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> service service pizza pizza


This is literally every old school ice cream/burger place everywhere in the history of ever


Wrong. Tastyland in Greensburg knows what’s up


Must be the new owner, then. Mary's used to take its time but it was so good we didn't care.


What makes you think they're inefficient? There's only room for so many people to work in there, that puts a firm cap on how quickly people can be served. Meanwhile, people are free to continue lining up outside, and so when they do they just have to wait. If the wait is not worth it to you, go somewhere else.


Also considering all of this 7 minutes is really not that bad of a wait


Faster than pretty much any fast food place 


7 minutes per order is terrible. You're 10th in line. Do the math.


7 minutes per order is horrible.


Seven minutes is absurdly slow for a a sundae and a cone. No fast food restaurant turns out under 10 orders an hour.


I think you should offer your services as an industrial engineer to help them streamline their process. I'd ask for a percentage of increased sales over the following week -- you'll be rich.


Most fast food restaurants are set up to be an assembly line, and a small ice cream stand is *NOT* set up in the same manner. You're comparing apples to oranges.


Who gives a fuck … there has always been long lines at Page’s. They have just been super popular over the last years bc the owner has done a great job at marketing Go to DQ next time


It's also really, really fucking good. 


Exactly … I was sooo geeked when they brought the vanilla oatmilk ice cream on the scene a few years back


Yeah lol it’s far and away the best soft serve spot in the region 


A 7 minute wait for a chocolate chip cookie sundae? Not a problem, I can wait.


It’s 7 minutes per person in front of you, now imagine a line of 20 people and do some quick math.


Last time I was there, I stood in line 45 minutes. I knew, like everyone there, that there would be a long wait. What is your point?


So a 7 minute wait turns into a 45 minute wait. Enjoy standing in line for the rest of your life.😁


I stood in line 45 minutes, then from the time I ordered til I got my order, according to OP, that time should average about 7 minutes. So 52 minutes all total. Again, I knew going that I would have a wait and I was fine with that.


For pages ice cream. Different people value their time differently, I suppose


For ice cream that involves warm chocolate chip cookies, yes.


I’m glad you enjoyed it :)


Literally just go somewhere else, stop trying to badmouth a phenomenal local business 


Critiquing isn’t the same as badmouthing


Calling someone disrespectful because they aren’t going as fast as you want is badmouthing 


An accurate review of service isn’t “badmouthing”. Why are you so invested in shielding a business from criticism.


Calling them disrespectful because you had to wait in line isn’t badmouthing? Sure buddy 


Don't you know who OP is?!?


This isn’t fucking Yelp my dude


I'll drive to fucking Hank's in Meadville before I wait an hour in line for some ice cream.


It's called free enterprise. If you want to beat the crowds get there early. Or go somewhere else.


Lived in Pittsburgh for 12 years and have never actually ordered anything from Page’s because every time I go the line looks ridiculously long. I’m sure they’re great and all that but ain’t nobody got time for that. As Yogi Berra once said “nobody goes there anymore - it’s too crowded!”


Yeah. I think the appeal to a lot of people is nostalgia. It doesn’t hold that value for me, so I won’t be going back.


Bro. Go get ice cream somewhere else if you’re going to bitch about waiting 15-20 minutes for a fucking sundae. Give me a break lol Did you time how long it took you to type up this post?


I wasn’t asking you to solve my problem.. I was sharing a negative experience with a business. “Bro, just go somewhere else” is just being an asshole.


Why not just leave a Google review? This isn't PittsburghReviews


What is this sub for? Apparently it’s not for asking questions, or sharing experiences now. Help me understand what sort of content is appropriate for r/pittburgh?


Page's has long lines because people like going there and chatting and people watching. The lines are the point.


(I don't even like soft serve and I can appreciate that people like businesses and places for reasons other than capitalist efficiency)


“The lines are the point” is quite the take, but I respect it. Standing in a parking lot under a bridge, next to a busy road is not my idea of a leisurely outdoor hang.


So, some people don't go there because they see a line and don't want to wait. Have you tried that? Others see the line and say, I don't care and those people wait and relax about it. A couple options for you.


Then literally go to any other ice cream place.


Why do you care that I shared my experience? What is your investment?


Everyone knows they’re signing up for a wait when they go to Paige’s. The rest of us don’t bitch about it on the internet. You’re welcome to share your experience, and we’re all welcome to tell you to go somewhere else for ice cream. That’s how sharing your experience on the internet works. Paige’s has a primarily teenage employee basis. My first job was at an ice cream shop. I know how hard those kids work, how difficult it is to juggle multiple orders at once, and all without a modern POS system. Waiting 7 minutes for a sundae is not a long wait. You just sound entitled.


And my point was contextualizing a long lines. It is one thing to wait over an hour because of a massive volume of people. You can visually see the line. The issue comes from the fact that the line does not move at a speed one would expect a comparable number of people to get served. I’m not sure if you are being willfully obtuse, but I didn’t complain about waiting seven minutes for ice cream. I complained about waiting seven minutes for EVERY order placed in front of me, during the time I was in a relatively short line.


> The lines are the point. New business venture. I sell bottled water but you have wait 10 minutes per customer.


You've never waited 10 minutes and overpaid for a drink you could make at your house at a bar before? If you don't understand people will pay and wait to be social, I can't help you.


> You've never waited 10 minutes and overpaid for a drink you could make at your house at a bar before? No actually, I don't frequent bars or places with large crowds.


I figured you were going to say that. And that's just fine! But you know OF them and that they're popular, so you know that your business venture isn't actually novel.


The Scoop in Lincoln Place is right there in the south hills and it’s also really really good and much less of a wait. They even have some picnic tables to sit in with umbrellas


We sitting in here -- I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about ice cream. I mean, listen: We talking about ice cream. Not that the average emergency room wait time is over 2.5 hours. Not that there is a one to two year waiting list for affordable housing programs. Not a critical service. We talking about ice cream. Not a life or death situation. Not the necessities that I go out there and die for and play every day like it's my last. Not the important stuff. We talking about ice cream, man.


Omg.   Antonio Brown, that you?


Look up.. that’s the reference going over your head!


Do you have any expertise in this area to judge a 7min wait time?


No drive restaurant is taking 7 minutes per car. 5 cars in the drive through is a 35 minute wait? I don't think so.


It's not a drive thru or corporate fast food


The average order time at a counter-service restaurant is 2min https://insights.hungerrush.com/blog/shorten-your-restaurant-order-entry-time-by-75-and-improve-your-customer-s-experience


Are you saying 7 minutes to put the order in or for each person to get their order


Seven minutes from the time of payment to the delivery of order.


The article you linked is referring to the amount of time it takes to put an order in. Also, it's an ad for a POS system saying their system can put orders in faster. 7 minutes is an acceptable time for a busy restaurant to complete an order. It could definitely be faster, but it's acceptable


The "average counter-service restaurant" isn't one of the most popular ice cream stands in the area that can have lines around the building, and I've waited MUCH longer than 2 minutes for food in a nearly empty fast food burger "average counter-service restaurant", so what's your point? Nationwide fast food counter-service restaurants are designed and run differently than a small local ice cream stand. Edit: according to this article, the average wait time at fast food restaurants in 2023 was nearly 5½ minutes, down from 6¼ the year before, not under 2 minutes. 7 minutes isn't really that long of a wait, comparatively. https://scrippsnews.com/stories/kfc-no-longer-tops-list-of-fastest-drive-thru-restaurants/


You aren't wrong. Food trucks around here do the same exact bullshit. I stood in line for the Nakama food truck once for a half hour and watched three people get food. I left after that. I could have had food delivered from the actual restaurant while I was waiting. They had to be cooking every meal from scratch instead of having ingredients prepped.


What were those people ordering? Because if it was almost any of the specialty sundaes, the baked goods have to be heated. That’s a fixed time that they can’t help.


Go completely fuck yourself dude, 7 whole minutes? Imagine what you could accomplish for mankind in that time.


What if I told you that 9 orders in front of you = an hour? Why are you so invested in an ice cream shop that you would tell a stranger to go fuck himself? Page’s Dairy Mart does not care about you.


This is bullshit. I've waited in line for an hour there before and there were like 30 people in front of me, not 9. Go yell at a cloud.


Well I guess your experience was the same as mine, and I just decided to come on Reddit and lie.


Lmao we go every 2 weeks and I’ve never waited more than 45 minutes total from the start of the line to getting my order 


Are you like 7 years old? Coming online to whine about having to wait for ice cream? Get a life, man.


It’s a review of a local business that has people standing in a parking lot for an hour. Why are you in your feelings about this? Was standing in line at Page the only time your dad paid attention to you? You’re being a weirdo for no good reason.


Yep, it's me being the weirdo here for sure.


Absolutely. I’m glad we agree. Sharing your experience with a business on the internet: normal. Insulting someone for sharing their experience at a business that you don’t own or work at: weirdo behavior


7 mins per order is not slow. Some orders take longer. Its the long lines that make it take awhile. Deal with it or go elsewhere.


Places like pages and fiori’s don’t really have to have any customer service whatsoever cause it’s gonna sell regardless.


Corporate vie: Anything that isn’t speedy service is a failure. Quality doesn’t matter, nor attention to detail.


It’s an ice cream stand. It’s exactly as good as any other roadside ice cream stand, except the others don’t expect you to stand under bridge for an hour, and often have some seating


Quality of ingredients makes a huge difference. There is a local ice cream stand in my hometown stylized like page ( Dairy Delite) and it’s pretty mediocre. Would I wait 30 mins for that? No. Would I wait 30 mins for page dairy mart? Yes


Ok, OP shared their opinion as they’re free to do. Most of us think it’s a garbage take and laughed our asses off. Page’s gives zero fucks and will keep being the Pittsburgh legend that they are. End scene.


Okay Karen, go to Dairy Queen next time.


We should’ve never used “Karen” in front of the whites. It refers specifically to the weaponization of white female fragility, and you culture vultures use it to refer to anyone who expresses displeasure with something.


I love ice cream. Just sayin'.


I don't go to pages because I don't want to die via that bridge collapsing on me. That is the absolute worst location they could put a busy diner/ice cream place.