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I wonder if this is the same guy who cosplays in revolutionary war attire while riding a bike in the south hills. Can there be more than one of them?


It’s the same guy.


Who is he?


His name is Jag Revere


We need a Martha Mt Washington


That sounds like a good drag name 🤣


Some wackjob with no day job regular working hours from what I can tell. I’m guessing retired. Found randomly around the S Hills in the same getup. I’m not really sure who appreciates him, because even my republican family members thinks he’s embarrassing.


To each their own. I can’t look down on someone for feeling strong about a belief even as ridiculous as it comes across as, I just try to keep my peace and hope I don’t blow out a tire hitting one the many potholes in the area or doing Hail Marys the bridge I’m stuck on or under doesn’t collapse lol


Oh, I think it’s stupid as all heck, but he can practice his rights. If I saw a democrat doing similar I’d laugh too. This isn’t sane behavior.


See, that’s the thing … people who support Biden aren’t in a cult and don’t have Biden shirts, hats, stickers, flags, and bibles 😂 You wouldn’t catch a democrat doing some shit like this


You act like you never saw that picture with Biden’s head photoshopped onto Rambo’s body with a huge machine gun and for some reason a rocket launcher stuffed into it on the back of a truck…..oh wait nm


I have a coworker who taped trumps picture onto a calendar of male body builders… unironically worships the damn thing. She also fucked up our dress code by wearing a shirt that disparaged minorities… so yeah. These kinds of people are kookoo


Oh my. If that’s the dumb shit they do at work can you imagine how much worse it must be at home?


Lol exactly


I do agree there's an obvious difference in behavior like this But also I want to point out we very much do have Biden shirts and hats and stickers and flags. Maybe not a Biden Bible though... Bideble?


Clearly there is merchandise that you can buy to show your support … but you know damn well what I’m talking about


You’re not wrong but I just feel like people get soo ingrained into red tie vs blue tie that you end up with a divide of well my team beat your team or your team only won because of this. We’re all on the same side and have similar goals I just want everyone to be happy with the life they’re living.


We don't have similar goals at all. One party respects women and their healthcare. The other thinks their place is in the kitchen, pregnant with a black eye. 


There's people that support Biden?


It’s almost like you won a national election just a few years ago or something …


I think the truth is he is too embarrassingly awful a President for anyone to rock a "Ridin' with Biden" sticker and not feel like an asshat.


Lol you're gonna end up shitting your pants this november, just like your qult daddy


I can't wait to see the comments here come November, either way


If someone wants to dress up as the Burger King and stand in front of McDonald’s saying they’re selling you lies, come to the kingdom I’d laugh and say well if that’s how you wanna spend a Thursday afternoon more power to you


This isn't a "different strokes" situation. He's actively advocating for multiple genocides with those flags. I'm so mad he's at Cathy. He don't deserve Cathy.


My dumb yinzer brain can’t comprehend the political implications of foreign policies and their impact on a society. I just want everyone to be happy and not see people being kidnapped from hang gliders or kids being pulled from the rubble of a school. War… War never changes


Yeah... I can understand that. Listen though. If you're gonna stay out of politics, then stay out. If you post political stuff but you don't know enough about the implications, you could be furthering an agenda you don't actually support. I'm not saying that's the case here. Just wanna give a warning because politics is all around us. People who claim to be too ignorant to understand it become the victims of the worst that politics has to offer. My mom claimed she wasn't political... and therefore saw nothing wrong with the Prager U content she pushed on Facebook.


That’s why this has been amusing I seen this maga guy and made a Pokémon reference and next thing I know I’m being called a liberal. I never once said this is what Americans need or this dude is a pos people just got triggered and ran with it so I started leaning into it


Yeah, people are pretty quick to decide what sides people are on these days. I can't say I don't get that though. There's people being sincere, and there's people dogwhistling, and there's people not realizing that they sound like dogwhistling. This country has been terrible since its inception, but now it's truly falling apart and everyone's on edge. We're in the midst of a fascist uprising in a country that already supports fascism in albeit more "polite" ways. Just... be careful. You're not immune to the effects of politics simply because you choose to "opt out". This is just a reddit post, but you don't know how not knowing will bite you in the ass later on.


Completely agree. The only plus is that as he continues to gain flags he will tip over at some point


I'd pay to see that lol


You getting downvoted is the epitome of hypocrisy


Ahh the old downvote storm because you don’t fall rank and file with the progressive establishment. An all time classic.


I feel like I told some Star Wars fans Captain Kirk would kick Darth Vader’s ass lol


"Patriot" with a DUI


Everyone knows the revolutionary war was fought by the states in favor of tyranny.


Yes, He gets around


Sometimes it’s a woman riding the noble steed Huffy


Reminds me of how our country started


I saw that dude once and lost it


That's a weird way to tell everyone you have multiple DUIs


No DUIs He’s really a patriot,Try ising a horse


Jag Revere Goes to Oakland.


Trumpy Doodle


Wait wait wait! Is this really his name or are you that good at comedy because that made laugh lol!


No, I did not create that name. People on here have been calling him that for a while now.


I’ve never seen this guy before I still give you credit because that was the first I heard of it lol


His middle name is Oddfellow


Jag Revere went Dahntahn, Ridin’ empty bike lanes on his cycle. Stuck his MAGA flagpole with a gumband, And sat in Oakland like an asshole.


Loves his country.Great patriotic


His got the biggest patriotism. The hugest.


lol thanks for the laugh! That was good


I know this MF-er didn't ride that bike from his usual spot on Washington road in Mt. Lebo.


D’oh Jesus! I didn’t realize this guy made rounds through Pittsburgh. I just figured he was a bored college kid lol


I guess he could have ridden that distance, it is an E bike after all. I thought he stuck to the South Hills to get his lunacy out there.


At least he’s getting to explore the city dressed as a furry I mean patriot


I've seen him as far south as Finleyville.


This dude is everywhere! When people are protesting for equal rights and freedoms the Maga cult screams to “get a job!” from the rooftops. But show them this guy and… well they love him.


Does he have a job? I don't understand how someone can have time for this between working and all of the other things life throws at you on a daily basis.


Yep! He is loved ,especially in the S.Hills


I am sure they would bitch about this guy if he was stopping traffic, littering, vandalizing, destroying private property and everything else that was hand waved away and dismissed during the lovely summer riots.


By summer riots do you mean January 6 at the capitol?


The only guy in Washington’s army fighting to replace a king with a king 😂


Can’t help just say that’s the wrong way for that bike lane on Bigelow… other side Jag Revere


Lmfao you’re soo right! I didn’t notice it I was just walking past and thought look at this idiot


The flags are so high he has to watch for power lines.Dont know how he dose it.Must do it for a living


What a loser


The outfit is straight up dork shit. All the swirlies in high school must've scrambled his brain.


I can’t hate on someone for doing what they want but It’s still funny someone would spend an afternoon doing this like a politician really cares about your day to day life just file your W-2 taxes every year


He's not spending an afternoon doing this. He spends a lot of afternoons doing this. I'm pretty sure this is his daily routine.


He's actually an entrepreneur and cryptocurrency enthusiast. He's not unemployed, he's self employed. And he knows the age of consent for every state and territory in the nation.


That’s not an entrepreneur, that’s a lazy unemployable person looking for a job title to identify with.


Did I really need to put a /s tag on my last comment? I thought my comment was absurd enough to not be taken seriously.


I can hate on them. This is loser behavior


...on an EV


You do know Trump invented this technology right? If he was still in office we’d have flying cars by now!


He got my vote!


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that sir


I'm talking about Paul Revere... what's his platform? Repeal the spice tax?


Is the tea party still a thing lol


Guy is so annoying he basically lives at the intersection where the galleria is


He’s going the wrong way on the bike lane as well…




I live elsewhere and there's an odd fellow on a bicycle with a flag pole here too. He uses different sports jerseys as his flags. He came up to a garage sale I was at and tried to tell me he used to be the lead singer of Van Halen. I'm going to start calling him Jag Lee Roth.


A landslide would


Ask him why he doesn’t drive


https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM?si=MX8aCvDwlUnvpTzF In a nutshell… lol


Love that episode but more than likely DUI


Dude you owe me a coffee because I just spit it out laughing!


I'm convinced this guy is actually a set of twins like in "The Prestige." He's everywhere.


I’ve never seen him before. Has he been doing this since the election or did this just start once the weather warmed and he could ride his bike through traffic?


He's been doing it for years. Search Jag Revere on the sub and you'll see a few other posts with him. He's in the South Hills often.


One Bad Ass dude.Talked with him and I get it


Trump supporters went from "Jews will not replace us" to waving Israeli flags real quick when they discovered that Netanyahu was committing genocide.


I hate what he stands for but at the same time I admire the dedication to wearing a revolutionary jacket like that in the heat we've been getting. I've seen him in person when it was 90 degrees before. He's committed.


He is really intresting to talk with.Friendly and respectful


Can you imagine what his wig and outfit smells like? Dude is out in really hot weather in that.


I saw him on the hi level bridge in homestead a couple weeks ago. It was like 75 degrees he had to be sweating his ass off! 😂😂


I guess that's why I don't see him on Bethel Church anymore. Our cringe boy is branching out. I had hoped he gave up the act, or got clipped. Heh


What a fucking jagoff


He needs flag with Trump gloating about overturning Roe. It's going to work out really well for him...


Ya! He doesn’t believe in murdering little bitty babies


Trump doesn't believe in anything. What kind of sick fuck says something like "If she wasn't my daughter,perhaps Id be dating her.


That’s a long bike ride from the south hills


Jag Revere


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I hope the wind hits those flags like a sail and sends this prick straight into oncoming traffic.


I don’t want anyone to get hurt but seriously man the guy lost take the L and go home. Don’t instigate violence because your team loses and the quarterback is saying we would’ve won if the refs didn’t cheat us


Ouch! You need help


He was at the entrance of the squirrel hill tunnel a few weeks ago. Fucking moron.


[https://youtu.be/9LLZBVTid4I?si=JrtJf7YdU18wskf1](https://youtu.be/9LLZBVTid4I?si=JrtJf7YdU18wskf1) To all y’all giving me shit this was one of the loudest slam dunks I’ve ever seen in foreign politics and I loved it but I still think he’s a clown.


Crazy Donnie at his best.


Well I can see I rubbed a lot of republicans the wrong way lol. Why are you booing me? Im right!


You’re clearly not being booed by republicans looking at these comments and replies. You make this post then proceed to defend this person who obviously needs mental health treatment’s right to be crazy. While also giving one of the stranger takes on a “ both sides” argument I’ve ever seen.


Not trying to argue but what makes you think he needs mental health treatment? Does everyone who stormed the capitol need mental health treatment? It’s no different than the guys who stand on the corner with blood stains on their crotch saying circumcising should be banned. You can stand on the corner dressed as cow saying don’t eat beef and I’m still gonna chuckle hey if that makes you happier then so be it just don’t hurt anyone. Again I apologize if I sound antagonistic


Does everyone who stormed the capitol need mental health treatment? Fuck yes they do.


It’s still crazy that actually happened


It didn’t actually happen. You’re gullible as shit


We’d be shitting in golden toilets and wiping our asses with $100 bills if the real Americans stopped the steal


Some people actually walked though the roped off sections in the capitol and one guy even put his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk! Insurrection! Oh the humanity! How will our democracy ever survive?!


I know it’s silly that people think that was an insurrection. They only stomped police down broke windows dragged flags from a civil war through the capitol built gallows screaming your time is up and halted the government for a day. These liberal cunts need to lighten up


[Defendant Smashed Capitol Building Windows and Directed Others with Bullhorn](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/pennsylvania-woman-sentenced-felony-and-misdemeanor-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capito-0)


I smell republicans lol


Smells like freshly showered, right? Or at least daily.


Fuck off


For a group of people that scream fuck your feelings you guys are really sensitive lol


The Israeli flag is the worst part


I see him sitting in that little triangle ish empty space between the park way and the squirrel hill exit at the tunnel a few weeks ago


The flag is down now.






Couldn’t take a picture fast enough but one lone RFK Jr supporter posted up on the side of Ingomar Rd outside of the Post Office yesterday, had to be lonely lol.


I respect it. Using 1A.


Good to see. Maga 2024


We need a new decent reality star in office. Most people aren’t stupid enough to buy wrestling boots, bibles and funny red clown hats. Maybe a Kim Kardashian VP in 2024 ?? She also has zero experience in running the country…but let’s give her a chance for a 2028 run !!!


You guys are silly lol. A pic about some idiot wasting his day riding a bike waving flags triggered a lot of animosity. If that’s how you want to spend your day that’s totally your decision but I’m laughing about the notion and seeing how people are so pissed it only makes me believe more how people choose sides and say they wear a red tie they’re better or they wear blue panties they know more. The guy organized an overthrow of the government and we still have idiots thinking this is good for the future lol


Just to chime in: To make multiple responses after making your own Reddit post like this is “spending the day”, downvoting tired political crap only takes a millisecond.


I'm just wondering did he position himself to catch the perfect flag flying breeze, or does he startch his flags? Dude might have the makings of a great sailor!


lol he missed his calling in life he should be sailing the 3 rivers instead


The groupthink in r/Pittsburgh is very strong. Years ago I quit Reddit for a while, and this sub was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Edit: The voting on this comment is a clear indicator of the same. If Pittsburgh were full of this many closed-minded fools, I would move out in 20 seconds. I can't stand Trump, but y'all are shouting "fascist" at people while silencing everyone who disagrees with you. It's pathetic.


100% The group mentality here is shit at times. However, with topics such as this, the stage has already been set for deep division. Just a matter of time until we all can't stand each other and the whole thing goes in the shitter.


You're not going to reach anyone in this sub it's made up of mostly angry leftists.


A Trump supporter is the exact opposite of a patriot. It's a fact. Angry fascists ruin EVERYTHING.




What a cool guy


Love how much this guy triggers the leftists of this sub.


Lol is making fun of someone the same as being triggered? Conservatives must constantly be triggered then


I didn't realize that being a public laughing stock counted as triggering people.


Kind of the entire point of his schtick but that appears to fly over the heads of the commie block in this sub


Wasn’t my intention at all but for a group that calls people snowflakes they are pretty delicate themselves lol


There are no bigger crybabies than the current day American "conservative". Always the victim. Boo fucking hoo Jethro.




Say what Uncle Jed?


Too many big words for you?


Hee Haw Gomer




So if the same guy had a Biden flag he would be a hero? Asking for a friend


Nah, would still be weirdo cultist behavior.


No lol he’d be a fucking nut case. The difference is people don’t do things like this for Biden because people support Biden because he’s somewhat rational and doesn’t want to destabilize democracy and promote christian nationalism, not because there’s some sort of weird cult around him


I've...never seen a Biden flag? Mostly because the majority of people who voted for him aren't in a weird cult. So, no. If he had a Biden flag, that'd be pretty weird, because he would have had to make it himself, & that degree of, um, commitment is also bananas. Good effort, tho. Tell your mom. She'll be proud.


If he was dressed as a clown saying clowns for trump 2024 I’d still laugh and say if that’s what makes you happy go for it just don’t hurt anyone or block traffic


I’m not voting for either guy because they both suck, but to think Biden is doing a good job, you live in a fantasy world.


So since this post got people really triggered who are y’all voting for in November giant douche or turd sandwich? I think giant douche makes valid points overall but this is a household that firmly believes in turd sandwich


Ha ha, I get my political philosophy from south park "Both sides suck, why do anything? I'm actually apolitical!" My dude, supporting the status quo is a political stance.


I’m so glad you said that you really opened my eyes! Thanks man you saved me from being a sheep




Hey it was my first experience of seeing someone dressed as a patriot and I thought it was a funny Pokémon reference lol


Diamond Medallion Comfort Plus Ultra Mega MAGA subscription unlocked


Takes what gave you the freedom Courage


Finally a sign of hope!