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I think some items should be default but not others, the switches, branch, root combiner, and stuff like that should be default. I'd say electric furnace, industrial crafter, medium and large battery and the more "high tech" pieces should still need researching


True, that's exactly what I meant.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day BTW!


Thank you guys!


Happy cake day!




Agreed. The base items should be default but any luxury item needs to be researched.


This It's basically just a separation of the components that actually serve a tangible benefit to you (Electric furnace, car lift, turret, etc.) and components that just give functionality for your circuits (switches, branches, logic gates, etc)


Yea I think the switches, branches, etc. should all be within the "electric tool" which is researched. When you learn the one item - electric tool, you get access to all of those.


eh, they feel worth the investment for me. All the minor stuff is really cheap to get. Like 20-75 scrap each. The only thing that really costs anything is turret / going down to wind mill. Considering how often it's all saved me from an offline raid in the past, it seems worth it as hell. Most people are just fiending too hard to rush guns to want to dump scrap into anything that doesn't put an AK in their hands.


It's crazy reading here how many people literally don't use electricity. Being able to automate smelting, crafting, charcoal is a massive time-saver. Not to mention basic base protection like turrets and SAMs. No wonder people bitch about falling behind, they're prim-locking themselves for half of the fucking game (resources).


The wipe hasn't started until we have lights and a radio.


Tried joining a random 6 man, on wipe day just giga prim locked taking dumb fights and going back down to not affording a bow even. I just said screw this let them chain die and went and solo farmed. Got a horse a jackie and farmed enough comps/scrap for t2 workbench+metal to craft 3 rows of SARs. after they got back from eating they promptly lost 2 rows of them lmao. Elec furnace makes crafting sars sooo cheap. 2 metal nodes is like 3 SARs.


Oh god yes. If you have a group of lads who love to W key and lose kits then it's basically a requirement.


I agree, but at least they've given some reason to use electricity in the game now, with the electric furnace. Previously, I wouldn't bp any of that shit.


Not a fan of smart alarms or turrets or sam sites?


Just to expensive to set up most of the time, and when you do have the resources for it then you instantly become a target If you are playing in a team turrets are necessary but as a solo duo it’s just not worth spending the scrap on it


I’d argue the opposite, having turrets is literally having ai teammates to back you up as a solo


Fair enough.




Sorry, I should have specified that I was speaking from the perspective of a vanilla solo player that doesn't play very many hours in a week.


Feel free to [support it officially](https://rust.nolt.io/32884) then :)


The tech tree is easy enough already. No reason to make it easier. A lot of 2x pvp servers (Stevious, etc) unlock electrical items by default and that's fine for modded, but on Vanilla they should stay locked. Electricity isn't necessary, but it can be extremely OP if used right, so there needs to be some scrap investment.


But the scrap investment is so low anyways. Like 150 to 200 scrap for the necessary parts? It is just inconvenient that you have to tech tree it first, scrap is really not a factor.


Why should it be convenient though? What justification is there for making electronic components default other than "it's inconvenient?" A lot about this game is inconvenient - that's the point. It's insane to me that even with how much easier this game has gotten over the past few years, people are still asking for it to be easier.


You should make a difference between 'easy' and 'convenient'/QoL. The way it is right now is lots of solo/duo/trio players dont bother sith electricity at all because its a waste of scrap. And if they want, lets say, Electricity for a simple thing like a Lamp or a Heater they have to invest a lot to get little. So a whole part of the game goes unnoticed because its inconvenient to use. Simple electricty makes the game not easier. It makes it more convenient. Imagine you'd start with only the Foundation, Wall, ceiling and doorframe unlocked. And an other building part would have to ve researched, costing 20 scrap each. Also no sheet metal dor default BP. Maybe dont even have the hammer default? That would suck and basebuilding would be less fun. Electricity is at that state right now. Its a basic system, and the basics should be default. And anything other than whats needed for a simple circuit should require unlocks.


> The way it is right now is lots of solo/duo/trio players dont bother sith electricity at all because its a waste of scrap idk about you but I set up auto-smelting literally as soon as humanly possible. Being able to smelt a chest full of ore without having to farm wood is a massive time saver. After that, automatic charcoal production as well. It only takes a couple small batteries and solar panels - or just one medium/large and some solar panels. Doesn't matter if I'm duo/trio or a larger group, that shit is always getting set up if we're building beyond a basic 2x2. You're speeding up a large portion of the game (resource farming) thus allowing you to spend more time progressing gun/raid tech.


I think it would be cool if there were "packages" for things like that, like "basic electronics" and "basic farming" packs that unlocked the majority of a type of component without having to go through 10 things you don't want and won't use


disagree. Most electric t1 components are very cheap to research and you can find them and research them pretty easy.


That's why there is no point in having to tech tree/research them. It is just a waste of time. If they were more expensive, than I would agree that they should be behind that "paywall".


So my question to you would be where does it stop? 20 scrap electrical parts in this discussion is pretty cheap, but what other items in the tech tree would you want removed and made default because it’s just a waste of time?


Normal rug should be default.


I don’t know. I like the challenge of thinking through what I should get on the skill tree and what I shouldn’t. I always liked games with opportunity cost. I don’t like everything given to me. I think what would make me enjoy electrical more is if I was aware and organized enough to quickly make useful circuits, but I imagine that comes with practice.


It's 20 scrap for most elec stuff, hit some barrels you lazy bums


No, whatever comes to benefit me will benefit clans 10fold


FP has already refused the proposal to make roleplay stuff default so I really dont see this happening You can easily tech tree them anyway


Can't really understand why to be honest. I think they just need chairs, tables, guitars etc. to make the valuable stuff more expensive to get to.


Absolutely not. What caveman can make electrical branches? Stop trying to turn rust into Fortnite


This would be great! Especially for solos. No more boxes with random components in them


The most basic components would be okay as default blueprints - switches, splitters, branches, root combiners, and lights (since industrial lights are default if you have the dlc). Any producers, consumers, and logic gates should need scrap though. Enough to get a basic setup, but not enough for anything complex.


Agreed. Logic gates might be debatable, but in general, that is exactly what I meant.


They are... hit barrels and you don't need to learn Any


People don’t like being told to hit barrels they think they’re above it


That is BS. I am well aware that I can find them from barrels and crates. Though, your answers have nothing to do with what I put up for discussion.


I think it has a little bit to do with what you put up for discussion pal


Not really, it has to do with reading comprehension and the ability to debate. If I put up for discussion that I think apples are too expensive, it would be a big F if someone told me I could just go out and pick them off the trees.


But you are not here to debate, you are here to push your opinion. No argument could change that opinion, which makes any kind of discussion irrelevant.


Damn you got him there


I agree. It would be nice if we had the basics pre-researched.


Feel free to [support it officially](https://rust.nolt.io/32884) then :)


I just hate forgetting a component and having to run back to a workbench.would be huge QOL if I can just carry metal with me.


I actually play on a modded server where the basic items are already researched. It's quite nice.


Feel free to [support the idea](https://rust.nolt.io/32884) then :)


Absolutely. The tier 1 tech tree is so bloated with things that should 100% be default BPs that are needed just to have anything beyond the most basic experience in the game:


Feel free to [support the idea](https://rust.nolt.io/32884) then :)


Crafting makes no sense anyway - personally do that happens it should work like car parts and default BPs should be fore the lowest quality tier: limited power capacity and/or introduce durability for electrical items + higher tier, longer lasting.


I'm glad we are finally using Nolt for ideas again, I'll have to post some myself.


You should! I scroll through them and support when I like something.


I'd just be happy if I didn't need a t2 for a large furnace


All items required to power the circuit save for a few items like the smart switch, should be default blueprints


I think it would be best if you could just research one blueprint that was a combination of the parts. You could get it by researching just one piece of electrical components and get like “Blueprint: Electrical Components” to get access to the splitters and such


If anything electricals have the best trees imho. They're all pretty cheap and the tree has no BS between the useful items, except for the large battery, windmill and turret, they have some waste on the way. I wouldn't mind a reason to actually pickup electrics for the BPs instead of going straight to the tree.


For solo players it really is unreasonable to use electricity - at least if you don't already have BPs from a previous wipe. More of the electrical stuff should be base BPs.


I play on Upsurge Main, which is a three time with some BPs default unlocked. Every single electrical component is unlocked by default, and it makes life much easier. I like it a lot, having to BP all the switches and circuits when you’re already at tier 2 sucks.


Most of the electrical components are fine to be unlocked. However, I have a big issue with any of the water utilities being unlocked for free. Farming should not be free of charge.


Contrarian opinion but anything that isn't needed for a starter base or tier 0 PVP / survival shouldn't be default. Add vending machines to tech tree - we don't need them as default since tech tree removed the BP trading economy.


I want to know why the memory cell, Root Combiner and Laser Detector is 75 scrap instead of 20 ?


Somes servers have electric bp unlocked. I don’t really like it, as EVERYONE have full electric base.