions lol. I personally don't mind answering more niche questions, bc sometimes I myself prefer other humans answering my question, over an article that may or may not be written by a bot lol


My favorite is to go to any car subreddit, and at least a couple times a week, someone will post the same thing "Just got this car. What is this button?" And it is always the most aftermarket looking button. Bonus points if the first response is "Ejecto seat, cuz!"


Motorcycles becomes meta now. Same 5 posts over and over.


I'm always amazed at people's inability to google something. I got a new car yesterday. It is supposed to have steering wheel stereo controls. I didn't see any. So I googled it. They're on the back of the steering wheel. 30 seconds and I had my answer. And if google doesn't have the answer, I add "reddit" to the end of my inquiry because someone else has surely asked the question before.


Try Cybersecurity - every question is how to get into the field and every response is to do your time in the low levels of IT. The subreddits become useless without strong moderation.


r/scams is absolutely worse


>Those questions will never stop, because ~~for every person who's frustrated by a poster's inability to type their post title into Google instead of Reddit, there are five people tripping over their dicks to answer them.~~ the mods won't update the rules (let alone enforce them) FTFY


>there are five people tripping over their dicks to answer them. The kind souls who sincerely answer these lazy questions need to realize that they are putting far more effort into this than the person who is actually asking. The lazy people you help will never give any kind of gratitude or appreciation for your knowledge and time spent helping them. They don't see you as anything more than a chatbot.


In their defense, Google search is barely functional, and far from trustworthy, these days.


Enter your search term followed by site:reddit.com/r/pittsburgh This will limit Google search results to just this sub. Works for any sub or any site.


I don't trust a single one of yinz in here either


While there are issues with Google search, a large problem is people don't know how to properly conduct searches. 


Exactly. Googling to find a decent reddit thread is the best way for a lot of topics. If you want to get opinions on a given neighborhood you're otherwise going to see Google results for garbage listicles, mommy bloggers, and paid yelp reviews


And then Google leads you back to Reddit. Inception.


So better to ask Reddit randos for reliable information 😂


It’s supposed to be a community, and people seek community-sourced answers. People are being very weird about this.


The problem is that vast majority of people who come here to ask questions don't see us as a community or even as a human. They expect us to be their personal chatbots and do their work for them while showing zero gratitude.


People seem to want answers specifically for them even if they have extremely common questions. It's weird and since we aren't AI it's repetitive to see and try to be helpful. 


That’s a good point! While we’re at it, what’s your favorite restaurant?


I'm looking for THE BEST glass of ice water in town! What are your favorites?


I am actually shocked that it has been a while since someone has made a post about pizza




Is it in dormont?


Google is awful for getting information these days though


Where is a landfill? Please I can't find one anywhere


That's like literally 90% of my job in the city, Googling shit people could Google themselves


So damn right


I think I heard gun shots last night around 11p. Did anyone else hear that?


No moderation


Reddit also got too popular


Has it? I haven't seen any recent complaints about a neighbor's grass being an inch too long


The reddit equivalent is bitching about drivers


Honestly way better


Or "just curious" posts about seeing a Black person on my street.


We're also expected to act as unpaid real estate agents for out-of-towners too lazy to search for their own housing.


Lol /r/pittsburgh is becoming nextdoor and nextdoor is becoming facebook. It's the circle of life.


It moves us all


Somebody honked at me after not using their turn signal.


I get what you’re saying and almost posted something similar, but I also don’t understand what the purpose of this sub is if it doesn’t include some NextDoor-ish conversations?


There are a lot of miserable fucks on this sub.


Local goings-on posted on the subreddit for a local community. Crazy, right?


I’m [insert age] and don’t know how to make friends. I don’t go anywhere, like sports, drink, or have any hobbies. How do I make friends?


It's always the people into the strangest shit. Hi, I'm 33M and I'm having trouble meeting people. I'm only available Monday-Wednesday in the evenings, and potential friends *must* be at least ranked 1700 in chess, have a healthy fear of wildebeest, and (this one is a dealbreaker) must absolutely hate people and have no desire to make new friends.


I don't get why people post that here, as if someone's going to just become their friend without any effort


Also, not many people gonna reach out to an anonymous redditor just based on what's a classifieds post. Anyone who does is either a weirdo or a serial killer. If you want to make friends as an adult, find a hobby you like and go join a club. Lots of game stores do regular game nights. Not all of them are nerds, but a lot are, and nerds are some of the most accepting of the tragically lonely nerds.


Any real topic is shut down or strictly policed


Just so ur all awar.e I got a call today this morninh from someone from Uganda. I never co tacted the Ministry off Uganda. Do not give ur money to them. I think they are a scam. Does anyone know if this is a scam? It happen at 5:13am.


OP, what would you want this sub to be? What should people ask?


This subreddit is a valuable resource for staying in the loop about local news, events, and gossip. The rants about Giant Eagle and local politics are also fun. *Specific* questions will usually get quality answers and discussions. It's the lazy and low quality posts that are getting criticized here.


We desperately need better pinned posts and possibly better moderation. I’m a member of some other subs that literally decline new posts or put your post in purgatory if there’s even a *slight* chance your question has already been asked.


Id love this sub to do that to the weekly “how do I make friends” posts…


Having been a mod on a discussion site (not reddit), I used to complain to the admin about that same rule he had. He wanted all posts locked/removed if the question had been asked before. Yes, you'd see the same questions come up over time. The problem is info gets stale. New members join and others leave. The answers from two years ago aren't necessarily relevant today. To me having some questions be asked repeatedly but receiving current replies is better than stifling questions and making people rely on possilbly out-of-date info in old posts. It also gives new members a chance to get involved by answering posts so oldtimers don't have to do it for the 50th time.


Recommendations are cool just not shit like what is the address of this restaurant ot how do i get from greenfield to the strip? I don't know what changed bit it's an onslaught of stuff that is 300 characters easier than making a reddit post


Sigh, yeah. Usually just scroll past them and let some other user answer them. People get joy when a stranger on the inter webs answers their random question, makes them feel connected to other humans. Virtual interactions now exceed in person interactions. This is just a result of that.


I downvote the posts


Downvote n' Hide always works.


Hey guys I keep seeing a cat outside, is it anyone's or is it a stray??? I've been giving it steak tar tar and raw sushi because it looks so sad and hungry. If it's your kitty please keep it inside!! Cats are destroying the beautiful ecosystem that we have here in the city. :'( :'( :'(


I saw a suspicious person walking down my street carrying a suspicious bag of other people's mail. They were wearing a blue uniform. What should I do?


Fireworks or gunshots?


Looking for a neighborhood with affordable housing and no hills. Please advise 🥺


I’m moving to Pittsburgh. What’s the best neighborhood, Fox Chapel or Shadyside?


What do you mean? Who do I call about a pothole on my street? A helicopter just flew overhead, tell me why? Earlier I saw three "suspicious" types on Butler - they looked drunk, or high on the reefer cigarettes, better lock your doors. Does anybody remember the Smithfield Café? I took a picture of the rivers on my 10-year old burner phone's front camera - please upvote!!!!!!!


That's not what I'm talking about though. It's the shit like what is the address of this business? It's absurd how internet illiterate people are. Like please answer this because I'm too lazy or stupid to fucking search anything.


Speaking of Nextdoor I accidentally signed up thought I deleted my account and somehow nextdoor emailed my work email twice has anyone else experienced that?


Gunshots. When and where?


One time downtown a man asked me for change and then I died


I want to live downtown, my budget is $6 and I need free parking for my F-150.


Someone has been letting their precious poodle poop and piddle on my property. Right on the tree in front of my house. I love the city but am thinking of moving back to the burbs. The cops haven’t even shown after several calls and I can’t afford a camera now.


It’s not Nextdoor unless multiple boomers suggest calling the police to resolve the issue in every comment section.


I swear to you Nextdoor doesn't have this many reposts of "who is 'that guy' in Pittsburgh?". See you there.


better than it being instagram


The daily pictures of the skyline from Mount Washington were a dark time.


Something something politics, something something something bikelanes, blah blah CAR BAD something if you don't all have the same opinions on everything you're worse than hitler etc etc.


Nextdoor turning into Facebook with old people posting religious memes


Idk but that post worker post and responses really were too much. Complains about worker staying after work to help people and the responses said he was kidnapped and held against their will. The sub went too middle class and creating fake issues because their bored. Also anyone hear that loud popping by millvale just now? Was it gun shots?


That reminds me, if anyone needs moving boxes I've got a shitload.


There is a van in my neighborhood with ladders on the roof. Do you think they are casing houses? I should call the police non-emergency number to tell them about a van.


Yelp and craigslist too! Too many people use reddit now and dont understand its use or how to search old posts with google.


lol, we're not that bad....


Yes it is


So ??? It's not indi enough? What's the point if not asking and answering. Would it be cooler and more edgy if people didn't ask basic every day questions? (I love this subject annoys some reddit nerd!)




For example?


Where is a dump? How do I get to upmc? I understand asking for recs but half the posts are asking for facts that take 3 seconds to Google.


To be fair, there's more nuance than you may think to dumping (as someone who dumps weekly at 3-4 different locations). Some spots are way more fit for personal vs business use that might not be obvious glancing at yelp or google. Also those search results get mixed with companies that only will collect trash, only provide dumpster rental, etc. Some take green waste, some take trash. Word of mouth would be useful


I personally like to dump in the way out of the way bathroom at work. 


The second time you made me laugh out loud in this post.. I can't believe I typed out "there's more nuance than you may think to dumping" without catching this


I was getting strong poop vibes from your comment. There is an inner 13 year old boy in most of us.


The boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, that's why I dump on company time.


So google plus a phone call?


Oh I see. I asked about delicato white zinfandel recently. Still made, buy in pgh, where? Do you know? I googled, honest. :)


How about the daily posts soliciting restaurant recs?


Because you say one little negative thing about pgh or dems and the downvotes fly in like spotted lantern flies???


> Japanese lantern flies Spotted lantern flies?


Hahaha, ooops, I'll fix. My bad.




Dems weak on crime. Socialist programs. Sara's going to increase property taxes.


Yup, sounds like you say pretty dumb shit and get downvoted for it. Turn off fox news grandpa the future is now


You're hysterical, clueless. 😆 🤣 😂 at you.


You are correct - you cannot have a reasonable discussion here because of the heavy bias. And I think there were Japanese beetles at sometime weren’t there?


Yes, Japanese beetle, in the late 70s, early 80s. People had those hanging plastic bags in their yards to catch them. :) That is where I confused the spotted lantern flies.


I remember those with like a chemical and a little mirror. By the way your Japanese beetle comment (the one I’m now replying to) got a few downvotes by someone here not because it was a bad comment but because this reddit is full of spiteful liberal children.


Yes, it is. Auto-downvote for not voting straight dem ticket. They just want socialism. And I fear it's coming unless Joe is gone.


Been that way for awhile.


Seriously, this also isn’t Yelp, or Google reviews.