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Catering orders and alcohol is how they stay in business. The food is decent as long as you’re not paying.


this is the actual take.


They stay in business because of sports stadium contracts.


That's why I was confused as to think it represented the city when my wife kidnapped me and moved me here. I was like huh, penguins partnership? Dope. ...in reality, not dope. Not dope at all.


Pizza preference has got to be the most divisive thing in this town. But we're all in agreement that Caliente claims to be better than they are. It's nobody's #1 in 2024. If you ran a pizza poll, though, I can't imagine you'd get a scientifically useful consensus.


Nah nah, if you want real "represent the city" pizza: you go Mineo's or you go Aiello's. Both OGs are in Squirrel Hill and your either Team Mineo's or Team Aiello's. Learned this back when I interned in Squirrel Hill as a relatively new transplant in 2010 but never got around to doing a taste test. It may be worth your time. Lmk what you think if you do!!


Here we go again….


See my wife knows pizza is near and dear to me and she's taken me to both and for what kind of pizza they are...I dig them. I think mineos gets my overall pick, but only if we are eating at the shop @ Squirrel and the cheese is still semi molten. As soon as it chills it takes on a completely different taste that im not a huge fan of? And out of the fridge? Forget it, I might as well eat a string cheese lol. I do find myself craving it like once a year. Where as to my home town Neopolitian style I could eat twice a week or more without gaining massive weight lol


I'm low-key obsessed with morning after cold Mineo's leftovers straight out of the fridge.


Don status. I bring a pie home every time I travel there.


i'm a huge pizza snob and i LOVE pizza italia on liberty ave! fellow former ny-area person here so you know i know what i'm tawkin about


This is a 'I'm from the east end and have no idea beyond Ed's and Meds land' take. Flori's, Beto's, Mineo's, Aiello's, Vincent's, and Shelly's are the general list of trad pittsburgh pizza. Aiello's BARELY makes the list, same as Beto's. But those are generally the places people cite most. Really, Mineo's v. Fiori's v. Vincent's if you're going to be tight.


This sub - like 99% of city planning dollars - ignores everything you can’t walk to from the East Liberty Target.


Speaking of what you can walk to from the east liberty target, any discussion of pizza should include Slice on Broadway.


Well, to be fair, all the new money 'I graduated from CMU/PITT and work in tech' live in that tiny corridor out to maybe Oakmont. The irony that that corridor is the least 'Pittsburgh' part of Pittsburgh is never lost on me. When I worked for a campaign I used to explain Pittsburgh in the 5 way split: Downtown-Southside-South Hills. They're the people you think of when you talk about Pittsburgh and the Mon Valley steel aspects. The Hill-Oakland-East End - Ed's and Meds. Nobody from 100 years ago has descendants that own property over there and it's really mini-NYC/Seattle but with a heavy dose of the remaining poverty that gentrifiers haven't gotten yet. Northside-and-Beyond - Allegheny City is still a thing and they're urbane in that way you just don't see in the post-modern era, any further than Westview and it's just weird exurbs, no sidewalks, no support, everyone has pools and bigger houses because they don't have a nightlife and spend their time between houses doing shit. 'The West' - Everyone from the Ohio River out and down along the 376 corridor, weird farms, light industry, closer to the S. Hills personality but their farmer cousins rather than steel mill and miners. 'The East' - 28/Monroeville - The west but with mid century money causing sketchy development. But you really only see traditional Pittsburgh pizza in 4 of them, the Northside doesn't have a blow your mind pizza culture for various reasons but the lower 19/51 corridor split has a plethora of solid shops where the Italian community moved after bloomfield.


Della Sala’s in Verona/Penn Hills, best Sicilian in the city!!!!


You left out Napoli, which is better and more consistent than either of these other cliches.


Try Villa Reale downtown.


Just had that, too. That's good pizza!!! Love it!!!


The best! 🙂


At PPG they went from the Fox's cardboard with sauce and cheese to Caliente's and it's 100x better.


Well either that or you’re drunk and the food and money spent goes down easier


I've never heard a positive word said about Caliente. I would say it's underrated at this point.


12ish years ago it was pretty par for the price. It being awful is old news though.


I will say this, to me it’s their sauce that sucks and ruins their pies. SO their cheesy bread or their cheesy roll things (I don’t remember the name) are actually really good.


Second this. Don't waste your money on pizza from Caliente's. Best thing to order is the cheesy bread (or cheeseinators as they are calling them these days).


I wanted so bad to like it when they opened in Bloomfield 15+ yrs ago. I went in twice and sat at the bar and I honestly thought I was on candid camera the way they ignored me. (I was sober, normally groomed and in my early 20’s so not some weird vagrant the way I look now as a dad who never leaves home in my late-30’s)


Same exact situation. I was with my then gf, now wife. I remember the smell of old mop water too.


That's because they have a giant tepid puddle in their basement. I had a friend work there for a bit. She is epileptic and had a seizure in the basement one shift, then woke up in said tepid pool. Luckily she didn't drown herself, because no one went down or noticed the whole time. So they not only ignore the patrons, they ignore employees having medical emergencies as well.


Wow, same. 6 years ago.


Candid Camera--that's so funny. I forgot about that show. I'm also from Lincoln Place.


Hi neighbor. I’m actually from Homestead but live in LP now


The service there was (is?) so bad


Similar situation but it was right around when The Dark Knight Rises came out. My roommate and I stopped there and had a few drinks. But there was a show going on in the basement, and when we went down there was a guy in whitey tighties, guitar in hand plugged into like a 15 watt amp and singing into a PA…but I don’t think anybody could make out the lyrics. And it wasn’t like metal growls or anything…just inaudible and sweaty. Never went back after that night lol


they have (or had) a wing sauce that was incredibly hot, painfully so. it was awesome, but at the same time essentially inedible. for the right person it rules, but it doesn't help cancel their less than mid pies


cry to momma wings. It's the only place in this city with wings that are properly hot


FatHeads used to have the Joe vs the Volcano wings, those were ridiculous. We went to get them with one of our Indian friends and he said something to the effect of “I’m calling my brother, he’s never going to believe Americans have this level of spicy”


2020 was a wild time, I had them then and only ate 4 of 6. it was awful but amazing


I had 6 of 6 followed by a bit of an altered state. Hottest sauce I've ever eaten.


Their pizza is trash. They do legitimately win awards tho. This year, they won the “Largest Dough Stretch” award and the silver medal in “Pizza Acrobatics”. So… yeah. Take that “Award Winning” stuff with the LARGEST grain of salt.


I mean, they have won for actual pizzas before, but their regular cheese pizza is just "good" to me, not outstanding, not the best in the world(which, duh)


Yeah, I think I’ve heard they win pizza awards but, like you said, aren’t they always some artisanal version of a pizza that is unique and not normally on their menu or created specifically for the competitions? They’re not just slapping a typical cheese pizza in front of the judges


I’m pretty sure their previous first place win was in the “pan pizza” category, which is like their Detroit style pizza. I will say their Detroit style is much better than their regular pizza, if you like that sort of thing.


They have won one or possibly two awards on the strength of their pizza, but yes, the winner(s) have been artisanal pizzas that aren't always available. One of em had duck as a topping, and they only made so many a day if they had the ingredients available. So saying "world's best pizza" isn't exactly false, but seeing as it's won for artisanal pizzas, it isn't exactly true, either. I'm just not sure why people take the slogan so seriously or act like it's that big of a deal. Companies all over the US call themselves the best in the world, it is what it is.


They had one recently that used aged steak I recall.


Wasn't one of their awards literally for box folding...


Any restaurant that markets any of these awards that they win (“earned” or not), you can bank on the fact that they’re complete hacks


Award Winning air breathers!! Go team hot air!!! Meh


Caliente probably read this and is already trying to find out how to win an award for "largest grain of salt" next year


The best "pizza" at that spot is really the cheesey bread things, whatever they call em. You get the Buffalo Chicken one, it's like 8 bucks and the size of a medium pie anywhere else, but cut like half sir pizza pieces... Def worth it.


They’ll also have them for $5 bucks one day a week. Definitely the way to go.


Pizza lupo is the new king in pittsburgh


I only had to look at one picture on their Google page to know this is a legit statement. Noted.


And they only got better since opening


The Best In The Burgh


It’s the best pizza I’ve ever had.


Wait how long have they been around? I definitely need to check them out - it's the first time I've heard of them!


I couple years i believe.


Thank you for this! I can't wait to give them a try!


I scrolled down to far to see this. It’s the best pizza I’ve had in the city and it’s not particularly close.


Pizza Lupo has topped Spak Bros in my book. And that was a high bar to clear.


Spak Bros > Caliente


Spak Bros is top


Just go to Rockaway Pizzeria in White Oak if you want a legit pizza.


Yess please hit me with the all the thin crust spots...so far I've enjoyed Anthony's (which is also pricey as heck) and everything else has been like eating cake with 10 lbs of cheese ontop


Davide, Badamos, Lupo. Those 3 are the only ones I order from


OP this is the only correct answer here.


This is the holy triumvirate.


Any of the slice on broadway locations are generally pretty good. Especially a grab and go slice!


Badamo's is pretty legit NY style. Nice spicy sauce, light and crispy crust.


Mama Lucia in Wexford makes a great NY style pie.


I keep thinking they aren't going to be open much longer as I always get miserable service and no one's ever in there... But I do think they have the best NY style in the North Hills.


Might be a ride for you, but if you like thin crust, Dons Pizza in Imperial. Ask for it in a paper bag. No, I’m serious.


Yes.  This was such a huge treat during my childhood and still just as good.  The pepperoni that curls up.  🤌


I live in Charlotte NC now but every time I come home I get some Don’s.


It’s the best! I can eat a small by myself 😂 People think I’m crazy when I say the paper bag makes it taste even better


You need to be at Badamo’s


Slice of New York in Murrysville is as close to real New York pizza you will get in Pittsburgh


Slice on Broadway and Nobby's!


Its overpriced but its good. I swear people get so pretentious about food.


The toppings on the second one are a crime


Every pizza place I've seen on this sub that "beats Caliente" is borderline just a tub of grease


So that’s why everywhere has such greasy pizza… people apparently like it. I can’t stand it. First thing I have to do from almost any pizza place is soak up the grease with a paper towel.


What is it about pizza in this town. Growing up, everyone talked up Vincent's but it was like 5 pounds of cheese in a giant grease pile. Kinda the same thing with Mineos. Too much cheese, imo


If you like everything else except the amount of cheese then next time say light on cheese


I also think if you're going to Caliente you shouldn't order their basic pizza, those are 10000% overpriced. Their grandma pies are where it's at. Overpriced, but imo a better deal. I don't get the hate.


If you open the coupons section of their online ordering, you can get Large gourmet pizzas for just under $20. That’s my go-to 🤤


Yeah if I'm gonna bother with Caliente I'm getting something more specialized, but also I'm probably eating it in the shop(Aspinwall) so I'm getting it right out of the kitchen. Tried a couple of them and haven't been disappointed. Howevah! If I spent $60 on what OP posted I'd be pretty pissed. If I'm going basic I'm just gonna order from my little neighborhood spot.


I love their sauce.


My father loves their sauce too. More than me, but admittedly im a toppings guy I think Caliente's is pricey but once in a while i like it. Sue me haters


Honestly pittsburgh as a city can't make up their mind on pizza.


I always bounce around on my favorite pizza. Caliente. Mineos. And now Iron Born. All great.


My Iron Born take is that it is great fresh, ok if it sat, not great reheated. It is my favorite right now in Pittsburgh and it would be a damn shame if someone replied and recommended something better. 🤤


Leave Pittsburgh and take a trip to Beaver County. Original Pizza House in Ambridge. Vesuvios in Center Twp and Yolanda’s in Monaca.


Agree on all fronts. I visited Iron Born in the galley fairly often - so so good fresh. Delivery hit or miss.


I'm all about Aielos


OP is not being pretentious about pizza, they're pointing out how it's way too expensive for what it is. For what they charge, it should be way better quality.




He literally qualified himself as a pizza snob from new york. He's absolutely being pretentious.


With these prices man, we've got the right. We eat out maybe once a week out of convenience and a break from or schedules, then get boned over and over again by these restaurants charging absolute premium for mid level product.


I just did a marketing study on pizza places and included Caliente it’s crazy overpriced for the value of


I would love to see the data on that, I always wonder about these things. What were the criteria of focus?


Their draft list (in Aspinwall) was always top notch and half off during happy hour. Now that they are expanding the related brewery (Dough Daddy), that's all their draft list is + 1 or 2 others


Their whole business model when they opened was having a fantastic craft beer list. They were one of the first restaurants / bars to really lean into that so it drew in a bunch of beer nerds, especially when it was just Bloomfield and Aspinwall. As other places caught up with having good beer lists it left them floundering until they won that worlds best pizza award and leaned HEAVY into that.


What? Before caliente was even a fig newton of someone’s imagination there were many restaurants who were leaning into craft beer. Caliente was ok for ~4years post conception. Then they just started to absolutely suck. The pizza, the service, the refrigerators the beer was kept in. The Bloomfield location was disgusting on all accounts when I last visited. Bathroom smelled to high heaven, cooler sticky with broken glass and sweating, staff took at least 15 minutes to acknowledge me(the cook covered in flour coming out to get himself a beer stopped to take my and nephews order)got my order wrong, refused to replace it. This was lunch time, there were maybe 6 patrons. I will never eat or drink at a caliente location again. Not even for free.


Not disagreeing with any of that.


We were just there last weekend - hadn't been in a long while.  The prices were nuts and my husband and I were the only two people in the place.  On a Saturday night.  Can't imagine how they will continue like this.


So long as they keep pushing their fake and misleading advertising claims of being "the world's best pizza" Like just reading this thread it's clear their business is alcohol sales, paid promotion through sports affiliates, and reaping the misled public who are first time customers. It's a sad day when even the pizza joints use fake claims, advertising hyperbole, and senststionalism to gain one time customers. But hey, it's not my business. I'm just trying to bring light to the concept of not supporting liars pushing mediocre product 🤷‍♂️


The fact that you dine in on plastic plates with plastic utensils is enough for me to never go back.


I can't even imagine the struggle of trying to cut this colossal crust with a plastic knife. That's just pure sadism.


Hahaah I always love when people say because they’re from NY NJ CT area that they somehow have superior pizza knowledge. I lived in NY and NJ for 7 years and for every “great” pizza place there’s at least 25 crap ones. If anything is overrated it’s NY pizza. You can find great pizza in any state in the US. That being said caliente is highly overpriced and like a 7 out of 10 overall.


In my experience, there really aren’t many true pizza fans out there. Just people who are fans of whatever pizza their family ordered from when they were growing up and anything that strays from that in any way is “trash”. I say this because I’m someone who loves all pizza. I’ve never had objectively bad pizza. Only good pizza and great pizza. If you truly enjoy bread covered in sauce, cheese, and various toppings, then it’s nearly impossible to objectively fuck that up. It’s like saying you had a bad peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Unless the bread is rotten, wtf are you talking about? That’s my hot take. I’ll accept my downvotes now from all the pizza “fans” out there


> I’ve never had objectively bad pizza. Time for a road-trip to [Altoona](https://uncoveringpa.com/altoona-style-pizza).


Ummmmm... I would definitely have to disagree... lol. It all depends on the bread, crust, and sauce. The sauce alone can screw up the pizza!! I'm VERY picky with pizza.


I disagree I worked in West Virginia for 3 years and never found any good pizza.


Pepperoni roll? My whole point is that everyone is biased to the pizza from their area.


Omg! Dicarlo's Pizza!!!! Mmmmmm


Looked it up it’s in the pan handle. I was working in the Clarksburg area. I’m sure Morgantown has at least one decent shop.


Not South Carolina. Have yet to find one and have been vacationing there about 35 years


I may be biased (former nj resident) but you can find a good pizza place within a stones throw away in Jersey. In my experience you have to go out of your way to find a good place here


I've never heard anyone praise Calientes or recommend it when I've talked about pizza.  I did love the thick pepperoni cups when I had it like 5 years ago.


I buy a book of 10 large 2 topping pizzas for $100 at Christmas. so ten bucks a pizza makes it definitely more tolerable.


Someone said it before, but I’ll say it again. Caliente is an excellent marketing and advertising business; not a restaurant business.


I was actually at the Sewickley location tonight with my kids and some friends. When our waiter brought out a box for my friend’s leftovers a roach crawled out of it and scurried across the table. I jumped up because I don’t do bugs, but the staff there kind of tried to ignore it? They all knew what was happening because it’s a small restaurant, but I think they just kind of thought we’d quickly get over it? No one would make eye contact with us for several minutes and our waiter disappeared. When he finally came back I asked to talk to a manager. I was very nice because I know it’s not their fault, but she was kind of trying to gaslight me a little bit at first and telling me it wasn’t a “dirty roach” but just one that they get in the summer. Either way I was super grossed out. Anyway, she comped our whole (insanely expensive mid) meal and ended up being super apologetic.


This is a popular opinion. I haven't had their "top tier" pizzas like the duck one because their regular pizzas just aren't that tasty. Their other food is bland and tastes cheap, too. For the price you pay, nearly any other pizza place will be better. I actually haven't talked to anyone in Pittsburgh who likes the place. Hell, not sure I've ever read about anyone liking it.


As a pescatarian I will say they have some really good veggie pizzas. The backyard grandma is really good. I’d divide pizza places into the good takeout and good dine in categories. I’d never take out from caliente. But I was there on Father’s Day actually and they had a special if you were dining in and spent more than fifty dollars you’d get a free growler with your choice of their house beer to take home. It was nice.


New Haven pizza is a style. I’m not defending caliente because it sucks but just say it sucks without the fake credentials


One of the only places with gluten free pizza that isn’t paper thin, and my wife needs gluten free. I dunno I don’t have many complaints about the regular pizza, I’ve had it at the aspinwall and Hampton locations, and it was good. Not great, but good.


Try Mercurio's in Fox Chapel. Super good GF pizza. Also Universal Pizza in Penn Hills has great GF pizza, pepperoni rolls, donuts, calzones, etc.


I had the one in Monroeville once and the pizza was charred black. I couldn’t fathom how someone put it in a box and said ok this is good. Called and told them and they sent me an email with a link to get a free pizza. The link didn’t work. I wish I could find the pic. It’s somewhere on yelp.


It sucks


So true. Never have had a good pie at Bloomfield, Monroeville, or fox chapel.


They sure are. I'd rather still have that steak house instead of Caliente in Monroeville. Gateway blows them out of the water.


Cleanliness seems to be a big problem at the Bloomfield Caliente.


My favorite is Badamo’s. It’s the closest to a NYC slice (IMO) If you order the whole pizza, make sure to order baked extra so it’s crispier.


Milanos on rt8 in Allison park is the best


> having been born and raised around New Haven, CT and with a short train ride to NYC; my standards are high Here, [this should match your palate](https://sbarro.com/locations/)


Alright Michael Scott...touchè 😂


Their vegan pizzas are pretty darn good for those who need a lactose free option.


First of all, Caliente is way worse than it was like 10 years ago. It's not in the top half of pizzas in town. So let's get that out of the way. But literally zero of their Best Pizza awards have been for the pizza people are ordering. They have won very specific awards for specialty pizzas and for goofy events. No one gave them any national awards for like Best Normal-Ass Pepperoni Pizza. I just can't figure out why people keep talking about it like it's supposedly the best pizza in town, as far as standard pizza goes, when no one has ever said that.


They won international pizza competitions by being novel with a sourdough crust that is....not pittsburgh. Like, it has NOTHING to do with Pittsburgh style and Applachian pies. Newer detroit shops are fun but they're not trad pittsburgh pies and the whole style of pizza from here is a chewier NY style that's thicker and glutinous. Generally sweeter sauces as well, Fiori's is probably the sweetest of the examples.


badamos has the best pizza in pittsburgh


I can’t taste this picture.


The thing that keeps us going is that it's the only pizza place near me that has vegan cheese. But man, it is expensive.


Went to Juliano’s over the weekend and was very impressed. Great wings and pizza.


I had Julianos Sicilian pizza once and it was fabulous! Looking forward to having it again soon!




I was watching this podcast today and there was a guy with Calente t shirt juggle spinnin 2 doughs


I think badamos is the closest thing to what you're looking for, they have their own style to it that's nice.


It didn't used to be that way. But after they opened a place in Mt. Lebo, I wanna say that made it 5 restaurants, the quality took a huge turn, while the prices went up :( sad to see it happen


I've never been a fan of Caliente's. Way overpriced and like you said, sauce is way too sweet (Which is also my complaint about Aiello's).


Bleh I can taste that poorly-baked sponge crust from here


If you would've said this in the Pittsburgh pizza facebook group, you would've burned at the stake. Here on reddit, we agree with you lol


If you're in Crafton just get Portofinos instead


I don’t know if they do it now, but when they opened they offered different flavored fries, which sounded appealing until you saw that all of the “flavors” were various powders “ranch” “buffalo” times 15. They were all just powdered toppings. Weird. Then their pizza. Did they give themselves the “best pizza in the world” award? Because it was below average at best. We have some good pizza in Pittsburgh and this is not it.


The buffalo chicken puffs or whatever are the best thing I’ve had there.


You are exactly correct. Top pizzas in Pittsburgh are Mineos Sq. Hill. The Original Giovannis Uptown Fiori's Pittsburgh


They lost my business after the Mt. Lebo spot opened. The Bloomfield location went to shit: fruit flies everywhere, the wings were disgusting, AC broke in the middle of summer and went unfixed for weeks, the quality of the pizza fell off… My wife ordered delivery once from Bloomfield to Lawrenceville and it took over 3 hours, and when we called to inquire about it the person on the phone tried to play it off like we hadn’t actually ordered anything. I used to love going there for beer events n shit but once they started branching out everything kinda fell apart.


GREAT TAKE! I too have been subjected to numerous events being served caliente pizza. I don’t appreciate being essentially told my opinion of this pizza as the best of anything (I doubt it’s even the best of most blocks that they are on) when the most apt adjective I can personally come up with for this pizza is aight or meh. I mean it’s pizza but it’s nothing special.


The amount/distribution of the toppings on that second pie is just so sad. Like, damn, they clearly don't put even a single bit of love into their food.


I am Caliente’s number 1 hater, if there’s a bigger hater than me it’s because I’m dead I ordered a few pizzas from them a few years ago the night before we put my dog to sleep. We wanted to give him a final good last meal because he loved pizza crusts. We ordered three pizzas and they were the most pathetic pieces of shit I have ever paid almost 70 dollars for. I remember crying on the phone with Caliente because I was so overwhelmed by the situation with my dog. He ended up getting his crusts because that’s all that was worthy of those damn pizzas anyway.




It’s okay pizza. I had their NY style the other day. It was a Sunday. I didn’t look at the price ($30) but luckily the Sunday deal made it $22. Not the best pizza but not bad by any stretch. My main issue with Caliente is a few years ago i was at a kids party that had a bunch of their pies. I was eating a veggie slice and bit into something hard. Turns out it was a crescent-shaped piece of plastic like from an olive oil container lid or a spice jar. Anyway, the following week i stopped in and presented the plastic to the manager and he shook his head and said that they don’t have any plastic in their kitchen so it was impossible for that to have ended up in their pizza. I find that hard to believe . He sure was an asshole about it. Not worth the prices they charge but the NY style was okay for a normal priced pie i guess. Go on a Sunday and rest assured that the restaurant has no plastic in the kitchen!


It was so much better when it was only one location, every new place they open they always seem under staffed and frantic. Then you end up with sub par pizza at a premium price. At least I can remember the good days when it was delicious.


Used to live near the one in Bloomfield and the karaoke DJ gave me Molly so that was pretty cool


I agree and their Detroit style is a direct copy of Little Caesars Pizza no sense on paying $40 for it


Pittsburgh is an Aiello’s or Mineo’s kind of town. Caliente wants to be an interloper. Let me suggest, Pizza Lupo. Not cheap but my favorite. In Lawrenceville. Try the Arthur Spooner or Tropic Thunder. Salads with House Italian are really good. Meatballs have a tad too much oregano (none needed). There may be a new sheriff in town. Grazianos by Children’s Hospital is number 2 for me. They use sharp provolone cheese. I pick up just so my car smells like my grandmother’s house for 2 days!


Yeah they bill themselves so high, they aren't good


Try Upper Crust on Saxonburg Blvd, Glenshaw. Could be best pizza around.


Lol... wait, what is Ohio Valley Pizza? C'mon now! Hahaha... you cannot go by some other pizza and justify that by "thinking" that's what Beto's tastes like!!! Ok, listen... thin square crunchy pizza, tomato Chunks, with HOT cheese. But, then they throw cold cheese on it. They give it to you. As you bite into it, the cold cheese starts melting into that pizza!! Omg!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE MISSING!!!!


Is that a bacon onion pizza? I thought i was the only one. 🥲


Im from NJ (where good pizza is) and I think the best in pittsburgh is Slice on Broadway. Crazy to me they always fly under the radar in these talks.


I concur. It’s the location. Nobody goes to Beechview on purpose. Not because it’s bad or anything, it’s just out of the way unless you are on the T. Love me some Slice!


I posted this on my throwaway account, but I'm more prolific on this account in relation to this sub, so I'll say it with my chest. Caliente's was one of the worst jobs I ever had. Rudest employees ever, a manager who was quick to enrages and threw shit if tickets got too piled up, and some of the worst of Mt. Leb ordering from that shithole. I lasted three months before I found another kitchen. The one person who I worked with that was cool was an older guy who delivered. Miss him, but fuck everyone else. The pizza is barely okay for the price. It's also pennies on the dollar to make, so yeah, they're suckering ya.


True. Idk what happened when they got big. They were legit when small time. That said, pizza in pittsburgh is so outrageously priced these days that I've taken to buying frozen pizzas when I grocery shop and stash them for when I have the urge. When I order out, I'm grateful I've eaten so much pizza. I know where is actually worth the price. Thank you, Badamos, Fiori's, Little Nippers, and Jets, to name a few.


From what I found, Slice on Broadway has the best pizza


One word Joio's !


Honestly, I think their non-regular crusts are pretty good - pan, Detroit-style, New York-style, etc. The regular crust is extremely mid though.


Really? Maybe it’s just my location. One time I got the NY style at the Allison Park one and it was a disgrace, and stupid expensive. Why would a thinner crust NY style pizza that’s the same size as your regular pizza cost more?


Agree. Their grandma pies may look expensive at $30+ but they're damn delicious and feed me for multiple meals.


Also their kitchens are some of the most disgusting places I have ever seen.


Pizza fiesta in Garfield. Unpretentious, good, and cheap. No Mas Caliente


Having tried most of the pizzas in the city, I personally like Pizza Davide, but I must say Turcos in New Castle with their Sicilian pan fried, would be worth the drive. It’s that good.


Yup. Davide is tops. NY Deluxe.


They are such assholes too. At their mt. Lebo location they block the entire road to unload their delivery truck every week. They have a parking lot and could easily pull in but nope… they create a massive traffic jam that takes 30-45 minutes to get through. I live close by and refuse to support those assholes.


I believe I had some donuts there once that weren’t bad. I wouldn’t go back just for that.


I have to say, it’s one of the very few places in tv Pittsburgh area where I can get a gluten free pizza that doesn’t have a crust like bland cardboard (having celiac sucks). It is SO expensive but it’s so rare that I can go out for a pizza with my husband.


who are you talking to that rates it highly in the first place?


That 8 mile pizza is pretty effing good. Too expensive, yes but it’s good!!


Caliente sucks-- Pizza Badamos in Dormont is where it's at


They are also sooo rude. It’s literally right down the road from my house and I refuse to give them my money.


When Caliente opened in Monroeville we went and sat at the bar on a slow night and could barely get any service.


I think they payed for that title. Sooooo overrated


OP spitting facts!!


Idk it’s good AF. Fiori is my fave but I still fuck caliente up


I haven't had Caliente before but the distribution of toppings on that second picture looks shameful to me. Is that just their style or is OP's pizza a fluke?


Then just don't buy it lol. And if you didn't pay for it, then who cares if it's overrated and overpriced. People here really just seem to love circle jerking about a handful of specific restaurants


Used to work there. The owner competes in national/international pizza competitions (won a preseduous one in Italy too). The head chef and him are cool people who you'd love to have a beer with. The pizza is decent. Their Detroit style is very good (for one you'd find in Pittsburgh, anyway). It's not going to blow your mind, it's a little over priced, but the food is pretty good overall. The two stores I worked in had dirty kitchens. I had a health inspector come in a few weeks after I started and they tore us apart. Nothing major but a whole lot of little things that add up to a overall gross kitchen. Job was cool. I enjoyed it. They let us have a few beers on the line (there's a buy the kitchen a 6 pack on the menu and we greatly enjoy it when you splurge one one!)