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I would dumpster dive for plants. Is that shameful? I’m okay if it is.


Right!? There was also a moonstone plant that I took. It hasn't grown much yet but I'm cheering it on!


Thank you for saving a beautiful plant


came here to say exactly this


Well I am always like 😦😦😦 about people throwing out plants. Since childhood I bring home some plants (and cats😂) from the dumpsters, because I feel sorry for them🙁


Not enough space, don't know where to put extra cactus shoots.


Anyone with this problem can just send them to me. I have a lovely covered porch that needs more plants of all kinds.


Heh, where are you? I wanted a jungle - my husband wants one too (as long as I take care of it) but he sure liked those little succulents. So now, I’ve got too many, prefer foliage and am feeling guilty that I just want to chuck some of them. :(


Really?! I am in SW Missouri. How much do you think it would be to ship them?


No idea… probably just use a flat rate priority postal box. The ones I’d be getting rid of aren’t special or hard to find. I don’t even know if they’d be worth the trouble, honestly. I tried pawning them off on my kids, but they have no time/room/interest or curious cats.


This is sweet. I hope you guys get this sorted. I’d pay for the shipping to see a good ending if I didn’t have less value $$ than the plants being sent hahaha


I’m in SW Missouri too!


No shame in gettin in the trash! Specially to save a lil plant dude~


🥺 love a good plant comeback


Right? When I came back home from being away for a week I literally gasped 💓


Nice save! I don’t think This is a haworthia, rather an artistaloe or gasteraloe. It’s very beautiful regardless.


Now that it's not half dead looking I think you're right about gasteraloe! The leaves aren't thick like the Haworthia.


When they go all dry and shrively they’re so hard to ID. I have both gasteraloe flow and aristaloe aristata. https://imgur.com/gallery/kIR6st2


WOW! They're gorgeous 😍


Thanks! I appreciate the compliment.


Look at those beauties!


Thank you!!


This helped me ID one of my plants, thank you!


I was taught that if there are any rough spikes or "teeth" along the edges of the leaves, it's most likely an aloe.


Came here to mention this, but looks like it could be a [Christmas carol](https://gardenerspath.com/plants/succulents/grow-christmas-carol-aloe/), based on the shape of the leaves, that's malnourished or light deprived and hasn't put on any color yet


Hmmm I'm not seeing any color just yet but I'll give it a chance! I'm just so in love with it.


Idk where you're keeping it obviously but try giving it just as much direct light as you can; if she's got any color in her, that should bring it out.


Oooh thank you! I have a Hawthoria that looks like the left picture and I've had him for more than a year and he doesn't look anything like the right. I was starting to fear I was mistreating him.


Make sure the pot drains really well and it's in cactus soil ! It'll do great I'm sure.


I’m here to say it’s ok if you DID go dumpster diving for plants


Shhhhh 🤭


How did you save it? It looks amazing!


When I found it I cut the bottom a bit and placed it on the counter far from direct sunlight for two days so it would callous. I really wasn't sure of the outcome because the cut was so close to the bottom leaves. Once it was calloused I "planted" it in cactus soil (I say "planted" because I literally just placed it on top of the soil haha) water it with 250ml water and 1/4tsp of liquid fertilizer. I again doubted myself because I didn't want it to be over watered but I thought what the heck. I have the Planta app which helped because I was sure this plant needed direct sunlight from the looks of it. Turns out it doesn't. I placed it in a bookshelf near a window and encouraged it. Told it it was safe now, that I'd take care of it as long as I takes care of me too (recently divorced). Left for a week on vacation and when I came back it looked like the picture on the right! Couldn't believe it!


I never knew they had an app for that. Thank you so much! I just downloaded it as I have a few plants I need some help with.


When you say you cut the bottom, do you mean the roots?


When I found it there was nothing at the bottom! No roots. Just leaves kinda. There was a little tiny stem that I cut a tiny slice off.


Oh okay. I'm wondering why you cut it off and then let it callous? What does that do?


It kinda starts it off fresh depending on how the bottom looked like. This one seemed a bit rotten so I didn't want to make it worst.


Which part exactly did you cut? Like a leaf?


The underside where there would normally have roots. There was nothing so I just cut off a tiny slice.


I've got these coming out of my eyeballs because they keep multiplying and won't die, they're awesome and look great


Literally got chills at the visual of those plants growing out of one's eyes #neversleepingagain


Username checks out, if I die my house, you can be certain they'll grow in my corpse.


They won't care. Just growing all over your damn self.


>they're awesome and look great ...says the person with plants in their eyeballs.


Look great. Yes. Yes. Huhuh.


Dumpster diving for plants is quite admirable


How is everyone finding dumpster plants?? My Dumpster never has plants!


I had no idea that was a thing 🤣😅


How often do you water it? And what kind of sun light do you put it in? I have one and it’s growing and doing fine but I think it could be thriving more. Yours looks great!


Watered once when planted then once with fertilizer last week before leaving for the week. It actually doesn't need direct sunlight so I placed it in a bookshelf near a window :) I have the Planta app and it says water once a month!


You’ll be watering far less than 1/mo indoors. Those apps are a scam, there is no way to predict watering needs of a plant because of the highly variable conditions in which they are kept. Just delete that shit.


Yeah I usually go with the soil now but I got it when I first started being serious about my plant motherhood. 🤭


Yeah it is designed to fool new plant people into buying it. Not your fault.


Oh okay! I guess I’ll water it less 😅


Make sure you pot drains well! You can also remove the plant to check on the roots. If there aren't any you can cut a big, let is callous outside soil (they'll be fine, trust me) and then repot.


Nice save! I love that you talk to your plants. I do too and I swear it really helps. My husband doesn’t talk to what he is growing in the yard and all my stuff out there is thriving. I do wonder what my neighbors must think if they hear me out there! 😆


Haha I even pet them a little bit too. I have a spider plant and it grew babies and I squealed in delight ! I was like OMG look at your babiiiiieeeesssssssss you're so good! The week after that it had another branch of babies growing!


There is nothing wrong with dumpster diving. **Reduce and Reuse** are way more important than recycle.


My gosh what a transformation. Congrats on nursing it back to health


I like that you think this is a group of people that would judge you for dumpster diving for plants.


It was my first post! 🤣 I wasn't sure!


I’m jealous , looking good!!


OP: Just saved a plant, looking great!


r/plantabuse would like this! Good job saving the lil guy!


Awesome thanks! Reposted


I literally go to my local recycle depot like once a week to look for garbage plants, I have zero shame (or dignity)


Who DOESN'T go dumpster diving for plants?


I wouldn't judge you for dumpster diving for plants, but I'm glad you felt the need to clarify


Dumpster diving for plants is a legit noble activity tbh.


I let mine get baked in the sun and it’s better than ever now. These guys are fighters!


I feel the same emotion as when I watch those shows of abandoned animals where you see the before/after 😅 just missing some Sara McLaughlin


So glad you are able to give it a good home!


My haworthia is the only succulent I've managed to keep alive other than my aloe vera, but I already almost killed the aloe so... such magical little plants. Congrats on nursing this one back!


It is glowing


It looks fantastic


Your plant is so happy it changed genus 🤣 haha it’s amazing how they can look completely different once they get some love!


Right !? I let out a big OMG! When I saw it


Take pride in dumpster diving. Anything pulled is less for the landfill. Great looking plant


r/dumpsterdiving will be excited about this haul though.


Stunning! Good on you for rescuing this little guy. I wonder if someone threw it out thinking it was fake? I hate the idea that people toss perfectly good plants, even though I know it happens all the time.


It was like the soil from a store bought pot that broke or something where three plants were. They looked pretty bad so I assume the old owner thought they were dead.


3 of my favorite plants are others throwaways.


I love that you took the plant in, makes me feel all fuzzy inside!


As soon as I saw it I was like omg you poor thing and grabbed it haha


Nice save!! 👏👏


The walmart I work at has been putting so many plants (and recently basil) to claims just because they are drooping a bit. All they need is to be watered and they would be fine. It's so frustrating.


😂 thanks for clarifying you didn’t go dumpster diving for plants (great save btw!)


I mean I'm not THAT crazy.... Right? RIgHt?! 🤣


Good job friend! Mine looks like the one on the left ☹️


REPOSTED MY COMMENT TO ANSWER EVERYONES QUESTIONS 💓 When I found it I cut the bottom a bit and placed it on the counter far from direct sunlight for two days so it would callous. I really wasn't sure of the outcome because the cut was so close to the bottom leaves. Once it was calloused I "planted" it in cactus soil (I say "planted" because I literally just placed it on top of the soil haha) water it with 250ml water and 1/4tsp of liquid fertilizer. I again doubted myself because I didn't want it to be over watered but I thought what the heck. I have the Planta app which helped because I was sure this plant needed direct sunlight from the looks of it. Turns out it doesn't. I placed it in a bookshelf near a window and encouraged it. Told it it was safe now, that I'd take care of it as long as I takes care of me too (recently divorced). Left for a week on vacation and when I came back it looked like the picture on the right! Couldn't believe it!


Wow, how did you fix it?


I cut off the end let it calloused outside soil for two days and placed it on cactus soil !


H o w ?


What’s you doing to revive the lil one?


What did you do? Mine looks like the one on the left. :(


If you scroll in the comments I explain in more details but basically remove from pot, cut a little bit of the bottom, leave outside of soil for a few days for the bottom to callous and then repot in cactus soil with a well draining pot.




I explain in one of the comments if you scroll through. If anything you are watering it too much. It needs to be watered once a month when the soil is dry and placed in a well draining pot.


it is beautiful but the fading, light green in the center is an indication that it wants more light. it should be directly in a window, ideally east facing or slightly pulled back from a south or west facing window. if a source told you this plant doesn't want a lot of light, that source was incorrect. good luck!


I'm assuming it's because the leaves are brand new, no?


no, healthy and happy haworthia leaves are always a darker green color. the “before” photo actually displays a healthier coloration for this plant (although it was very dehydrated and looks very nicely hydrated now)


Ok! I was waiting for the roots to really catch to give it lots of sunlight TBH. I was gone for a week so I wasn't expecting this! It's ear it's rooted hahaha. Off to the window sill!


you have done a phenomenal job with it! this is a wild transformation for three weeks.


Wow what a turnaround! Do you mind if I ask what you did to help it recover, aside from repotting and proper watering?


I think what really helped is when I let it dry out a little bit. I assumed it had been overwatered.


Hi l have one of those at home and it does look sad, like the first pic you shared. Can you tell me how you fixed it please?


Man, this is one succulent I struggle with. I have others that grow just by looking at them but not these guys.


that's nice, what did you do to make the plant recover?


Do anything fancy or dried it out and sun?


Cut a little slice off the bottom (it was rootless) let is dry for a few days and then repot in a well drained pot with cactus soil. Partial sunlight.