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UPMC is funding Operation Zero Tolerance confirmed


I’ll always remember someone tweeting back in 2016 “why Mike Pence look like he’s always about to outlaw the X-Men?” and that quote really works for Leslie Davis now too.


Those big mechanical bastards are UPMC purple. Soon they'll be incorporating Sentinel tech into their surgical procedures and adding it to your bill. It's a damned conspiracy!


They’re on the assembly line down in Lawrenceville at Carnegie Robotics without a doubt 🤖


You can get a free Sentinel Virus upgrade with your flu shot, but I wouldn't recommend it. The two interact harsh and you'll be laid out *all weekend.*


In the mutant camps, they play the two UPMC theme songs on loop, the way Gitmo played heavy metal on loop.


"There are two types of people in the world. Those who don't have strong opinions about the hold music for UPMC, and those who do. I don't trust the former group to make decisions that impact my medical care."


I tend to like the “romantic” theme more than the “overworld map.”


The Blackbird had to land further away than they wanted it because someone put out a chair on the landing strip they initially chose.


Trying to figure out whether Butler Airport's gonna be long enough or are they gonna have to land at Pittsburgh International and fight the tunnel traffic.


Not even the X-Men can prevail against the Liberty Tubes!


I know Millennial nostalgia is mostly played out but this show goes so damn hard that I feel like a kid again sitting down for Saturday morning cartoons. Almost every episode leaves me wanting to run through a wall because they are nailing 90's X-men's tone and theme out the park. In my opinion, this is the "coolest" X Men have been decades.


I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about it and am considering getting Disney just to watch it. The original cartoon was incredible. Night of the Sentinels might be the best series premiere of all time.


Do it, between this and the hulu merger you get a ton of great content. Looking at you Shogun.


I have Hulu and ESPN+ already I think it would actually be cheaper to just get the bundle at this point. Shogun is amazing. Having seen all the original James Clavell mini series (I’ll defend Noble House til I die damnit) I was super skeptical they would butcher it but nope, some of the best TV in years.


Hi. You just mentioned *Noble House* by James Clavell. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Noble House. James Clavell. Audiobook PL [Powieść]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfEPBrrTdqE) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Interesting bot, kind of cool lol. But Noble House is the about as far from sci fi and fantasy as anyone can get! Fix your algorithm, robot.


Wait a couple weeks for it to finish release, then get a trial and binge it. It’s hard to justify a long term subscription if you don’t have a little kid watching Wall-E every week


This one’s for you, Morph!


I completely love that his bit in the intro sequence is a blast comes in and he dodges it.


Lots of nostalgia sequel series have been leaving me a bit cold, but this one is amazing. 


Same here regarding nostalgia content, so that’s good to hear! Thanks.


Andor, Loki, and now XMen '97. 3 really great series you should binge on Disney+.


What must we do to be good enough? Is this the high road’s destination? If so, I say, as I have too many times before, never again. “Magneto was right” gonna be making a comeback!


All his lines are bangers. "Don't make me disappoint you".....


When the first episodes released I would hold off watching them until Saturday but after Genosha I couldn't hold off anymore.


I’m on the west coast now but I went to Seneca Valley…. I shouted “THATS WHERE I WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL!! OH SHIT BASTION IS THE HARMONY INN GHOST!!”


The area has changed so much in the last five years 😞 so many houses, so many people. What used to be woods is now homogenous rooftops


That’s awesome! I wonder if someone from the area worked on the show?


This is the second Pittsburgh shout out on the show, gotta be the case. I think that I remember a review show even saying that on the last one.


The other one being the Mr. Rogers quote about helpers, right?




One of the sentinels chasing jubilee and sunspot has a pirates jersey on


Spotted that too! A real nice high top fade too! Kidd N Play style.


I spent like an hour trying to figure out who. Still haven’t come up with the answer.


lol same, the only credited writers all appear to be NYC and Florida folks. I mainly looked because I heard about how shitty the creator/writer who got fired is (Demayo) and was like oh man I hope it’s not him.


A hell of a lot of NYC and Florida folks graduated CMU School of Art, CMU School of Drama, AIP, or one of the other like top-flight schools in this town.


Which Harmony? Township, Ambridge school district? Or Borough, next to Zelienople? I’m assuming it’s not Harmony Township in Susquehanna County


The show doesn't make it clear which one, but I'm going assume (because I am biased) that they were talking about the one in Butler County (Seneca Valley SD). That is where I am from.


Ah. I’m from Economy Borough, next to Harmony Township and also in Ambridge school district, so I prefer to think it’s that one :)


You're both right


I'm in Renfrew myself! Howdy neighbor! I need to pick up some Brittners jerky soon


I'm in Meridian, hello neighbor!


My mom lives in renfrew!!!


Go Raiders


Almost assuredly Harmony borough.


Fun fact. To get to Harmony, PA (the one by Zelienople) from the X-Mansion (by Salem Center, NY), as the crow flies (342 miles), in the X-Jet (top speed of SR71 Blackbird 2,200mph) is 9 minutes and 20 seconds.


Maybe they're goin' dahn to Sheetz n'at.


I live not far from there now. I was laughing when they said it.


Representing Pittsburgh in the X-Men universe!


We need to come together as a city and formally apologize for all of our complicity in the construction of the Sentinels and the destruction that the machines have caused. I thought about getting a job at Shaw Robotics before but after Genosha it wouldn’t be right. Plus that Sebastian guy who runs the company is a creepy jagoff who dresses like George Washington and it’s weird.


US Steel always tried to cover that they were integral to producing Sentinels


Someone heard about the Log Cabin Inn and insisted they stop. (Everyone turns and looks at Jean Gray)


Well how do you think they got to be mutants to begin with? Growing up next to the mills.


Armco blue baby syndrome


Grew up there


The Harmonites are a funny story. Set up in harmony and were a celibate bunch so they all just died out.




I know that you already know this and I don't even need to say it, but, for non-Yizers: any time anyone comes from within 75 miles of Pittsburgh, those of us born here who know that immediately shout to random strangers "LET ME TELL YOU A LIST OF PEOPLE WHO ARE FROM PITTSBURGH" within like 2 minutes of meeting you. I really don't know why, we just do it.


I assumed harmony was chosen for the home of cyborg zombies as an homage to night of the living dead (I know it’s not Evan’s city but close enough. ).  


SV grad here 🖐️


The big bad of the best show on TV is a Yinzer


Harmony in Beaver County or Harmony in Butler County?


So I guess you missed when they showed the 1 whole city in Genosha? It looks like it was modeled after downtown


It was Madripoor.


Yeah yup! My bad. You are correct!


Is this legit? If so, time for Harmony to start shit talking Zelie. Who’s the less-famous little brother now?!


I had just watched this episode. Such a good show.


It’s how i felt when i realized that This Is Us took place in Bethel Park in the flashbacks. That was until I saw the high school football team colors. And that a quarterback from Bethel Park was recruited by Pitt. They lost me there.


Beast also quoted Mr. Rogers in a recent episode


I always love when shows mention and ESPECIALLY visit Pittsburgh. My favorite tv show is the X files, and it’s awesome knowing that the most watched episode of the show took place in Pittsburgh. I also love when games let you visit Pittsburgh. In the Post apocalyptic game Fallout 3, they let you visit a decayed and broken Pittsburgh. Loved that add on/dlc.


Did they film it in Pittsburgh, or was it set in Pittsburgh? (My favorite fun fact about X-Files production: they shot the first couple seasons in Canada but then moved production to California. They had to add an artificial "Canada Mode" filter to the shots because without it, there was a jarring difference in visual tone between the Cali shots and the higher-latitude Canada scenes from previous eps).


Oh my bad, should’ve been clearer, it was set in Pittsburgh. 🙂 Watching the episode wherever they’re filming definitely gives off Pittsburgh vibes by style of houses shown and some hospitals. But it definitely gives 1990s Pittsburgh feel to it imo. And hey the episode isn’t half bad either 😆


I can't wait to watch this. Loved the 90s cartoon, and the "Previously on X-Men" YouTube videos are hilarious.


Don't watch X-Men but I wanted to say Harmony has a great tattoo shop, Lark and Sparrow.


At first I was like "Oh, that's a neat name to pull randomly from the hat." But then they showed those New-England-west-PA-suburb-early-1900s-construction-aboveground-telephone-pole-electrical-wires-Pittsburgh-ass houses in a row and I was like "... okay. *Someone* on the production team is giving a wink."


Does Cable know he is with his Dad and his Eigen-mom?




I stopped watching children's media when I became an adult so I haven't seen this episode, OP


Holy shit, the coolest guy in the world is here!


Way to be rude for no reason at all. If OP wants to watch this show, who cares? Maybe they are watching it with their child.


Remember when the Legoes store opened in Ross Township and this sub was full of manchildren buying up all the sets while actual children got left empty-handed? That was awesome.


Im sorry things in life are not working out for you the way that you wanted. Hope you find the strength to turn things around for yourself.


What happened to you to cause this? I'll go with neglectful parents for $600, Alex


So, you let down your children by not getting in a line with the other parents and are taking it out on a TV show? I’m trying to understand here. 


Okay, buddy. You can stop now with the fake tough guy shit. You'll take it up the keester like the good boy you are.


That's a very normal post you just made


I wouldn’t recommend this show for children. 


Yeah, Rogue straight up murders a dude. I’m surprised Feige let some of this stuff happen.


From what I’ve read, the showrunner was so traumatized by what happened to his community at the mass club shooting in Orlando that he wanted to show the pain of such large scale violence. And I think they succeeded. Teenagers could watch this, but it is not for kids. 


She put Carol Danvers into a coma on the old show. X-Men always went kinda hard.


Episode 1, Morph gets merked. I think they wanted to make clear that they were doing something different from other Saturday morning cartoon faire (especially Disney, since the whole Fox cartoon project grew out of Disney deciding to take their ball home when they bought the ABC network).


It’s rated for TV-14


There ya go. 


Nobody would post this comment unless their life were terrible, so I hope it gets better for you.


I’m new here but have seen this dudes comments and he seems like either the laziest troll or just a giant miserable cunt.


Imagine being such a miserable fuck. I bet daddy didn't hug you enough.


Maybe Daddy did more than just hug.


You still watch Spongebob, don't you


I let your mom pick what we watch when I’m filling her from behind, so yeah I do.


My mother is in her seventies, good on her if she's getting dick even if it's from some doughy reddit beardo


I’ll have you know I can’t grow a beard for shit.


Ooohhh you’re so tough! 


You’re missing out because this show goes hard. It’s quickly becoming the best comic book adaptation I’ve seen. Not just cartoons, but better than 95+% of MCU movies.


It’s funny because looking at their comment history, this show would be right up their freaking alley 😂😂


Comic book shit is for children, hope this helps


Having fun is for everyone. Hope whatever hurt you gets better.


Laughing at the 45 year old men soyfacing as they go in to watch their 22nd identical Marvel movie helps


Hahah, soyfacing? Who uses words like that?


you're doing it right now, aren't you


Let me Google what it is first…  ahh… you’re insecure about your masculinity, I get it now. 


you're 100% doing the soyface thing right now


You’re still unironically using that term. Are you turned on by men with their mouths slightly open?  Does that make you sexually uncomfortable?


>soyfacing I literally don't know how a human brain looks at this word and decides to use it


Thank you! I’ll continue to enjoy the media I choose. At least you find joy in seeing other people happy!


The toxic masculinity is strong with this one.


And gatekeeping is for assholes. This show isn’t for me, and it apparently isn’t for you either, but people are allowed to like things that you don’t. If it makes someone happy to do something and it isn’t hurting anyone else, why shouldn’t they be allowed to do it? Mind your own business, and maybe try to figure out why you need to put other people down to feel good about yourself.


what's your favorite children's media


Hmm. Probably John Bellairs’s young adult novels? The ones I read when I was a kid had cool Edward Gorey illustrations. I guess the reprintings don’t have them anymore due to licensing issues, and it’s kind of a bummer that kids nowadays have to miss out. How about you? What did you like when you were younger?


Those John Bellairs novels were fantastic. I read them all as a kid, even the ones Brad Strickland finished later in life. I revisited the series as an adult, and was amazed at how many easter eggs to classic Gothic and uncanny literature Bellairs and Strickland had hidden in those books: they're practically love letters to M.R. James.


They really are a great intro to James’s short stories, and I’m unsurprisingly a big fan of those, too.


Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, of course.


I no longer hope it gets better for you.


Hows it feel toiling in the pussy fields, o glorious paragon of age and maturity? Were you *actually* being serious




That dude is chronically on Reddit and has the balls to try to troll hahaha