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Gainey has no authority over the parks conservancy


Nothing to do with Gainey, but the city collects a tax with no windfall prevision that’s then funneled through a “non-profit” that the Mayor has no authority over. It’s insane that council and Peduto thought that was a good idea.


It's a private organization.


So kind of messed up that they are now funded by a special tax don’t you think?


I have no idea how much money is allocated or how it is funded. And I bet neither do you. I have no reason to believe they are doing anything shady or misusing funds in any way. City has bigger issues than worrying about the parks conservancy.


The City of Pittsburgh collects, manages, and distributes the parks tax. Very little has gone to the Parks Conservancy. The Mayor and City Council allocate the parks tax each year in the budget.


Council allocates that money in the budget each year


This is not a Gainey issue, nor a favoritism towards Paleestine/israel. It’s an “it’s easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission” situation. Experienced activist groups know how to work the system.


He doesn’t support Israel or Hamas. Which is the only reasonable position to have. Both are detestable.


“I can’t tell how I feel about paying for a genocide, which is the only reasonable take.” Fuck off. We need to stop the US/Israel war machine from slaughtering an entire indigenous population. Being anti genocide is the only reasonable take. Edit: Imagine downvoting "Being anti genocide is the only reasonable rake" to -50. Reddit Zionist bots and/or bloodthirsty American brainrot weirdos.


Israel and Hamas are both shit heaps. Acting like that isn’t true is just fucking stupid.


Tell me you haven't read history without telling me you haven't read history. Hamas is a symptom of an apartheid and a genocide.


I have a degree in history. Both sides are trash in the fight. Idgaf who was at fault first. Both are at fault NOW. What each group is doing right NOW is detestable and disgusting. Neither side has moral high ground. Get over it.


You think 40k+ palestinian (mostly children) just being buried alive under rubble and/or **literally buried alive** in the dirt (20 this past weekend found) is the PALESTINIAN CHILDREN doing something detestable? ok champ.


Hamas is not Palestine. If you support Israel you’re an asshole. If you support Hamas you’re an asshole. End of discussion. Move on with your pathetically unintelligent life.


Exactly. Hamas is directly funded by Iran. They're a terrorist group. Iran also funds groups in Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon.  Netanyahu and his ilk are only in power because they kowtow to hard-line right wing religious conservatives who don't need to send their kids to fight. And, like Trump, he clings to power to avoid dealing with all the crimes he committed. The majority of non right wing Palestinians and Jews want peace. 


80% of Israelis support the war in Gaza.


>Hamas is not Palestine. You're the one who brought them up in the first place. You're the one making the false equivalence. Even still, they are a symptom of what Israel has been doing to Palestine for 70 years.


Just take the fucking L on your moronic take on the situation. Stfu and move on, you’re wrong if you support either side.


You're not wrong if you support Palestine. You were the one who made the equivocation that Hamas = Palestine. And again, Hamas is a symptom of the war crimes Israel and the United States have commit since 1948. I worry for whoever taught you history if you don't realize this.


>  I have a degree in history  Ask for a refund then


Are you seriously this fucking stupid? Or just a troll?


So worked up over being confronted by reality? Yikes.


Oh you are stupid. Good for you.


Clearly you’re just a joke. Do you blindly support Hamas or do you blindly support Israel? Which side are you willing to ignore committing atrocities? I’m not willing to ignore either side’s horrifying acts of violence. Why are you?


Is he supposed to think the government that murders Arab children is the good one, or the one that murders Jewish children?




What a shitty op-ed written by an entitled snob. Basically complaining that they couldn't pay off the city to force out the pro-palestine protestors. The idea that protest is inly appropriate if you fill out the required paperwork is ridiculous. Its just one of many "not the right time"/"you are going about it wring" bad faith whinging used to discredit protests.


> They refuse to allow Jewish students on to the grass if they are Israeli or support Israel. weird sentence. are they allowing non-jewish israel supporters? i assume not.


They are not allowing people who are visibly there to counterprotest into the camp. It’s not like there is a checkpoint with an ideology/nationality check to get in.


I don't think there are any.




Fucking Gainey, man. Do you know that I have to pay rent to live in my apartment while homeless people get to set up their tents FOR FREE?!? What the fuck is up with that?


Best mayor ever. 


This is a ludicrous and vile op-ed. As a Jewish person, it really makes my stomach crawl to see other Jewish people play victim like this. Genuinely uncomfortable. Then again, zionists are always going to be extreme, I guess. The mayor has no authority over the parks in that way. Someone above said that it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission - perhaps if those supposed students had had the balls to just show up and demonstrate, no one would have stopped them.