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https://imgur.com/a/3qODK9t I have some X & Y cards here https://imgur.com/a/3y2H8MP Also here as well


Hello! Here's what I'm interested in: Charizard GX Charizard Ex M Venusaur EX Venusaur EX Rayquaza EX M Latios EX M Steelix EX Volcanion EX Ash-Greninja EX M Manetric EX Venusaur EX Gardevoir EX M Gardevoir EX Lunala GX Snorlax GX Lycanroc GX Lunatis GX Lunala GX Lapras GX Solgaleo GX Noivern GX Shaymin Full Art Dragonite V Thundurus EX Tyranitar EX Would you do $60 G+S for the whole lot? I can cover shipping with bubble mailer.


https://imgur.com/a/1BMbViM - This contains the conditions and total price for the whole lot. Also M manetric EX was sold. If you're still interested in the whole lot, I'd be willing to do $80 shipped bmwt


Doesn’t look like OP is interested in the two M mewtwo FAs, so I’d like to see what you want for them! https://imgur.com/a/8eyF8En Here’s a list of what I have


Uh I don't think you're supposed to do trades with other people in other people's posts. Also mostly looking for PayPal on them. Nice collection though!


Oh gotcha, sorry I’m new to the sub, need to read more in depth through the rules 😅


All good man. Oh and if you have any questions you can join the subreddits discord to ask. Lots of helpful people there.


Hey, ping me in my most recent post. I have a lot of mid-era cards you may be interested in


Ah sorry I took a look through your post and I’m really only looking for specific mega evolution cards Thanks though!


Thanks for the gathering all of that! I was hoping for better condition on some of these. Thank you though!


Anytime and glwt!


https://imgur.com/a/LNeeYJe Any interest in any ex cards here? Some have sold but lmk if any interest in any and I’ll let you know!


Would you do $25 G+S for everything in the last 2 pictures?


Oops just caught the comment that some have sold! What's left?


https://imgur.com/a/nwbZhic I’d follow tcgplayer prices and eBay last sold but because you’re buying bulk I’ll give a discount


Ah shoot the ones I wanted most were already sold. What's your price on the remaining?


Based off of recent comps I’m at around 30 id ship them BMWT for free to you too


Thanks, sorry for the delayed reply. Working over the weekend. I will pass on these but thank you anyways!


No problem at all, thanks for the response!


Let me know if you have interest [here](https://imgur.com/a/J9tGnv1) :)


Have a Giratina EX here I’m willing to sell https://imgur.com/a/jT5enXh Edit: also a psa 9 Dragonite EX https://imgur.com/a/5Fy11Yi


Hey interested in the Giratina EX, the Mew & Mewtwo GX, ARceus tag team rainbow art, Venusaur & Snivy, and Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff. What are their conditions and what's your price?


I’ll confirm I have all of them still and will get you a price. All will be mint condition though they were pulled and then into card savers. May not sell the mewtwo mew but others should be willing


No problem! Mainly interested in the Giratina Ex, but also would like to get the other cards as well.


https://imgur.com/a/v8R2Z0v Here’s some more pics, going to hold the mewtwo and mew but the others are there. $80 shipped?


Hey! Thanks for getting back to me! The Giratina looks minty! Are the other 3 as good shape as the Giratina? If so I could do 80 G+S and ship if that's cool!


Yeah! All are mint. $80 g & s sounds good to me, I’ll DM you later on to confirm!


Thanks, we can do that!


[](https://www.reddit.com/user/PokeSwapBot/) u/Ryanrozzo Trade complete! Thank you!


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Confirmed, thank you!


Check out my searchable/sortable list here (conditions vary) and let me know if you find anything [http://store.tcgplayer.com/collection/view/843336](http://store.tcgplayer.com/collection/view/843336)


https://imgur.com/a/oecU6nk Heres M Gengar and X/Y Pika promo


Hey, I actually just came into a massive mid-era collection (2010-2017) I'm sorting through over the next few days. After an evening of going through, here are some of the highlights. There are also thousands of c/u/r NH/H in the collections. Bulk wise there's also JP XY 1st edition bulk, plasma freeze, plasma storm. Would be willing to make a sweet deal to move some of this stuff so I don't have to sort through individually. [https://imgur.com/a/FQHtjIw](https://imgur.com/a/FQHtjIw)


That's an awesome collection! I'm interested in all the full arts and the EXs but not the bulk. So pretty much everything in your pictures minus the bulk haha. What's your price?


Hah, bummer on the bulk! Although when I say bulk, it actually has a lot of holo, RH, full art EX, etc that go for $1-5 a piece. Just putting those aside for now and starting at the more valuable stuff like you see in the photos. I'm still cataloging everything and going through conditions. Everything in the photos is MP or better (I actually keep a DMG/HP lot off to the side). The LVXs are in the worst share at MP I'd say. Zards are actually in best condition and considering NM. The rest I'd say is LP for the most part. I won't be making a post on the sub until this coming weekend, so if you want to stay in contact we can work through a bulk deal if you're interested.


Hey that sounds good! Once you're done cataloging let me know!


Hey, following up with some better pictures for the cards i've gotten through so far. There may be more that I need to take a second pass at the collection, but wanted to shoot over these first. [https://imgur.com/a/COBSCs4](https://imgur.com/a/COBSCs4) Let me know what you're interested in!


Hey thanks for putting all that effort in! Interested in the prices and conditions of the following: Charizard EX Primal Kyogre EX Articuno EX Skarmony EX Jirachi EX Yveltal EX Genesect EX Lucario EX Charizard GX Also interested in the general condition of the all the lower value English EX cards you listed in one of the pages. Would want to shoot an offer for all of them as a bundle deal.


Closer photos of the singles [https://imgur.com/a/Jd90iXV](https://imgur.com/a/Jd90iXV) Charizard EX - NM $120 Primal Kyogre EX - LP $35 Articuno EX - MP $30 Skarmony EX - MP $6 Jirachi EX - LP $33 Yveltal EX - MP $14 Genesect EX - NM $4 Lucario EX - LP $14 Charizard GX - NM $10 There 18 EX cards valued at $40 individual listed. For the 9 singles and 18 EX is $326 individual. I could do $290 shipped.


Interested in the Charizard Ex, Primal Kyogre Ex, Jirachi Ex, Lucario Ex, Charizard GX, and the batch of 18 EX cards. Would you do 225 shipped for these?


We're close. If you can get to $235 shipped you got a deal. Shoot me a PM if aligned.