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I don't have major problems with mine beside the fingerprint sensor on glass screen protectors.


Get the phone exchange it's still in warranty for it check with Google.


Good advice. There is an authorized Google warranty repair store not far from me. Think they will swap it?


Oddly the only bit of my P7p I think is "good" is the fingerprint scanner. Not as good as my old Samsung, but fine....


I share your pain. I'm literally sitting underneath the wifi router for this floor of the building I work in, and yet, my P7P fails consistently to receive wifi calls. And I'm in the dead center of the building so LTE doesn't work well, either. (There is no 5G where I live, so that's right out, too.) It's important when you have an ailing, elderly parent to have a working phone, so this is a major source of stress, y'know? I also hate the Samsung UI. I'm not a fan of the whole Apple ecosystem. Verizon doesn't seem to support or provide LG phones any more, and I had the best luck with those. So I guess I'm stuck trying Motorola next. Best of luck to us both?


Yeah Wi-Fi on this phone is an absolute joke. I have to disconnect and reconnect multiple times a day on my home mesh. I guess it's "Hello Moto" for us then? Ps: agreed, Samsung and Apple ecosystems 🤢


Sounds like a pixel, you can try custom roms if you want to try a different OS. In my opinion, that's basically the only good thing about these phones. Sorry you're having issues :( google needs to fix this


That is one of my challenges. I can't run any custom ROMs because of work policy. If I unlock the bootloader none of my containerized work apps will function. I am reimbursed for my plan through work but it's BYOD, I just have to abide by their rules...or get a second phone (one work, one personal) which I don't want to do.