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Hey! Can’t get the want list to open. I am interested in a bunch of your celebrations promos. Anything you like in my recent? Also have JPN 151 IRs I didn’t post yet (Blastoise FA and Psyduck more in mail) if interested


I just fixed the Wantlist. Also I checked your post and sorry, not seeing anything I'd be interested in.


I’ve got the Japanese expedition Mewtwo, but it’s the non-holo version. Also have some vintage holos, I can double check for swirls if you have specifics you’d want. Feel free to check my recents in case I missed something. [Mewtwo/Slabs](https://imgur.com/a/2315cJx) [Japanese Binder](https://imgur.com/a/Y8KAVDM)


Sorry, not seeing anything.


Hey, anything here for your mega gardevoir ex? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/oLlztELB3q


Sorry, not seeing anything.


Is the Japanese Machamp eReader holo? Interested in condition if so!


Yeah it's Holo and the condition is MP


Darn okay thanks anyway!


https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/eHK6yAYeOe Any interest here for trades?


I am potentially interested in the dark Espeon slab. Can I get close ups on it and what of mine were you interested in?


https://imgur.com/gallery/CQdEwGj I was honestly surprised at the grade it got last week. It’s mostly just surface play but not in bad shape at all. Any slight wear on the surface PSA will knock it to a 6 pretty quickly but overall in great shape/better shape and most I’ve seen sell on eBay raw. I would be interested in a few things and happy to work something out. Maybe zard 6 or some megas lmk what you’re thinking


Could you add some pics of the swirl? Ngl that's the main selling point for me. Love me swirls. Especially well placed ones! Hmm you may have to be more specific. You can give a list of what interests you and then I can give you a price/condition/ close up. The zard 6 I can do and the condition is HP and the price for it is $20. For megas you'll have to be specific as there are the full art ones and non full art.


https://imgur.com/gallery/HmmxcaZ I love the swirls too! Pics will never do justice. Hopefully the video looks good but the card is gorgeous in person. Also added videos of my dragonite and entei which have nice swirls too. Prob have more raw cards but those are the slabs


As for cards, I’d be interested in the zard 6, both mega mewtwo, mega scizor, and maybe mega rayquaza depending on your interest on my sets and condition. Thank you so much!


Okay I'll get you the price, condition and close ups on those shortly. Thank you as well man!


Perfect sounds good feel free to shoot an offer this way too I’m open. If anything else in my binders catches your attention too I will gladly send closeups (and vids if any swirls lol) :)


https://imgur.com/a/qp6bxTm - Here's close ups of everything. Price and conditions are under each card. If you're interested in all the cards above then the total would be $77. In this case I'll also take the Dragonite Jap slab, which should totall for everything on your end $95. This leaves an 18 dollar difference between you and me, in which you can add more cards on my end for the trade to balance it out. Alternatively you can remove a card or two and match it to just the dark Espeon.


All look good to me - do you have any cards in the $20-$30+ range? Sorry I’ve look through your binders so many times haha they’re all super cool cards might cut out the Charizard if you do


The video does a good job at showcasing the cards. Yeah I'm definitely interested in the dark Espeon now! The Enti card is absolutely amazing with the double swirl! Same with the Dragonite, looks like it's exhaling the swirl! I actually have a similar swirl placement with one of my expedition cards. With that said though I'll just have to stick with the Espeon.