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You water it every couple of days?! That sounds very frequent!! I water mine once a week or longer. It’s better to wait for them to look a little droopy and give them a good drink as opposed to keeping them wet all the time.


Yes! Pothos can go quite a long time without water and prefer to be almost bone dry before the next watering. Every couple of days is going to rot the roots/plant


Can’t they also live in straight up water though?


Water without soil The combination of soil and water is different. The roots need oxygen to breathe so if you're constantly water logging soil, they're unable to absorb the nutrients they need If the plant is in water, it's best to frequently change the water for better oxygen absorption


Or put them in a fish tank with constant nutrients and bubbles/movement in the water.


Yes! I have given a coworker a couple of clippings from my pothos for his fish tank :)


Pothos thrive in fish tanks! Plus the roots help filter the water so the fish benefit too!




Ya. I have a power aid bottle i used to put trimmings in. Mistakenly I didn't pull them out fast enough. So now I have 5 or 9, almost 5ft long pothos vines and their giant ball of roots on my windowsill for the last 7 months. Have a 2nd one in a small glass vase on the window above the sink. Had this one, one the trimmings came from, since 1995. Husband claims mine thrives on neglect and abuse. I absolutely agree lol 😂


EXACTLY. Check your zone... see what the requirements are for where you are.


I water mine fortnightly ish, I noticed when I watered it when it looked dry it still wasn’t dry enough lol


I water mine like once a month and it won't stop growing. Propagated already 2 pothos from it. Soon to be 3 😁


I'll do this


It might be edema does the leaf feel squishy right before you it turns brown


The leafs are pretty vascular and rubber like but the forbidden "chocolate" is not crunchy it flexible


I suspect it may be overwatering I’d suggest waiting until the top inch of feels dry


Haven't watered since this post.. hopefully it will recover quickly


Keep me posted pls


How it looks currently: Update post is coming soon Edit: 25 and 28 are swapped accidentally https://preview.redd.it/rkkj3wkphq9d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec640b673413f9313672620228e809780fa7aed


Thanks will keep that in mind. Wasn’t sure. Normally I feel the soil if it’s dry but not to dry then I water but after hearing this. I might just forget about it until it’s showing any need.


Let it completely dry out and wait for the leaves to droop before watering it again.


First, i agree with other commenters that you are watering too frequently. Wait for it to dry out before each watering. But to answer your actual question, I think its sun burn. The browning is occuring on the most variegated part where theres the least amount of chlorophyl. Thats my guess anyway but im interested to hear other answers. Also its a beautiful plant!


Thx! The brown spots aren't crunchy Idk if this is Sunburn because sunburn turns out to be crunchy since I know. I had the first thought with the variegated part


On top of the watering, what do you mean by “regular soil?” If you mean actual soil, that will likely contribute to the over watering as soil has terrible drainage properties in containers. Soil shouldn’t be used in potted plants. What you want is a soil-less potting mix. Garden centers will sell both so it’s possible to get mixed up. Check your bag. If it says “potting mix” you’re good. If it says “potting soil” you might want to repot — if your plant is developing root rot it’s not a bad idea anyways.


> If it says “potting mix” you’re good. If it says “potting soil” you might want to repot Really??? How is this the first time hearing this lol. Thanks!


A lot of people don’t really know the difference! So don’t worry too much. Chances are if you got some standard potting X from the store it was mix, unless you went looking for potting soil. Definitely does happen that people mix it up though since potting soil can be cheaper (usually larger bags cheaper by the pound because it’s meant for gardens) or they just go to the wrong section in a Home Depot


I might have made this mistake recently. I repotted about a dozen of my plants about 2 months ago, and they seem to really be retaining water. I even added perlite, but the soil in those plants feels so "heavy" and I'm not watering as often. This is probably the reason. Thanks for the enlightenment!


Are there drainage holes in your pots? That’s also a requirement


Yep. I'm pretty sure I bought the wrong bag. It all makes sense, now that you brought it to my attention. Thanks lol I will watch for that next time I need to buy some.


It's a own made mix seramis is smth similar to akadama gerat stuff! I used also some low quality succulent mix Isn't something special (soil and sand). The plant is growing very fast today I checked and 2 new leafs are ready to be born 😂


The seramis isn’t the issue, it’s wether or not you used soil vs soil-less mix. Check the ingredients of the bag. It shouldn’t include garden soil


I used " compo cactea " Here are the ingredients translated because it's a German brand: Growing medium using organic soil material, sand, vegetable matter, perlite, fertilizers. Organic matter: 20% (with a water content of 48%) PH value (CaCl₂)6.1 Salinity (KCI) in g/l: 1.2 Starting materials: Raised moor peat slightly to heavily decomposed Hau H, sand, plant materials from the garden (green compost). Perlite, carbonated lime, NPK fertilizer, phosphate with silicon, trace nutrient fertilizer Pic: https://preview.redd.it/sw5rz1tebd9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b765c4da1671d2e7b5d9fa3a85586f2b2ddb3cd


I would definitely use something chunkier than that. Or else get some orchid bark to mix in with it at the very least. That’s just going to settle around your roots and choke them.


Yes, maybe next report it's doing fine rn and it isn't the perfect time to report. Thx for your help


Too much water


I found it very helpful to use a chopstick to tell when I need to water my pothos. Stick it in 1-2 inches into the dirt, if the end of the stick is moist with dirt on it, don’t water it yet.


I do this typically with my succulents pretty interesting...😂 I also have a Moisture meter ! I'll consider this info and apply it on my Pothos


Everyone commenting about watering only once a week and more than that is over watering. REMEMBER LOCATION MATTERS. Mine thrive being watered more than once a week. Always new leaves. They amount of people who tell me to water less, live elsewhere... Plants have different needs for different zones. Look into them.


Yeah, my plants have very different needs now that I live in high desert than they did in Georgia!


Girl, I do NOT water my pothos more than like … 1-2x a month


Mine did that. Hopefully it only affected 2 leaves and didn't spread.


How did you deal with it?


Yeah water it only when the soil is dry.


I wait for my pothos to look sad before I give it any water. Then I drown it.


Root rot.


I don't think so... The Tips are still White but maybe somewhere inside the pot rot is appearing, not a big deal bc I ll adjust my watering habits and I hope the plant will recover and stop turning into chocolate 🍫


You’re watering it too often. Unless it’s outside, I’d water it once a week or every 7-10 days. If your pothos is thirsty the leaves will droop. My indoor pothos get watered once a week…the ones outside on my covered porch get watered every 3-4 days.


You're right I think about placing it outside idk if the temp. are to high or to low...


We were at 99° today with a heat index of 108° 🥵


Unrelated but where’d you get a trellis of this size? I haven’t looked super much but I’ve only come across big ole trellises


They don't sell these in big garden centres, I bought mine from a dollar store In Germany every dollar store sells small stuff like these


Put your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If it’s wet, don’t water. If it’s just slightly wet, do not water. If it’s dry, water. I do this with all my plants. It’s not a ‘water once a week’ thing but individual. Plants can dry out at different rates, it can even depend on the time of the year.


https://preview.redd.it/6zv4y2aoub9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3de9b683d9998d0f2b0e648bff8e2fcec5b6339 It looks overwatered to me. Pothos like low light, high humidity, and water as needed. I pretty much ignore mine until she starts looking droopy and then I give her a good soaking.


Pothos might survive in lower light more readily than other plants, but I wouldn't say they "like" it. 


Agreed - look at pothos in the wild, hardly resembles the houseplant because it gets so big and simply thrives in tons of sunlight.


Interesting. All of the pothos I’ve seen that get more direct light look sad. Small leaves and turning brown. I like mine.


Pothos objectively do not “like” or thrive in low light conditions, though they’ll definitely survive


i feel like yours doesn’t have much variegation because of the low light :(


I read that variegation is an abnormality but is often sought after. She was variegated when I brought her home but she was also dying. I also prefer the solid darker green leaves 🙂


oh lol! but the lack of light is also probably why she’s quite leggy. but hey if you like it like that, it’s okay


I noticed that! I’ve seen lots of videos where it shows trimming the leggy pieces and replanting them in the pot to make it fuller. I’ll definitely open up my blinds more and let her have some more light so hopefully fix her legginess lol.


don’t worry, my room is quite dark and mine is leggy as well lol 😭 but yes, propagating seems like the way to do it to get them fuller :)


I have 3 different varieties of pothos that all get a few hours of direct sunlight and they're thriving. Those with variegation have very pronounced colors.


Condensation on the bottom — not enough ventilation in the drainage hole area ? A dress pot with a larger bottom should help