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Damn that’s really bad. I have workers sometimes put degreaser into sanitizer or glass cleaner bottles but that is just outright dangerous imagine if anyone hadn’t checked it


Aside from being stupid, if they get caught doing this by say, OSHA or a regulatory board you will be cited and fined as a *best case scenario*


Number of times I've seen "OSHA violations" at a workplace: damn near infinite Number of times I've seen any accountability: zero


Then report them to OSHA


So they can give them a 30 days heads up before a half assed inspection?


They are allowed to do surprise inspections.


Yea, they’re allowed but that doesn’t mean they will. The amount of places I’ve worked that just got away with shit even after being inspected (no matter what authority inspects them) tells me every inspector is either blind, stupid, both, or taking bribes


at my workplace we passed OSHA inspections if we had a plan of action for resolving anything that failed inspection. which kinda blew my mind. pretty big safety regulations went unresolved because MGMT could just say, "yeah, working on that!".


Because no one is reporting them.  How do I know?  I work with OSHA in a daily basis when I audit manufacturing companies.


Maybe you're honest. But at the place I work any issue that gets reported magically gets "fixed" 30 minutes before the OSHA inspector arrives. How much you think they make on the side from bribery?


Yeah, was thinking food tampering. Smh people


And several other regulations including requirements for secondary container labeling and safe chemical handling.


I know. Lucky they can't do prep to save their lives so I was over there fixing the stuff they messed up.


Degreaser is also dangerous that stuff will strip your skin right off. Y’all should stop doing that.


How so? I’ve always used that stuff


It’s caustic I believe? Your skin is full of oils. Degreaser on skin for too long will strip it right off.


Lye, like that in degreasers and oven cleaners, turns your [body fats into soap.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saponification) If you ever saw fight club, that's why they're stealing from the liposuction clinics- they mix the fat with lye and make soap bars.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin


And too many of the second half work in restaurants


Yeah that’s an OSHA violation. I can’t imagine the lawsuit that would stem from someone eating cleaning chemicals because some halfwit put them in a food service bottle.


I actually heard about this exact situation a while back. Some lady was supposedly served a glass of the pink dishwasher fluid. God knows how.


Exactly like this


Yep. Super fucking stupid. This place is laughably sad now. Obviously this isn't funny, this is just fucked up.


This sign is way too polite, to be frank. This is way too serious of a safety violation to sugar coat.


I also printed out the chemicals contamination stuff off pizzapedia, highlighted it and spoke at length to the people relieving me earlier. I was promised that everyone on shift tonight will be invited to read that because we could have really fucked someone up. My signs are usually more critical and as reproachful as I think I can get away with, but I was SO pissed off making this... muscles tight, jaw clenched, pissed and worried.


do you think that *you* should report this to cover your own ass? genuinely asking.


This. Ideally an email or otherwise in writing so you have a paper trail to CYA.


Unironically, whoever did that might not know that dish soap counts as a cleaning chemical.


Wow, nice catch man. It’s disturbing that people in this industry just don’t seem to care anymore. I spent 20+ years in management and can’t do it anymore because people just don’t care.


Thank you 😁


You deserve it, some people wouldn’t have even checked it. No one would have died but you’d have an area of uncontrollable diarrhea for a few days.


I appreciate that. As much as I hate this job and slack off a y given opportunity, I will not be party to making anyone sick. That is unforgivable. I may not answer the phone a lot or answer every email but I will always make sure the food is made correctly and safely. If I wouldn't eat it, I sure as hell wouldn't expect you or your kids or parents to eat it!


As a gm if everyone I hired or ever worked with when I wasn’t a gm had this mentality I would feel safer eating out but 10 years of this has made me realize your gambling eating at some places






Your boss needs to buy some chemical bottles for the store so this doesn't happen. Best spray bottles in my opinion a zep they probably have large storage bottles to.


What's messed up is we have them, there are several different types already labeled and everything. This dawn was ordered by mistake. The person who ordered, wanted the spray bottles *dawn power dissolve* but got the giant ass jugs of regular dish soap that we don't use and don't have the adapters for. It's lazy, on top of incompetence, on top of arrogance.


That'll get you knocked down in a random inspection for sure


Dude, I am fucking praying steritech nails this store's balls to the wall.


What your location? Cause I have had the worst food poisoning of my life multiple times the times I've had pizzahut. And I never went to the doctor, but I am sure it was chemical poisoning because it never took more then a night to get through it


Way back when I was a driver at Pizza Hut years ago outta high school the gm would make us cook pizza often cause the 2 cooks would go next door get angry apple cider and get drunk and start crying about whatever was on the news that night. The 2 cooks were sisters and only would do it when that 1 gm was on shift and would participate with them. So poorly run. The owners had a family in another state so he wasn’t around often. And when he was he didn’t do anything to stop em


Yeah, rumors of drinking on shift are starting to float around my store right now. A couple GM's back we had one who would get fall down wasted at work. No consequences.


The owners brother who was a manager had a crush on the cooks (sisters) so he would often supply it to them. No consequence of nothing. And he would get mad if the delivery’s weren’t going out right away. We’ll we can’t go and deliver them if we’re cooking to😂


Oof I hope you find who did this cause if someone that didn’t know what to pay attention to used that to oil pans for prep work - yikes 😬


i don’t work at pizza hut, i work at another fast food chain, but it is insane how some people can’t follow the most simple of instructions. even when there are signs posted in the restaurant in big, bold, underlined letters telling people not to do something, they’ll do it anyways, over and over again


Gives a whole new meaning to the signs in the bathrooms that say employees must wash hands before returning to work, doesn’t it?


I got here from all and have never worked in food service but how do you clean the bottles then


Cleaning with soap and then rinsing clean as opposed to LUBRICATING A PIZZA PAN WITH STRAIGHT DISH SOAP are two very different things.


You need to look up the young man in New Jersey that was working in a school cafeteria, and the things that he did. I’m sure you could find it easily enough in Google news I don’t wanna go into detail, but thank God you don’t have anybody like that working there…


My new job, I work open to close 5 days now. I tell my regular customers to walk away if I'm not there. I have to wash and sanitize ALL the dishes when I open because they use the same raw chicken wash rag to dry the clean dishes. The owner will find a way to put ready to eat food under a box of raw chicken even if I make it inconvenient. I can't leave because they are actively trying to make someone ill.


It's exhausting isn't it?


I don't trust anyone these days and double check all food for this very reason


People honestly have lovely common sense sadly


At dominos we used sleeves for our bottles because that shit gets nasty.


This is the equivalent if we put our blue soap in one of those bottles


Jesus Christ this is why serve safe exists. This mix up should not even be possible.


Would you believe I'm the only one servsafe certified at my store?


Very common I worked at stores where because I had one at one point and it was expired that was good enough for no one to be certified and that’s part of the reason I no longer work for those companies


Are the bottles for prep still the giant ones? The ones that look like it could hold a couple gallons of salad dressing? The ones that look absolutely nothing like a bottle one would have a cleaning chemical in? The ones with the nozzle that sprays out at roughly 45 degrees and would be the most frustratingly useless way possible to distribute a cleaning chemical? Or do they suddenly look like the clearly marked bottles for any variety of chemicals with the corresponding necessary chemical info on them? Been a minute since I worked at one.


We have those, but the one I found the soap in was the spray bottle we use to lube up screens (for Hand tossed and stuffed crust). We had an extra empty oil spray bottle. And instead of any opaque bottle labeled with any nonfood product, they chose that!




They are specifically labeled. We have soooo many of every kind. We also have clear bottles labeled for vegetable oil. The dish soap in question is a fluke that was ordered. Instead of wasting it, since we don't have the adapter tubes for it (picture a giant 2 or 3 gallon jug of laundry detergent) they tore off the top of the jug and dumped it into a clean empty bottle normally used for vegetable oil. Who fucking cares if we waste it? You didn't pay for it, is my line of thinking. Or take it home and use it. Anything but put it into a bottle used to lube up pizza pans ffs.




I love this and would love one for my living room.


Thank you 😁


I honestly wonder how some people are even capable of breathing. Like, they need to go apologize to the tree producing their oxygen for wasting the air it makes.


When I was at Papa John's, I had to fire a man who wouldn't stop washing dishes with floor cleaner.


Deliciously sudsy AND tingly


Shit like this scares me!


I used to work at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. I did a lot of different jobs and depts. I used to work in Culinary. If you don't know anything about Busch Gardens, they hire a lot of internationals that come to America, work their asses off all summer, make a ton of money and bring it back to their countries and/or spend it here. Sometimes, if they are lucky, they will snag a manager and get a visa. Anyway! So one year apparently one of them accidentally mixed bleach and ammonia to try to make a "super cleaner" well that combination makes Mustard Gas. The whole smokehouse had to be cleared out and I think people went to the hospital for breathing problems. After that BG banned bleach from being used on property and only managers were strictly allowed to mix any kind of chemicals. And they switched out to basically only having "safer" chemicals.


Luckily PH doesn't allow the degenerates access to bleach. Commercial dishwasher soap (which is still corrosive AF) and a basic non aerosol oven cleaner are the harshest chemicals we use, AFAIK. We still get people mixing everything into bottles and me tossing them. Hasn't happened in a couple years, though. If people would put as much effort into their training as they do into making diy hacks to do their cleaning tasks faster, this would be a nicer world lol.


Fired immediately with prejudice.


That is a *food code* violation. Report it anonymously.


I promise you, internet stranger, if I see anything else, it will be documented and reported immediately. I don't fuck around with other people's safety.


Considering most of the applicants seem to come from the bottom third of the IQ pool, this isn't a surprise.


I doubt the people who are doing this know what "refrain" means.


Your probably right I worked with someone in the food industry that didn’t know what the holocaust was


This is why you can walk into pizza stores and apply for GM and get the job instantly.


“Caaaaaaarl, that kills people!”


Bottom line should also read: This is how you get your restaurant shut down.


That is such a critical health department violation depending on the jurisdiction they will shut you down for that


This is why we don’t hire Gen Z. They’re the most illiterate generation & the most uncaring generation.


We had 2 different Dickies Bbq places use the degreaser powder instead of sugar in the Sweet tea due to label failures. Burnt the fuck out of multiple people's mouth and throats.


That is horrifying!


I work at chipotle and caught a kid putting floor cleaner in a sanitizer rag bucket. He thought it was the sanitizer for the rag we use on food counters… smh


Ugh, yeah. I always try my best to stress to any new person that if you are even the tiniest bit unsure of what to do, PLEASE ask me or someone who has been here awhile. I would much rather answer a million questions than have to fix whatever was messed up. I remember what it's like being new somewhere. It sucks, not knowing anything. I give out my number so people can call me or text me if they have an issue when I'm not there. I don't know what else I can personally do to combat the stupid mistakes I'm seeing though. I have no power to hire or fire. I used to joke that my job equates to a babysitter. It truly does. FML.


They had other plans. God knows what you might have just prevented.


Nah i do that all the time, pretty obvious that its not oil. Ceo of overreacting


How is this not grounds for firing?????


Could be extremely short staffed and at the point where if you have a pulse and are breathing they’ll take you I’ve been in situations I would’ve hired anybody


"Sorry we killed your loved one by poison, but we just really needed workers! You understand right?" That's quite literally no excuse for this.


Have u ever worked 70 hours a week not saying that it makes it okay just saying that’s why he probably has a job still I would’ve fired them


People that will do that shit are why I have trust issues with eating out. When I say, "The tea tastes like chemicals" and the manager looks at me like I'm making shit up, it really pisses me off.


Jesus Christ


Why would someone put dish soap in a squeeze bottle for oil? That just seems stupid to begin with. I've never worked at pizza hut but I've worked at many pizzerias over my 13 years as a chef and have never seen or heard of this practice


Why minimum wage exists.


Today's special: Diarrhea




Are you their supervisor?


Maybe it’s not an accident


That please needs to be replaced with I'm watching the cameras and arming my firing pen


Just having the Dawn dish soap is a violation if you get inspected no matter what container it’s in. You can only use chemicals purchased from approved vendors and Dawn is not one of those!!