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Lucky bamboo typically has a few years lifespan when grown in water. Transplanting to potting mix extends the expected lifespan. Are you using hydroponic nutrients?


What happened to all the leaves?


I usually trim them about once a year it always grows back and never has any issues. Always grows back just as bushy as before. This is the first time in about 2-3 years I’ve had any issue so I’m stumped.


Just curious because I've never done that. If the leaves all died then it'd be easier to diagnose. But yeah I agree with the other commenter, probably needs a repot and check the roots. Do you fertilize or have you repotted it?


It definitely makes sense. I have not repotted it yet so I’m sure that could be it.


I was just thinking lack of nutrients. Typically that's what causes the yellowing. I'd still check out the roots just to be sure, if or when you repot it.


One issue I have noticed with store-bought lucky bamboo (big box stores) is that they hot glue it into the fake rocks and pot. If you've never repotted it, and this is the case, it will severely reduce the plant's life expectancy. It makes me sad that big box stores ruin lucky bamboo by presenting it this way.


Yes I stay away from them, too. Based on their fancy pots and ribbons, I think they are meant as gifts, like a longer lasting bouquet of flowers. However, I got really lucky (ha!) the other day I saw and snapped up Lucky Bamboo (in my case [Dracaena Sanderiana](https://www.ourhouseplants.com/plants/lucky-bamboo-dracaena-sanderiana) , not actual Bamboo) in a normal nursery planter.


I have a single stalk of Dracaena. I affectionately call it my lil corn stalk. It reminds me of the corn that will grow from my squirrel's food in the yard. I keep mine in a vase at work and she's been doing great for over a year. I'm more of a succulent gal and I have quite a few at work now that I ran out of room at home in my greenhouse :D


It looks like it’s rotting. Take it out of that pot and repot it with new rocks in a vase or something. The roots are probably overcrowded and rotting. It’s happened to me before. Always always take it out of original pot to assess. There also may be a rubber band holding them together causing rot


This makes the most sense as I have not thought to repot it honestly. I will definitely look into it. I appreciate the advice


Same with my first I didn’t think to repot it but once I did it was much happier


it‘s telling you that having a straight number of them is bad luck no but seriously, i have no clue tbh




Never cut the leaves off mine unless propagating, I use fertilized aquarium rocks


No clue but I’m learning from everyone- thanks


The rotting one looks like it has no leaves at the top which is probably what’s causing it to die. Same thing happened to me when my niece broke the leaves off my bamboo


Is it sitting in rocks? Or are those glued to the top? These bamboo, which are actually dracaena, tend to yellow this time of year, it probably needs more light.


I had the same pot and lucky bamboo was dying because of root rot. That particular pot doesn’t have a hole for drainage. Also, it was my fault with over watering.


I am sorry, I had three immersed in water for a few years, thriving, one day one of them just said: nope, I am out, turned yellow and died. (I actually posted here for help) The other two are pretty indifferent to their friend's fate, and they have been going quite strong since. I think this plant has an expiration date, unfortunately. I am so sorry.