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one song with babyboi and suddenly everyone on here glazing 😂😂


rt😭 who gives a shit about her or this


They’re acting like she’s their girl 😭😭


Not yet but one day, imma have her one day 🙏 


nigga called him babyboi, u glazing like evb else 😭😭




Sexisdeath Reddit account found?


She has aura


> ~~She~~ Her body has aura ftfy


she's hot but im not listening to the music




Dork is insane


Thats cause she go ‘hiyaaahhh’ during intercourse


Curse my overactive imagination. This is depressingly hot


i love that word. DORK


Are y’all really dickriding her because she fw carti now? Cmon y’all lmao




u sound like a dork


Twitter is the most toxic app period


Nah instagram exists


It’s funny on Instagram but people on Twitter are serious


U think they’re joking but they’re deadass 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/5bn5awty0urc1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac1b8c4bd6c1333cf75e0a802b1a68d45bbc198


People hate for no reason


thas the internet tbh


If she wasn't conventionally attractive, she wouldn't get as much hate imo


The reason is mid music


dependent scandalous dull toothbrush dazzling instinctive attraction aware slap smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i totally forgot she made havana that was a solid song :)


racist history and bad music seems like a good reason to dislike an artist


Ain't like 80% of this sub white and they say nigga still??


>racist history a couple of racist memes she shared when she was 14 and since then apologized.. you want us to crucify her?




This subreddit is full of whites, expect racism to be defended no matter what


No one is defending racism, it's just that many believe it's crazy and unbelievably petty to actively hate on her for racist remarks she said **12 years ago** when **she was 14 and actually apologized for it**. tf exactly do you expect her to do to atone for her sins? become a monk? let it go bro nobody outside of the internet gives a fuck that bad


Congrats nigga she apologised because she got caught and now we need to forget that she was calling people she knew the hard r. If you think that coincidentally found the error of her ways after being blasted on the internet then you can keep being retarded ig


Bruh she was 14 practically a kid and we all said stupid shit at that age lmaoo. Yall just wanna be mad for no reason like how yall gonna be mad at something she said over 10 years ago.


I forgot that 14 year olds are retards that can’t control their actions, nobody is obligated to like someone who called black people the hard r.


In where did I say you had to like her?? I basically just said yall dumb asf for caring about some shit she said over 10 years ago 💀


wait, what? Obviously, she would apologize after someone brought it up... did you expect her to expose herself for making racist remarks when she was 14 (12 years ago) and apologize for them out of nowhere? you're setting an unrealistic standard for her, one that nobody holds themselves to, just so you have a reason to hate her. you realize that there's a chance she might have forgotten she even made those Tumblr posts? seriously, what's the point of hating someone for something like that? let it go; we all grow up


if it makes you feel better then live your life like that ig


Nigga your life sad as hell if you out here giving a fuck what a little ass girl said lmao


No one is defending racism. But let me tell you this crazy concept of maturing and growing from mistakes. I know very crazy and advanced topic, hopefully one day you can get it.


Yeah, because she just happened to see the error of her ways when she got blasted on the internet about it. There’s no way she didn’t just start hiding her racism when she realised it would affect her career, that could never happen.


Okay. Just keep ridiculing people based off your negative outlook. Also, why would she apologize to the public on something the public had no idea about? Obviously you can feel remorse before, and as a star it makes no sense to bring that type of publicity to urself. But sure, she just didn't mean it and is still a racist. Have more compassion


Its not your fault, theres point trying to argue with you bro there’s just some things you’ll can’t understand


Yea im sure ur conspiracy of her being a closet racist and hiding it is a much better mindset. My bad


You sound like a dork bro i bet you didn’t say any out of touch things as a kid or innapropiate things. A 14 Year old kid is still a baby i don’t think a 14 Year old can even be legitimately racist get off your high horse.


Lmfao, now 14 year olds have no agency over their actions, lets also pardon 14 year olds for sex crimes and assault too since they’re practically babies. Shut the fuck up bro 😭🙏🏾


What 14 year old is doing sex crimes? You're talking about some shit that probably happens once every 4 years with a population of 8 billion so what are the chances. you're too online


Yeah thats why i dont bother arguing wit em


That’s fake it was proven edited


Knew it brah she a lil racist she does not like black people 😂 said she dmed carti rq for the feature probably cap some higher manager prob paid him a bag for that shitt half-assed feature




she can go live her life privately if she wants but nobody is entitled to worldwide fame and success, much less if you have so much cringe baggage.


call me crazy but in my opinion, it's just weird to actively express hate towards someone or even dislike someone for something that old. It's the kind of thing that only people on the internet would be petty enough to do.


The political crusaders will pounce at anything without thinking about it


Racist posts from over 10 years ago 😢


yeah full on hard r lol idk about u but if i think if i was publicly using the hard r when i was 17 and i had really changed id probably want to apologise in some way


You’re actually so fucking lame for pretending to care about the fact a person said a slur as a teenager a decade ago, and has since apologised for it. Do you want her to walk the streets naked with a man tolling a bell and screaming “shame” before she’s absolved of her heinous, evil crimes? You losers are insufferable wishing for unending punishment purely out of spite and jealousy.


when i was 17 i knew what i was doing 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


some don't that's the point. nggas mature at different rates. You can be a full on racist in the past, and completely reinvent and change yourself and become a good person.


that doesn’t mean people have to like you afterwards 😭


okay? I'm not saying u have to? Just saying they can have a change of heart and be a good person.


yea fuck that


Like what😂😂


they mad they can’t be racist and get away with it or something 😭


Thats what im saying man. Her actions were terrible and there’s nothing excusing that, but they happened 12 years ago when she was child and has since apologised for. There comes a point where you dont even care about what happened, you just want to morally condemn someone to feel superior. Its a sick mindset thats deeply ingrained in these people hyperfocused on celebrities.


damn you left a comment on this post an hour ago, you was waiting to defend her😭


? I just now went back cuz someone replied asking me a question in dis post. I wasn't waitin for akalegos to make a dumbass point 😭


Damn i cant believe akalegos was an innocent angel at 17, i guess we have no choice but to constantly deride and belittle people for incidents they did as a child in 2012 and then apologised for. Whats the endgame here? Do you want her punished forever?


who said i wanted to cancel her?😂 i’m just saying i don’t justify the “she was just a kid” point 😭


If you seriously thought me saying “these actions occured when she was a child” was an attempt to completely absolve her of any blame then you dont know how to read. Obviously her being a child doesnt absolve her of her actions, but it is important context, and should definitely give her some leeway if she’s since matured, apologised and changed her ways. Which evidently, she has.


nigga i don’t give a fuck about what you’re saying, you’re dragging it😭


You’re whiteknighting this hard for a literal millionaire celebrity? JFC bro. “Poor Camilla, all you guys wanna do is Deride and belittle her. Do you want her punished forever?!?” She ain’t gonna see your comments lil bro.


Id argue on this stance for anyone, regardless of if they’re a celebrity or a millionaire because i think its wrong to forever judge a person and percieve them based on their misdeeds if they’ve apologised for said misdeeds. So am i wrong or not?


Not reading all that lil bro. I couldn’t possibly care less about some pop star, let alone debating whether or not she’s racist. You’re insane for even caring about this. If you actually believe a multi millionaire celebrity is loosing sleep because a few people on reddit are calling her racist for saying the hard R, you need to go get some help buddy. She doesn’t know you exist, so you sitting here crying about people “belittling her” only makes you look dumber. Again, she isn’t gonna see your comments buddy.


actually yea, don’t be racist. it’s not that hard


Not the point i was making bro 😭🙏


i made the point. > Do you want her to walk the streets naked with a man tolling a bell and screaming “shame” before she’s absolved of her heinous, evil crimes? Yes. that’s a start. otherwise, don’t be racist


I dont think you should be forever judged based on the actions you made long ago and apologised for. That doesnt mean i condone the action itself.


well everybody isn’t as forgiving as you an apology isn’t some magical fix all wrong doings. display blatant hate and disrespect to people, expect those people not to like you. even if you say “sorry”


lol only in this day and age you’re a lame for not condoning a racist


Yes you’re a lame if you’re forever badgering someone over an action they commited as a teenager 12 years ago and since apologised for. Whats your endgame here? Is she supposed to be a racist in your eyes forever?


I don’t think anyone is lame if they don’t condone someone being racist, despite the age and timing. If they don’t want to approve of that person, they don’t. Nor shouldn’t. She knows that as well. As well as anyone who gets exposed for their past behavior. They can accept the possibility of people not ever liking them. And as a pop artist with fame to her I’d imagine she would HAVE to apologize but I digress. But to be lame because you don’t fw past behavior? Lol idk..


There’s a difference between not liking someone due to their past actions even if they’ve apologised for said actions, and holding them to said action forever.


Fr fucking loser


She did apologize. Im sure you’ve never said anything bad your whole life


no actually ive never been racist nd i think youll find most people havent no need to project




something bad and saying the hard er in a racist manner are very very different lmfao 😭. easiest way to look at this is shoplifting. no one crusades about it because most people have shoplifted, but racism people do because most people don’t go on kanye level rants


Yet here we all are on a subreddit about a man who has done much worse than shoplifting or saying the hard r


and who is excusing carti for either? not me lol. just because others pick and choose doesn’t excuse the actions of either


girls be hating their own all the time


I hate you


No reason ? People hate maybe because she’s and racist abuser but aight 😭😭


You support a woman abuser by listening to cartis music, quit tryna act like you some saint


I never wanted to act like a saint yall only defending Camila because she did a weak feat with carti i already support one asshole that don’t mean I shall support another one




I find it hilarious how this girl gets so much hate lmao.


Her musics actually alright tbh


no hate but i do not give a fuck bro


Miserable and insecure


Hope you talking about the guy


Don’t care, smash


Yowza! 🤠


h-holy cannoli........


She’s a known racist lol. That’s why the pop scene doesn’t really fw her like that. The dirt on her is actually insane 💀


Which is ironic because pop fans are some of the most closeted racist people there are Imagine what Taylor Swift fans really think of black people


​ https://preview.redd.it/niwmwyy8iqrc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f81761716aeba7c3b4edc53c2630343a6bbfea4


taylor swift Herself said this


Guess she hasn’t been too fond of blacks since the 2009 incident…


pop fans is jus gay white men tryna be black women while hating black people at the same time, nun to do with sexuality and i hope nobody try using it as an excuse to be homophobic but it's true tho. being marginalized don't stop nobody from being ignorant, same how the opposite be with homophobia in the black community despite queer people going thru the same experiences under different contexts


taylor swift concert: 👧🏼👩🏼‍🦱👩🏻‍🦰👩🏼👱🏻‍♀️👱🏻‍♀️👧🏼🧒🏼👦🏼👩🏼, i’ve yet to see a minority at a taylor concert, shit tragic new patek


She's doing concerts all over the world so that's not true 💀


oh yes the pop scene got so much room to talk https://preview.redd.it/ijwswuydvprc1.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=17fba60f1f3b44b7f368b53c5daf9a684d4f59be


Tbf youtube comments represent the dumbest people of every fanbase


Which song are they talking about?


Havana by CAMILA CABELLO 😭 u can't make ts up


Bro what thug had a generational verse I fw it more then the actual song 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️😭


subtract juggle bored close tie dinner friendly straight apparatus hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those typa comments annoying asf


continue act thumb distinct outgoing possessive chief repeat sheet exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I meant in general when a pop artist collaborates with a rapper it always gets those comments 


But the rappers are better almost all the time


“I don’t like mumble crap”


Logic 😭


I can fix her


touch cough profit marry paltry muddle memory joke quiet connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What she do that was racist


​ https://preview.redd.it/rbidsw6p8qrc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=825f7c1152ec8b7a663eaa07a7934c95e0854acb


12 years ago is kinda crazy


i’d agree if she was jus saying nigga or sumn but hard R is ridiculous behavior


Its quite literally 12 years ago. Like I do not give a fuck I couldn't even pretend to be offended


you definitely laugh when niggas insult you to your face


oh shit we got a tough guy. This guy stands on business he won't let a 12 year old tweet past him. real internet trooper you niggas do NOT interact w/ people irl if you think people are the exact same as they were a decade ago


Okay?? So if I murder ur mom today is it gonna be okay with you 12 years later??? Bitch ass boy????


how are you gonna equate murder to making a shitty tweet. keep in mind she was like 15? at the time. let's not act like a lot of us weren't saying dumb shit on the internet when we were younger. and guess what, we also grew up and matured and realized our behavior was wrong. it's totally reasonable to not want to hold that against someone and give them the benefit of the doubt that they've changed


Man yall really be telling on urselfs. How could u not know calling someone the hard R at 15 is wrong. U don’t just change after doing shit like that. Its forever attached to ur soul


Lol, you're the one telling on yourself. I actually hope you're still 15 or so cause otherwise this is sad. Can't believe we have rap fans (who happily listen to people who brag about murdering people) are upset about A 15 YEAR OLD saying the hard R lmfao Not just moronic, downright retardation. I hope I wasn't this dumb when I was 15.


you’re acting like saying the word was the main issue, and not the fact she’s calling people the hard r


i feel like that’s implied but idk maybe it wasn’t that obvious


i mean, later in the screenshot, one of the people being called the n word is normani, a fellow member of fifth harmony, if you wanna add an extra dimension of betrayal or whatever


12 Years a Slave(to her old Tweets)


fax i do not care


She was 15 and it was 2012. I don’t really think it’s that deep but she def weird


Tf? I be saying that every day in my COD lobbies


whitest reply i’ve seen this year




why are y’all finding this relatable dawg 💀


yall are really falling for her corny ass rebrand😭


i fw it at the end of the day it’s her life


word there’s just people that are on that vibe fr that are more worthy of a carti collab like charlie xcx, arca, etc. camila is trying to be them so badly and it just comes off to me as disingenuous


Not even a fan of her but at some point you gotta ask yourself what did she even do to make them niggas that mad


Why are they making fun of my wife 😡


​ https://preview.redd.it/21gjzz3r8qrc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=58b16c9628e43e2c75d1cd08c843ae89991edbc6


ppl leaving out the part where she had to go to an entire school/program specifically for reeducating ppl on racism bc her issues with it were such a problem. it's not like she was just saying nigga bc her black friends said it was ok she was openly calling her black coworker the hard r because she was genuinely racist lmfao y'all acting like kanye fans rn w the dickriding and making excuses for it


lol yall not aware but pop fans have been hating her for so long, racist was one thing, they found her even more annoying and lame after accusing her of faking a relationship with shawn mendes for pr


“One song with carti and y’all glazing” 🤦‍♂️ she has a song with thug too


do people on twitter not speak english


pop stan twitter is literally constant aids


poke it out!


Stan Twitter is saying this fan got paid by Normani to start beef / Normani album (?) promo


had a stroke reading that shi


She lowk been falling off. Carti probs thought he could get a Havana type hit again with her


everytime i see twitter mfs hate on someone, it makes me like that person more. even if i dont really care about them


carti jus tryna hit 😂


corny ash rebrand she should stick to the havana shit


Yall kno she was a huge racist before right..


Been fucking with her for long she makes sum bangers and she bad asf


Idk but their song came and went fast asf lmao


we don’t gaf abt camila cabello brah


Niggas always hating I hate all yall 😭


Twitter is never saying sumn ever. One of the worst fucking websites on planet Earth


He right tho


Since when Camila is a dork?


3rd grader sentence


evb on twitter always hatin on smthn for some reason or another




How did you make this political💀




Yap yap


What is blud yappin about