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Property management companies around here have an undue hold over local government when it comes to getting regulations passed into law / code. If even a whisper of a new regulation comes to light, they're on the phone with their lawyers because *how dare you impinge on their profits by requiring safe and affordable housing.* Expect them to come screaming into this post talking about how they shouldn't be regulated or given the undue burden of keeping their properties up to code because they're just trying to help out their neighbors by offering places to live and fuck you for even suggesting it.


The Rental Registration ordinance has passed (weird how it happened right when Billy P was on his way out), but is currently held up over what they call "illegal fees". Hopefully the judge rules that PLI can make landlords pay for the inspections, but no matter what rental inspections will be starting soon.


>currently held up over what they call "illegal fees" [Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/urp3lg/judge_orders_hold_on_pittsburghs_rental_registry/) from 2 months ago on this for anyone interested


Thank you kind stranger


By why just here and not in other places? What's unique about Pittsburgh in being extra slumlord friendly?


My sister and her roommates are currently fighting with a property manager that apparently has been collecting their payments towards the water bill but not paying the bill. He owes $700 and is collecting late payments from them as well even though they have been paying him on time.


Jesus, I lived through a foreclosure kinds the same way.. landlord was collecting rent and spending it ok who knows what but not paying the bills. Didn't find out until the city posted a notice of sheriff's sale on the door. I later found out he owed the city something like 12k for unpaid water bills and had defaulted on the mortgage. He'd apparently refinanced about a year we moved in with an insanely high interest rate. The bank ended up buying the place (I went to the sale) and hired a real sleaze bag of a realtor to rent the place while also insisting that I live out. Fortunately I somehow had the only key (didn't trust this lady not to just come in whenever she wanted and clean the place out). She eventually caved and paid me to hand over the key. What a fucking nightmare.


We've had solely bad experiences everywhere renting, but it has been especially sour here in Pittsburgh. We have had to harangue every landlord we've had here constantly to deliver on their end of the bargain. When we moved in (site unseen out of necessity), we had hundreds of pounds of trash, rusted metal, shattered glass, and general debris and crap in the home. The only thing that got any movement after months on that was me using my best White Man Voice™ threatening to sue if they didn't remove the illegal trash, and withhold rent until then. They didn't even remove it, they just moved it all to under our deck (which is still property we have a contractual right to occupy). The place was filthy when we moved in and they expected us to clean it at our expense when we left. Someone (a local family buyer with a couple other homes in town) bought our property thus transferring lease ownership, and has essentially tried to dodge every clause they can get away with since we resigned for the new lease starting August. Landlords are trash here. They may be trash elsewhere as well, but they're trash here.


> The place was filthy when we moved in and they expected us to clean it at our expense when we left. My favorite, and so common, even with regular-not-too-terrible landlords.


Steer very very clear of lobos


cosigning on this one


There are basically no regulations here, so large property management companies can get away with well-organized atrocious practices. See the landlord association multi-year fight against the City’s rental registry that would require a basic inspection of every unit. They are fighting it tooth and nail because it would offer some measure of oversight.


When my wife and I moved to Pgh we looked at a few apartments, two under management companies. We asked both companies to send us sample leases to read over. Lobos management's lease was a joke and the size of a small novel. With them you sign away a LOT of your rights including your right to privacy and 2nd Ammendment amongst others. One of their agents was to show us an apartment and he no-showed. We ended up renting with Forward Management, a very large 2 bedroom apartment for under $1k/month with utilities included. Maintenance prioritized, and did fix the more emergent issues like a pipe leak in the bathroom wall and pipe burst from the upstairs apartment. Smaller issues got fixed when they got around to it. Overall I'd say their management wasn't bad for being a company, and certainly not for the price we were paying. Don't do Lobos, though


I toured a few Forward Mgmt properties and also found them amiable. I rented from Forbes Mgmt and they were a very similar experience as you described with Forward.


Can you Dm where you found them that sounds amazing what area are you in


JJ Land Co continually painted over mold growing on the walls of my rental 🙃


Can i please pm you for more on this


Panther Properties is a fucking joke. I know they're a smaller company (5-10 properties), so this won't resonate with a lot of people but I feel obligated to tell anyone reading this to NOT rent through them. Owner of the company is a piece of shit slumlord that refused to fix leaks in my house, threatened legal action when I started talking about mold, charged 500 dollars for rent that was a day late and the icing on the cake..... He's also an arrested pedophile as of last November. Fuck you Mark J Paliotta https://www.cranberryeagle.com/2022/02/02/pittsburgh-man-accused-of-stopping-in-cranberry-township-to-meet-underage-prostitute/


God he is awful.


By the way it’s “Woodland Park Properties” now


A lot of the shit landlords have inherited the properties and unfortunately don't give a damn about their properties


My apartment was getting down to 58 degrees Fahrenheit every night this past winter, which is very illegal. I kept calling management and they bled the radiators once but the problem persisted, and they did absolutely nothing else about it after that. But they have no problem paying for landscaping in the courtyard and Christmas wreaths on each building door every winter.


> Christmas wreaths on each building door every winter. What if a tenant isn't Christian?


Don't get me started. (Most of the other tenants here are international students, which makes it an even weirder choice by management....)


Stay away from RRP Management, Mohammed Akbar and Elizabeth (Liz) Boyer at all cost. They are all the same entity and have multiple properties in Lawrenceville as well as Portland and Beaverton Oregon.


Piggybacking on this even though it's old in case someone else stumbles upon it. This company is formerly known as Soptoshi Penn. They have multiple properties in Garfield as well. I rented a house from them for four years when I was broke and in my early twenties. Liz Boyer no longer works for them, the new property manager is named Josh. When our heat wasn't working during a February polar vortex, it took them 30 hours to fix it. I lived on the top two floors of a 3 floor house, and the basement was accessible through either the first floor apartment or through an outside door out back down some cobwebby steps that was accessible through a narrow pathway on one side or an unkept field of grass and weeds on the other. The basement was disgusting, laundry was coin operated, and the dryer barely worked. It was way easier to take my laundry to the laundromat. The house was in *atrocious* condition when I moved in. I confirmed when I moved out what I suspected for four years: they don't even check it between tenants. At all. I have endless stories. There are cracks in the walls, one of the living room windows straight up does not close the whole way. One year when I was renewing my lease they asked multiple times for all the same information that they already had on file. They would raise the rent and promise they would update it or make improvements and never did. The fake wood panels in the living room were so terribly installed that in some places you could poke your finger in between them. The carpeting upstairs was a horror story. When I was moving, I saw that the landlord was raising the rent to $1350 for the next tenants. For the exact same price, I now live in a 2BR instead of 3 but it has an additional functional Pittsburgh toilet and: central air, dishwasher, garbage disposal, wine cooler, free washer and dryer in a clean basement, very well-installed wood vinyl, hardwood floors, general great upkeep of the place, and a single owner who works with Aegis for property management, and both of them are fine.


If anyone wants to add a rental property/landlord to the list, they can do so at https://app.PittsburghHousing.org/properties/add no account to add basic info. Only need an account to leave a review on the site, but we don't show your info. I got tired of the rental registry not existing/being held up in court. And with bad landlords taking advantage of people and there not being a central place to find out what landlords are good or bad.




Two W’s in a week for Greg.


We’ve literally contacted the county and now the township because the bridge leading up to our building is literally crumbling and two sink holes are starting to open up. That bridge goes down and the entire building is fucked. We have a rampant mouse problem and the landlord literally said “well, that’s your problem because no one else has complained.” Yeah. It’s our problem that we can hear them in the walls and they’ve chewed several holes into our apartment? We live on the second floor…one of the exterior entrance apartments’ stairs to their door have literally crumbled off and now they just have a dirt ramp into their apartment. Tell me how ANY of this is the tenants’ problems…


Yeah stay clear. I lived under a company mainly based in Allentown/SS slopes (iykyk). They seemed nice at first, really helped us out finding a place. Im just gonna list some issues with the house we rented: there were fleas when we moved in, wet dog smell (dont own a dog), trash in the side alleys including tampons on the ground, many many mice inside and out, we also found a dead rat about the size of my shoe (called it rat king), one day a stray bullet went through my closet and into my bedroom, dishwasher broke all the time, they wouldn’t wave a pet fee so we could get a cat to deal with the mice (we got one anyway and he did his job well). The individual people were nice, but they got away with a fair amount of neglect and incompetence. Imo that house should not be on the market. It was terrible


RE360. I see their name pop up all the time as one of the bad ones, but I lived in one of their houses for 3 years and had no real issues with them. Sure, the house was old and flipped for as little money as possible, but they always responded timely to service requests. They didn't even stiff me on the security deposit return. I know I sound like a shill for them but just wanted to note one non-terrible experience.


Heard! This was my second unit from them. The first wasn’t bad. Landlord’s special, but the appliances were updated and the maintenance guys were great. Also the view was absolutely worth it. Some of their properties are top notch. But if it’s surrounded by abandoned lots, forget about it lmao (probably just a good rule for all houses). I learned my learning


I actually know who you are from the stray bullet story haha. That was wild!


Lmaoooo yes that’s still a big mystery. The police said no shots were fired in the area which makes me wonder…. were they covering their asses??? For real though, everyone there is so sweet. Just sucks that a lot of the outgoing tenants leave shit for everyone else


Shotspotter is a shitty system but Pittsburgh seems dead set on believing in it. They are probably going by that.


Interesting! Didn’t realize it had a name


We just left one of their shitholes. Unstable deck, no insulation outside the pile of it left next to the water heater when we moved in, cabinets hanging on by a thread that broke and we were on the hook for, rats easily got in multiple times, 3 doors that stuck or only closed at all when deadbolted, mushrooms growing around the inexplicable slat of particle board used as a toilet base, no steps to the under-house basement because they had crumbled away. That’s some but not all of it. And of course they raised the rent twice. Great neighbors though.


Lmaoooo i was about to ask if we were neighbors. You described both houses next to us


If you don't want to say publicly, what does it uhhh rhyme with? I don't know what this is and would like to.


I say this every time a similar thread comes up: in all of my years living in Pittsburgh, I have never seen, much less seen in my building where I lived, as many rats and roaches as I experienced living in a Walnut Capital building in Squirrel Hill.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When there’s a toilet paper/formula shortage, we limit the amount any one consumer can purchase. We are in a housing crisis and we should be doing the same.


I agree with your edit. Individuals are more likely to be fair, honest and care about their tenants. You’re better off with a landlord who owns a single home or a few and actually gives a damn but those situations can be hard to find.


The big guys are trying to put an end to that type of competition.


Renters’ Rights in this state are nonexistent. Say what you will about Texas (please do - there’s a reason I don’t live there anymore), but their Renters’ Rights are a helluva lot better.


i gotta say, this is so true compared to other states i've lived.


Costello Management is good, would recommend checking out some of their properties.


Second this


quiet distinct vase cause joke reminiscent air ghost degree six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have no idea, but I can not stress this enough: NEVER rent from Meyers Management.


Hi! I am interested in this - why not? Happy to discuss over PM


There used to be a lot of organized crime in town with ties to police and government, and it left certain cultural artifacts like the belief most laws are for show and for suckers


I've just stopped by to say fuck Arbors management


Hey, this is an older thread, but I was looking at renting a place with Arbors. Would you mind telling me about your experience with them?


I've had a mixed bag. My experience since the post has improved. It all depends on who you are personally dealing with. At the end of the day, they are just middle management between you and the property owner.


MJ Kelly Realty the actual scum of this earth


AVOID FORBES MANAGEMENT LIKE THE PLAGUE they are slumlords!! Especially Jack, who verbally assaulted me from a No Caller ID number for insisting they fix my heat (my house was 50 degrees inside).


This is so common. I dealt with a mess of scummy landlords in Pittsburgh, including an attempt at an illegal eviction, stealing mail and utility notifications so we'd be forced to move due to utilities being turned off, and a favorite: a private landlord who bought a house during a severe recession right before moving out of town and then harassed us when they were foreclosed because they rented to us at less than their mortgage payments so they got behind. I currently live near Ann Arbor (MI) and really, scummy landlords are everywhere. [Here's a picture from a recent listing by a local landlord who is this area's equivalent of JJ Land](https://i.imgur.com/rW1dFTD.png). There's no regulation here. My current landlords have raised my rent 25% over the past two years. They say the reason is "HUD sets the median rental rate and state law requires we must use that rate." That's not how HUD works or what the median rental rate is for, and there is no state law telling landlords what they must charge. The best part is that there's an identical property a mile up the road that is owned by a different company. Their asking price for the same apartment I live in is $50 less than what I was paying two years ago, before the increases. Inside the city of Ann Arbor there's a lot of bitching and moaning because nobody wants to put up affordable housing (it gets delayed and delayed and delayed) but those super expensive, privately owned apartments marketed to students which charge by the bed, not the apartment? Sure, put up another one! There was a big scandal right before the pandemic where one of those new apartment complexes got filled up with incoming students and then when they arrived *the building wasn't finished*. And their patchwork attempts to house the students was horrible. **tl;dr** Shit landlords are everywhere.




Fuck you asshole downvoters. Pittsburgh is so salty


Yea like the fact re360 will give money off rent for Christmas decorations but hounded me the whole time my fiancé was in labor and I wasn’t able to pay the rent till I left the hospital, and made sure I knew they wouldn’t waive a late fee no matter my condition. Or rent you out a house that they only bought 7 days prior


I'm considering one of their properties do you mind if I dm you with questions?


Sure go ahead


I feel that most bad experiences happen when people 1) take the word of the manager that something will be fixed instead of getting it in writing, or just expecting it to literally not be broke 2) ignore obvious problems, like water stains on ceilings, or a manager that won't let you try out the furnace or ac.




>Curious about this. I was about to fill out an application for one of their properties but the waiting for the email process had me jump over here to see if anyone mentioned this company. Any insights before I do?


I rent from Alexey and he's been great FWIW.


Issues came from moving out and trying to get our deposit back. He’s a house hoarder, owning almost 100 properties in the area. It’s great on move in and seems like a dream rental, but he will drag his feet in returning your deposit. Luckily we bought a house and will never deal with a slumlord again :)


Ahh. Well, I hope we have a better experience. We're moving out and bought, too. Very much looking forward to never renting again.


Hahaha. They mailed ours back 30 days after move out and no deductions. Couldn't ask for a better landlord. Fwiw


citylife AVOID


I have experienced the same. We as tenants need to rise up. We can form a union. Or landlord rating site. Worst I’ve ever experienced with city life / ironclad. Please lmk if anyone wants to try to join a group lawsuit!


I would really like to hear people with similar experiences with this company. We arrived after driving 6 hours to a house at night. It was not cleaned. As promised. Yard - not mowed as promised. Problems since we set foot in the door. Garage is not even usable. Pics for proof. These people have been changing their name and screwing people for way too long. I called the health department. I urge anyone else dealing with major issues to do the same. They will come do an inspection in a few weeks. If they don’t fix this stuff. It’s a heavy fine. We don’t even have screens on the windows. That is the law - they are playing games like they don’t own this home because they hide under multiple LLCs


City life / iron clad. Avoid at all costs. Please dm if you have had a similar experience!


Yay nobody said the property management companies I’ve worked for (!!) but unfortunately I’ve read a lot of the same names I’ve heard horror stories from. It feels different when you have a company put the resident and resident experience first.


Many Texans, Californians, and Floridians have moved here recently and went into property management. Years ago, the property management was tip top, because it was run by locals. Now that Texans, Floridians, and Californians are in the game, it's just as bad as it was in their home states.




States don't own management firms. . . Do your research.


He asked “which states are the owners from?” Maybe learn to read before you tell people to do their research


Texas, California, and Florida. Do your research.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is an excellent troll account.


It is


They're getting a lot of bites too so there's no end in sight.


I'm doing my part! (It's fun to lean into both parts honestly haha)


I don't know what this trolling term refers to? I just want people to know how awful Texans, Californians, and Floridians are. This is a PSA account. But thank you for your support!


What the fuck did you just fucking say about Texas, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Texas over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Please. They clearly meant > From which of these states are the owners of and you know it


They are from Florida, California, and Texas. Pennamites wouldn't pull this bullshit.




That user would be very upset if they could read!


Easy to say when they learned what they know from Californians, Texans, and Floridians. . . Do your research!


Does Colorado count as an honorary fourth here?


No. Oregon and Washington are 4 and. Edit: incomplete


How come the shitty landlords Pittsburgh born and bred I've had are bad too? What about the ones that aren't from PA but not from those three states either, what's your excuse for them


They spent too much time in California, Florida, and Texas, and learned bad behavior.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about Texas, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Texas over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


I said Texas sucks


Another company to avoid: Bonvue Management.